
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:12 | 来源:语文通



关于父亲节的作文300字 篇1父亲节的作文 篇2父亲节的作文 篇3

关于父亲节的作文300字 篇1


Father's Day is coming. I want to say to my father, "Dad, happy Father's Day. My daughter loves you more than that day!" Why do I say that? In fact, I wrongly blamed my father for something that happened recently.


The night before the parents' opening day, my father and I agreed to attend on time, and my father promised.


The next afternoon, I ran to the corridor early and looked at the parents coming and going downstairs. Little by little time passed, but my father had not come yet, and the parents of other students continued to come. I'm very anxious. Call again and again in my heart. As the bell rang, I reluctantly returned to the classroom. I didn't seem to listen to what the teacher said. I looked back later and hoped that Dad would come in through the back door of the classroom. After several minutes, my father appeared in a sweat. My heart is still very sad. I blame my father in my heart: how can you break your promise!


Back home, I fought back tears and sat on the chair without saying a word. My father took my hand and said, "It's not that my father didn't keep his promise. My father is too busy these days. I came back from Shanghai and went straight to school." Later, my father's colleagues also proved my father's words.


I was wrong about Dad. It's very small. My father loves me so much


Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you every day!

父亲节的作文 篇2


Maybe people forget, maybe people ignore, maybe people never notice that in the snowy greeting cards, there is only less for father, and there is only less for father in the endless blessing. However, his father's tolerance and magnanimity took over everything and never cared about anything. Whenever I look at my father's graying sideburns, crow's feet and bent figure, I feel a little guilty again.


Once upon a time, my father's broad chest was my shelter. When I was wronged, my father always smiled and gently wiped the tears off my cheeks. He took the trouble to explain the relationship between people, talk about the meaning of life, soothe my wounds, and tell me that people should be strong when they live. Although I heard something, my father's kind words made me laugh through tears.


In my childhood memory, my father was strict and strange. When I was young, I was naughty and capricious. I always made some big or small troubles. My father always criticized me seriously and sometimes beat me. So I was afraid of my father, afraid of his harsh eyes and big hands.


When I grew up, I learned something about my father. I am no longer afraid of the word "father". I like chatting and playing with my father. More often than not, he respects my views. My father likes to watch the news, but I don't like it very much. Every time my father wants to watch the news, he will ask me if I can, but my answer is firm, even arrogant. He did not resist, but did other things with regret.


Dad, you are so great! You always take care of our children all the time. You work so hard that you always make money to support the family without complaint. Your family will be more warm. In the hearts of children, father is always the greatest, and father seems to be shining with brilliant, golden light, which is immortal! "Dad", what a sacred word; "Dad", what a warm words, it took us into the dream world; He led us to the paradise of our dreams and taught us the true meaning of being human


Today, in this dreamy day, Dad, I want to say to you: "Dad, I love you!"

父亲节的作文 篇3


If today is the last day of my life, the first thing we should do is to repay the parents who raised me! "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring." What's more, what parents pay for us is not only a drop of water, but also a vast ocean.


Early in the morning, I came to my room and quietly took the materials for making Songfeng's gift to the living room to make a beautiful gift. There was also a note hidden in the gift, which said: "Dad, you have worked hard, I wish you a happy holiday.". After finishing the gift, I hid it.


Dad received the gift and said happily, "Thank you, my little daughter. You really make me happy!"


Fortunately, in the bubble mud class, the teacher taught us how to make flowers, and I made a flower very carefully, but this time I made a bright red beautiful rose. Haha, when I gave this unique rose to my father, he happily picked me up and turned around twice, kissed my face and said, "It's really my good baby!" Father's Day, my father and I, as well as my mother, we are very happy because we are all expressing our love and blessings!


In life, as long as I want anything, you will satisfy me. You never said you can't buy anything. Sometimes when I do not perform well and I am careless in my study, you will scold me. I know you are doing it for my good. You always tell me that no matter in school or at home, we should be polite, sensible, clever and filial. My sister often tells her father and mother; I love you, but I never dare to say to my father that today is your festival. Here I want to say to you, Dad, I love you. You have worked hard!


At dinner, my father seemed to see my idea, so he said to me: "Today is Father's Day, you can buy me a bottle of bar," I said: "OK!" My father gave me five yuan. I went downstairs and bought a bottle of wine. However, after buying beer, I had an idea and bought a card temporarily to write my wishes for Father's Day.


When I got home, my father asked me why I had been so long. I said, "Dad, happy Father's Day!" Then he gave the card to his father. When he saw the card on Father's Day, he was very happy. He praised me as a good boy and said that today he had a happy Father's Day. I was also very happy to hear that from my father.