
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:21 | 来源:语文通


我喜欢中秋节作文 篇1中秋节 篇2中秋节作文500字作文 篇3我喜欢中秋节作文 篇4我喜欢中秋节作文 篇5我喜欢中秋节作文 篇6我喜欢中秋节作文 篇7我喜欢中秋节作文 篇8我喜欢中秋节作文 篇9

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇1


There are many traditional festivals in our motherland: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival ... The Mid -Mid -Autumn Festival has left me a good memory.


Hope, hope, finally look forward to the Mid -Autumn Festival.In the morning, I couldn't wait to get up, and my spirit was shaking.After getting up, I flipped through all corners of the house.Huh?Why didn't you see moon cakes?


"What about moon cakes?" I found my mother, my mother said a little impatiently, "What are you anxious? Breakfast has not eaten yet! Moon cakes eat at night, can I buy it in the afternoon?"Essence


After breakfast, I started a long waiting.I waited for the sea, the stone was rotten, the sky was deserted, the earth was old, and the sun was exposed to the feet.


Kung Fu is worthy of care, haha, my mother actually gave me money for me to buy it. It was so happy to jump up.When I came to the supermarket, my heart bloomed, and I saw my favorite red bean filling at a glance. I couldn't help but get a few more.Walking on the way home, I jumped.


Suddenly, I saw a sanitation worker's garbage on the ground.When my heart trembled, I walked over and took out two moon cakes from my pockets in my hand. To the sanitation workers, "Auntie, don't you have to rest for the holidays?" After that, the moon cake was put on the sanitation sanitation.Workers' hands.


Sanitation workers said: "We rest, who do the cleaning on the ground? Little sister, thank you, so many people pass by me, you are the first to talk to me, and give me something to eat. ReallyThank you very much. "I said to my aunt," Gifts the rose, there is a fragrant incense in my hand. "After that, I left.


At night, I ate moon cakes to enjoy the moon, and the picture of my aunt smiled at me in my mind. This is really a beautiful memory!

中秋节 篇2


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here. Grandma calls our whole family to return to the countryside to spend Mid -Autumn Festival.So, in the morning, before the day, we got up early.There was a drizzle outside, and we drove back to the countryside.


It was not too early in the countryside, and I saw grandpa and grandma greeted us outside.After we got out of the car, grandma asked us to eat.When we returned home to wash our hands, I saw the fragrant dishes on the table. There are braised fish, bald bowls, shredded fish, fried chicken legs ... All my favorite, my saliva is about to come out.EssenceGrandpa asked us to sit well. Our whole family sat around and said with a smile, picked up chopsticks and ate with interest.


Unconsciously, it was dark. I saw that Grandpa placed a table in the middle of the yard, with two large round moon cakes on it, as well as apples, bananas, grapes, red dates, walnuts ...To worship the Chang'e fairy.Then, we opened the meal, and it was a hot dumplings at the table. Everyone sat around, not to mention how happy it was.


After dinner, we want to take a chair to the yard to enjoy the moon.But because it is cloudy, the big and round moon cannot be seen.So we started eating reunion cakes. Grandma cut a big reunion cake, each of them.When I was going to eat moon cakes, my mother stopped me and said, "Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Let me test your ancient poems about the moon and eat moon cakes."


I said confidently: "Looking at the moon, looking down at the hometown." "People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of shade."clever.Our family started to taste delicious moon cakes, and today's moon cakes are really delicious.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion festival, and we are all very happy.

中秋节作文500字作文 篇3


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival has arrived again.We have a custom here that we have to worship ancestors during the holidays.So I got up early in the morning and prepared something with my mother immediately.First of all, prepare the iron barrels of the paper, and then apples and grapes. In the end, the same thing must not be missing, that is, moon cakes, if there is no moon cake, it is not a perfect Mid -Autumn Festival.After a while, my mother and I finally lifted things to worship the ancestors to the first floor. I see that this Mid -Autumn Festival will be busy. After worshiping the ancestors, I will enjoy the moon at night. At this time, I immediately opened the packaging.Eat a moon cake, this moon cake is flavored, so fragrant!


After eating at noon, I immediately turned on the TV and wanted to relax, but my mother said, "Zihao, go to your aunt's house for help." As soon as I heard this, I knew that I was unclear in this Mid -Autumn Festival.No way, I had to go to my aunt's house for help.When I came to my aunt's house, my aunt just told me to help her to do hygiene.This is too simple. I did the hygiene in the room three or two times. My aunt also praised that I was efficient.At this time, I realized that I was tired.


When I got home, I was like a person who was not powering.I asked my mother if there was a "salary"?Mom said how much "salary"?I said ten yuan, my mother said yes, and gave me ten yuan.Although I did a lot of housework, I also got a lot of gains. I think there should be more gains at night. I really look forward to it!


I started watching the moon at night. My mother and I were too busy. I ran up and down, and we finally put the fruits and other foods. At this time, the moon also smiled to us.Looking at the bright moon, I remembered Li Bai's poem "Looking at Mingyue, bowing his head and thinking about his hometown". Fortunately, I was not in a different place.Later, I took the lantern to play with my partners.

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇4


The Mid -Autumn Festival is here. We all gathered together. Today, it happened to be my grandfather's birthday again. Everyone was happy. In the evening, we moved all the stools and tables and enjoyed the moon while eating in the yard.


oops!I accidentally crushed a bowl, and everyone blurted out: "Every year is safe." Then he laughed at the same time.Speaking of birthdays, there is nothing to make our children happier. We chased the cake and chased and played, and finally turned into a small flower face. The stomach was like a watermelon.


Today's moon is particularly round, and the white moon is surrounded by colorful, and it is faintly seen: Chang'e is sitting next to the osmanthus tree and holding the moon rabbit in his hand.Essence


We started to set off firecrackers and ignited the firecrackers. We quickly blindfolded our ears, but we could still hear the sound of ping -pong. The fireworks were so beautiful.


After putting the firecrackers, we ate osmanthus moon cakes. The faint aroma of osmanthus flowers was sandwiched in the middle. Finally, the grandfather brought a large moon cake and cut into several copies with a knife.It is delicious and contains the meaning of reunion.


I love the Mid -Autumn Festival.

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇5


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and one of our reunion days!I definitely want to call my grandmother (grandmother lives in his hometown)!"Hey, grandma, happy Mid -Autumn Festival!" "Ha, Hao Hao, have you eaten moon cake today! Grandma here, there is a big box!"I want to eat festival! "The grandmother on the mobile phone screen nodded, and said," Happy Mid -Autumn Festival. "I also nodded like my grandmother," Happy Mid -Autumn Festival. "The whole family."Everyone laughed.


Suddenly, my mother seemed to think of something, ran to the window, and hurriedly shouted us. In the past, we saw that a round of bright moon was slowly rising.The laughed park illuminates the dim road.We watched the charming moonlight. Grandma took out the moon cake from the cabinet and gave it to us. Everyone ate moon cake together.


Moon cakes are divided into many flavors, with sweet bean paste moon cakes, meat pine moon cakes ... Oh, yes, and salty mustard fresh meat moon cakes, bite a bite, delicious meat rolls on the tongue, which is particularly delicious.


The Mid -Autumn Festival Gala is about to start. We quickly do the chair, listening to good songs, watching interesting cross talks, immersed in a happy atmosphere.


Oh, there is also a legend about the Mid -Autumn Festival. The legend has a immortal medicine. He and his wife Chang'e agreed to eat half a grain of each person, but there was a person who rushed into their house to grab the immortal Dan.After eating, Houyi was sad, so he put on the moon cakes and maltose that Chang'e loved to eat.


I like the Mid -Autumn Festival, and every family reunion festival.

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇6


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, and it is time to eat moon cakes.Only the Mid -Autumn Festival has sweet and delicious moon cakes. I like to eat Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes the most.


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my grandma steamed a large, round moon cake with a white surface. That moon cake was larger than the plate, which was delicious. My brother and I liked to eat.The sister who worked in the city also came back. Bring a few different flavored moon cakes, there are square, round, and the moon cakes also have beautiful patterns, sweet and sweet, delicious.I like to eat.


In the evening, our family went around to eat and eat moon cakes.Look at the beautiful moonlight, how good!


However, the last Mid -Autumn Festival, Dad worked in a foreign country, did not spend the Mid -Autumn Festival with us, and did n’t know if Dad had a moon cake alone?How did I want to see my dad at that time!How much I miss my dad at that time!Dad did not reunite with us, and the beautiful moonlight did not appear in the sky. It may be covered by Wuyun.That night, only my sister, mother, and brother had this festival together. I have some unhappy.

团圆,应该是一家人在一起吃月饼。我喜欢中秋节,但我不喜欢家人不团圆的中秋节,我更喜欢家人团圆的中秋节。(辅导老师 余红丽)

Reunion should be a family eating moon cake together.I like the Mid -Autumn Festival, but I don't like the Mid -Autumn Festival where my family is not reunited. I prefer the Mid -Autumn Festival of family reunion.(Counseling teacher Yu Hongli)

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇7


In August 15th, the autumn was more than half, it was Mid -Autumn Festival.In the Mid -Autumn Festival, the temperature was cold and cold, the sky was high, and the moon and the sky were the best season to enjoy the moon.The ancients regarded the Mid -Autumn Festival as a symbol of reunion, so the custom that passed down was that family members of the Mid -Autumn Festival must reunite.


The Mid -Autumn Festival in memory is pleasant.The family surrounds the table for dinner.The bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground, and the bright moonlight put on the ground with silver -white trench coat.Adults eat moon cakes and drink tea to talk about family affairs. The children are surrounded by the kind grandma, listening to the story of Chang'e to the moon.The moon is bright, love is warm, and the heart is pleasant.


The family will enjoy the moon very late, and I will gather with my friends to play and hide.The laughter and laughter rippled over the yard.The air is full of joy.


The Mid -Autumn Festival in recent years is lonely.In order to make a living, Mom and Dad also moved to the distance with the "wave of work".There is no joy of reunion in the Mid -Autumn Festival.I had to sit in front of the window to do my homework.Tired of writing, look up, look at the moon in heaven, and thought: Maybe parents are far away in the country, and they will miss the moon silently. Will they miss me?I seemed to see their figures from the moon, and the loss and loneliness in my heart disappeared.When I was sleeping at night, I would have a dream, and I returned to the Mid -Autumn Festival where the whole family appreciates the moon.Nung, moon and new moon.


At the Mid -Autumn Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival.Mid -Autumn Festival this year is ruthless and indifferent.Wuyun accompanied the rain with the rain.The weather is cold and my heart is cold.Maybe the rain stopped, and the moon would come out.I want to see the moon, but I didn't wait.


Alas, what is the meaning of Mid -Autumn Festival without the company of relatives?

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇8


It is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival again. This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is more special. People say that the fifteen moon is sixteen rounds, and this year is a fifteenth day of the fifteen moon.


In the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my mother and I came to the square early to witness the unforgettable moment of the bright moon. Under our expectations, the moon with a circle of golden ring finally exposed her face slowly. The golden golden is gradually becoming pale yellow, and he hung it in the vast night sky. Wow ... it is so big, so round, it really should not know the month. Baiyu Pan. I was inspired by a sudden inspiration, and under the testimony of the moon, I came with my mother an interesting poem about the moon to connect the dragon competition. I am full of confidence, because I have a small abacus in my heart; recently we have just learned the poems about the moon. I think I will be able to do it, and I will start first. I want to say a word and look at the moon, bow our heads to think of my hometown hometown , Mom is not willing to show weakness, and immediately receives the moon at the sea. At this time, I am not convinced and immediately said; Lu Congtong comes tonight, the moon is the hometown of the hometown, my mother said for a while; In Qingyun. I blurted out without hesitation; the tide of Chunjiang was linked to the sea, and the sea of ​​the sea was born together. At this time, my mother's face was embarrassed, I said; I can help you. Tell you two more sentences. Mingyue came out of Tianshan, and the vast clouds. I screamed happily; I won me, haha ​​... then I looked up at the moon in the sky, it was so beautiful! I saw a few silver -gray, thin clouds around it, like a fairy danced as a tulle dancing.


what!I love the charming moon.

我喜欢中秋节作文 篇9


Today is August 15th, the Mid -Autumn Festival in China.People eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon on this day.Think about how comfortable this is!We sat in the moonlight, while eating moon cakes, how pleasant the beautiful moon was.


There are many legends in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Grandma told me many stories.I heard it seriously.Grandma also told me the customs of the past people who passed the Mid -Autumn Festival.Grandma said that in the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, people went out to touch other people's things. With others' things, even if they were caught by the owner, they were not thieves. I think this custom is very special.EssenceBut why is the exception of the Mid -Autumn Festival!I really don't understand why there is such a custom.


Today, my mother bought me a lot of moon cakes on the street.The moon cakes are round. I think this should represent the full moon, and the family should be reunited!Sweet moon cakes are the taste of osmanthus mature; the fragrant moon cake is Chang'e's blended flavor; the salty moon cake is the tears of relatives far away in other countries.There is any taste of moon cakes, but it is delicious.


I also heard grandma saying that the moon would bloom and colorful.I originally planned to stay overnight and look at the moon.Alas, luck is really bad, there is no moon tonight.I think the moon should be sick and uncomfortable, so let's leave!The gods in the sky should also be on the Mid -Autumn Festival!They are also eating moon cakes and gathered together.


Although I couldn't see the moon today, I ate delicious moon cakes.I am still very happy because I like the Mid -Autumn Festival!