
时间:2022-08-31 13:23:36 | 来源:语文通



"After the new rain in the sky, the weather comes late in autumn", Wang Wei's autumn is leisurely and fresh;Beijing's atmosphere and clarity in autumn.Autumn seems to have always been the darling of literati and Mo Ke.


Born in Shenzhen, growing in the spring breeze and summer, it is difficult to experience the autumn of the city alone.


"Data" chased the rain and smashed the ground.Wuyun rolled all morning, and finally at noon, the heat waves before the heavy rain rushed before the typhoon, but did not bring the coolness in the expectation.Sitting in the classroom, looking at the warm meals in front of me, my heart was full of worries -outside the school gate, the crowd was densely ants, colorful umbrellas, that was a symbol of family and deep love for their children.And this Qiuyu didn't understand the pity, thunder and thunderous, and my unstable heart shook hard, and gave some grievances about this autumn and the coolness that refused to show up.


On that day, walking with his father in the old lane, the ancient stone wall was covered with the marks of the years, pedestrians on the road, hurriedly.The children were playing under the thick banyan tree, and a gust of wind blowing quietly, brushing the hair, and the orange leaves slowly fell down and stopped on my shoulders.It seemed to be darkened in a few days.Walking on the street, I was cool through my neck. I couldn't help shaking my heart. It turned out that the sun and the moon alternated, and the four seasons were changing.


In the past, I rarely looked at the sky. In the impression of the sky in Shenzhen, it seemed that it was blue all year round. It was nothing more than the blue in the winter, but it was too dazzling in summer, which made people dare not open.The thin calendar torn the blue sky in the opening season, and I also entered the third grade.In the afternoon mathematics class, I was troubled by the problem. When I raised my eyes, I met the September sky. It was like a gentle woman with a model, which made people feel bright.Yun is as white as ever, thick, looking at it, deep and durable, there are several pure white embellishments in the blue blue.


In the evening school, the sky is completely different.Light purple blockbusters are rendered, and I do n’t know who sprinkled a few drops of rose red ink. Two types of combinations that are hard to imagine in art classes are used in autumn.At that moment, I didn't seem to resist the third grade.Sometimes spring and summer, the same is true in autumn.


I walked home on the way home, the horizon of dusk, full of tired lower office workers.In this city, the car is horse, everyone is busy looking at the road under their feet. It seems that few people stop to check this day.Everyone is ordinary and ordinary in this large city, running around day and night, as if the machine is set to the program, repeat the boring and boring days, what is they for?At the moment of litting the lit, I found the one that belonged to myself, so that I could cross the more prosperous days in my own calculation.But the sky air conditioner is tight, and it doesn't care who you are, and still sprinkle the beautiful twilight on everyone's head.One, two, and three pedestrians stopped, leaving on the humble flyover by the sunset, lifted their mobile phones to constantly adjust their angles, and pressed the shooting key.The heart that was tired for a day got the best comfort at this moment.


When spring went to autumn, the people under the big banyan trees changed waves of waves. At the end of the blue sky, the autumn wind scratched everyone's heart, leaving the traces they walked when they came.


The autumn in Shenzhen may bring me as simple as Lao She's atmosphere, nor free as Wang Wei's leisure, and not as vitality as Su Shi.But it made me find a trace of peace in ordinary days, allowing me to shuttle in the poetry and ordinaryness of this city, and found my sense of belonging.



In the autumn, with the brilliant golden light, followed the autumn wind, and quietly came to us.


In the autumn of the city, the autumn is high, and the blue sky is blue and blue, like just wiped the clean glass, and it is like a flower skirt on my body, gorgeous!


This is a clear morning, the hard -working sanitation worker is sweeping the ground on the street: you see her wearing a yellow hat, wearing a rim sweater, wearing thick gloves, a broom made of bamboo silk, seriously seriously, seriously seriouslyThe ground's fallen leaves are scanned into a pile of.The naughty autumn wind is playing. As long as it arrives, the dead leaves on the ground are dancing with the wind, some like little dancers in the empty ballet, and some like naughty boys.Auntie Sanitation workers tirelessly gathered them together and packed them in garbage bags.Just leave a clean and tidy road.


Pedestrians on the streets all give her praise, the autumn of this city is true and beautiful!



Time is like the endless river and flows forward.The hot summer, autumn, unknowingly came to Shenzhen, as if to bring us a surprise.


In fact, as long as you are interested, you can capture the figure of autumn in that gust of gusts, or on the roadside lane trees from time to time.Indeed, the climate in autumn is very different from summer.The wind in summer is no sound, and the wind of autumn is blowing vigorously, but it is cool. The dead leaves lying on the ground on the ground are also dancing in the air in the air.There is a kind of freshness in the wind, like a clear spring water, and the aroma of various flowers.


In Shenzhen in autumn, it is unusual to rain.The little rain drops, ticking to your window.Looking from the window sill, looking far away, a hazy scene outside the window.At this time, Shenzhen seemed to wear a thin gauze. This gauze was still blown by the naughty wind from time to time, and it drifted quietly.


As a city, although Shenzhen Autumn has no big harvest in the countryside, there is also a good atmosphere of harvest.In the park and even by the road, the more common fruit trees such as mango trees and lychee trees are fruitful, and they sway gently on the branches and collide with each other.Occasionally, someone climbed up the tree to pick fruits. They were not for eating, but just to enjoy the joy of this harvest.


I love autumn, love autumn wind, love autumn rain, and love it has given me a unique feeling that is novel, different from spring, summer, and winter.



Autumn in Shenzhen


Xia's inheritor was autumn, and the coolness of the autumn washed away Xia's heat.Autumn feels cool and hearty.


Xiaomeasha in Shenzhen Autumn, as the famous sentence "Viewing the Sea" written by the ancient poet Cao Cao, "The autumn wind is small, Hong Bo surge", is a metaphor for Xiaomeisha.Standing on Xiaomeisha, opening his arms, and enjoying the baptism of the autumn wind, the autumn wind blown to the skin, a while.Looking at Xiaomeisha, the waves hit the rocks, and the flying beads flying out of the rocks splashed like fireworks and beaten on her body.


Shenzhen is a feeling that makes people shine, hard work, and bright future.In the autumn of Shenzhen, the temperature will not be very low. Even in the late autumn, some people still wear shorts and short sleeves in jogging.


In the autumn, the car is full of cars in the business district, and people are buying things in a large group of people.Because there are many people, in the autumn, I can't feel the "autumn wind".


The famous scenery of Shenzhen -mangroves, in the autumn wind, the graceful dance posture seems to be giving up the hot summer and welcome the cool autumn.It seems that the fairy in the sky is singing and dancing, the charming figure, and the graceful dance, it seems to be reminiscent of the four great women in ancient China.


The autumn in Shenzhen is like a successful and stronger person who is moving towards the cold winter in the cold winter.


In Shenzhen's autumn, like a athlete is charging, ready to sprint in winter to get the first person to welcome spring.


Autumn in Shenzhen! How beautiful are you, let me stay in your autumn's arms for a while! Let people feel the unique charm of your autumn!


Childhood in autumn


Looking at the lily flower next to the desk, I couldn't help thinking of my childhood.Speaking of childhood, everyone will think of elementary school life. It is so innocent and unforgettable!


"Wow!" My classmates and I walked on the tree -lined road of the campus and said, "A lot of fallen leaves!" Yes, the autumn campus is beauty.A golden wind blew, the leaves rang, and then like a yellow butterfly fell down.How like this in the winter in the northern winter! Looking into the distance, the ground is golden yellow, just like a gold inlaid with the earth.


At this time, although the scenery is beautiful, we are going to suffer! Why? Because we are going to sweep the leaves! Sometimes, I really can't bear to sweep the leaves, and always want to keep this landscape.


We carried a broom and trash can and came to this "holy place". It seemed that everyone was unwilling to "pack" these cute deciduous leaves.So, the squad leader said to everyone, "We are unwilling to watch these fallen leaves have been swept away, but today we must clean up the leaves. Well! I give everyone a minute and let everyone take a good look at this 'gold'!"So everyone stood quietly and enjoyed this beautiful autumn scenery.


I do n’t know who is so naughty. I caught a leaf and threw it into the sky, saying, "Look, like the yellow snow fell from the sky?" Then the fallen leaves were "falling" from the sky. At this moment, it was really beautiful at this moment.So, everyone put down the broom in their hands and grabbed a bunch of fallen leaves from the ground, throwing them towards the sky, just like "catkins caused by the wind"! Everyone seemed to return to the childhood (originally child).The happy day is to live fast. We have forgotten the time and play crazy! After the teacher knows, we are not far from the "devil" -the whole class will be punished! But everyone thinks that everyone thinksDo this -value!


Childhood is so innocent and happy.The fragrant lilies beside me have faded, and my childhood has gradually "faded". The only thing that did not "wither" is the beautiful memories and innocent friendship.The phrase "holds roses, leaves the incense" is good.


Autumn feeling


Listening to the familiar melody, a little touching in my heart.

印象中的秋天,总有许多枯黄的落叶。黄色,总让我产生一种淡淡的忧愁感。然而,每天到学校,却又忍不住去望一望那棵枯黄的木棉树。在微风的吹动下,树叶轻盈的旋转、掉落......无尽的忧伤渐渐蔓延开来 。

In the impressive autumn, there are always many yellow leaves.Yellow always makes me feel a touch of sorrow.However, when I go to school every day, I can't help looking at the yellow kapok tree.Under the breeze, the leaves rotated and dropped lightly ... Endless sorrows gradually spread.


When will this feeling be over? Wait until the winter is coming? Unfortunately, there is no snowflake.The beautiful story ended on the day, but the season is different. In the past, next year will still come as scheduled.


From small to large, I never felt that there was something bad in autumn.It is rainy in spring, hot in summer, and cold in winter.This year, I feel different.I actually like rainy spring. Perhaps it is because it is because the rain is used as tears and shed tears, and there is no so -called sadness.I had thought about the rain quickly, but in the end, it was not realized. Maybe this idea is naive! In autumn, the endless sorrow is quietly approaching, unavoidable, and unable to resist.


Everyone will grow up, but when we grow up, we become so helpless.Because of growing up, our friendship is accepted by the cruel test; because when we grow up, the simple world begins to complicate; because when we grow up, the initial dreams are gradually blurred; because of growing up, countless things we can't imagine are happening ...Em


Because of growing up, I gradually understand the meaning of happiness. The legend of Ferris wheel and rotating Trojan is no stranger. Is the happiness I pursue? How long can I last?At that moment, it became eternal.I have to believe that short happiness is an eternal memory.How long is the memory, how long happiness lasts ...


After picking up a deciduous, suddenly found that after such the baptism of those vicissitudes, its context was still so clear.Tell me my thoughts and sorrows, and give my dreams and hope to it ...


There was a familiar melody in my ears, and it was gentle and moving, and each note represented my voice.




Autumn, it is no more gorgeous than the flowers in spring; the green trees in summer are overcast; the pink jade building in winter.It is an ordinary season, but it is an extraordinary season.




The road of autumn looks very quiet.On both sides of the road, a neat poplar tree is planted.In autumn, the leaves are almost gone, and a thick golden carpet is covered around the trees.The refreshing autumn wind blows on the face, cool, quietly around.Walking on the road of autumn makes people feel the tranquility of autumn.


Autumn flower beds have become more and more dead.There are only chrysanthemums in the flower bed standing there. In the middle of the leaves, white, yellow chrysanthemums.Autumn is the season of chrysanthemums. The reason why they are called "autumn chrysanthemums" is because they are extremely bright and beautiful in autumn ceiling.


Although it seems so angry in autumn, autumn is the day of the peasant uncle.


In the autumn, the field of harvest in the field.The cotton sister exposed its white face ashamed; in the corn field, the corn also replaced its white beard with golden yellow.The peasant uncle put cotton with a cotton with a cotton with a cotton.The children were not idle. They went to corn in the corn field, and some children found dry branches to burn corn to eat.


Walking alone on the autumn road alone, he couldn't help but think of the poet's verse: parking and sitting in love with the maple forest, frosty leaves in February.Since ancient times, the autumn is sad and lonely, and I say autumn to the spring.What a beautiful verse! But some people feel sad for autumn: difficult and hard to hate the dirty, and stop new turbid wine glasses.Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.I don't understand why someone feels lonely and desolate as soon as I get autumn, anyway, I like autumn anyway.


There are Mid -Autumn Festival in autumn. During the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family reunited, eating moon cakes, and rewarding the moon, how warm and happy.


In the autumn, the harvest season, I like its coolness and its beauty.