
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:11 | 来源:语文通


感恩社会作文 篇1感恩社会作文 篇2感恩社会作文 篇3感恩社会作文 篇4感恩社会作文 篇5感恩社会作文 篇6感恩社会 篇7感恩社会作文 篇8感恩社会作文 篇9

感恩社会作文 篇1


In the United States, a special day is for them to express their gratitude for the grace they have received in the past year, and earnestly pray for God's continued blessing - this is Thanksgiving Day. In fact, we should not only be grateful to God, but also to our parents, relatives and friends, classmates, and society. Our life, health, wealth, as well as the air, sunshine and water we enjoy every day should be among our gratitude.


To repay the kindness of our parents, they let us see this wonderful world;


To repay the kindness of our alma mater, it is the teachers who work hard to cultivate our growth;


Paying back the kindness of the society is a stage for the society to provide us with a better era and free life;


However, there are too many ungrateful things in today's society. Cong Fei, a famous singer in Shenzhen, used to spend 3 million yuan to support 178 poor students. When he was seriously ill in hospital and the funding was very difficult, none of the students he had previously supported came to see him, let alone help him see a doctor. Several of them have graduated from universities, and several are in Shenzhen. After the news was disclosed, one of the recipients complained bitterly that it made him lose face. The ancients said: The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the springs. Gratitude is the fine tradition of our nation and the basic character of an upright person. In fact, we also need to be grateful because our parents have nurtured us, our teachers have educated us, our classmates have helped us, and the society has loved us. "Give roses to others and leave fragrance in your hands". A person who is always grateful will help others consciously. Those who are not grateful can only bring indifference and cruelty to the society. If there are more such people, the society will become a cold and hopeless desert.


President Roosevelt of the United States was always grateful. It is said that there was a theft at home and many things were stolen. A friend wrote a letter to comfort him after hearing about it. Roosevelt wrote in his reply: "Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. I'm fine now. Thank God: First, the thief stole my things, not my life; second, the thief only stole some of my things, not all of them; third, the most fortunate thing is that he is the thief, not me." For anyone, theft is absolutely unfortunate, but Roosevelt found three reasons to be grateful. Gratitude is the greatest wisdom in life. If we always have gratitude, we will always be grateful. With a sense of gratitude, we will attribute our achievements to everyone and our mistakes to ourselves. The spirit of sacrifice will be condensed in our body. When we need to give up personal heroism, we will face it calmly; When others are in trouble, they are willing to help regardless of interests.

常怀感恩之心,我们便会更加感激和怀想那些有恩于我们却不言回报的每一个人。正是因为他们的存在,我们才有了今天的幸福和喜悦。常怀感恩之心,便会以给予别人更多的帮助和鼓励为最大的快乐,能对落难或者绝处求生的人们爱心融融地伸出援助之手,而不求回报。常怀感恩之心,对人对环境便会少一分挑剔,多一分欣赏。 感恩之心使我们为自己的过错或罪行发自内心忏悔并主动接受应有的惩罚;感恩之心又足以稀释我们心中狭隘的积怨和蛮恨,感恩之心还可以帮助我们度过最大的痛苦和灾难。常怀感恩之心,我们也会逐渐原谅那些曾和你有过结怨甚至触及你心灵痛处的那些人。常怀感恩之心,我们便能够生活在一个感恩的世界。在这个感恩的世界……

If we are always grateful, we will be more grateful and cherish the memory of everyone who has been kind to us without saying anything in return. It is because of their existence that we have today's happiness and joy. If you are always grateful, you will be most happy to give more help and encouragement to others. You can extend a helping hand to people in distress or desperate for survival with love, without asking for return. If you are always grateful, you will be less critical of people and more appreciative of the environment. Gratitude makes us repent of our mistakes or crimes from the bottom of our hearts and take the initiative to accept due punishment; Gratitude is enough to dilute the petty grievances and hatreds in our hearts. Gratitude can also help us get through the greatest pain and disaster. Always be grateful, and we will gradually forgive those who have ever had a grudge with you or even touched your heart. With gratitude, we can live in a grateful world. In this grateful world

感恩社会作文 篇2


Thanksgiving parents Thanksgiving society


Since we came to the world, our parents have been guarding us. They have spent a lot of time on us. They care about every bit of our life. The phrase "pity the parents all over the world" is a vivid reflection. Sometimes parents' carefulness turns into our vicious words to reject, and they never regret it. When we gain honor, they are happier than the party concerned, and when you are sad, They will be sadder than you. Sometimes they think that their parents have done so much for us, but what have they done for them? It may be a sentence: "I love you", and their hearts will be extremely sweet. A small thing is also a treasure in their eyes.


As the saying goes, "A drop of water should be repaid by a spring". But they are more than just "kindness". For us, crows have the meaning of feeding back, and sheep have the grace of kneeling. Honoring our parents is the foundation of our life. People are the most advanced animals in the world, while crows and sheep are just ordinary animals. Even they know how to thank their parents, not to mention people?


In society, there are many successful people. Their road to success is tortuous, because they are never discouraged and grateful to the society. During the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, many people lost their lives, their houses were destroyed, many volunteers went to help, and many entrepreneurs donated their own money: Zhang Xiangqing, chairman of Tianjin Rongcheng United Steel Group Co., Ltd. He said that during the post earthquake reconstruction, To build an indestructible school, at the love dedication party, he first donated 30 million yuan, and then added 70 million yuan. He is an orphan in Tangshan. He is to repay the society. His wealth is 300 million yuan, and 100 million yuan is one third of his wealth. Who can donate one third of his wealth?


According to reports, Zhang Xiangqing is a native of Fengnan, Tangshan, and an orphan from the Tangshan earthquake. After becoming rich, he did not forget to repay the society. He first donated more than 200000 yuan to his hometown nursing home, and more than 2 million yuan to Fengnan River Management. He also advocated the establishment of Fengnan Charity Association, which was selected by netizens as the "most socially responsible private entrepreneur in China". In 2007, he donated more than 3 million yuan to the south of China, which was hit by snow and rain. After the Wenchuan earthquake, Zhang Xiangqing missed the earthquake orphans there very much. On a business trip in Tianjin on May 14, he sent a donation of 10 million yuan to the Tianjin Red Cross. Zhang Xiangqing said that at present, many Tangshan earthquake orphans like him are connected to Tangshan Wenchuan. Tangshan earthquake orphans are willing to selflessly support earthquake orphans in Sichuan earthquake area at any time. Tangshan people should also work together with people in Sichuan disaster area to tide over difficulties.


The mountain is so grateful that it becomes high; The sea gratitude creek is vast; The sky is grateful to the birds, which makes it magnificent. Gratitude is the starting point of life. Gratitude needs to be learned to be pious. Gratitude is a quality that a person must have. A person who knows how to be grateful is easier to survive in society. Gratitude is not limited to a superficial form of gratitude or gratitude, but a deep reflection, understanding and perception of the meaning and value of life, feeling life, and recording every bit of happiness. When we learn to be grateful, we will know the highest principle of life.

感恩社会作文 篇3


The ancients said, "The kindness of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring."




The word "gratitude" must be familiar to everyone, right? But who knows the true meaning of gratitude?


Gratitude does not require money, precious goods or rhetoric. It only requires a sincere heart.


Thanksgiving is the first cry we were born into the world. We use our initial instinct to thank our parents for giving us life.


Gratitude is the sound of reading in our classroom. We use our accumulated knowledge to thank our teachers for their earnest teaching.


Gratitude is our spiritual and material possessions. We are grateful for the creators of spirit and material with a real life


We should be grateful to those who have hurt us, because they have tempered our will; We should be grateful to those who despise us, because they awaken our self-esteem; We should be grateful to those who have tripped us, because they have strengthened our legs


We should be grateful to our parents, because they gave us life; We should be grateful to teachers because they enrich our brains, and we should be grateful to those who care about us and help us, because they encourage our courage; We should be grateful


Because we are grateful to the mountains and rivers, we have the ambition of "meeting the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains"; because we are grateful to the rivers, we have the bold and unconstrained spirit of "the great rivers have gone to the east and the waves have been wiped out, and the heroes have lived through the ages"; Because we are grateful for the vegetation, we will have the perseverance of "big snow presses the pine, and the pine is straight".


Let's be grateful to the world. If we all face the world, everything and everyone in the world with a grateful heart every day, how beautiful the world would be!


Let's compose a song about thanksgiving society with words of thanksgiving to the society and music of rewards.

感恩社会作文 篇4


My hometown is in Chaka Town, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province, one of the four pastoral areas in China. It has undulating mountains and rugged terrain. In the past, it was very remote, and it was a small village surrounded by mountains. Now, there are small buildings on both sides of the street. At ordinary times, I often hear my father tell me that today's good life is hard won!


I remember that when I was a child, I had just started preschool. The classroom of the school was several small bungalows. There were more than twenty wooden tables and chairs in the classroom. In winter, everyone's small faces and hands were red with cold, and their hands were still rubbing. A rusty iron flagpole stood in the center of the campus. When it rained, the campus was full of potholes and mud. Everyone was wearing rainshoes. Some students were very naughty and jumped into the small puddles. Finally, they splashed mud all over their bodies and hurt the students around. At that time, all the teachers were in an office room. There was a small well behind the office. Two seabuckthorn trees were planted beside the well. Every autumn, they would bear red and full fruits.


Now, the previous small bungalows have disappeared, while two four storey teaching buildings have sprung up, and a 250 square meter basketball court, a four storey experimental building, and a three storey dormitory building have also been built. The ground in the campus is covered with tiles, and there is a square flag platform in the center of the campus. The flower beds on the campus are full of colorful flowers, and neat poplar trees are planted on both sides of the road, There are many famous quotes hanging on the walls of the teaching building corridor. The wooden tables and chairs in the classroom have been replaced with new ones. In recent years, every class has added computers and projectors. All tuition and fees are free. New textbooks are provided by the state free of charge. The state and society also implement a subsidy policy for poor students. Not only the school, but also the small town in my hometown has changed completely. The streets are lined with tiles and street trees, making every low bungalow become a small building, making our poor and backward town change completely. This is the selfless dedication of the country and society.


We should be grateful. Now, we should study harder and harder, and make contributions to the society when we grow up, even if it is a matter within our power, even if it is a trivial matter.


We thrive under the care of the country and society, so we can not help but be grateful to the society.

感恩社会作文 篇5


"Who can say that every inch of grass and inch of heart will be rewarded with the sunshine of spring" is a child's benefactor to his relatives, "there is a bosom friend in the sea, and the ends of the earth are like neighbors" is a friend's gratitude to his friends, and "all trees and trees are autumn, and only mountains and mountains are sunset" is a human's gratitude to nature. Thanks to gratitude, we can have a more sunny and wonderful life. Thanks to gratitude, we can create a harmonious society.


Our parents gave us a heart of gratitude when we were born. Most children today are only children in the family, and the family regards them as the apple of their eye. Every day, our parents give us the best in the family. It is their parents who brought us to this world. It is their selfless love that makes us who we are today. It is also because of their love that we have this happy and harmonious home—— I want to thank my relatives for their care.


As the saying goes, "You depend on your parents at home and your friends when you go out." When you leave home and your relatives, your friends are your greatest dependence. Friendship is a cup of mellow wine that is worth tasting, a beautiful song that is worth listening to... Of course, friends also have opponents. In the face of these opponents, you should not be afraid, do not hesitate, and face it with a pure heart. It is the pursuit and competition with you, and it is the driving force for your progress—— We should be grateful to our friends, our opponents, and their help and strength.


In nature, animals and plants all bring incalculable happiness to human beings. They have the same meaning and value as us. Every plant and hill in the environment is a member of the nature family. Because of them, we can enjoy abundant sunshine, mild rain and dew and clean air, and live in a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. They gave us the enchantment and beauty of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Destroying nature is equivalent to killing the life of oneself and future generations. What is more important than life in the world—— We should be grateful for the nature and its beautiful living environment.


As the ancients said, "Every drop of water should be repaid by the spring." Only when one learns to be grateful and has a grateful heart for all food, can one be truly happy. We should have an inclusive heart to accept the gifts of life. The ups and downs are not the pursuit of life, but they are all of life. Try to experience it with a grateful heart, and we will have a different life.


Gratitude is a civilization, a virtue and a responsibility.

感恩社会作文 篇6


"Gratitude", as its name implies, is to thank others for their kindness and repay them. In China, since ancient times, there have been many stories about gratitude, such as the adage "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring", and "The lamb knelt its milk". It can be seen that gratitude is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an indispensable basic theory for building a harmonious society.


By learning advanced knowledge, I learned the true meaning of gratitude. In the old society, people all agreed that gratitude was to give to those who gave you kindness! No, they are wrong. They are really wrong. Thanksgiving is to remember the kindness of others to you, and then use a special way to return. Some people will say, "What's special? It's just money!" No, by no means. It is wordless, and it needs to be steamed by heart. In fact, all the people around you are kind to you, but they are different in size, and you don't realize it.


As a child, I remember the kindness of my parents at that time. My parents gave me flesh and blood; My parents taught me and endowed me with soul. There are few people in the world who can report this kind of kindness. Even if they are the Dalai gods and men in the ninth heaven, what should they do? According to Taoist classics, young Nezha was competitive. He cut his flesh to return his father and his bones to return his mother. He repaid his great kindness. However, as an adult, he realized who gave him compassion, loyalty and patriotism. Isn't that his parents who gave birth to him and raised him? It can be seen that we can't repay our parents' kindness. Only knowing our kindness, filial piety and justice first, loyalty and filial piety, and the practice of feeding birds and animals back. Our mother gave birth to us in pain, endured hardships and nurtured us. From babbling and learning to gradually growing up, a bunch of flowers, a warm word and a housework, we should thank our mother for her kindness.


I remember that one Sunday morning, I suddenly felt dizzy and weak. I vomited just after eating a little food. I vomited and pulled, and had a fever. When my mother saw this, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She picked me up and ran to the hospital. Beany sweat was falling down one by one. I saw that my nose was sore and tears were pouring out of my eyes. I wiped my mother's sweat off with my hands and said to my mother, "Mom, take a rest." Mom smiled and said, "It's OK. I'm not tired." Then he ran to the hospital.

感恩社会 篇7


In the May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province, we should not only have a heart of helping others, but also a heart of gratitude, so that we can know the importance of life from childhood. Although we can not help those who died, we can comfort those who are disabled. As long as we do many small things with this heart of gratitude from childhood, it is actually a very difficult event.


As long as we have a grateful heart, I think no difficulty can frighten us.

感恩社会作文 篇8


1. Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers. This is the gratitude of flowers. Wuniao has an affair, and is willing to beg for help. This is the bird's gratitude. It is the gratitude of human beings to gather grass to repay kindness. Thanks to gratitude, we can have a colorful society, and thanks, we can understand the true meaning of life. I am grateful to my parents for giving me the body, and to my teachers for shaping my soul.


2. "A grateful heart, thanks for having you with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself. A grateful heart, thanks for fate, I will cherish the flowers as well." This song makes me understand that no sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, we have no ourselves; Without family, friendship and love, the world will be lonely and dark. In order to get rid of it, we need a grateful heart.


The fallen leaves hover in the air, composing a grateful movement, which is the tree's gratitude for nourishing its land; White clouds are floating in the blue sky, drawing moving pictures, which are the gratitude of white clouds to the blue sky that nurtured them.


Because of gratitude, there will be a colorful society and sincere friendship. It is thanks that we understand the true meaning of life. Since our first loud cry, people we want to thank have appeared on our way of growth one by one, and we want to thank all the passers-by who have paid for us.


3. Open a piece of paper called "emotion", lift a pen called "gratitude", write to my parents in life, to my teachers of knowledge, to my classmates of friendship, and to my heart of enthusiasm and gratitude. A baby is born, a baby is playing happily, and a student is embarking on a journey... How many warm and implicit family relationships are surging in this!


When the sweet dream is warm and beautiful, when the moon is bright and charming, when the flowering season is beautiful and fragrant, when the current Cheng is beautiful and magnanimous, we are struggling on the way to knowledge with stubborn; When the relentless wind and waves suddenly hit, maybe there is only pessimism and disappointment, only sorrow and sigh. At this time, our parents let us see the eagles who dare to go up to the sky and the dragons who dare to go down to the sea. Let us believe that we just let life deceive our hearts and let tears blur our eyes. Tell us, it is still sunny after the rain and wind, and it is still full moon after the moon is missing. It was they who led us out of the misunderstanding of life, taught us to challenge difficulties, and let us raise the sails of life again after failure! 4. Friend, when you lie in the shade of a tree in summer and see your father sweating and working in the scorching sun, can you feel at ease? When you sit in front of the TV on a winter night and see your mother knitting a cold sweater with her hands broken, can you not be shocked?


When you sit safely on the bus and see the old man standing in front of you, can you be indifferent? Have a grateful heart, it can make you get a different kind of happiness. This is not me. Let's pretend that if you kowtow to yourself and look around, have you ever experienced this phenomenon of not caring for your parents, not respecting the elderly, and not sharing housework for your parents? In today's affluent material life, many of our students do not know how to cherish a happy life, let alone what gratitude is. They only know how to ask, but never expect to return. In fact, everything in nature is grateful. The sea gives the fish a wide sky. Because of gratitude, the fish return a piece of life to the sea; The sky gives the birds the space to fly. Because of gratitude, the birds return a beautiful place to the sky; The earth has given trees a piece of fertile soil. Because of gratitude, the big trees have given the earth a bit of shade. Nature knows how to be grateful, not to mention us? The world needs a grateful heart. Because of gratitude, it is beautiful.

感恩社会作文 篇9


"Life is inseparable from gratitude." Our generation is a lucky one. There is no war or disaster. In some schools, with clothes, I never worry about whether I can eat enough, but I think more about what I can eat better and what I can play more happily every day. Compared with a few decades ago, it is simply a heaven and earth. Who gave us these? It is a country, a society and a family.


Our life is so happy now. Why don't we study hard? We should repay the society with our good academic achievements and be grateful to the society. The school has a warm classroom and a clean and wide playground, so that we can study quietly. And the society has reduced or exempted all possible expenses. We should be grateful to the society. We can do everything we can, such as picking up garbage and throwing it into the dustbin when we see it, without damaging public facilities. But the most basic thing is to study hard and serve the society and the motherland with excellent achievements. But how do some people do it? Play with mobile phones, send text messages, pass notes, fight, do not abide by classroom discipline, do not go home on time after school, do not finish homework, and contradict teachers. Are these actions worthy of the current superior living conditions? We should reflect on our behavior.


I remember when I was young, I went shopping with my mother and saw many beggars begging along the street. My mother said to me, "You must study hard, or you will be like them in the future. This is the end." Now I still remember this sentence. These people not only can't repay the society, but also ask the society for money. They also have long hands. They can create a better life by themselves. They may not make much money, but they are enough to support themselves. The society has given us too many convenient conditions. We must study hard and not do illegal things. Only our progress and everyone's progress can make the society progress. We should use our knowledge to repay the society and the country. Make contributions to the society and the country.