"The importance of work is intelligent, practice."This is the experience of my Mingde Elementary School test today.After listening to this name, you must be confused: How can eggs float?If you can't believe it, then I will accompany you to find out.
When I came home after school, I couldn't wait to prepare the test raw materials. There were a bag of salt, a raw egg, a glass tea cup filled with warm water and a wooden chopstick.All is ready except for the opportunity.
I took out the eggs and slowly put it in the water.The egg was like a diving athlete, and he jumped into the water with a "flutter", slowly sinking into the cup, asleep like a child.
First, I poured a spoonful of salt into the cup, and then stirred gradually.After terminating the stirring, the eggs were shaking down like a drunk, and after a while, he sank in the cup to "sleep long", motionless.I am confused: Why didn't this egg floating?
Then, I poured a small amount of salt again and gradually stirred, but the eggs were as raised as I had a root, ignoring me.I was unwilling to add salt to the cup again, and when I added the eighth spoon to add it, the surprise finally happened!Little eggs are like a child who wakes up in a sleeping dream, stretching his waist in a confused manner, and reluctantly left his comfortable single bed.The situation.
My heart blooms, and the eggs are finally floating!I have doubled confidence and add salt to the cup.At this time, the water in the cup had been accidentally stirred very turbid, and thousands of fine salt drifted in the water.The oval eggs were covered by dense bubbles, as if wearing a natural pearl evening dress, which was very beautiful. It continued to rotate the body with flowing water.When we added to the fourteenth spoon, the long -awaited moment finally arrived, my little eggs were like a fantastic swimmer, and the performance was so graceful in the wonderful "ballet".You see, she completed the event, and the river surfaced elegantly, ushered in applause of fans!
At the same time, the buoyancy also expands. When the buoyancy of the water exceeds the net weight of the eggs, the eggs will float. "I suddenly suddenly opened up.
How interesting scientific trials As long as everyone is good at finding, the courage to develop, they will definitely get a lot of gains.Students, let's work hard together and solve a lot of scientific research secrets!
1、有趣:有趣读音为yǒu qù,是指有兴味;有趣味。 有兴味,有趣味一本有趣的书有趣 yǒu qù词语解释:有兴味;有趣味。[interesting;fascinating;amusing] 有兴味,有趣味一本有趣的书分词解释:趣味:情趣意味:趣味无穷|清荣峻茂,良多趣味。兴味:兴致趣味:兴味盎然|他带来的资料引起我极大的兴味。● 有 yǒu ㄧㄡˇ◎ 存在:有关。有方(得法)。有案可稽。有备无患。有目共睹。◎ 表示所属:他有一本书。◎ 表示发生、出现:有病。情况有变化。◎ 表示估量或比较:水有一丈多深。◎ 表示大、多:有学问。◎ 用在某些动词前面表示客气:有劳。有请。◎ 无定指,与“某”相近:有一天。◎ 词缀,用在某些朝代名称的前面:有夏。有宋一代。● 有 yòu ㄧㄡˋ◎ 古同“又”,表示整数之外再加零数。● 趣 qù ㄑㄩˋ◎ 趋向:志趣。意趣。旨趣。◎ 兴味,使人感到愉快:兴趣。乐趣。情趣。雅趣。妙趣。相映成趣。趣事。趣味。● 趣 cù ㄘㄨˋ◎ 古同“促”,催促;急促。...有趣怎么造句,用有趣造句»
2、浮力:浮力读音为fú lì,是指物体在流体中受到的向上托的力。浮力的大小等于被物体所排开的流体的重量。浮力 fú lì分词解释:物体在流体中受到的向上托的力。浮力的大小等于被物体所排开的流体的重量。分词解释:流体:液体和气体的统称,因它们都没有一定的形状,容易流动。大小:1.大与小;大或小。 2.指尊卑或长幼。 3.谓大小的程度。 4.偏指大或小。 5.犹多少。引申指情况。物体:1.物的本体;器物的形体。 2.由物质构成的﹑占有一定空间的个体。等于:等同于。多表示前后相等或差不多相等。...
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