There is a Saturday, and our family has long said that he would go to Zhoushan to play.When I woke up that morning, I couldn't wait to open the window to say hello to the sun, but when I opened the window, I suddenly stunned.Not to mention that the sun hides tightly, even the high -rise buildings not far away are looming.
唉!太阳,你快点出来把雾霾赶跑吧,我求求你了!别再让我这个愿望又失去了。我生怕爸妈看到这种天气打退堂鼓,就说:“今天太阳睡懒觉,起晚了!”在出发的路上,我就听见爸爸在说,雾霾天能见度差,很有可能高速要封道。听到这里,我的心不由得 忐忑不安起来......
Oh! Sun, hurry up and hurry up the haze, I beg you! Don't let me lose this wish again.I was afraid that my parents would see this kind of weather and retreat, and said, "Today, the sun is lazy, it's late!" On the way to departure, I heard that Dad was saying that the visibility of the haze was poor, and it was likely to be closed at high speeds.Hearing this, my heart couldn't help but feel uneasy ...
马路上,就好像全城的汽车都开了出来排队集合似的,把道路堵得几乎没有空隙,但总算还能“蠕动”。爸爸不愧是开车高手,走走停停,左穿右插地开出了城区,来到了高速公路口。透过朦朦胧胧的雾霾,眼前出现了密密麻麻一大片等候进高速的汽车。无奈啊无奈,只能慢慢地、耐心地等待......十分钟、二十分钟、半小时,不知道过了多久,汽车终于可以缓慢地进入高速了。三个多小时后,我们来到了宁波去舟山的轮渡码头。这里发生的事害我差一点“崩溃”,因为雾霾天轮渡取消两天。无语 ,我梦寐以求的舟山之旅就这样“夭折”了。
On the road, as if the cars in the city were driving out of the line, there was almost no gap that blocked the road, but finally it could still "move".Dad is indeed a master of driving. He walked and stopped, left and right, and drove out of the urban area and came to the highway intersection.Through the hazy haze, a large area waiting for high -speed cars appeared in front of the eyes.Helpless, helpless, I can only wait slowly and patiently ... ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, I don't know how long, the car can finally enter the high speed slowly.More than three hours later, we came to Ningbo to go to Zhoushan's ferry terminal.I almost "collapsed" what happened here, because the haze was canceled for two days.Speechless, I dreamed of the journey of Zhoushan.
It's all the calamities caused by haze! Moving my interest, back and disappointed ...
1、雾霾:雾霾读音为wù mái,是指雾霾是雾和霾的组合词,是特定气候条件与人类活动相互作用的结果。...
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