
时间:2022-09-29 13:18:18 | 来源:语文通



中秋节作文 篇1中秋节作文 篇2中秋节作文 篇3中秋节作文 篇4中秋节作文 篇5中秋节作文 篇6中秋节作文 篇7中秋节作文 篇8

中秋节作文 篇1


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival on August 15th.I'm very happy.My father said to his mother early in the morning, "Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!" Hearing it."Mom laughed, I seemed to see my mother so happy for the first time.


After having breakfast, breakfast is very rich, but I ca n’t eat it, I ca n’t wait to go to Swan Lake to enjoy the moon.Because the Mid -Autumn Festival moon is the largest, the most round, and the brightest.


Finally, at night, Mom and Dad and I drove to the bank of Swan Lake.There are continuous beautiful music around the lake, and the orange lights surround the swan lake like a long dragon, with a cool wind blowing on the lake.


Suddenly all the lights by the lake went out, and everyone thought it was out of power.At this moment, the lake suddenly lit colorful lights.Yellow, purple, red, blue, green.Change the color like magic, the lights are getting shorter and shorter, and entanglement in the air seems to become an air pyramid.The words "five light and ten colors", "colorful", and "colorful" suddenly stood out from my mouth.


After a while, the lights were destroyed, and the big and round and bright moon hung in the air like a silver disk.Looking down, there was a round moon in the water.A gust of wind blew, the moon became several, and smiled like flowers.At this time, a red lantern was opened in the sky and slowly flew towards the sky.I yelled in scared."Mom, look at it, UFO!".Mom smiled and said, "Oh, that's a magical strong light."


what!Swan Lake Mid -Autumn Festival Mid -Autumn Festival is so beautiful!If it is a child in the Sichuan earthquake -stricken area, how good children can be with their parents and parents!Isn't this the best painting of "the moon at the sea, the world at this time"?


Today, this Mid -Autumn Festival is really happy!

中秋节作文 篇2


Unknowingly reached the traditional festival in our country -Mid -Autumn Festival.On this day, people want to eat moon cakes and osmanthus cakes, family members must reunite and enjoy the moon ...


In the morning, my father and mother went to the grandparents' house for the holiday.As soon as the door opens the door, the fragrance of osmanthus comes.I hurried to the backyard. As soon as I got to the backyard, I saw that osmanthus fell. It turned out that Grandpa was shaking osmanthus, and grandma picked up osmanthus under the tree.The naughty wind also helped grandma pick up osmanthus. It blows the osmanthus flowers everywhere, making us full of osmanthus.The osmanthus flowers shake off, pick off the branches and leaflets, clean it with a sieve net, and dry the water to make osmanthus cake.Grandpa poured a bag of rice noodles into the bowl, added water to the same time, and then poured the dried osmanthus into the rice noodle paste, steamed it in the pan, and the delicious osmanthus cake was out of the pot.


The night fell, the night was getting stronger, and a golden light appeared in the east. I thought it was a "fire burning cloud".Dad moved a table, put on the fragrant osmanthus cake and moon cake, and the family said around the table.I took a look, and a "golden table tennis" came out in the previous "burning cloud", which turned out to be the moon.I ate the moon cake and watched the moon rise slowly. After a while, the moon became big and round.Looking at the bright moon in the night sky, I couldn't help thinking of the poem written by the big poet Li Bai: "I don't know the moon in the hour, call it as a white jade plate. I also suspect that the Yao Terrace Mirror is in the Qingyun." We rewarded the moon for nearly an hour,Grandma said, "It's not too early, we should go home to rest." Under the bright moonlight, we packed back the house.


Nung, moon and new moon."In this beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a full moon and happy family.

中秋节作文 篇3


Autumn came unconsciously.The autumn wind blows, blows, blows the corn to change a bunch of golden clothes, blows soybeans and breaks the belly, and the red and bright apples are also anxious to cut off the green leaves and look out.Since ancient times, there has been a custom of Mid -Autumn Festival. During the Taizong period of the Northern Song Dynasty, August 15th of the lunar calendar was the Mid -Autumn Festival, which is September to October.Since then, the customs of sacrificing moon, worshiping the moon, watching the moon, and eating moon cakes have gradually been formed.


In modern times, the Mid -Autumn Festival night, be sure to eat moon cakes, and use the full moon cake to symbolize reunion.While eating moon cakes and fruits, the moon is enjoying the moon ... The ancients said well: "The moon is born on the moon, and the world at this time" has passed the Mid -Autumn Festival since ancient times.He was very busy at work, so he couldn't return home in the Mid -Autumn Festival, but it was happy that my dad and I could also see each other in the computer and talk and chat with each other.But I still regret that Dad has never spent this Mid -Autumn Festival by my side.


At night, we prepared a lot of delicious food: ruby -like pomegranates; large grapes with purple and black; there are crystal apples with yellow in red; there are fragrant pears;The moon cakes are really good. I was so excited that I was almost unable to describe it in words. When I was still enjoying the food, I heard my mother shouting me from the balcony: "Yingying, look at it! Today's moon can be available!True Yuan! "I was a little doubtful, I ran to the balcony, at a glance, ah!The good moon, who knows that it is like people, rushing back from far away to reunite, adding interest to people!People often say: "The moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival is clear." This is very reasonable.


Look!It is so cute and so interesting, just like a silver jade plate reflecting a white light ... Ah!What a long history of Mid -Autumn Festival!Mid -Autumn Festival, how many people do you miss your loved ones!

中秋节作文 篇4


August 15th is the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival.On this day, my parents and I returned to my grandmother's house.


After dinner, grandma held a grass mat and paved on the ground floor in the yard.She put on a moon cake fruit drink, and then asked me to move a few small stools.Everything was ready, and I immediately ran over excitedly, asking my friends to enjoy the moon.


When the moon was empty, there was no cloud. The stars may not be better than the moon. They closed their eyes shyly. Only the moon hangs like a large silver plate. She spilled the gentle moonlight on the ground and put the thin silver tulle on the surrounding scenery. There seems to be some shyness and secrets hidden in the haze. The breeze learns, a little mottled moonlight falls on the tree, like the beating notes, letting the little black dog of the grandmother's house on the swaying moon shadow, which is very interesting. We sat on the straw mats, eating moon cakes with tasteful, and enjoying the moon, and then enjoying the moon text games happily, such as: the moon is empty, the moon is sent to love love, so the bright microman is in my bed. Is there any frost? Dai Xing Dai Yue was tired. Everyone lay on the straw mat and looked up at the moon. You guess what the moon is: there are Chang'e, Jade Rabbit, Wu Gang Shougui. This situation reminds me of a poem written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. I once read "Ancient Lang's Moon Journey": at an hour, I don't know the moon. It is called Baiyu Pan. Suspected it was Yao's platform and soared in the sky. Is the fairy in the moon hanging? Pin the medicine for free, ask who takes it? (Poetry: When I did n’t know the moon when I was a kid, I was called the full moon white jade plate. I guess it was the mirror of the Tiangong, flying to the blue cloud. In the middle of the moon, the gods are full, and the laurel tree is round.


Everything in the moonlight is beautiful, bathing in the gentle moonlight, my heart has unlimited reveries, looking forward to a better future, hoping to ride it one day.Shenzhou flew to the moon to explore and unveil the mystery of more moon.

中秋节作文 篇5


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a family reunion. Every family must reunite, eat moon cakes, and enjoy the moon, and enjoy the joy of God.My family is no exception. I prepare a gift and go to my aunt's house with my parents.


When I arrived at my grandma's house, not to mention how happy it was, more than 20 people, lively and extraordinary.Our children went to the yard to play, and adults said they were busy in the kitchen.At the beginning of the lantern, a table of food was better than Jane. Everyone greets and blessed each other.During the meal, my uncle looked out of the window and said, "Good time, I wish to be every year, the Mid -Autumn Festival is common.This proposal was approved by everyone.The Mid -Autumn Poetry Association opened lively.


The three -year -old brother first volunteered, and said with milk and milk, "The moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Laughing until back and back. "When is the moon, ask the wine to ask Qingtian." Dad's poem pulled everyone back from the laughter. Then, my sister looked at the moon affectionately: "Looking up at the moon, sending a thousand miles of light." At this time, the naughty Bao brother couldn't wait, and he was wearing aunt's long towel and dancing: "My song lingering, I dance the shadow Zero chaos. "His performance made everyone laugh again. He chanted again proudly: "I don't know the moon at an hour, call it as a white jade plate." The aunt who always pointed at my brother at my brother: "When you were a kid, you called the moon as a" father -in -law ', not a white jade plate. " , My brother blushed. "The moon is rising on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time." I just finished speaking, everyone said. In this way, our family has moved out of poetry of big poets such as Li Bai, Zhang Jiuling, and Su Shi. Laughter and laughter never ended!


The moonlight tonight is particularly bright, and this year's Mid -Autumn Festival is unforgettable.Mid -Autumn Festival, poetry will pass love, everything is so romantic, so people remember.We met the next Mid -Autumn Festival to reunite and opened the prelude to the family poetry again.

中秋节作文 篇6


The years are not living, the season is like flowing, and the Mid -Autumn Festival night. Over time, I grow up, and my Mid -Autumn Festival night also changes over time.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. On August 15th of the lunar calendar, it happened to be one year of autumn or mid -August, so it was called "Mid -Autumn Festival". On this night, we would drink a banquet to enjoy the moon.


This autumn night I stood on the balcony and looked up at the sky, looking at a round moon.But it is not a bright moon that we often say, this year's round moon is just like a shy little girl.There are layers of clear clouds in the sky, like smoke like fog, permeating in the moonlight suddenly, a while of autumn wind blows, and the cold air is still shallow, making me intoxicated in the hall of autumn, I can't help remembering the Mid -Autumn Festival in the past.


Su Shi once said: "This month is not good, where will I see it tomorrow." Now my memory is still very clear. I think of the Mid -Autumn Festival in my hometown before.Whenever Grandpa, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mom and Dad, will always put a large table outside the door and put various things on it, including pears, apples, moon cakes, etc.After a certain time, they will set off firecrackers."Three, two, first, the firecrackers are going!" Dad said.I was so scared that I ran back to the room and covered my ears with my hands.The sound of firecrackers kept crackling.After the end, I came out and see what Chang'e looks like.The moon is like a large disc, which sprinkle the bright and gentle moonlight on me.After the moon, my mother said, "I started eating moon cakes." I jumped off the sofa and happily like a three -year -old child.The fragrance of moon cakes was flying outside the house, and then our family watched the Mid -Autumn Festival show and played for a day. I couldn't open my eyes tiredly. After that, I gradually entered my sleep with the fragrance of the moon cake.


"Nung, moon and new moon".Moonlight is still the same as before, bright, clear, but the people in the moonlight have changed and they have changed different.Now that my parents and I have come to a new city, I rarely go home to the Mid -Autumn Festival. I pin my thoughts on my loved ones in the moonlight.

中秋节作文 篇7


At night, the moon slowly hung a white mosquito net, and even the earth put on the silver tulle clothes.I have to wrap my clothes tightly, holding moon cakes in my hand, the moon in the sky, all the missing people tell me how to swallow moon cakes.


Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival!Why is it so cold!There is no lively atmosphere.In Wang Wei's "Yishan East Brothers", knowing that the brothers climbed up from a distance, one person was missing.


On this Mid -Autumn Festival, the cold air and air surrounded me, and the feeling of ice made me shudder.to be frank!In this beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival, who wouldn't miss her loved ones?


I sat alone in front of my house, holding the phone tightly in my hand.I hope that the disappearance can make a phone call to reduce the pain in my heart.Suddenly, a singing sound came in the room.It was Ma Tianyu's "Only Autumn", cold autumn, cool autumn.The wound hidden in my heart can only be forgotten that this song reminds me of the poem Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's "Wangyue".I don't know who will fall down tonight.This poem.I really don't know how to forget the pain in my heart.


At night, the moon slowly hung a white mosquito net, and even the earth was wearing silver gauze.I have to wrap my clothes tightly, holding moon cakes in my hand, the moon in the sky, all the missing people tell me how to swallow moon cakes.


The moon cake in my mouth is the person I miss, and I refuse to swallow.This year's moon cakes are no longer as sweet as last year.No longer the taste of the past.


In such a sad holiday, I couldn't help but think of: Poor August 15th, everyone was acacia.Who can endure loneliness and deep acacia?People are happy when they are happy. I do n’t think it ’s like this tonight from the moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节作文 篇8


The Mid -Autumn Festival has finally arrived, and it is full of fragrant air and festive atmosphere.


In the early morning, the birds sang a pleasant song in the branches "Squeak", the flowers laughed, dancing with the wind, and exuding the fragrance of people's heart and spleen.I breathed a fresh air and said to my parents: "Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!"


"Ding Denen ..." A crisp telephone ringing sounded.Mom quickly picked up the microphone.It turned out that it was played by Dasao. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. I want us to go there for dinner. Everyone is reunited.Put down the phone and look at the clock, ah, at 11:30!We quickly got up and rushed to the uncle's house.


"Come up!"Wow, the dining table is colorful, which can form a rainbow team, with bright red shrimp, black and red meat, white chicken, green vegetables, flesh -colored potatoes ... one by one exuding a strong aroma, which makes people rippleThree feet, I can't wait to eat a meal.I seemed to see my mind and said, "Open the meal!" The moment I just stretched my hand to the chopsticks, my mother touched me.I looked up and found that everyone was waiting for me toast!I picked up the cup and shouted, "Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!"


In the afternoon, everyone played each other. Mom and uncle did activities that were good -minded and mental -play cards; my father was blinded; I played "people and ghosts" with my sister.Happy laughter everywhere.


The night finally came, but I didn't see a round of moon, maybe it was because it rained.Although I didn't see a round moon, I still had a fulfilling.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


I love the Mid -Autumn Festival!