
时间:2022-06-29 13:57:06 | 来源:语文通



Tell you a secret, but don't tell others!That is, Mother's Day, I want to surprise my mother and make a greeting card for my mother.


On the same day, my mother had to work overtime and left very early in the morning.In this way, I gave me enough time to make a greeting card. With an extremely happy mood, I walked into the bedroom first, opened the cabinet, and took a lot of colored paper and a pair of scissors from it.Everything is ready, I will start to fold.I first took out a piece of pink paper, folded it, and then cut a leaky peach heart on the other side.Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his right hand and opened the tiger's mouth, and dropped the pen tip to the paper meticulously in the heart of Tao.After a while, I painted the gongbi as detailed as the girl's embroidery. After a while, I brought the pen and wrote it. In a blink of an eye, a mother hugged the child's painting and painted it.I carefully looked at my mother's mother, my mother, and that child was me.After the painting is over, I will write about my heart. I pinch my pen, draw a stroke, and write down the work: I love you, you have worked hard.This time, great achievements were achieved.I closed the greeting card and quietly waited for my mother to come back, "What would my mother feel like I saw the gift I gave?" Ah, I look forward to it.


Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, my mother finally came back. I hurried into the house and took out the greeting card, and smiled to the mother card to my mother.My mother took the greeting card, and I said with a blushing face with a blushing face, "Happy Mother's Day, I love you." Mom laughed and answered, "I love you too."


I saw my mother so happy, and my heart was extremely happy.So I prepared every Mother's Day and prepared a "surprise" for my mother.



1、惊喜:惊喜读音为jīng xǐ,是指惊和喜;又惊又喜:惊喜交集 ㄧ惊喜不已。惊喜 jīng xǐ词语解释:惊和喜;又惊又喜:惊喜交集 ㄧ惊喜不已。分词解释:惊喜交集:交集:一起袭来。两种事物同时出现或同时加在一个人身上,又惊又喜。又惊又喜:既惊讶又高兴。不已:1.不止,继续不停。 2.岂非。 3.不得已。和喜:和洽喜悦。...惊喜怎么造句,用惊喜造句»

2、秘密:秘密读音为mì mì,是指①加以隐蔽,不让知道。与“公开”相对:秘密文件|秘密的会见。②指隐蔽的事情:军事秘密|公开他的秘密。③指尚未被发现或揭露的事物:探索宇宙秘密|这段历史将永远成为秘密。秘密 mì mì词语解释:①加以隐蔽,不让知道。与“公开”相对:秘密文件|秘密的会见。②指隐蔽的事情:军事秘密|公开他的秘密。③指尚未被发现或揭露的事物:探索宇宙秘密|这段历史将永远成为秘密。分词解释:探索:探寻求索:用志不专,探索不精|我想用无言的话去探索她的心。会见:跟别人相见:会见亲友 ㄧ友好的会见。相对:①相比较而言:这间屋相对大些|相对落后。②互相对应、对比:这两个词意义相对|两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。③见“相对与绝对”。隐蔽:借别的东西遮蔽藏匿起来:主力隐蔽起来|光荡荡一片平川,人马没法隐蔽。...秘密怎么造句,用秘密造句»