
时间:2022-09-05 13:36:10 | 来源:语文通



Happiness comes from a warm hug, a kind greeting, a sweet smile.My happiness comes from a warm applause.


One day, in the art class, we were concentrating on painting. Suddenly, Teacher Cheng walked into the classroom with a smile and said, "I call someone!" The art teacher nodded.Teacher Cheng quickly stepped onto the podium, and his eyes glanced at us sitting below like a scanner.We were staring nervously at Teacher Cheng, as if in the event of a big disaster.


Teacher Cheng's eyes suddenly shot at me, and my heart pounded."Teacher Cheng see what I am doing, what's wrong with me?" My heart seemed to have a wave of seven and eight."Jie Si Xuan, you go out with me." "What? Let me go out!" I jumped "Bang" like a deer.Is it my Chinese Huanggang a lot of mistakes? Or is it not made in the text ... Well, yesterday did not seem to have this homework, what's the matter?


I followed Teacher Cheng out of the classroom with thoughtfully. Teacher Cheng turned around and said to me with a smile: "I will start the sports meeting next week. I want you to be a athlete representative to speak on stage. You have to prepare a manuscript.Be sure to read the manuscript and read it aloud emotionally. "" What? The teacher actually gave me such a big heavy responsibility. This is really incredible! Is it the sun?What can I do if it's not good! "As soon as I looked up, I saw Teacher Cheng looking at me with trust, and I immediately flooded a happy warmth.Teacher Cheng trusts me so much, I must complete the task successfully!


Therefore, I have to pick up the manuscript to read a few times every day when I go home from school, and I have read it in two days.


Finally, it's this exciting moment, and I stood early to the center of the playground.Looking at the dense classmates standing opposite, my small heart "banged" and jumped, and the faster and faster.The opening ceremony of the Games officially started, and I became more and more nervous.Finally hearing the host loudly in the microphone: "The fourth item, please speak on behalf of the classmates on behalf of Jie Sixuan, welcome to me!" After speaking, I handed the microphone to me.The manuscript that I was familiar with was no longer familiar.


Thinking about it, the nervousness was like a dark cloud, and was quietly blowing away by a gust of gust.Unconsciously, I read the manuscript affectionately.After I bowed to everyone, there was a thunderous applause in the audience, and the warm applause was like a soft quilt to surround me.My heart is really sweeter than eating honey.


This is really happiness without tomorrow, nor yesterday.It does not miss the past, nor does it yearn for the future, it is now at this moment!