
时间:2022-06-13 13:29:23 | 来源:语文通


Everyone always has an embarrassment in my life, and I have a lot of embarrassment, but the most embarrassing thing in my memory is probably falling into the pool.


In my second grade in my elementary school, during the natural class, the teacher took us to the ecological pool of the school playground to see what creatures were. The teacher said that there was nothing in it. There was only a bunch of dirt and earthworms. The ecological pool was in a house.Two -thirds of the house, only one small road can be left, and the floor is made of small stones one by one. The appearance is still wood and the windows.The house, but there are not good memories there.


The whole class walked from that path, and I saw what there was in it. When I was about to go out, I went out in just a few steps, but I accidentally walked, and I fell down and fell down.It feels very bad, I feel a kind of drowning, but fortunately I have tall and feel the floor, and the people around me should feel funny and surprised!I am such a big girl who actually falls into the ecological pool, but a classmate is very good to me, pull me up, and then ask the teacher to help me. Although I think I am very embarrassed, I actually fall in school.In the pool, but I smiled at everyone on the surface.


After this time, I was very disgusted and scared of that house, so I would never go to the house anymore, I hope that there is no more embarrassing thing.



1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»