
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:46 | 来源:语文通



中秋明月作文 篇1中秋明月作文 篇2中秋明月作文 篇3中秋明月作文 篇4中秋明月作文 篇5中秋明月作文 篇6中秋明月作文 篇7中秋明月作文 篇8中秋明月作文 篇9

中秋明月作文 篇1


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival I look forward to it day and night, and I am very excited.You can also appreciate the white moon and taste delicious moon cakes.








I returned home with great sweeping and had a full meal.My family started the Mid -Autumn Festival.I used the neither standard Mandarin to be the host, mother, father, and sister became players.


I set the rules: a person made a certain action or expression based on a certain idiom, others guess the idiom based on the movement or expression, answer the right two points, and answer one point.The show is required to perform the show.Everyone agrees.


The game started.The sister performed first, and saw her hand holding her chin, frowning into a ball, and her father and mother raised their hands with her mother who blurted out without thinking; "frown and crying."The answer was wrong, my mother lost one point.Dad said: Your daughter only frowned.No crying face, because it should be meditated.Dad is right, add two points.As a punishment, my mother sang an old red song.


The dad had a question, and his father bent down and lifted his hand on his forehead.My sister said it was going to look far away.No, no.Everyone guess hard.Dad saw us embarrassed and said with a smile, "Tell you, it's Qi Tian Dasheng." It seems that he is returning to the old age, and he is more than ten years younger.Everyone laughed.The atmosphere of joy is full of this hut.





Just two hours after such laughter and laughter.I pulled my sister to enjoy the moon, and the moon hadn't come out like a shy girl hiding behind Wuyun.But the night fell, and there were many semi -semi -dark stars flashed on the sky, as if blinking, smiling at me.The stars in the sky are strange, like a group of naughty children, some are fleeting, and some of them are playing games together.There are also lonely.Gradually, the moon became bold, exposed from the back of Wuyun ashamed, and the ground seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of silver mist.Move secretly outside.The kung fu that turned around was fascinated.After a while.The moon was gone again.





At three o'clock, my sister and I were able to return home.


A round of bright moon appears in the sky.A burst of dark clouds immediately covered the moon.I had to wait anxiously to wait for the moon.


After a long time ...




The moon appeared again. At this moment, I found that the moon seemed to become more crystal clear. It was so pure and bright. This was beautiful. We stared at the bright moon. My sister couldn't help telling the story of Chang'e to run the moon.The sound is colorful.

中秋明月作文 篇2


After the wind and rain, it is the rainbow


——Atly those decadent days


Last year's cicada's "hissing-" was still spinning in his ears, and looking up at the calendar on the wall was the late October.So you think of Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry", and you can't help but sigh silently in your heart: "Life is in a hurry, it's the fourth year in a blink of an eye!"


Looking back, you see those decadent days that seem to be happy and actual excuses, you are speechless for a while.


Life is a indulgent and cruel perseverance.


It let you be happy or passionate; let you go youthful; let you go through every mountain, cross every river, and run through every street ...


It lets you let you go.


So, naturally, you are petting and arrogant.


You forgot your original dream, treat a little unsatisfactory as an excuse to degenerate, and indulge the indulgence of life for you to do whatever you want.


However, you forgot it -since there is no prohibition, how can he care about the pain of the heart eroded and bone after the short joy?


But you find that your body is gradually weaker, thinking that it was clearly looking at the flower world as before, but found that it was already unclear.This weakness is like a lightning, burning people from the inside to the outside, even if you work hard.


You want to give up.However, the pride engraved in your bones makes you can't even give up.The soul seems to be Ling Chi.


At this time, when you accidentally thought about who did not remember who told it a long time ago, but still clearly remembered the content of its content--


God brutally put the fish on the shore.


The fish on the shore was eager for the taste of water and struggled hard on the land.But it has no energy, so you think it should be fate -thought it should be dedicated from the moment it was ruthless to the shore. You thought the pain of lack of water was enough to make it lose its strength to return to the water, evenNumb to forget that he was a fish.In your heart, even if it remembers that he always lives in the water, it can't go back!


Can't you go back ... no!This story is not over yet.Yes!The fish said that:


Even if you are forced to be bruised by yourself, you must return even if you see blood and bones!”

"Can't you go back? But you must go back! Even if you are forced by yourself, you must return even if you see blood and bones!"


It is like a bouquet of sunlight into a world of chaotic, miraculously, you find that your body function is gradually recovering, and the weakness is squeezed out of your body like the water in the sponge.


Silently, you look up slowly to the world with a smile, not so enthusiastic, but it is more at ease than a bright smile.You shouted to the world in your heart:


World!Waiting for me!


Even if you are forced to be bruised by yourself, you must return even if you see blood and bones!

中秋明月作文 篇3


Accompanied by the Mid -Autumn Festival, my heart and the bright moon were sent. In the quiet night sky, I pinned my thoughts in the Mingyue. It was accompanied by the moon, and the meaning of reunion was everywhere.


Set up the moon cakes that are reunited, respect the green tea overflowing, and sit around the round table.Recalling the memory of the family, whether it is sweet and warm, or spicy.At this moment, they were brewing into beauty and melting into family relationships.Talking about the happy past, the family enjoys the joy of God.Looking up at the moon, low -headed tea, regardless of men, women, and children, they are happy.Moon cakes are sweet, and their hearts are sweet.This is not a shocking luxury party, but it has unparalleled peace, faint romance, and ubiquitous happiness and affection.


Mid -Autumn Festival does not need to be polite and alienated blessings, no luxury and gorgeous gifts, just a cordial greeting, a little visual time, it is enough to fill the happiness of the entire Mid -Autumn Festival.


The Mid -Autumn Festival, with the soft color of affection, has been given the beauty of "home and everything" and reunion -it is the beautiful theme of the Mid -Autumn Festival.


With both round, there is loneliness.The travelers alone, Tianya is separated from relatives and does not leave their hometown.With the sorrowful nostalgia, they looked at the same bright moon at different locations, missed the relatives of the family, recalled the unique affection in the family, and recalled the unique kindness of their hometown.Although the body is outside, the soul returns to his hometown.


Who is the tears of the Mid -Autumn Festival?The sorrows of the travelers add different metaphors and emotions to Mingyue.Township — is more or less lonely in the Mid -Autumn Festival.


Missing the emotions of my hometown, penetrating the goose and yellow moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival, and infiltrated the dust of China for 5,000 years.Mingyue, Xiangxiang.It has always been called by poets, and it runs through the entire history."The ancient roads are thin, and the small bridge flowing water. The setting sun is under the end of the world, and the intestines are in the end of the world." — This magnificent and vicissitudes of pictures, which sets up nostalgia, nostalgia, and nostalgia.When Meng Haoran faced the moon, he would burst into tears — "Everyone in the countryside, look at the sky.";—————— "The moon is born on the sea, and the world is at this time." Du Fu couldn't help sighing — "Lu from tonight white, the moon is the hometown." ...


The bright moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival, lingering with a faint mist cloud, contains the sadness of Youzi, mixed with the joy of reunion ...

中秋明月作文 篇4


Every Mid -Autumn Festival, there will always be a beautiful moon cake on the table.


When I was young, I didn't know how to enjoy the moon.As soon as I arrived at the Mid -Autumn Festival, I only had food on the table -moon cakes.Hurry up, this moon cake is dark yellow, that moon cake is white, smell it with my nose, wow!It's so fragrant, open your mouth and bite gently. Some glutinous moon cakes release the warmth on the tip of my tongue. The egg yolk filling dances in my mouth, which is so delicious.Sometimes, I can eat 4 or 5 at a time, and I can't stop my stomach before I stop my mouth.When I looked up to see the moon, the white and round moon turned into a large moon cake in my eyes.


When I grow up, every Mid -Autumn Festival, my mind is not on the food, but stops and take a look at the bright moon in the sky.At this time, I remembered: "I hope people have a long time, and I will be together for thousands of miles." Dad always sat next to me and told me one beautiful legendary mythical story after another. Dad talked with paintings, and I heard it.


You see, this Dad starts to tell me the meaning of the Mid -Autumn Festival."Son, the Mid -Autumn Festival, literally understands the reunion of the family, the time is half the time of the autumn ..." In my father's explanation, I also knew the "fifteen moon, sixteen rounds, sixteen circles,. "Because this is a astronomical phenomenon, because the" pace "of the moon rotation is fast or slow, the time of the moon is also different.Most of the fifteen and sixteen.When my father talked with me with an unconventional accent, I always felt a very close feeling in my heart. Maybe this is the father's love.At this time, the moon in the sky was even more round in my eyes.


The moon in the sky, the moon cakes on the table, and the father's love around.

中秋明月作文 篇5


Hope, wait, the Mid -Autumn Festival is finally here.


As soon as I entered the house, a scent came out.I want to pick up a moon cake and send it in my mouth, and immediately stop. When the family reunited, the family tasted happily and enjoying it together, so it was delicious!


At this point, I quickly picked up the moon cake and gave it to my mother, and my mother laughed; I picked up the moon cake to my dad again, and my dad also laughed; I picked the moon cake to my brother, and my brother praised me.In my hand.Moon cakes are so fragrant, so sweet, and the air is like a honey flavor flowing.


After dinner, our family took a walk while watching the moon.


"The night of tonight is really beautiful." I couldn't help screaming. At this time, the moon was like a shy little girl, hiding in the clouds for a while, and a cute head from the clouds for a while, like playing with us and hidingEssence


"The moon came out, the moon came out, it was so round, so bright, so tall!" Brother said.


"Yeah, the moon beauty comes out!" Mom attached.


Looking at the night sky, the moon stars are sparse.The moon is like a large disc. I do n’t know how to illuminate us.


"I don't know what Grandma is doing now! Did she eat moon cakes? Is she enjoying the moon?" No, I suddenly remembered my grandmother.


"Your grandmother may be eating mooncakes now." Mom said.


"May my mother -in -law be healthier and happier in this beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival!" I stared at the bright moon and silently blessed: "I hope that people will last long, thousands of miles together!"

中秋明月作文 篇6


I do n’t know the moon in hours.Whenever I read this poem, there is always a problem in my heart: when can the moon be round like a disc?


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is here, and the family will always reunite together to enjoy the moon cake.The night fell, and the moonlight was reflected on the floor through the window. When I walked to the moonlight, the moonlight was like a naughty child and slowly moved to the wall.


I was sitting in the yard, holding moon cakes in my hand, and watching Mingyue.Suddenly there was a sense of realization. The big round plate in the original poem refers to the bright moon of the Mid -Autumn Festival!At this time, a cloud floated over, just covering the bright moon, as if the moon was tired, I wanted to lie in the clouds to rest, and a few shiny stars next to the moon seemed to be its bodyguard.


At this point, the moon hid the clouds, as if a knight who returned to the rivers and lakes.Seeing a few small black spots on the moon, I thought of a very old mythical story -Chang'e ran to the moon.


According to legend, thousands of years ago, Houyi went to the Queen Mother of the West to take the magic medicine. This medicine can become a fairy alone. The two people can eat for a long life, so Houyi handed the medicine into Chang'e's hands, butThis incident was discovered by Houyi's apprentice Simon.One day, Houyi went to hunt, and Simon took the knife to force Chang'e to hand over the medicine. When Chang'e did not know what to do, he swallowed the medicine. Suddenly, he felt the body became lighter and flew to the moon.


I think those little black spots are Chang'e and her rabbit.At this time, she stood at the highest point of the moon, looking down, and wanted to find her long -lost husband ... The bright moon of the Mid -Autumn Festival was very bright and very round. I finally solved the problem of Baiyu Pan.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, I want to wish everyone a happy Mid -Autumn Festival and happy reunion!

中秋明月作文 篇7


Since ancient times, I do n’t know how many literati and Mo Ke have been Mid -Autumn Festival, leaving an unknown ancient poem for Mingyue.


There is a description of nostalgia: "Seeing the autumn wind in Luoyang City, the author's book is very important, and the people may be in a hurry, and the pedestrians are open again." This is Zhang Ji's nostalgia."Lu Cong is white tonight, the moon is the hometown." This is Du Fu's nostalgia."The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time." This is Zhang Jiuling's thoughts on the distant relatives."Toast invites Mingyue, to the three people." This is Li Bai's loneliness.


"When is the moon? Ask the wine to ask the sky." "People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear. This matter is difficult. I hope that people will last long and have a thousand miles."EssenceIt is always a singing of the Mid -Autumn Festival. This word expresses Su Shi's thoughts on his brother Su Zhe, and at the same time, it also writes the philosophy of life that all things will not always be fulfilled.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, raised his head to look at the moon. Looking at the bright moonlight, I couldn't help thinking of the ancient literati and Mo Ke praised the poem of Moonlight. "Mingyue pine shots, Qingquan stones flow on the stone." "Flying the sky mirror under the moon, Yunsheng set up a sea building." But to say the ancestor in the poem of Zanyue, that is, Zhang Ruoxu's "Spring River Flower Moon Night". "Chunjiang tide water is flat in the sea, and the sea of ​​the sea will be born together. With the waves of thousands of miles, there is no moon in Chunjiang! The river flows around Fangdian, and the moonlight is like the forest; I can't see it in Baisha. Jiang Tian has no color, and the lonely moon wheel in the air. Who is the moon on the river? Why does Jiangyue take care of people at the beginning of the year? The life of life is endless, and the Jiangyue is similar to the year. Seeing the flowing water from the Yangtze River. Baiyun goes to leisurely, and the Qingfengpu is endless. Who is the flat boat tonight? Where is the acacia Mingyuelou? Poor on the month of the month, you should follow the makeup mirror. Come back on the stepvings. At this time, you will not hear each other, and you are willing to follow the month of the Chinese flowing light. Hongyan has a long flying light, and the fish and dragon dive into the water. The rivers and rivers are full of spring, and the river falls to the west. The oblique moon hides the sea fog, and the Shi Shi Xiaoxiang is infinite. I do n’t know how many people will return to the moon. " The moon scene also expresses his hometown.


Since ancient times, the moon has always been connected to the sorrow of Si Xiang.Now the Mid -Autumn Festival, do you miss someone?

中秋明月作文 篇8


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.I have been looking forward to it for a long time.I like the Mid -Autumn Festival very much, because on this day, I can eat moon cakes and watch the moon. The most important thing is that the whole family can gather together.I don't mention how happy I am every day.


After a rich dinner, my mother asked me to move the chair to the yard.I was moved with great enthusiasm.When I saw my grandma moving an important chair, I hurried to help.My grandma smiled happily.After a while, the tables and chairs were moved away, and moon cakes and fruits were placed on the table.Now we can appreciate the moon.We sat in the middle of the yard and waited for the moon to rise.


After a while, the moon rose.I look at the moon.It turned out to be red, rising slowly, and then gradually turned white.It is beautiful and gives people a sense of carefree.


The moon is silver -white, very bright.I think the ground on the moon should be silver, and the wall should be jade.Chang'e in it must be beautiful.At this time, I wanted to yell at the moon and see if anyone answered me.Suddenly remembered no one in "Flying to the Moon".I think the moon is more and more like a big cake.I want to try it, but it is enough in heaven.


Looking at the round moon, sometimes I want to stare for a long time, sometimes I want to say a small poem, sometimes I think I can live on the moon!But only by working hard can dreams realize.


I looked at the round moon and wanted to keep it in my heart.happy mid-Autumn Festival!

中秋明月作文 篇9


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I looked up at the starry sky and saw a bright moon. There were layers of clouds stacked in the sky, lying in the moonlight quietly.


"When is the moonlight, ask the wine to ask the sky. I wonder what year is the world's palace?" I remembered this intoxicated and comfortable poem.


I have eaten delicious moon cakes and talked about interesting home. People have unknowingly entered the dreamland, and the yard is particularly quiet.I was intoxicated in the beauty of this month, and I refused to fall asleep. I saw it in the room. I saw the moonlight slipping in silently, and the room suddenly lit up.


what!The bright moon is not only a large disc, but also like a world's tallest and brighter lantern. He brings brightness to people who are busy with work, and bring warmth to people far away. It is so beautiful!


I sat in the moonlight and quietly made my wish in the beautiful moon ... I hope that the people in the world will always be safe.


As I get older, I am also sensible. Now I do n’t have my parents to go to the restaurant for dinner. I want to eat with them at home, because I understand that the Mid -Autumn Festival is a family.The taste of the family's most nostalgia is the taste of the home.


Time passed so fast, unknowingly, my eyelids began to fight, and glanced at the watch, it was ten o'clock.I moved back to the chair, closed the door, and fell asleep quietly.


In the dream, it can still be seen hazy that the bright light shrouds the earth, the whole body and mind are continuously filled, as if the whole person is melting in this vast moonlight ...