
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:51 | 来源:语文通



稻盛和夫《干法》读后感 篇1稻盛和夫干法读后感 篇2《干法》读后感 篇3稻盛和夫干法读后感 篇4《干法》读后感 篇5

稻盛和夫《干法》读后感 篇1


Some time ago, I had the honor to read Inamori Hefu's work "Dry Method", which made me re-examine my own "outlook on life", "outlook on labor" and "outlook on work", reorganize my own thinking, conduct profound reflection, and then find a new life support point.


This book starts with "Why Work" and tells how to hone your soul and improve your mind. Through the combination of Mr. Inamori's own experience, he told us how to love his work and devote himself to it.


The other side of hard work is a better life. I once heard a saying, "The harder you work, the luckier you will be." Working extremely hard can turn life around. Seriousness is a terrible force. In the eyes of others, your earnestness may sometimes seem more "real", "old-fashioned", or even "silly". But when you really love something or a cause, your "extreme earnestness" is not a deliberate performance, but the expression of real feelings, and the only attitude of "infatuation" feelings.


Have the "dream" of life. If we have no dream or have a dream but feel very slim and don't dare to think, then the dream is a dream after all and can never be realized. Mr. Inamori said, "People have great potential to make their dreams come true." Even if you think you are overestimating your dreams or goals, if you can keep them in mind and keep working hard to achieve them, your dreams will come true one day.


The improvement of leadership lies in "thinking". As mentioned in the book, "Matsushita Yukio" is about "reservoir operation", the leaders of enterprises can only lead us from the big pattern. Each sub branch will certainly have a great difference in the methods suitable for operation due to its different geographical location, surrounding environment, customer groups, etc., which requires us to think seriously and think seriously. "This kind of thinking is the beginning of everything". The goal and direction have already been set. What we need to do is to think about and find specific methods, which is the most important thing.


When encountering difficulties that are difficult to overcome in his work, and when he thinks that "it is no longer possible", Mr. Inamori told us that "this is not the end, but the starting point of a new start." Think about that every time we encounter "obstacles", we often do not strengthen our faith and continue to work hard, but find various reasons and shirk responsibility for our failure. Because of different attitudes towards difficulties, everyone gains different results. Therefore, when we feel that we are in a "desperate situation", we should try to change our thinking and attitude. Maybe we will soon "see another village".


The most important is "attention to detail". I remember when listening to the radio, the host said, "The modern society especially needs craftsmanship". For example, with the progress of society and the renewal of science and technology, a wide variety of necessities for modernization have been derived. How to stand out from many products must require manufacturers to work hard at the details of products to win the market. The same can be proved that both the quality of products and the quality of work are the same. The pursuit of "craftsmanship" and "attention to details" is the same, It will enable you to be "different and stand out" when doing the same work with others.


To sum up Mr. Inamori's life theory is to have a positive way of thinking, a passion for life and work, pay no less than everyone's efforts, give full play to their abilities, and correctly face all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Then the life will be "fruitful and happy".

稻盛和夫干法读后感 篇2


Recently, I read Mr. Inamori's "Dry Method" and benefited a lot. For newcomers like me who are new to the society and the workplace, we feel very fresh about everything we are facing at present. In many moments when we encounter problems at work, we hope that we will be strong enough to defeat the world immediately. How to realize our value in the workplace? As newcomers, we are slowly exploring. It is just right to see Mr. Inamori's "Dry Method" for us to have a course of self quality growth in the workplace. In this book, I feel the following three points most.


First, let yourself like what you are doing.


China Construction Bank is my first job. I was surprised by its arrival. I am curious to meet every challenge it brings to me. I am a person who loves life. From now on, I am also a person who loves work. As stated in the book, devoting oneself to work is a cultivation of character. Of course, this is not to let us lose our lives. Life and work are interdependent. We should subtly influence our love of work to the details of life to form a habit. A few days ago, I went shopping with a colleague. When we paid for a milk tea shop, our first reaction was whether we could use Dragon Pay for payment. However, the shop did not open, and the manager also heard about Dragon Pay for the first time. There were always promotional materials for Dragon Merchants on the colleague's car, so my colleague and I gave the manager a brief introduction about Dragon Pay and Dragon Merchants, He was very interested in the new scanning code payment platform of CCB, so on weekdays, his colleagues brought the E-terminal to open a dragon shop for the store. In fact, it was time to make two cups of milk tea before and after the chat that day. It was precisely because we also had the inertia consciousness of loving our work in life that we could constantly reflect our own value and obtain satisfaction.


Second, we should pursue perfectionism in our daily work.


There are many types of banking business, and the probability of errors is relatively high. Therefore, we should strictly use high standards to demand ourselves. We should do our best regardless of the size of the business. It can even be as subtle as a customer's signature, whether it is in block letters or not, and it can't be too messy. A while ago, Tianxin Sub branch held a speech contest on employee compliance, the main purpose of which was to tell us the importance of employee compliance operations. No matter how small things are, we should work hard, pay attention to all aspects of things, and make every business process perfect to prevent problems and take precautions. In the process of implementing "perfectionism", we will not only improve the quality of our work, but also improve our own quality. In a word, no matter what others do, nothing in the world can surpass perfection.


Third, work creatively and innovate every day.


Every day a little bit of research and innovation, accumulated over time, today is further than yesterday, doing better day by day, this kind of "self-motivated" is the most important. Some colleagues will say that we are not a product research and development department. What can we create? The so-called creative work is actually a kind of ideological progress. You are a teller, you can innovate your own service methods, so that customers can feel the most intimate service from you; As a lobby manager, you can innovate your own way of hosting the morning meeting, so that your network colleagues can start from happiness in a busy day's work. If you love your work from the bottom of your heart, your creativity will naturally grow, so that we can realize the sublimation of our own value in our work.


Corporate culture has an incomparable position in an enterprise, and employees' inner cultural literacy is more important for corporate culture. You are sunshine, what you see is sunshine. You are upward, and what you feel is upward. You are positive, what you do is positive. If you are always sunny, upward and positive, affecting everything around you, and when you feel that you are enjoying happiness and work in a positive energy and creative enterprise, then congratulations, your new era of CCB is coming.

《干法》读后感 篇3


The book "Dry Method" summarizes and shares Mr. Inamori's work philosophy and experience in his life from four aspects, which makes readers feel enlightened and enlightened. Why do we need to work?


Kazuo Inamori pointed out that this is because work can help us to improve our mind and temper our soul, and it is also an intensive practice to cure "greed", "anger" and "ignorance". To solve the problem of how to work, Kazuo Inamori told us that the first thing is to adjust your mentality and like your work. How to adjust the mentality? It is necessary to self burn, roll up the whirlpool and take the initiative to become the core figure in the work. What should be paid attention to in the actual operation of specific work?


Inamori also gave the answer. He believed that the most important four aspects were: ambition and goal setting; Work hard and make continuous progress every day; Excellent work and pursuit of perfection; Accumulate over time and innovate with determination. These experiences and methods are the correct philosophy verified by the successful practices of many enterprises. Inamori and his colleagues have given them a lot of money to help readers.


Inamori also summarized the purpose of the book with a unique equation: the result of life and work=mode of thinking X enthusiasm X ability. To achieve a career, we need not only the "ability" of intelligence, motor nerve or health, but also the "passion" of life and work. What's more, we need an "honest" "way of thinking" that is not tired of hard work, willing to be nice to others, and willing to work hard for everyone's happiness.


The Dry Law cannot be simply misread as the chicken soup preaching that "as long as you work hard, you can succeed over the years". It is actually the belief that you cannot give up your life responsibility to yourself. Kazuo Inamori tells us through this book that instead of worrying about the future and making long-term plans, it is better to go all out to live every day, to work to the utmost with the strong desire of "making your career successful in any case", and to reverse the fate of life with an attitude of "extreme" serious work - this idea undoubtedly has great and profound practical significance in the impetuous present.

稻盛和夫干法读后感 篇4


Recently, the leader recommended the book "Dry Law" to me. I always wanted to buy it and have a look at it. Before I could put it into action, the industry released the book uniformly. Regardless of the subtlety of the book, this practice alone is conducive to improving the personal quality and moral cultivation of our staff, and is conducive to creating a good learning atmosphere and working atmosphere. After I got this book, I often doubled my spare time. I personally don't like long speeches or theories. This book is presented in the form of short essays, which is very appetizing to me. This book is Mr. Inamori's combination of more than 70 years of personal experience and work experience to light the beacon for readers in the workplace. Here are some of my insights.


It is said in the book that "work is to improve the mind and temper the cultivation of personality." To cultivate personality through work is to gradually build an independent and excellent personality through careful and practical work every day. Such moral preaching, like most young people now, I used to scorn it. However, since I graduated from college and worked in the Agricultural Development Bank of China, such young people's shallow ideas have been completely shattered by the reality. I understand the word "work" as "only work can work." In the root, at first I thought that work was just to support the family. Of course, I still don't deny it until today. The basic purpose of doing work is to "eat and eat". But five months after entering the industry, I gradually realized that from the first business to the first praise from the leader; From attending various meetings to training new employees, all kinds of work experience have not only improved my business, but also improved my mood. I no longer rely on my parents, but on my own; I no longer complain to my friends when I encounter difficulties, but try to find solutions. These are the changes brought by my work. Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.


It is said in the book that "every day, in the process of desperately thinking, wishes will permeate the subconscious. In this way, even if you do not pay special attention, the subconscious will also launch and give you inspiration in unexpected occasions. And this kind of inspiration often touches the core of things, so that the problem can be solved at once. To achieve a high goal, the premise is to continue to embrace a strong desire that can permeate the subconscious." Read here, I remembered the theory I had learned in school before. Matter determines consciousness. Consciousness reacts to matter, which is similar to the subconscious thought in the book. At first, many people believed that our WeChat group had no practical use, and many old comrades had some difficulties in adapting to new technologies. However, I slowly found that the role of this WeChat group has become increasingly prominent. Through this WeChat group, as well as the relevant "daily situation reporting system" and "correspondent system", in vertical, the superior bank can know the working dynamics of the grassroots bank, so as to control it immediately; Horizontally, the leadership of each sub branch can share information and exchange needs, and each department can also understand each other's work status and work content. There is no doubt that this WeChat group has become a link and bridge connecting the whole Qinongfa, and it is also imperceptibly mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm to improve the work efficiency of the whole bank.


The book says, "The so-called life, in the final analysis, is an instant, an instant of continuous accumulation, and that's all. Every second of accumulation becomes today's day, and every day of accumulation becomes a week, a month, a year, or even a person's life. Those amazing great undertakings are the accumulation of simple and boring work." We grew up listening to the story of "an iron pestle becomes a needle", and we all know that dripping water can pierce a stone, But how many people really persist in their life? In the Yi'an Bank where I work, an old comrade named Cui has just retired. I call her Aunt Cui. Aunt Cui has worked as an accountant in our company all her life. Who said that only an official can be successful? Aunt Cui has devoted the best scenes of her life to the accounting industry and our publishing industry. I admire her silent persistence and consistent spirit, which is also what we young newcomers need to learn. It takes only a few steps to reach a thousand miles; No small stream, no river or sea. I still have a long way to go. Come on, Comrade Liu!

《干法》读后感 篇5


The Dry Law is Kazuo Inamori's. The new book is the sister of the book "Huofa", which has become a new super best seller since its publication in Japan, and has been republished 19 times a year. In Japan, the author, Mr. Inamori, is known as the "saint of business and the teacher of life", and is the only legendary figure who created and managed Kyocera and KDDI, two "world top 500" enterprises at the same time.


From the beginning of the preface, the book points out a proposition with warning significance in today's society - what is the correct concept of labor or work concept, and makes a comparison between the author's own practical cognition and the original concept of labor in western religions, Finally, the classic conclusion that "work is a panacea for all diseases, through which you can overcome all kinds of difficulties and tests, and make your life turn around" is reached. It can be said that the whole book focuses on this argument. "Work can temper the soul and improve the mind", "The significance of labor is not only to pursue performance, but also to improve people's hearts", and the recognition of these plain views is absolutely a spiritual distillation for many of us young people.


A person can only gain more when he or she does something with a lofty goal from the beginning. Work is one of these things. I have to be grateful and respectful to Mr. Inamori from the bottom of my heart because I can improve my understanding. Then, from the perspective of how to accomplish his work well and achieve success, Mr. A told us vividly and rationally "how to work" through his own and other people's actual examples, "we should pay as much effort as anyone with high goals as the driving force", "we should pursue innovation", "we should seize every day to make progress every day", "we should have the spirit of 'perfectionism' in our work", And finally put forward the idea that "the result of life and work=the way of thinking × enthusiasm × Ability is the "life equation".


This tells us that if we want to get a good life or work result, apart from the two important factors of enthusiasm and ability, the correct and positive way of thinking plays a decisive role, which is also the biggest harvest of my book.