
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:47 | 来源:语文通



重阳节作文 篇1重阳节 篇2重阳节作文 篇3

重阳节作文 篇1


The annual Double Ninth Festival is coming again. In order to celebrate a happy festival for the elderly, the school organized students to accompany the elderly in the nursing home.


When we came to the nursing home, we gathered in the large space in front of the home according to the counselor's instructions, and then walked to the parents in law with colorful nutrition and daily necessities. After seeing us, my parents in law were elated and immediately formed two teams to welcome us. It seems that we are their grandchildren.


Later, an aunt of the Red Cross, a brother and sister of China Resources Supermarket and the principal of our school took turns to make speeches on the stage. The most popular one is a brother from China Resources Supermarket! He rushed onto the stage to say a few words of blessing and then said "goodbye". It made everyone laugh. The speech came to an end.


We immediately gave the gift to my parents in law, and I said a blessing to a husband in front of me: "I wish my husband healthy and healthy"! My husband seemed very happy after listening. In order to make parents in law happy, several of our classmates found an old woman who could not walk easily, talked with her, massaged her, and listened to her story. Although the stories are about those old and toothless people, when I listen carefully, they contain the enthusiasm and hospitality of the old lady, which makes me never tired of hearing them.


Happy time flies! We have to go back. Along the way, I didn't feel as excited as I was when I came to the old people's home just now. I felt like I couldn't figure it out: I saw the lonely old people in the old people's home, and I was afraid that I would settle down there when I was old. No relatives came to see me. I was lonely every day, and it was worse than death. However, after thinking for a while, I have figured out what I can't think of. Now the staff of the elderly home has changed a lot. They are as good to their parents as they are to their parents


I believe that all the old people feel the warmth of the Double Ninth Festival. I hope that some people can come to accompany these old people on the Double Ninth Festival every year and let them have a happy holiday.

重阳节 篇2


The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional festival in China, the Double Ninth Festival. In the ancient Book of Changes, "nine" is the number of yang, and "nine nine" is the same number of yang, so it is called "double yang". There are many customs of the Double Ninth Festival, such as climbing high to pray for blessings, autumn outing to appreciate chrysanthemums, wearing cornel, thanksgiving and respect for the elderly... Last year's Double Ninth Festival was unforgettable to me.


Before the Double Ninth Festival, the folk music teacher asked us to make preparations. The school would take us to the nursing home to perform for our grandparents. As soon as I finished my homework in the evening, I took out my beloved erhu and practiced the music I wanted to perform carefully. While pulling the erhu, I thought: On the day of the performance, I must play my best. Finally, the Double Ninth Festival came, and we went to the nursing home under the guidance of our teacher.


When I entered the nursing home, I was shocked. I thought the nursing home would be as big and luxurious as the hospital, but it was not what I imagined. It's just a simple two storey building, where many elderly grandparents live. The elderly who are not able to move are arranged to live on the first floor, while the others live on the second floor. Grandparents smiled when they saw us.


A big red banner was hung in the nursing home to welcome our arrival. The staff put their seats in order in advance, leaving a large space for us to act as a stage. Grandparents were placed in the corresponding positions, and a wonderful folk music performance was about to begin. Under the direction of the teacher of Full Score Composition Network, we performed Erhu "Horse Race" and "Golden Snake Dance" for our grandparents, as well as other students' various instrument performances. Finally, we played "My Motherland and I" together. Grandparents watched with great interest. Some followed the beat, some shook their heads, and some kept applauding. We are very proud of those smiling faces. After the performance, we took out the prepared fruit and gave it to the grandparents in the nursing home. A grandpa broke a banana, handed it to me, and said, "You too, little friend!" I quickly waved my hand, smiled and said, "Grandpa, no need. I have them at home. These are for you to eat." I saw some grandparents turn around and put them in their bags. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself: If more people care about their grandparents, they will be happier.


When I got home in the evening, I told my parents the story that happened in the nursing home. My mother hugged me and whispered to me, "The Double Ninth Festival is also called the Old People's Day, which is to show our gratitude and respect for the elderly. Today's event you are participating in is very meaningful, inheriting the traditional virtue of respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation. My mother gives you a big compliment!" Dad nodded his head in praise. I thought to myself: In the future, I will put respect for the elderly into action, respect the elders at home, care for the elderly in society, and let the flowers of respect for the elderly bloom in the branches of gratitude!

重阳节作文 篇3


The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Double Ninth Festival. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival to respect, care for and help the elderly. The main customs are climbing high, appreciating chrysanthemums, drinking chrysanthemum wine, inserting cornus and eating New Year cakes. The ancient Chinese took "six" as the yin number and "nine" as the yang number. The ninth day of September every year was called "Double Ninth", also called "Double Ninth".


The Double Ninth Festival is a festival in which the air is crisp and the autumn wind is blowing gently; The Double Ninth Festival is a festival with a long cultural history; The Double Ninth Festival is also a time to love and respect the elderly.


Today, as grandsons and nephews of grandparents, we are going to be good grandsons and nephews. For example, you can make tea for your grandparents, wash your feet, massage, play with them, and even give them a big hug.


Even though we are thousands of miles away from the elderly, our hearts are always connected. We can make a warm call to the elderly, send them a greeting card and write a letter of blessing.


"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives many times during festivals. I know from afar that there is only one person missing when my brothers are climbing high." This poem was written by Wang Wei when he was 17 years old. Wang Wei was wandering alone between Luoyang and Chang'an. He was from Puzhou, which is in the east of Huashan Mountain, so he called his hometown brother Shandong Brother. The meaning of this poem is: When a person is a guest in a foreign country alone, he will think twice about his relatives in the distance on holidays. I think my brothers are looking far and high today, and I'm one less than you.


As a primary school student in the 21st century, we shoulder the responsibility of inheriting Chinese traditional culture, love, respect and care for the elderly, and inherit this fine tradition.