
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:29 | 来源:语文通



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榕树下作文 篇1


When I was young, I liked to play under the big banyan tree behind Grandma's house. The strong trunk supports its huge group of branches. The green leaves are bright green and the branches are dark.


I remember one time, a typhoon blocked my happy steps. I couldn't help worrying about that big banyan tree. Don't fall down! After the typhoon passed, I ran to the big banyan tree. It seemed that the big banyan tree heard my heart and survived tenaciously.


The big banyan tree not only worried me, but also made me happy. One morning, I woke up, washed and did not even eat breakfast, so I ran to the banyan tree and played with it. I grabbed its two sturdy tree beards and began to play "swing". When I was bored, the Great Xia to relieve my boredom, Brother, came. I took the right moment to rush to his waist and launched a fierce attack, which made him very sad. After playing tricks on my brother, we played catch game. When my brother was playing with me, I said, "Let me catch him!" "Well, I can't run away from you anyway." I started to catch him. I easily caught my brother.


Sometimes, I take an extracurricular book and come to the big banyan tree to read it quietly. When I was reading, I heard the leaves of the big banyan tree rustling in the wind. It seemed to be a performer in the forest. Occasionally, some leaves fall and dance with the wind, and it seems to be a dancer.


Now, I'm so busy every day. I haven't been to Grandma's house for a long time. I miss the big banyan tree so much!

榕树下作文 篇2


If someone asks me what is the deepest memory of my hometown? I will answer without thinking big banyan. She is outside the door of my house. I can't tell exactly when she appeared here. I only know that she has been here for a long time.


In the end, I could not resist the temptation to look at the banyan tree again. I stood under the banyan tree and looked up at her. She was still as energetic as ever. How many years has she been with me? She is also one of the witnesses of my growth! She looked at me and babbled; Watching me go to kindergarten in agony; Watching me go to primary school excitedly; Watching me rush to middle school every day and go home slowly. In this way, I can see her every day, and she can see me every day.


On a hot summer day, when I was young, my grandfather would always take out a chair, take out a fan and take me to the bottom of the big banyan tree to enjoy the cool. Of course, not only my grandfather and I but also many people came to enjoy the cool. I saw a group of children jumping up and down the tree, old people fanning under the tree to learn chess skills, and a middle-aged woman sitting on a bench chatting. Look! Suddenly, a woman stood up and talked with great relish, sometimes spitting. Her eyes stared as if her eyes could emit light like a light bulb, and her hands were not idle, either waving up or swinging down. The audience beside her all craned their necks and listened to her story with wide mouths. For a while, there was a happy atmosphere on and under the trees, and everywhere was full of laughter and laughter. The laughter of children, the sound of old people falling down, and the voice of women talking became a whole sound. A gust of wind blew, and the leaves rustled as if they wanted to join us in this party.


A girl lying on the branch asked in surprise, "How old is the tree, Grandpa? How tall it is!" "It's hundreds of years old," Grandpa said. "It was here when I was born." Ben was playing, and the children who were playing stopped. Looking at the face of the old tree, "writing" is full of inconceivability, and then scrambling to surround the tree to observe.


In a twinkling of an eye, the child who used to be beside the banyan tree has grown up. Today, the child stands beside the banyan tree and caresses it gently. All of a sudden, the child stepped out of his childhood footprint. The footprint became larger because of the coverage of the other big foot. The footprints disappear under the old banyan tree, but there is a new trail. I believe that one day the footprints will disappear


Every day when I go out and go home, this big banyan tree is waiting beside me like a family member, watching me leave happily and come back safely. Of course, when I came back, I could also see my footprints under the big banyan tree.

榕树下作文 篇3


My thoughts are in the far south, my attachment is in my hometown, and my memories are under the banyan tree.


Four years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. What is the concept of four years? I have lived here for four years and left my hometown for four years. The fourth day of junior high school is the hardest and most tiring year in the four years of study. Too much study pressure on me makes me often recall the good time when I was a child. The banyan tree in my hometown is the place where my most precious memories are stored. Banyan tree, which is a tree at the door of the house, is an ancient tree, a mysterious tree, and even a tree with many happy childhood owners.


In the summer evening, a group of children like to enjoy the cool under the banyan tree, because they can not only enjoy the cool there, but also listen to Grandma Hao's story. From her, I know that this tree has lived for three or four hundred years, and it is really old! Grandma Hao also told us that there was a demon living in the old banyan tree, who would come out every night, and people standing under the banyan tree would be very upset. Look, there are many roots hanging from the banyan tree. These roots are used to entangle people. If someone plucks the roots of the banyan tree during the day, the spirit will find the right opportunity to retaliate against these troublemakers at night. Therefore, never pull out these roots. When Grandma Hao finished telling the story, her face was very solemn, and her eyes kept flashing, which made me puzzled. The next day after listening to the story, I went to pull out these roots while people were not paying attention. Looking at the roots in my hands, I seemed to be able to think of catching goblins at night. I was very happy and laughed. It's too hard to wait until dark. The weather was very cooperative on that day. There was no moon, no stars and a few small winds. I picked up the flashlight and searched carefully under the banyan tree. After a while, I was very tired. I was dizzy and didn't catch the spirit. I was lost. Sitting under a tree, a gust of wind blew in the sky. Although it was small, it gave me goose bumps. It was a tree spirit! My heart jumped up quickly, and I ran into the room with a scream.


The next morning, when they asked me what had happened, they surprised everyone. I told them the story once, and everyone laughed because Grandma Hao didn't let us damage those roots. It turned out that last night, the wind blew the roots and swayed on my back. In addition, I was too nervous. The monster incident of the big banyan tree has passed. My little partner and I are still playing under the banyan tree, swinging, and pulling our roots. However, there is no spirit.


We also caught old cattle on the tree and fought under the tree. That kind of competition was unique. We put the cattle on the roots of the old banyan tree and let them climb up. The hearts of all the little friends were let to hang by the old cattle. No matter who won, everyone was excited to celebrate him. Cheerful laughter surrounded the tree.


Ah! The mysterious old banyan tree, full of laughter, always tugs at my heart. The banyan tree that haunts me makes me sleepless this night.

榕树下作文 篇4


My thoughts are in the far south, my attachment is in my hometown, and my memories are under the banyan tree.




Four years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. What is the concept of four years? I have lived here for four years and left my hometown for four years. The fourth day of junior high school is the hardest and most tiring year in the four years of study. Too much study pressure on me makes me often recall the good time when I was a child. The banyan tree in my hometown is the place where my most precious memories are stored. Banyan tree, which is a tree at the door of the house, is an ancient tree, a mysterious tree, and even a tree with many happy childhood owners.


In the summer evening, a group of children like to enjoy the cool under the banyan tree, because they can not only enjoy the cool there, but also listen to Grandma Hao's story. From her, I know that this tree has lived for three or four hundred years, and it is really old! Grandma Hao also told us that there was a demon living in the old banyan tree, who would come out every night, and people standing under the banyan tree would be very upset. Look, there are many roots hanging from the banyan tree. These roots are used to entangle people. If someone plucks the roots of the banyan tree during the day, the spirit will find the right opportunity to retaliate against these troublemakers at night. Therefore, never pull out these roots. When Grandma Hao finished telling the story, her face was very solemn, and her eyes kept flashing, which made me puzzled. The next day after listening to the story, I went to pull out these roots while people were not paying attention. Looking at the roots in my hands, I seemed to be able to think of catching goblins at night. I was very happy and laughed. It's too hard to wait until dark. The weather was very cooperative on that day. There was no moon, no stars and a few small winds. I picked up the flashlight and searched carefully under the banyan tree. After a while, I was very tired. I was dizzy and didn't catch the spirit. I was lost. Sitting under a tree, a gust of wind blew in the sky. Although it was small, it gave me goose bumps. It was a tree spirit! My heart jumped up quickly, and I ran into the room with a scream.


The next morning, when they asked me what had happened, they surprised everyone. I told them the story once, and everyone laughed because Grandma Hao didn't let us damage those roots. It turned out that last night, the wind blew the roots and swayed on my back. In addition, I was too nervous. The monster incident of the big banyan tree has passed. My little partner and I are still playing under the banyan tree, swinging, and... pulling our roots, but there is no spirit.


We also caught the "old cow" on the tree and "bullfight" under the tree. That kind of competition scene was unique. We put the cow on the root of the old banyan tree and let them climb up. The hearts of all the children were led by the old cow and hung at the throat. No matter who won, everyone jumped to celebrate him and laughed happily around the tree.


Ah! The mysterious old banyan tree full of laughter always tugs at my heart. The banyan tree that haunts me makes me sleepless this night

榕树下作文 篇5


A light pink flower, slowly falling, quietly stopped at my feet. Looking to the sky, the bright sunshine is coming through the dense green leaves. But there is no happiness in my heart. The best grandpa who played with me is gone. Looking at the banyan tree overhead, the past appears before my eyes.


The weather is still a little cold. The big banyan tree in the yard has just sprouted some tender buds. I looked up at the tall tree and said, "When will the leaves grow?" "Don't worry, they have to experience a lot of wind and rain on their way to grow up, because only in that way can they be strong enough."


When we came back, the weather became hot. Grandfather was sitting on the rocking chair under the banyan tree to cool off, while I was sitting on Grandfather's leg. At this time, it was cool. When the wind blew, a banyan flower fell on his head, and I laughed. Grandfather suddenly said: "These flowers are like dreams. They fly out of the tree's heart. With the protection and blessing of the tree, all wishes will come true." After a while, the wind was strong and the rain fell down, but we were not drenched. The big banyan tree protected us and our dreams just like her flowers.


In the twinkling of an eye, the weather was much cooler and golden all around. The green banyan leaves have also changed into gold. Some of them walked down quietly without making any noise. I unconsciously walked past, only to hear a crisp sound reverberating in my ears, lowering my head, and the ground was already covered with broken golden. "Grandfather, why do they fall? How nice they are in the tree!" "Just like people, they have been tired for a year and want to rest, so they fall down and return to the land where they live." I stood there quietly and watched them fall in the wind. I thought this might be their last farewell to nature!


When late autumn came, there were only a few dry leaves left on the tree. When I went to the tree, my great grandfather followed me from behind. I wanted to go up the tree to see the distance. Although I could climb up by myself, I still looked at my great grandfather, "Grandfather, help me up!" But he shook his head and said, "No, you can't always ask for help. You have to face some difficulties yourself. Only by your own efforts can you achieve something. It's the best."


Several banyan flowers floated down, pressed against my cheek and landed at my feet, awakening the lonely me in memory. I looked up at the big banyan tree. It still protected the flowers like an umbrella, but the great grandpa who loved me and loved me was gone. Every time I see the big banyan tree, I will think of you. In my heart, you have never left. You are still caring for me and guarding me like the big banyan tree. Grandfather, don't worry. When I grow up, I will work hard and won't let you down.