
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:33 | 来源:语文通


初中数学组教研组计划 篇1初中数学组教研组计划 篇2初中数学组教研组计划 篇3

初中数学组教研组计划 篇1


1、 Guiding ideology:


The work of the junior middle school mathematics teaching and research group in this semester takes the curriculum reform experiment as the main line, the new curriculum standard as the guide, the teaching method exploration as the main line, the construction of "independent learning" classroom teaching mode as the theme, the improvement of team quality, classroom efficiency and teaching quality as the purpose, and the improvement of the excellence and qualification rate of junior middle school mathematics teaching as the teaching focus, earnestly do a good job in teaching research, solidly and effectively carry out teaching and research activities, and promote teachers Students develop together. Strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. Summarize the experience, give play to the advantages, improve the shortcomings, gather the working force and creativity of the whole group of teachers, and strive to make the mathematics teaching and research group glow with new vitality and vitality on the basis of vigor, innovation and unity. Therefore, the work plan of the teaching and research group for this semester is formulated based on the actual situation of this group.


2、 Main work of this semester:


(1) Carefully study the new curriculum standards and improve teachers' quality:


1. According to the unified deployment of the Academic Affairs Office, at the beginning of the semester, the teachers of this group were organized to seriously study the new curriculum standard of mathematics teaching. Organize discipline teachers to seriously discuss the new textbooks and use the learning results to guide teaching.


2. At the same time of theoretical learning, adhere to professional learning, organize the whole group of teachers to discuss teaching materials and teaching methods according to the characteristics of the teaching materials, exchange experiences and learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, and jointly improve.


(2) Strengthen the regular management of the teaching and research group:


1. Conduct reflection once a month, write uniformly, and submit it to the teaching and research team leader at the end of the month.


2. Actively participate in lectures, make records and analysis, and students should attend lectures at least 16 times per semester, with neat handwriting, detailed process records, analysis, evaluation and timely delivery.


3. Actively participate in learning, take notes, read a good book, complete learning notes of no less than 2500 words, and actively participate in training at all levels. The training notes shall be no less than 2500 words, and the writing shall be clear and neat.


(3) Improve the quality of teaching and research and practically carry out school-based teaching and research:


Take the teaching and research group as the unit, effectively organize the regular teaching and research, theoretical learning, speaking, speaking and evaluation, and strengthen the research on the regular teaching. Adhere to the teaching and research of preparing lessons once every two weeks, focusing on the research of teaching materials, teaching methods, lesson preparation, practice, examination and evaluation. According to the requirements of the school, every teaching and research meeting shall be recorded to save data for inspection. Advocate to listen to each other, learn from each other and help each other. To achieve the goal of bringing the old with the new, bringing the new with energy and improving together. According to the requirements of the school, the number of class sessions should be carefully reviewed after the class, and reflection should be made on the use of teaching design, teaching methods, teaching means, and the infiltration of teaching ideas.


(4) Carry out research:


Continuously educate students on correct learning attitude and scientific learning methods. The quality of learning attitude is related to whether we are active and hardworking in learning. We should change "I want to learn" to "I want to learn". The quality of learning methods is related to the effectiveness of learning. Teachers should not only teach students methods, but also guide students to summarize and accumulate methods. The foothold should be placed in letting students learn to "think independently" and "learn to explore". Attention should be paid to the cultivation of students' mathematical quality. In the direction of teaching reform, teaching research and teaching reform are mainly carried out to improve students' mathematical literacy and exam oriented ability. The focus is to put students on the right track as soon as possible, and at the same time, experiments are carried out to cultivate students' self-learning ability. Take cultivating excellent students and reducing backward students as the breakthrough of teaching reform, stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning with encouragement, ignite the spark of students' wisdom with appreciation, and encourage teachers to establish their own teaching reform topics according to the characteristics of their students and teaching practice.


(5) Continue to carry out the second classroom activity of complementing excellence and making up difference:


We will continue to provide guidance to advanced students and students with learning difficulties. In short, our teaching and research group should conduct more cooperation and exchanges to give full play to the overall effectiveness. Teachers should establish a positive and mutually beneficial partnership, strengthen participation and cooperation in teaching activities, share teaching resources, and form a joint force of teaching and research, so as to improve the overall teaching level of the teaching and research group as soon as possible.

初中数学组教研组计划 篇2


The mathematics teaching and research work in this semester, centering on the curriculum reform experiment as the main line, has implemented the teaching mode of "teacher led, student centered, and training oriented" in the group. Focusing on improving the quality of geography teaching, and taking the creation of advanced teaching and research groups and lesson preparation groups as the driving force, it has earnestly done a good job in teaching research, lesson preparation group construction, teaching guidance and teaching services, effectively carried out teaching and research activities, and promoted the common development of teachers and students.


Main working ideas:


1. Strengthen the implementation of teaching routines and implement the "three main" classroom teaching mode to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.


The "three main" classroom teaching mode is the major action of our school this year, which is of great benefit to our students. To guide teachers in their daily teaching work. We should pay special attention to the construction of the lesson preparation group, actively and effectively carry out collective lesson preparation, and encourage teachers to give full play to their own teaching expertise to effectively improve teaching efficiency.


2. Implement the collective lesson preparation work of the lesson preparation group.


The team leader of lesson preparation shall be appointed, and the main and standby personnel shall be appointed. The non main and standby personnel shall participate in lesson preparation activities and discuss with the main and standby personnel. For the lesson preparation group using the lecture notes, the requirements of the lecture notes shall be strictly implemented to ensure that the work is carried out effectively.


3. Do a good job in various competitions.


We should attach importance to the competition activities of key teachers and high-quality courses, and try to achieve good results through trial teaching in the group.


4. Strengthen the study of teaching and scientific research theory, and improve their own teaching theory and practice level.


We should strengthen the standardization of teaching and research work and strive to create advanced teaching and research groups. Since there are more new teachers and less teaching theories and experience, we should often organize teachers to learn new teaching theories. Explore the school-based teaching and research system, so that the new school teacher Li Hu can adapt to and be competent for his work as soon as possible, and the education level and ability of young teachers have been greatly improved, so that young and middle-aged teachers can truly become the backbone of teaching.


Specific measures:


1. Take classroom teaching as the core, and strive to improve the quality of lecture notes.


Before class, teachers should carefully study textbooks, get to know students, carefully design lecture notes and other links, give full play to the collective role of the discipline, strengthen collective lesson preparation, learn from each other, cooperate in a friendly way, and do not engage in topic sea battles. It is recommended to prepare lessons after class, and the lecture notes can reflect your own ideas.


2. Organize teachers to study collectively in special time and watch the teaching classroom record.


Organize teachers to learn educational theories, improve teachers' theoretical accomplishment and professional quality, and speed up the construction of teachers. The teaching and research group uses the time of teaching and research activities to learn. It organizes various learning methods, conducts individual self-study, and learns at any time, anywhere, and memorizes learning experience to guide teaching with new ideas.


3. Actively explore the classroom teaching mode to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.


This semester's mathematics teaching focuses on the teaching of lecture notes, requiring students to fully preview before class, cooperate with groups in class to explore, cultivate interest, face all, and actively participate. Make students the real masters of teaching activities. At the same time, teachers should change their teaching methods so that they can become guides to students in the classroom rather than indoctrinators of knowledge.


4. Implement various teaching and research activities in a planned way.


The mathematics group will carry out open classroom teaching in this semester. School leaders and teachers of this group can listen to the class at any time without notice. Encourage teachers to listen to each other and learn from each other. There should be no less than 15 lectures each semester. The school organizes the class competition to select the contestants by the lesson preparation group, and makes classroom records for teachers to discuss, so that teachers can actually experience the success and shortcomings in the activity process, and clear the direction of efforts. At the end of the semester, the school will select the excellent teaching and research group and lesson preparation group.

初中数学组教研组计划 篇3


1、 Guiding ideology:


According to the overall work arrangement of the school, with curriculum reform as the focus, classroom teaching as the starting point, based on the main position of classroom teaching, give the initiative of the classroom to students, and change the traditional mode of "teaching before learning" to "learning before teaching". Adhere to the all-round development of all students, pay attention to the cultivation of students' innovation spirit, practical ability and positive emotion, and effectively improve the teaching quality. Actively organize school-based teaching and research, deeply carry out teaching and research activities, realize the integration of research and training, create diversified development, pursue characteristics, and strive to form a teaching and research atmosphere of cooperation and progress.


2、 Target task:


(1) Take lifelong learning as the goal to improve teachers' professional quality.


1. Carefully organize the teachers of this group to study the mathematics curriculum standards of primary and secondary schools, correct teaching ideas, define the training objectives, carry out education and teaching according to the laws of education and teaching, combine the requirements of curriculum reform, and formulate a practical teaching plan according to the actual situation of the school, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, and comprehensively promote quality education.


2. On the basis of learning, we will organize discussions and exchanges to promote the unity of education and teaching understanding and the transformation of ideas, form advanced teaching ideas, and effectively reform classroom teaching, so as to truly improve teachers' teaching theory level, professional level, and teachers' quality. Strictly implement the requirements of education and teaching safety responsibility system to ensure teaching safety. The teaching safety education shall be carried out for all teachers through the teaching and research group meeting. It is strictly forbidden to physically punish students, prevent students from entering the classroom or drive them out of the classroom.


3. Take the "teachers' self-improvement" activity as the carrier, "recharge" in time, read monographs, turn over teaching magazines, make reading notes, browse the teaching resource library, etc., to comprehensively improve their own cultural taste and professional quality.


(2) Focusing on the construction of teaching and research groups, improve the overall quality of teachers.


1. Strengthen the teaching and research activities once every two weeks. In combination with the construction of the subject to be studied and the resource pool, each young teacher will open an open class for teaching discussion. Each teacher is required to first speak in the lesson preparation group when opening the teaching and research class, and the leader of the lesson preparation group will make a record. The teaching and research group and the lesson preparation group should point out the shortcomings during the discussion, sincerely help to correct them, and make comments on the bright spots and shortcomings in the classroom teaching, Discuss in the lesson preparation group to attract the attention of all the members of the lesson preparation group, brainstorm, improve the teaching quality of teachers, and try to prepare and think more before presenting to students. After the review and discussion, we should reflect on the classroom teaching in a timely manner and make good reflection notes, so as to further improve our teaching and research ability.


2. The key to classroom teaching is to prepare for each lesson. Therefore, based on the individual lesson preparation of the lesson preparation group, we should strengthen the collective lesson preparation guidance of the lesson preparation group, study textbooks, work together, mobilize the collective power, carry out the activities of the lesson preparation group and the teaching and research group at a specific time, place, plan and content, and share resources. Especially for some difficult classes, we should make personal assumptions a few days in advance before communicating within the group, and often analyze the teaching situation of the three grades and the learning quality of students, In order to adjust teaching methods and learning methods in time, pay attention to cultivating students' good psychological quality and learning methods, mathematical thinking, and mathematical spirit in classroom teaching, and make a good record of teaching experience.


3. Carry out school-based teaching and research activities, encourage teachers to actively participate in teaching reform, propose teaching and research topics from the reform, and explore diversified teaching methods and models; Advocate a teaching and research atmosphere that emphasizes discussion, practice, reflection and cooperation, and be good at summarizing and promoting the teaching experience of excellent teachers. To enhance the vitality of teaching and research work, and enhance the ability of discipline teaching and research to actively adapt to the implementation of the curriculum, we should take "professional guidance", "peer assistance", "self reflection" as the starting point, and start with lesson preparation, class, homework, guidance, evaluation and other links, to effectively improve teaching, improve teaching efficiency and quality, cultivate students' interest in learning and learning ability, and effectively reduce burden and increase efficiency. The activities focused on are practical, operable and effective, which can guide the teachers of this group to walk in the forefront of teaching reform and promote the self training function of the teaching and research group.


(3) Take the teaching routine as the starting point to improve the teaching quality.


1. Strengthen collective discussion, strictly implement the teaching plan formulated at the beginning of the semester that is adjusted at the right time, "unify the progress, homework and test", and timely make quality analysis. Teachers' lesson preparation should be unified and standardized in the lesson preparation group and the teaching and research group, show and browse the excellent lesson preparation, and point out their own shortcomings.


2. Strive to develop and build a "mathematics teaching resource library", create high-quality classroom teaching, and realize network resource sharing


3. Carry out classroom teaching under the network environment and give play to the interaction of network information.


(4) Monthly work arrangement of the current teaching and research group


February to early March:


1. All teachers formulate teaching plans, teaching schedules, and write teaching and research plans.


2. Textbook discussion and analysis.


3. The study of the new curriculum standard.




1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.


2. Listening and evaluation activities.


3. Seminar.


4. Teachers prepare lessons for communication and check students' homework.




1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.


2. Interim testing.


3. Quality analysis of mid-term examination.


4. Teachers prepare lessons and students check homework.




1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.

1. Prepare lessons and discuss together.


2. Instruct students to write math diaries and papers.


3. Mathematical activity demonstration class.


4. Teachers listen to each other.


5. Check the teacher's lesson preparation and students' homework.




1. Teachers prepare teaching summaries, papers and cases.


2. Final exam.


3. Work summary of the teaching and research group.