
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:13 | 来源:语文通



去烈士陵园扫墓 篇1去烈士陵园扫墓 篇2关于清明节作文 篇3

去烈士陵园扫墓 篇1


On the Tomb Sweeping Day, the Young Pioneers' Brigade of the school organized a tomb sweeping activity. At the beginning of the activity, all the young pioneers formed two columns. Under the guidance of their teachers, they walked to the tomb of Martyr Lu Weidong in Lukeng Village, south of Leping Town.


It took about forty or fifty minutes to reach the destination. First of all, the counselors of the brigade organized all Young Pioneers to observe a three minute silence in front of the Martyrs Monument, swear an oath and explain the heroic deeds of the martyrs; Next, the Young Pioneers' representatives laid wreaths and flowers at the Martyrs' Monument; Finally, each team member can visit the activity freely.


I looked up and saw that in the middle of the monument, the nine vigorous and powerful characters "Martyr Lu Weidong is immortal" written by the Governor Ye Xuanping's grandfather were particularly striking and awe inspiring. The heroic deeds of the martyrs are worth learning from.


The first time I participated in the collective tomb sweeping activities of the Young Pioneers, I was deeply impressed.

去烈士陵园扫墓 篇2


On the afternoon of Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5, the fourth grade students went to the martyrs cemetery to visit the martyrs' tombs. From, there was a long line. I am the leader of the class, holding a flagpole, and my classmates are walking in the street towards the martyrs' cemetery.


At the foot of the mountain, I saw the trees on both sides of the mountain were green and luxuriant, and the flowers were colorful and beautiful. In a moment, I came to the hero's gravestone. The teacher asked me not to make a noise. Then, I observed a 3 minute silence to the heroes. In 3 minutes, it was a great hero to sacrifice my motherland. After 3 minutes. A student spoke about the heroic act of fighting tenaciously for the motherland, treating death as if they were going home, and advancing bravely, which is a patriotic spirit. Then, sing songs and lay garlands for heroes. Finally, the martyrs and heroes were presented with white flowers to respect the heroes.


After presenting the white flowers, we came to the Memorial Museum of Martyrs and Heroes. Huang Jiguang and Zhao Yiman He sacrificed his country for peace and liberation. After the visit, I reluctantly left the Martyrs' Cemetery. On the way back, I was thinking that the heroes who defend the motherland will lead a happy life.

关于清明节作文 篇3


When spring is warm and flowers are blooming and everything is reviving, our people welcome a traditional festival - Tomb Sweeping Day.


Qingming Festival is both a solar term and a festival. It was also called the March Festival in ancient times_ Years of history. "All things are clean and bright when they grow. That's why it's called Qingming." After the Tomb Sweeping Day, the rain increased, and everything changed from yin to yang. It was like a scene of spring and beautiful scenery.


In the eyes of modern people, "Qingming" is more closely related to tomb sweeping. This is because the day before Tomb Sweeping Day is the Cold Food Festival. It is said that cold food originated from the event that Duke Wen of Jin mourned and introduced it. Later, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was moved by this story and ordered the world to "go to the tomb for cold food" in the 20th year of the Kaiyuan era, which was listed as one of the "Five Rites" at that time. Cold Food and Tomb Sweeping Day are only one day apart. As a picture, people simply decided to visit the tomb during the Tomb Sweeping Day. By the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tomb sweeping during the Tomb Sweeping Day was more popular. After the founding of New China, people also chose to visit the martyrs' tombs on this day to remember the revolutionary ancestors.


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival for Chinese people to remember their ancestors and martyrs. In order to commemorate this day of far-reaching significance, remember the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the spirit of patriotism and strengthen patriotism education. Let us overcome difficulties in learning; Let us win the honor in the competition; Let us be more united in the collective life.


Even after a long time, every time we remember their faces and faces, our hearts will always feel sour and cool. Even if it is ten or several decades, this feeling will not weaken or disappear, but will become stronger. Because of this, the Tomb Sweeping Day will become a millennium day; The drizzle in the Qingming Festival will come one after another, which is probably the feeling of sadness in people's hearts.


Martyrs, have you seen it? How beautiful our motherland is now! Look at the free white dove, look at the beautiful rainbow, look at us, look at the motherland, you should be very relieved. In the beautiful and rich motherland, you have used your strength and courage to build the Great Wall and the New China with your own flesh and blood! Fine, but if you can't hear us, just do as you please. The courage of martyrs is worthy of our learning. However, we are still striving to help people!


The dead are gone. Please cherish the people in front of you. In front of the Tombstone of the Tomb of the Tomb Sweeping Day, infinite sadness will be expressed, the tears of the worshippers will be strung into wet memories, and the warm spring breeze will not clean the eyes. The long journey of life does not stop. The continuation of the lineage is a series of bold ellipses. The white hair of the elderly is the most striking question mark of the Tomb Sweeping Day. Filial piety and support are the only correct choice, and the best interpretation of the Tomb Sweeping Day by the descendants of the Chinese people. Let the heart of filial piety live day by day, and insist on treating your parents and the elderly well.


We should cherish this hard won good life. Students: Reading is a right way. Only when you arm yourself with knowledge, can you have the capital to wander in the society!