1、“小红衣 ”-小动物作文400字
我家有条“小红衣”,每天都在水里玩个不停 。
My family has "small red clothes", playing in the water every day.
It is red and red, like fire, a pair of small eyes, bright and bright, as if looking at everything is very strong. The small tail is shaken like a lace skirt. It is particularly cute. Is it very special?
有一次,我放学回来看见它,它好像知道我要来,一进门就紧紧地盯着我,似乎在对我说:“小主人,你可回来了。”我一问才知道,一天都没有给它喂食,就赶紧去给可怜的小红衣喂食,当它看见食物时两眼放光,好像饿狼见了羊,奋力往前游,想吃到食物,我就给它喂了食,它这才安静下来 。
Once, I came back from school to see it. It seemed to know that I was coming. As soon as I entered the door, I stared at me tightly. It seemed to say to me, "Little master, you can come back." I askedIf you don't feed it, you hurry up and feed the poor little red clothes. When it sees the food, it looks like a hungry wolf seeing the sheep, struggling to swim forward, and wants to eat food.It was quiet.
等它吃完食物,我就对它说:“小红衣,你可真美!”它摆摆尾巴,好像在说:“你好好,对我真好,我一定要报答你。”可爱的小鱼听的听懂了我的话,我想:它真是太聪明了。过了一会儿,它甩着尾巴,摇来摇去,好像在说:“我肚子又饿了。”快给我吃东西,我只好又给它喂吃的。”我喂完它之后,才放下心来 。
When it finished eating the food, I said to it, "Little red, you are so beautiful!" It waved his tail, as if you were saying, "Hello, it's nice to me, I must repay you." The cute little little little. "The fish listened to my words, and I thought: it is really smart.After a while, it shook his tail and shook around, as if I was hungry again. "Hurry up for me and I had to feed it again."After I fed it, I let go of my heart.
它特别容易饿。 只要我没有准时给它喂食,它就会张着嘴巴,尾巴摇摇摆摆,好像在说:“你真是太好了,给我一点吃的吧 !”让你忍不住不喂它。
It is particularly easy to be hungry.As long as I do n’t feed it on time, it will open my mouth and swing my tail, as if you are saying, "You are so good, give me a little!" Let you can't help but feed it.
这就是我的小鱼——小红衣,特别可爱,我也很喜欢它 。
This is my little fish -Xiaohongyou, especially cute, I also like it very much.
"Little Flower Wedding Dress" is really beautiful. The sentences inside are beautiful, such as the forests, and the shiny stars are laughing.Another sentence from the heart is the real beauty.I feel these two sentences are so beautiful.
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