
时间:2022-09-28 13:23:27 | 来源:语文通



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端午节作文范文字 篇1


My hometown is Kaifeng, Henan, and Kaifeng is an ancient capital of the Seven Dynasties. It is a city with antique charm and modern atmosphere.


On the fifth day of May of the lunar calendar, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanyang Festival, May, noon festivals, Ai Festival, etc.It is the old custom of more than 2,000 years in my country.On this day, my home is very lively.


Early in the morning, Grandma hung Ai leaf on the wall next to the door. I also got up early, helping my mother and grandma to wrap dumplings together. My mother told me that Bao Zongzi was to commemorate a great poet, politician, and thinker Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan voted to the Luojiang River on the fifth day of May. After his death, he was trapped by the dragon. The world lamented. Every day, the people voted in the water in the water to drive the dragons and pin their sorrows. This custom has passed to this day. Talking about the rice dumplings wrapped it, it's time to cook it. Frying the corner of the vegetables, hemp, but my mother's masterpiece. The corners of my family are small, thin, and the fillings inside. There are eggs, shiitake mushrooms, shrimp, tofu, noodles, leeks, delicious! The hemp is black sesame, the frying is very thin, and it is very crispy in the mouth. After busy at home, my father, mother, and grandma went to Kaifeng's well -known Qingming Shangheyuan. The tourists in the park are like weaving, which is very lively. There is a sachet in the park. His sachet is full of fragrance and different shapes. A string of forming, exquisitely eye -catching, the sachets not only have the meaning of warding evil to drive the plague, but also With the wind embellishment, Dad also bought me one, and it was very beautiful to hang on the neck. There are a lot of performances in the park. There are singing, playing big knives, stilts, and more interesting is that the king is recruited. I saw a beautiful Song Dynasty beauty walking upstairs and walking upstairs. It was really interesting to her person.


After swimming in the park, a beautiful day is about to end.I like the Dragon Boat Festival, happy and lively festival.

端午节作文_端午节作文500字 篇2


On the fifth day of the fifth day of the lunar calendar, there were food aromas that fluttered everywhere, filled with a fiery atmosphere.Every household has a green `wormwood and pupa, sprinkle rice wine, and mosquito exorcism on the door, so as to ask for peace in the Dragon Boat Festival.


The sky is bright, and the earth is rising.The excited people gathered to the river, holding the aroma of the aroma wrapped in wormwood leaves.Some are sesame stuffing, and the barbecued stuffing is also available, and they are eaten with interest.There is a taste to stop, and then slowly tastes, there are also big gobbles.In short, everyone's faces are not satisfied.


Promoting the sound, Jiang Shang has already made thousands of sails.People are all kindly consequences, for fear of any wonderful scenes.On the dragon boat refined with Nanmu board, there have been more than a dozen strong men who have been on it.Just hearing the loud noise, the dragon boat came out.It is not necessary to appreciate the screens on both sides of the strait, and all of them gathered on the dragon boat like a dragon.The water splashed, the dragon took off, the scene was spectacular, which was amazing.At the time of the line, the audience shouted, the scene was magnificent, and the momentum was magnificent. You couldn't think of it, and you couldn't help it.


In the Dragon Boat Festival, it is still to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan.After the Chu State was broken, he was full of blood and a strong hatred of death, and he resolutely devoted herself to the endless Luo River."Both Mo Fu and the beauty of the United States, I will live from Peng Xian's!", How can this say that the meaning of "Li Sao" by Qu Yuan can not make us cry?


Dragon Boat Festival is no longer a festival, a custom, when worshiping Qu Yuan, or by this to let the literati and Moqi waves.Actually, this spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival has long been deeply rooted in our hearts.Just like the hot dumplings that have just come out, the kind of fragrant aroma has entered the heart early, lingering between the mouth and ears, and inherited from generation to generation.

关于端午节的作文400字 篇3


More than two thousand years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan was beside the Polo River and invested a rolling rapids.More than two thousand years later, on the fifth day of May, our traditional festival -Dragon Boat Festival.


May 5th, it is Duanyang。门插艾,香满堂

The door inserts Ai, Xiangmantang。吃粽子,撒白糖

Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar。龙舟下水喜洋洋

Dragon boat landscape。”


May 5th, it is Duanyang


On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanyang Festival.This is a holiday for the Han people to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.Qu Yuan is a Chu country, thinking of the country, but no one uses him. He watched the country decline and desperate.On May 5th, he committed suicide towards the Polo River.Because people love Qu Yuan, in order to commemorate Qu Yuan, there are Dragon Boat Festival.


The door inserts Ai, Xiangmantang


In the Dragon Boat Festival, wormwood is inserted on the door of every household.After Qu Yuan's death, people saw May 5th, so on May 5th, people inserted wormwood on the door to avoid evil.Wordworm has a special taste, and after inserting it, there will be.This has gradually become a custom.


Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar


After Qu Yuan's death, the people who loved him were scrambling to throw dumplings in the river, so that the fish and shrimp in the river were full and did not eat Qu Yuan.This has become an indispensable food for the Dragon Boat Festival.And sprinkling sugar is as sweet as white sugar.


Dragon boat landscape


People were reluctant to die, and many people chased after rowing, but they did not see it.After that, people commemorated Qu Yuan in a dragon boat. When drawing the dragon boat, they drove away the fish to protect Qu Yuan.


This is our festival, that is, I have increased my knowledge and brought happiness!

端午节作文500字 篇4


"May 5th is Duanyang. Insert Ai leaf, wear sachets. Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar. Dragon boat is the traditional festival of the Dragon Boat Festival in my country, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival and Chongyang Festival.


One of the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival is Baozi and eat rice dumplings.Every year, the grandmother of the Dragon Boat Festival will wrap the rice dumplings. Grandma prepares the leaves, glutinous rice, leg meat, shiitake mushrooms, etc., and her grandmother starts to wrap the rice dumplings.The shape, a spoonful of glutinous rice, spread the meat, shiitake mushrooms on it, and then compact them, wrap the dumplings tightly, tie it, and a beautiful rice dumplings are "born".Put it in the high -pressure cooker and steam it for ten minutes. The fragrant rice dumplings are out of the pot.Gently unbutton the rope of the dumplings, and remove the flavor of the glutinous rice of its "coat", and it will be sprinkled.


Dragon Boat is also a traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. Whenever the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat competitions are held on the Shaxi River.Dozens of sailors are holding the pulp and drawn up with the strength of the whole body. It is really like a few dragons swimming in the distance.He shouted "Come on! Come on!" The momentum of several dragon boats is really spectacular.


In our hometown, the Dragon Boat Festival also eats "five yellow", yellow croaker, cucumber, salted duck egg yolk, and soybeanic dumplings, male rice wine.The "five ends" should be inserted on the door of every family.Pu, wormwood, pomegranate flowers, garlic, dragon boat flowers.


Eating dumplings, dragon boats, and "five yellows" inserted "five ends" and the traditional customs, weaving a lively Dragon Boat Festival together!

关于端午节的作文500字 篇5


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the lunar calendar. Every year, my aunt will include a lot of delicious food.The sweet jujube dumplings are given to us, especially my mother and I like to eat the most.You can also be with the elders.The younger sisters gathered together at my grandmother's house and spent the Dragon Boat Festival lively!But this year is not so lively.Because the uncle and the little aunts went out to make money, the uncle also went out with his sister, only our family and grandparents.It looks very deserted.


Early in the morning, I had already packed me for my mother to eat, but who knew that my mother was busy doing housework.At noon, Dad cooked a good table and good dish, and asked his grandfather and grandmother to come over for dinner, but there was no joyful atmosphere!In the afternoon, in order not to make the festival a little bit of meaning, she took me and my grandmother to go outside.We went to the vegetable market, but we did not see the shadow of half of the leaves. I went to buy a rice dumplings but there was no jujube. I was a little disappointed. My mother comforted me and said, "Next time I see the decision to sell jujube rice dumplings for you to eat!"After listening to this, my mood was a bit better.After my mother went shopping, she took us to the Gongjiafu Supermarket. She also bought us some delicious food on the way.After coming out of the supermarket, we have returned at a full load.


When I got home, because I really wanted to be aunt and my aunt, and my four -year -old younger sister, I went online to chat with them. The little aunt said to me with a smile.Enough.Although we have not been able to spend the Dragon Boat Festival together this year, we can still meet them online, and they are also very happy.我 and my aunt also make an appointment with me, and I will definitely come back to the holidays next year!

关于端午节作文500字 篇6


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and it is also my grandfather's birthday. We plan to go to the restaurant to have a meal.


I was excited at home.Said my mother, "Mom, let's go to the hotel!" Mom said, "Okay, let's go now!" I ran downstairs and went into the car as soon as I smoked.


Soon we reached the hotel. There are so many people today. We found a vacant position and sat down to chat. Starting the food, the employees kept back and forth. I looked at the salted eggs, and I looked at the rice dumplings and asked my mother: "Mom, why do you want to eat salted eggs and rice dumplings?" Ah! Because during the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin Army broke through the Chu Kingdom Kyoto. Qu Yuan saw that his motherland was invaded. After that, Bao Shi voted to the Luojiang River, and the people were very sad, and they rushed to the Miluo River to hang Qu Yuan. The fishermen scratched the boat and salvaged his true body back and forth on the river. A fisherman picked up the rice balls and eggs prepared for Qu Yuan. Wait for the food, throwing it into the river "fluttering and fluttering", saying that it is to let the fish, shrimp and crabs be full, and will not bite the doctor's body. People follow the imitations. An old doctor brought a altar in the altar. Pour into the river and say that it is necessary to use the medicine to halo dragon water beasts to avoid damage to Dr. Qu. Later, for the sake of the rice ball for the dragon, people want to use leaves to wrap rice, wrap the ribbon outside, and develop into rice dumplings. Therefore, in the fifth day of May of each year, With the customs of dragon boat racing, eating rice dumplings, drinking male rice wine, to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. "I said," That's it! "


We spent this pleasant Dragon Boat Festival in laughter.

关于端午节的作文400字 篇7

时间过得真快,转眼又到可一年一度的端午节。 端午节那天,我们一家到亲戚家去吃晚饭,这一去还真学到了不少呢!

Time passed so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was the annual Dragon Boat Festival.On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, our family went to relatives' house for dinner. I really learned a lot!


Before eating, the aunt sent a duck egg for each of us; when eating, the adult gave up his favorite liquor, but per person first a glass of male rice wine; after eating, the aunt also gave our children a dumplings each.I took a red bean rice dumplings, the sweet glutinous rice red red beans and white sugar, which was really intoxicating!


I suddenly thought of some questions: Why do I have to do so many things in the Dragon Boat Festival?How can there be Dragon Boat Festival?I want to ask the adults, but I can see that they are talking about the heavily, and they do n’t bother them.


I first turned on the computer and search for questions.Aha, finally found: On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people's dragon boats and dumplings were eaten for Qu Yuan.my country's great poet Qu Yuan was cast into the river that day. The dragon boat race was Qu Yuan, who died to rescue the Lugo River.Putting the rice dumplings into the river is to make the fish's shrimp and crabs be full, and no longer eat Qu Yuan's body.


I also learned that some ethnic minority ethnic minorities have to eat "five yellows" in the Dragon Boat Festival: yellow croaker, cucumber, salted duck egg yolk, and soybean pether dumplings.Regardless of the south and the north, this day, the word "Wang" should be drawn on the child's forehead and wearing a colorful sac.


We sang while eating dumplings: "May 5th, it is Duanyang. Insert Ai leaf, with sachets. Sprinkle sugar, dragon boats are so happy."


Ah, this is really a colorful Dragon Boat Festival!