The Spring Festival is a happy and happy holiday for everyone. The family is reunited, visiting relatives and friends, playing and drinking, gongs and drums, and firecrackers.And this year's Spring Festival, the feeling of people is distracted.Everything came so suddenly, a new coronary virus was found in Wuhan, Hubei Province, a new coronary virus.It followed that the virus grew crazy every day, so a war without smoke started.
The duties of soldiers are to protect the country and the people. During the outbreak of the epidemic, they were the people who rushed in the front.During the anti -epidemic, there are more moving events.Li Xiaojing was the head nurse of the army hospital. After the outbreak of the epidemic, he wrote a war book, and even without waiting for the army to reply, he supported Wuhan with 50 "Ladies Army" nursing team.She did it.On the evening of January 27, the army was shipped urgently, and the 1.5 billion sets of protective clothing was sent to Wuhan. In just more than 20 minutes, the officers and soldiers completed the loading and inverted transport. From the moment of the "battlefield"The day and night contributed to the motherland, showing the work efficiency of Chinese soldiers.
Save death is the responsibility of the angel in white.Some of them sleep only for three or four hours a day. In order to improve the efficiency of work, some people have not drank a drop of water for 12 hours, and some people even use urine.Some people think that the hair is too long, and it is not easy to wear a protective clothing, so they shave their hair, and finally have long hair to the waist. From the photos they take, they can see the reluctance in their eyes.Academician Zhong Nanshan, who was over 80 years old, also went to the front line to defeat the new coronary virus with the young white angels.
Stars and social people have donated money.Han Hong used 11.5 million yuan to prioritize medical supplies and donated 3 million yuan to Wuhan Red Cross.Cecilia Cheung, a single mother who raised three children, also donated 200,000 yuan.Kuaishou anchor Sinbon donated 150 million yuan.
The thing that moved me the most was that on January 31, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with relevant departments and relevant embassies and consulates, urgently coordinated and sent three secondary charter aircraft to receive them from Bangkok, Thailand, Sabah, Malaysia, and Tokyo, Japan respectively.A total of 310 Hubei compatriots who stayed overseas.Although China cannot send you to some countries, at a critical moment, it can pick you up from any country and like China!
I believe that with our efforts, we will be able to win this smokeless war.
Come on, China!
Come on, Wuhan!
Come on, angel in white!
In 2020, it is destined to be an unusual year.In the Spring Festival of the New Year of the Gengzi, a new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan and quickly spread to all parts of the country.To this end, I watched a video — "Tribute to the Most Beautiful Rebellion in China".
The theme of the video of "The Most Beautiful Rebellion in China" is "approach heroes and pay tribute to heroes."In the face of this fearful epidemic, countless people are running away and avoiding, but a small group of people choose to go up against the current, rush to the front line to protect everyone, fight against the illness, run with time, run from the god of death, from the god of deathLicked people, because of one sentence: "The motherland needs me!"
Seventeen years ago, it was him! Seventeen years later, or him! It was him, suggesting that we "do not go to Wuhan", but I threw the retirement life of "Picking the Chrysanthemum under the East Restaurant and seeing Nanshan".At the age of 84, he went to Wuhan without hesitation.It was him. When he fought SARS in 2003, he achieved his work and saved the lives of countless people.In November 2002, the first SARS case appeared in Guangdong Province, and then this terrible disease began to spread wildly across the country.In the early days of SARS, many experts misjudged SARS. At that time, some authoritatives claimed that SARS's disease source could basically be determined as chlamydia. It is recommended to use antibiotics.If you continue to follow this plan, SARS will also take away more people's lives.Fortunately, he resisted the pressure of all parties and tapped the truth with knowledge.He, Academician Zhong Nanshan, and the life and death of Gou Lili, how can he avoid it with trouble and blessing.
It is her, calling to the Chinese people as fastest to prevent the prevention measures of masks and disinfection with alcohol; she is called "Holy Holy Sword" and "Iron Man".Several places to treat patients' records; she was the core of fighting SARS 17 years ago, and then experienced viruses such as Ebola's hemorrhage fever and avian influenza.Seventeen years later, she did not choose a stable life, but continued to appear on the front line of the blocking war against the new crown pneumonia.State -owned difficulties, you must return to the call, and you will win! Please remember this shiny name -Li Lanjuan!
Academician Zhong Nanshan and Academician Li Lanjuan are the beams of the country and the pride of the Chinese people!
Although the video is short, I can see it.Looking at their dazzling white jersey, I couldn't help shouting: "If there is an angel in the world, it must be like you. You, you are the real hero!"Responsible, firm belief, charge in front of! Who is not born to parents? Who is the body of flesh and blood? Who is not a parent's child or the parent of the child? How can there be any natural hero in this world, but it is just because someone needs it.Someone is willing to sacrifice to become a hero! How many years are quiet, but some people go forward for you! Now, they come to protect us. When they grow up, it is our turn to protect them.Therefore, we must study hard and go up every day. When we grow up, we will return to the motherland!
This is my appearance.
1、中国:中国读音为zhōng guó,是指①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区中国 zhōng guó词典解释:①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区,后来华夏族,汉族活动范围扩大,黄河中下游一带,也被称为“中国”。《晋书.宣帝纪》:“孟达于是连吴固蜀,潜图中国。”(“中国”指立国于黄河中下游的魏国),甚至把所统辖的地区,包括不属于黄河流域的地方, 也全部称为“中国”。《史书.天官书》:“其后秦遂以兵灭六国,并中国。”19世纪中叶以来,“中国”始专指我国家全部领土,不作他用。 ②“中华人民共和国”的简称。 ③中国(Madhya-desa)。古地名。即恒河中下游一带的中印度,佛教徒译称“中国”。见《法显传》。[China] 古代华夏族建国于黄河流域一带,以为居天下之中,故称中国。后成为我国的专称。全称中华人民共和国。面积9600000平方公里,人口12亿(1994),首都北京中国应当对人类有较大的贡献分词解释:佛教:世界上主要宗教之一,相传为公元前六至五世纪古印度的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔 境内)王子释迦牟尼所创,广泛流传于亚洲的许多国家。西汉末年传入我国。帝王:①君主制国家的最高统治者。②帝和王。即君主国的最高统治者和最高封爵:帝王将相。...中国怎么造句,用中国造句»
2、致敬:致敬读音为zhì jìng,是指1.表示恭敬;表达敬意。 2.犹致祭。祭必诚敬﹐故称。 3.极尽诚敬之心;极其恭敬。 4.犹致礼。向人施礼。致敬 zhì jìng词语解释:1.表示恭敬;表达敬意。 2.犹致祭。祭必诚敬﹐故称。 3.极尽诚敬之心;极其恭敬。 4.犹致礼。向人施礼。(1) [salute]∶向人敬礼举剑致敬(2) [pay one’s respects to]∶表示敬意有各种致敬方式,如信奉佛教的人用合十作为致敬的方式,有的人则用相互拥抱的方式分词解释:极其:副词,非常;极端:劳动是极其光荣的事情 ㄧ受到了极其深刻的教育。敬意:尊敬的心意:他让我转达对你的敬意。表达:表示(思想、感情):感激之情,难以表达ㄧ提高学生的口头表达能力。施礼:做行礼的动作,多用于古代的行礼形式:我这厢施礼了|老先生施礼为何?...致敬怎么造句,用致敬造句»
3、行者:行者读音为xíng zhě,是指①行路的人:行者拥挤。②没有正式出家而在寺庙服役的信徒:行者武松。行者 xíng zhě词语解释:①行路的人:行者拥挤。②没有正式出家而在寺庙服役的信徒:行者武松。分词解释:寺庙:1.佛寺的通称。 2.指其他宗教教徒礼拜﹑讲经的处所。拥挤:人物或车船等密集﹐挤在一起。正式:1.法式。 2.合乎一般公认标准的或合乎一定手续的。服役:①服兵役:他在部队服役多年。②旧时指服劳役。出家:离家到寺庙或庵堂里为僧尼。...行者怎么造句,用行者造句»
4、逆行:逆行读音为nì xíng,是指1.倒行;不按正常方向行进。 2.指逆流而行。 3.背君而行。 朝着与规定方向相反的方向行进 高速逆行怎能不出车祸?逆行 nì xíng词语解释:1.倒行;不按正常方向行进。 2.指逆流而行。 3.背君而行。[(of vehicles)go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations] 朝着与规定方向相反的方向行进 高速逆行怎能不出车祸?分词解释:正常:符合一般规律和情况。倒行:1.走回头路。 2.做事违反常规或违背情理。方向:①指东、南、西、北等:在山里迷失了方向。②正对的位置;前进的目标:军队朝渡口的方向行进。行进:向前行走(多用于队伍)。...逆行的反义词,逆行的反义词是什么»
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