
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:32 | 来源:语文通



小猫历险记童话作文 篇1小猫历险记童话作文 篇2小猫历险记童话作文 篇3小猫历险记童话作文 篇4小猫历险记童话作文 篇5小猫历险记童话作文 篇6小猫历险记童话作文 篇7

小猫历险记童话作文 篇1


After the Badao City, the kitten came to the kitten city, where the kitten was as big as a mouse. Among those cats, Mimi is a big man. At that time, it was already late, and Mimi was going to stay here.


He walked on and on, and the hotels he saw were almost as wide as his feet, and they were all shabby. Many animals are too big to live in. It came to the palace of this country, where the king was as big as Mimi. Mimi asked the king, "Dear king, why are your subjects so small?" The king said, "I used magic to make them smaller. But if I want to change them back, I must dig out my heart."


Mimi said to the king, "Let's fight!" The king smiled and said, "How dare you duel with me? A hundred years earlier?" Mimi said, "Tomorrow morning we will fight on the grassland." Then Mimi left.


The next morning, they came on time. Mimi doesn't take anything, but hides darts. The king practiced karate, so he took nothing.


The fight started. The king hit Mimi with a fist, but Mimi didn't escape. Mimi took out a dart and threw it at the king. The king flashed, and half of his clothes were cut. The king kicked him and Mimi dodged. Mimi immediately shot at the king with a dart. The king had no time to dodge and was shot in the heart. Mimi dug out the king's heart and threw it into the air. At this time, all the "mice" were as tall as Mimi, and everyone was very happy. Mimi was even more happy because it saved the subjects of Little Cat Country.


Then Mimi continued to set out for the Demon City.

小猫历险记童话作文 篇2


In a beautiful forest, there lived a cat. Now it is the security police of the big forest. Maybe you will ask: "How could a weak cat become a policeman?"


Everyone wondered: how can this kitten protect others when it looks so weak and needs to be protected? Until one day something happened that completely changed people's views.


That day, the kitten went to deliver a letter to Village Head Yang. When she came to the door of Village Head Yang's house, she found that the door was open and the room was empty. The kitten faintly heard a cry for help from the basement. The kitten crept past and found that Village Head Yang was tied to a chair in a big way. The tiger was forcing Village Head Yang to give way to him. The kitten thought: Let the tiger be the village head? Then don't we all have to become the food in the tiger's belly? I can't let this happen! The kitten had a brainwave and immediately returned to the house to get two things.


The kitten returned to the basement, lay on the ground, picked up a stone, threw it at the tiger, and hit the tiger in the face. Suddenly, the tiger was attacked and cried "ah". The kitten opened the door and laughed on purpose. When the tiger saw it, he shouted: "Stinky kitten, you are bad for me. You can see it!" The kitten did not show weakness, but replied, "Hum, I don't know who is doing the wrong!" Just after the words, the tiger rushed over, and the kitten dodged, leaving the tiger empty.


Where the kitten goes, the tiger will follow it. The cat jumped onto the beam at once, but the tiger could not climb up, so he had to raise his head below and glared at the cat. The kitten took the opportunity to take out the first magic weapon - a bag of washing powder, and saw it sprinkle all the washing powder into the tiger's eyes. All of a sudden, the tiger's eyes seemed to be burned, painful and itchy. The tiger shook and bumped around in pain, rolling all over the ground


The kitten took the opportunity to jump to Village Head Yang and took out the second magic weapon - a sharp knife. The kitten quickly cut the rope with the knife and saved Village Head Yang.


The village head of Yang reported to the police, and the white dog led everyone to drive the injured tiger out of the village. When everyone knew the ins and outs of this incident, they gave the kitten a thumbs up.


The White Dog Sheriff said, "Kitten, you have a brave heart and a wise mind. I want you to be a police officer in the forest."


"Really? I'm so honored! Thank you, Sheriff White Dog!" The kitten said and saluted the police chief with a standard military salute. The small partners around immediately burst into warm applause.


Since then, the friends in the forest have lived a peaceful and beautiful life

小猫历险记童话作文 篇3


Mother cat has something to go out today, and the kittens promised. Because the kittens will do whatever they want as soon as their mother leaves.


Mother cat is gone. Brother Cat made his own proposal to go outside, and his brothers meowed. Some said, "If you go, I will tell my mother." Some said, "Bad brother, bad brother." Others said, "OK, OK, let's go together!"


Those kittens who agreed to go out for a break followed their brother to the street. There are so many people on the street! The kittens are walking. Suddenly, a dog ran over and barked at them. The kittens hid in the garbage. The garbage dump smelled so bad that the kittens couldn't stand it and ran out. Brother Cat said, "Love, the outside world is really dangerous. Let's go home!"


The kittens came home with a bad smell, and saw their mother holding a PB machine and mobile phone on the phone! The mother cat saw the kittens coming back and said, "Why are you stinking?"


The kittens took a bath and slept in their mother's arms, thinking, "I want to grow up quickly so that I can have a wonderful world!"

小猫历险记童话作文 篇4


Once upon a time, there was a little cat. It lived a happy and happy life in the cave with its parents.


But one day, there was a sudden flood on the mountain, and the flood washed away its parents. The kitten saved her life by holding a sturdy pine tree. Since then, it has become an orphan. The little cat is very sad. It misses its relatives all the time.

爸爸妈妈去世的第三天下午,小猫已 www.d8qu.com 经饿到了极点,它决定去河边找鱼吃。它来到河边趴在地上目不转睛的盯着河里游来游去的小鱼,小猫开始高兴地手舞足蹈。一不小心,“扑嗵”一声掉到了河里。它一边用手用力地拍打水面,一边大喊:“救命啊,救命啊!”正在玩耍的鹅姐姐听到了,赶紧游过去,把小猫咪托到了背上。当时小猫咪已经昏迷了,鹅姐姐用翅膀轻轻地拍了拍她的肚子,水像喷泉一样从小猫的嘴巴中喷了出来。

On the afternoon of the third day after Mom and Dad passed away, the kitten was already WWW.D8QU COM was so hungry that it decided to go to the river to find fish to eat. It came to the river and lay on the ground staring at the fish swimming in the river. The cat began to dance happily. Accidentally, he fell into the river with a thud. It slapped the water with its hands and shouted, "Help! Help!" Sister Goose, who was playing, heard this and quickly swam over to hold the kitten on her back. At that time, the little cat was unconscious. Sister Goose gently patted her stomach with her wings, and water came out of the cat's mouth like a fountain.


After a while, Kitty woke up. Sister Goose said happily, "You finally wake up." The little cat said gratefully, "Thank you, Sister Goose." Sister Goose said gently; "It doesn't matter." Sister Goose and the kitten became good friends and they danced happily.


Finally, Sister Goose sent the kitten to the orphanage. From then on, the little cat lived a happy life again.

小猫历险记童话作文 篇5


A long time ago, there was a little cat. He had a precious ring. This ring was a birthday gift for Grandma. But when I think of Grandma's house, I have to go through the ghost forest and through the scary dark wilderness. Let me tell you how kittens overcome fear!


The kitten has a ring in its pocket. He had just come to the Ghost Forest when he heard the sound of "tick", and the kitten took out the ring because the ring gave off light. So the little cat saw an old watch, and he was not so scared. The kitten thought to herself that it was just a watch. But when the kitten put the ring into his pocket, there was a "tick" again. The kitten knows that this is a "watch monster", and the kitten has conquered it with all his strength.


Then the kitten walked into the dark wilderness. In the wilderness, the kitten heard the sound of "rustling". Once the kitten took out the ring, there was no sound of rustling. After putting the ring in her pocket, the kitten heard the sound of "rustling" again. The kitten looked back and saw a blackboard. A piece of chalk was writing on the blackboard itself. It said, "Hello, kitten!" The kitten was so scared that she asked, "Why do you talk?" "Because I am a good spirit!" "Then can you be my spirit?" The genie said, "Yes, I can still be your servant."


He finally arrived at Grandma's house and gave her the ring.

小猫历险记童话作文 篇6


I am a kitten. My mother gave birth to a group of kittens. I am also one of them. The owner sent me to a home called Xiaoming.


Xiaoming's mother said that there were mice at home, because I was lazy and didn't want to catch them, so Xiaoming's mother said she would send me away. However, Xiaoming was very reluctant to part with me and didn't want to send me away. Finally, Xiaoming's mother sent me away. Xiaoming found me and helped me build a house with everything in it. From then on, I lived a carefree life. Soon after, Xiaoming's mother found out, Xiao Ming had to take me to the countryside to find his friends. Xiao Ming and I embarked on a journey back home.


Finally, the two of us arrived in the countryside. As soon as we entered the village gate, there was a pond. There were many fish in the pond. As soon as I jumped into the water, two or three fish were caught by me. Xiao Ming and I also had a good meal.


After eating, I started to go on the road. Xiao Ming carried me proudly on the road. We came to Xiaoming's friend's house. He was talking with his friend. I took advantage of this moment to go out and play for a while. I ran to the mountain. At the beginning of the evening, I got lost. I walked to a small river, where I lived. When I was hungry, I caught fish in the river. After living for more than a month, I was tired of small fish and was ready to go. Later, I walked on and came to a big tree. I looked at the tree and thought of a good way. I could see the way home when I climbed to the top of the tree? Later, I settled down there again. My kung fu did not disappoint those who wanted to. I finally saw the way home. Finally, I returned to Xiaoming's home, where we lived happily together.

小猫历险记童话作文 篇7


Hello, everyone. My name is Mimi. I'm an aristocratic cat. I used to be lazy. My little master doesn't want me anymore. When I went to the forest, I became a hard-working cat. Do you want to listen to me? If you want to listen to me, you can continue to listen.


When I was in a pet shop, I was lazy in the sun and lived a carefree life. Until a little girl bought me home, she was very kind to me. She gave me high-grade dried fish, and slept with high-grade goose feather quilts and pillows. The house was built into a golden house. However, because I was so greedy, I ate all my master's meals. So the master threw me in a trash can. I saw a piece of deteriorated beef. When I was about to snatch the beef, a dog came and told me to get out of the way. The beef belonged to him. So I was a hero and ran away. I ran and ran. I ran into the forest. It was late at that time. I couldn't run any more. Then I saw a squirrel. It said its name was Xiaofei. It kindly helped me into a hole in the tree. I ate three pine nuts and two walnuts, which was the least food I had ever eaten in my life. The next day, I got up early to go fishing. Finally, I did well. I caught three big fish. I roasted them and called Xiaofei to cook the meat. We finished the three big fish after three times, five times and two times. I also knew elephants and hippos in the forest


I also know that hard work will have good results, so I changed my name to Diligent Cat.