
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:13 | 来源:语文通


游太白山作文 篇1游太白山作文 篇2游太白山作文 篇3游太白山作文 篇4游太白山作文 篇5太白山作文500字 篇6游太白山作文 篇7游太白山作文 篇8太白山作文600字 篇9太白山作文500字 篇10

游太白山作文 篇1


Today, I went to Taibai Mountain with my parents. At the foot of the mountain, a winding mountain road unfolded before our eyes. The road is steep, like a silver dragon circling the mountain. We walked around the zigzag road and drove for about half an hour to reach the summit. There is a naval base with dozens of radars of different sizes and shapes. What impressed me most was two tents with several radars inside. Listen to the PLA uncle stationed there: "When the radar is turned on, there is radiation within a few kilometers."


Standing on the top of Taibai Mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the early winter. The nearby trees were bare, and the deciduous branches trembled in the wind. The mountains that used to look very high are now under my nose. When I looked far away, tall buildings were only as big as toy houses when I was a child, and some were even as big as ants. The container crane in Beilun Port is also very small. I looked far away and saw that the sea and the sky had become one. I could not tell where the sea was and where the sky was.


Ah! Taibai Mountain is really magnificent! I love Taibai Mountain in my hometown!

游太白山作文 篇2


Today, it was sunny and sunny. My family went to the Mount Taibai. I heard that the Mount Taibai is beautiful, with a waterfall at its top. Hearing this, I was very excited and happy. I wanted to go to Mount Taibai soon.


There are green trees in Taibai Mountain. They are everywhere, especially the flowering and fruit trees. The light brown tree trunk, with branches on the left and right, stretches upward. The upper part of the mountain is covered with green leaves. The colorful flowers in Taibai Mountain waft bright fragrance, just like a flower fairy. The forest park of Taibai Mountain has a variety of unique and magnificent natural landscapes. There are three types of landforms in the park: low mountains, middle mountains and high mountains. The canyons are deep, the peaks are numerous, the waterfalls are deep and the pools are hidden, and the scenery is beautiful. After watching, we were thinking about climbing the mountain. The mountain was very quiet, only the sound of the river clattering. When I got to the top of the mountain, I was very happy and happy. I felt very relaxed when I climbed to the top of the mountain.


We went up the mountain all the way. After a long journey, we didn't see the waterfall yet. We heard the sound of the waterfall first. It seemed that the waves were piling up on the beach, and it seemed like a thousand troops... The mountain road suddenly turned and we saw the whole body of the waterfall. This scene can't be compared. The thousand zhang green mountain stands at the foot of the waterfall with a silver lining. Ah! How spectacular! A pearl screen, who is the wind. Blow it like smoke, fog and dust. I saw the water of the waterfall, as if it were like the long hair of Flower Girl hanging down. The water splashed, as if the national flag was flying high above. We enjoy ourselves. Playing, cheering and having fun!


There is nothing difficult in the world. As long as you are willing to climb, you must go forward bravely at any time to reach the end point. Today is really a fruitful day!

游太白山作文 篇3


Taibai Mountain is the main peak of Qinling Mountains, with a height of 3767 meters. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at the top of the mountain in summer, the white snow looks like snow, which is one of the eight landscapes in Guanzhong - too white snow in June. A few days ago, my father and colleagues went to Mount Taibai. I heard from my father that it was very beautiful there. I yearned for it very much. Today, the opportunity finally came. My aunt asked our family to climb Taibai Mountain.


My father couldn't go with us because of something. My mother and I took a bus to Tangyukou, Meixian County, to meet our aunt's family.


We started climbing from Tangyu National Forest Park. When entering the park, we first took a bus to Xiaban Temple. Along the way, there are many scenic spots, such as Bronze Wall and Iron Wall, Splash Ink Stone and Xanadu. Then, take the cable car from Xiabansi to Bansi New Village. I sat on the cable car and looked down. There were hundreds of flowers blooming, hundreds of birds contending, and countless exotic flowers and grasses, as well as many plants such as alpine azaleas and larches. The cable car is more than ten meters high from the ground, but my cousin and I are excited to talk, but we don't feel scared at all. When I got off the cable car, I found that the altitude had changed from more than 800 meters to 3300 meters, and the surrounding trees were not as dense as those at the foot of the mountain.


When we arrived at Bansi New Village, there was no car or cable car, so we had to climb the mountain on foot. In fact, this was really mountaineering. We walked up the winding mountain road and soon came to Baixiantai. The main trees on this section of the road are almost the pine trees, a young man in four seasons.


We came to Baixiantai, where there is a very big stone. People worship immortals on it, so it is called Baixiantai. It is said that Su Dongpo, a famous litterateur in the Song Dynasty, came here to worship immortals and pray for rain when he was an official in Fengxiang, so this place is very famous.


We continued to walk up. My brother and I ran constantly because of excitement. At this time, we were very tired. Mother's illness was not fully recovered, and she could hardly walk. At this time, I saw a lot of bees on the roadside busy collecting honey, and I couldn't help saying "hard work" when I saw them flying east and west.


At about 12 o'clock at noon, we came to the round sky. I stood on a big stone, looking at the round sky and square ground. I think this is the origin of the place name. The altitude of this place is about 3500 meters. When you stand on the mountain and look down, the people and houses at the foot of the mountain look very small. Many mountains are at the foot of the mountain, which really makes you feel small. I took pictures with my mother, aunt, uncle and brother here, leaving a good memory.


Through this mountain climbing, I learned a lot of knowledge and exercised my willpower and body. Because of the time limit, we didn't reach the top of the mountain and didn't see the magical Daye Sea. However, the height of 3500 meters is twice that of Mount Tai. I feel very proud when I think about it. The next time I have a chance, I must climb to the top of the mountain.

游太白山作文 篇4


In the early morning of May 2, my father, mother and sister got up early and took a lot of food to climb Mount Taibai. My father said that Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains. It is covered with snow all the year round. It is even higher than Huashan Mountain!


Our car ran on the winding mountain road. Looking up the mountain through the window, what a big mountain! The air on the mountain is fresh, and there are forests all over the mountain. A stream of clear spring flows down from the high cliff, which is very spectacular. The small river in the mountains flows rapidly, meets the stones in the river, raises waves and sings happy songs. It seems to welcome us to climb the mountain!


Because there are too many climbers, cars of all sizes are everywhere on the mountain road. Our car could not go on, so we had to park it on the mountain road far away from the climbing cableway.


We followed the people climbing the mountain and climbed down the path to the rope crossing. Sometimes someone fell down on the road, but everyone was very happy. Uncle Li, who was driving, took me by the hand and climbed up the mountain quickly, leaving my father and mother behind.


I got on the cable car and looked down the mountain happily. The mountain road we have just passed is winding like a white dragon, winding between the mountains. I counted carefully, and there were 27 turns in total. Look at the cars parked on the mountain road. They are as small as ants and cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.


After getting off the cable car, we continued to climb toward the top of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain is a path paved with wooden boards. One step after another, like climbing stairs, it seems that you can never finish climbing. At this time, I feel a little cold. My mother soon put my sweater on. We climbed for a while, sat on the roadside for a rest, and finally climbed to the "Baixiantai". Standing here and looking down: the mountain is full of pine trees and thick snow. It's really beautiful!


At this time, I remembered my father's words when he entered the mountain: "Taibai Mountain, Taibai Mountain, there are four seasons every day, and ten miles of different days!" This is an excellent portrayal of Taibai Mountain!

游太白山作文 篇5


I have never heard of Taibai Mountain. But my curiosity seduced me. What will Mount Taibai look like?


I was very excited along the way, and I was looking forward to arriving at my destination as soon as possible. As soon as I entered the mountain road, I was fascinated by the long and narrow paths and the tall and straight mountains. Along the way, we walked and stopped, looking up at the fairyland on earth and taking pictures of the charming scenery.


Because the heavy snow had just passed and there was still a lot of snow on the mountain road, the car had to stop at the roadside. There are many icicles on the rocks beside the road, which are hard to break even with an axe. Many of the trees there are covered with heavy snow and broken. Fortunately, there is also a beautiful scene, that is, on a pine like mountain, winding around a path covered with snow, like a Christmas tree. With the sunshine, it is the largest and most beautiful Christmas tree. Arriving at the top of the mountain, I was surprised by the snow there, which was about 30 cm thick and covered the whole grassland.


I walked around in the snow. It felt great. Although I only contacted Taibai Mountain once, it was an eye opener.

太白山作文500字 篇6


In my hometown of Ningbo, there is a beautiful mountain called Taibai Mountain, which tells about its beauty all the year round. My father and I often went there to play and witnessed its changes and beauty throughout the year.


Spring is coming. With the accompaniment of the tinkling spring of the brook, all things in the nature wake up quietly with their dim sleepy eyes. Peach blossoms stretch their petals and dress themselves up., We walked in this "Xanadu", listened to the beautiful spring "symphony", and the pink clusters in front of us spread out like "ten mile peach blossoms". The natural wind turbines began to whine, and we looked up to see them turn round and round in a regular way, with a dignified attitude, just like guards guarding Taibai Mountain.


Summer is coming, and the weather is hot all of a sudden. Like a warm and hospitable host, Taibai Mountain invites us to drink a cup of cool spring water. There are lush forests and plenty of water. It is really a good place to escape the summer heat. In order to escape the summer sun, we go there every year to "enjoy" a natural ice cellar.


As autumn came, the forest suddenly became quiet. The trees are full of fallen flowers. Maple leaves are like dancing flames, blowing the prelude of autumn. The plants got together and talked until late autumn. The date ended in November. We stepped on the path full of leaves and looked at the flying dead leaves. They were like golden butterflies, saying a solemn "farewell" to the Taibai Mountain, where they were raised.


Winter is coming slowly. The snow is flying on the top of Taibai Mountain, and everything is getting old. Only the brook is still tinkling gently


The most memorable place is Taibai Mountain, where there is not only the beauty of the seasons, but also the most beautiful time of my childhood.

游太白山作文 篇7


The spring water here is clear and transparent; Here birds sing heartily; The mountains here are steep and beautiful. Yes, this is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains - Taibai Mountain. This summer vacation, I was lucky to visit this beautiful place.


The first scenic spot we visited was Lotus Peak Waterfall. The waterfall is hanging high and the water is roaring. The pool below is splashed with big drops of water, which hang on people's faces like a crystal dewdrop. Then we took a bus to the Pomo Mountain Scenic Area. It is said that when Li Bai, the poet, visited Taibai Mountain, he could not write a good poem because of the beautiful scenery and great poetic interest of Taibai Mountain. He became angry, dropped his pen, and poured ink on the rocks to become the Pomo Mountain. In fact, the "ink mark" on the Pomo Mountain is a natural granite, a masterpiece of nature's uncanny workmanship, and a beautiful legend.


After that, we took a bus to Shangban Temple, stood there, looked around, and the clouds billowed. This fog, sometimes quiet, sometimes like the waves of the sea, slightly adds a chill. The trees below are all covered by clouds. Only the taller ones can show their heads slightly. They are white and sometimes green. Farewell to the "Sea of Clouds Wonderland", we came to Baixiantai, which is a natural rock. It is said that Su Shi once worshipped immortals here to pray for rain, so it was named Baixiantai.


Li Bai once said in a poem, "When you go to Taibai Peak in the west, the sunset will be poor. Taibai will talk to me and open the sky for me. You are willing to ride the cold wind and go straight out of the clouds. You can approach the moon with your hands raised. You can move forward like there is no mountain. If you leave your martial arts, when will you return?" This poem describes the three characteristics of Taibai Mountain: high, precipitous and precipitous. It can touch the moon when it is high, and steep and beautiful when it is steep. However, the precipitous can not be summarized by "crossing the Qinling Mountains with clouds". Taibai Mountain is truly the "Dragon Head of Central Plains".

游太白山作文 篇8


About 100 minutes' drive from Zhuji downtown, you can arrive at the foot of Dongbai Mountain - Dazhai Village. My father said that the mountain scenery here is very beautiful, the water is very clear, the air is very fresh, and the sunrise in the morning is very magnificent. I was deeply attracted and decided to go.


Four people of my party went forward by car. When they arrived at Zhai Village, they were infected by the unique smell of the mountains. Several ancient Chinese torreya trees by the small bridge quietly greeted them. I inadvertently exchanged my eyes with the Chinese torreya trees full of maternal feelings, as if to ask "her"


The secrets of the mountains. Silent language, one by one in my heart.


Walk into the mountains and climb up the Wanyan mountain road. Tired of walking, stop to drink some sweet spring water, and carefully look at the streams that are like ribbons. Maybe you can catch some precious "giant salamanders", making you feel treasured and have unlimited reverie.


Further up, you will reach the top of Longtan. It is often surrounded by light fog. The fog, like layers of soft white yarn, covers the surrounding scenery. The green tea garden is indistinct and hazy. No wonder the tea here costs more than 1000 yuan per jin!


The sun is blowing out, and the fog is gradually dispersing. What you can see is the rare fruits all over the mountains. The red hawthorn, the astringent wild grape, the yellow orange orange, and the hairy kiwi made my eyes and feelings happy together. I often found a place to dance and shout at the top of my voice, making the whole silent mountain full of happiness.


Standing on the top of the mountain, I saw the sun that I had never seen before. It was so big and round that my blood was boiling. Even if a cool breeze blew, I felt my whole body and mind were melting in the colorful sky.


The trip to Dongbai Mountain gave me a strong visual impact and comfort I never had before. Let me experience life, let me feel brilliant, let me hear the sound of gurgling water, blowing wind, and listen to the silent details of Torreya grandis.


Dongbai Mountain, I will always remember you!

太白山作文600字 篇9


Taibai Mountain in Taibai County, Shaanxi Province is a beautiful place.


After entering Taibai Mountain, you can bypass the hall and take a winding road to the most beautiful peak of Taibai Mountain, Congliang Peak. There are countless strange flowers, trees and even pine needles are yellow. It's amazing and magical. From a distance, they look like colorful oceans. They are very beautiful. Sitting on the cable car gives you a feeling of "seeing the small mountains". At this time, the breeze blows from the Lotus Waterfall on the left, making people feel refreshing.


Standing on the Lotus Peak and looking around, the surrounding peaks form a lotus petal. The lotus stone stands in the middle, just like a stamen. The Lotus Waterfall is 150 meters long. It flows down from the mountain top like a white train flying in the sky. It is really "flying down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall into the sky". The water splashes on the pebbles, and the white waves suddenly roll, like gears rotating rapidly. It is very spectacular.


The hard stone wall beside the waterfall is as powerful as a knife, just like a natural "bronze wall and iron wall". On the stone wall is carved a Guanyin, which is the "Water Moon Guanyin" in charge of all rivers in Taibai County.


After seeing the mountain peak, I came to the famous fir forest, where the fir trees are very flourishing. After careful observation of the fir trees, I found that they are vigorous. Because the fir tree is close to the cloud, you will feel chilly when you touch it. Clusters of such trees condense the air, so it is called fir forest.


After passing the fir forest, you will arrive at Xiaban Temple, which is surrounded by flowers and plants. Xiaban Temple houses the highest Buddha in the whole mountain. It is said that you can rise up step by step after worshipping, so many people are worshipping Buddha. There is a big platform behind Xiaban Temple. It is said that Su Dongpo (Su Shi) once worshipped Buddha here to pray for people's peace. Because it is 3300 meters above sea level, surrounded by lush trees and clouds, it is like a fairyland, which is called "Worship the Heavenly Terrace" by later generations.




The Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains. There is no end to its heroism and Tao. Because the journey of one-day tour is too short, I can't appreciate all its charm. I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy it.

太白山作文500字 篇10


On this trip to Shaanxi, we saw not only many cultural buildings, but also many natural landscapes, including Taibai Mountain.


My father drove us into Taibai Mountain, and soon we came to the first scenic spot. There was a cliff on the high mountain named "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall", which was very steep and flat, like a city wall, with cold snow flowing underneath, as if that was its moat.


After walking along the winding mountain road for about an hour, our car finally arrived at Xiaban Temple, the hillside of Taibai Mountain. We can't drive on it anymore, but we need to take the cable car to get to a higher place. When we got on the cable car, we saw all the trees below. There was a path in the mountain, and several people were walking down; Only a minute or two later, we suddenly found that there was a heavy fog in front of us, and the scenery outside the window was almost invisible. Then it began to rain. At this time, we could see a little outside scenery. I found that the trees changed from several kinds to only pine trees. There were more and more low shrubs and grass nearby, and the temperature was gradually dropping. Soon the cable car stopped and we arrived at the terminal of the cable car at an altitude of 3200 meters.


My father and I were going to the "round sky place" with an altitude of 3511 meters. We walked up more than half of the way. When we were taking a rest by the steps, it suddenly began to rain heavily. We quickly took off our clothes and ran to a small house to shelter from the rain. We bought raincoats from the owner of the house. We went down the mountain all the way to the foot of the mountain. There was no sign of rain. The weather in the mountain was so unpredictable.


Taibai Mountain has amazing natural wonders and unpredictable weather. It is really a good place to travel!