Summer is here, and the hot sun is burning.The weather was very hot, and the small animals were hiding at home and unwilling to go out.
The lion king came to the river, and it saw several big trees on the other side of the river, and it looked cool under the tree, so it was ready to go to the opposite side of the river to cool.When I walked to the bridge, a lazy hippocampus fell asleep on the bridge, blocking the road of the lion king.The lion king roared at the hippocampus: "Get away, the king is going to cross the river!"
The little monkey who was resting on the tree said to the lion king, "King, king, we can re -ride a bridge." So the lion king called on the little animal to help it bridge, and everyone came.Some chopped wood, some moved wood, and some put the wood on the river.After a while, the bridge was ready, and the lion king crossed the bridge happily.
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