
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:31 | 来源:语文通



家乡的桥作文800字 篇1家乡的桥作文700字 篇2家乡的桥作文800字 篇3家乡的桥作文800字 篇4家乡的桥作文800字 篇5家乡的桥作文800字 篇6家乡的桥作文800字 篇7

家乡的桥作文800字 篇1


I heard that the viaduct in front of the village has been opened to traffic. Dad decided to return to his hometown to spend the Spring Festival and see the "legendary viaduct".


Although I said that I lived in the city and saw the staggered viaducts, I was still curious about building an elevated in the small village and unimaginable!So, I was looking forward to running to my hometown with my parents on the 29th day of the year.


Along the way, Dad's car drove quickly, and the fields and villages outside the window flashed. After two and a half hours, the car drove to Ning Hai Liyang. My father reminded that "the car is going to be on the viaduct, and my hometown is here." I hurriedly looked out the window. The original so -called viaduct was just a new highway. There is nothing special at all, and the psychology is very lost. "What is this elevated?" I shouted loudly. My mother felt my loss and said, "Son, you see, this time from Hangzhou to his hometown, the driving time is almost one hour less than the original, which is much faster. I remember my mother arrived in her hometown for the first time, and it was almost twenty years since I was now. At that time, there were few private cars. There was only one bus from Ningbo to my hometown. Iwamura, to toss for a long time, and the dust was flying along the way, and the car was bumpy. Although the asphalt road was repaired later, the pavement was relatively narrow. Do you remember the last time I returned to my hometown? The scene? This time I came back to high speed all the way, how good! "I heard my mother said, I was cheerful.


After getting off the high speed, the car drove into Pingyan Village. After a while, my hometown arrived. The aunt who greets us. When she saw it, I said happily: "Tao Tao is coming. It is good to have high speeds. You will come so soon. , I saw a magnificent viaduct rising to the ground, there were three floors high from the ground, and I did n’t see the first and tails, spanning in front of the village, just like a dragon flying over the village. I suddenly had a feeling of flying over time and space. The previous sense of loss disappeared immediately without a trace. Looking back at the village around the village, there are several beautiful small villas on the flat ground. The new villas in my family are inferior to. I was seeing God, and the grandmother on the side pointed at the elevated direction and said, "Tao Tao, the elevated side has to build an airport!" "Ah, the airport?" I asked doubt, my father interface immediately Said: "Yes, that is a civilian private aircraft to stop the airport. Our hometown is no longer a remote village in Ningbo, and it will become a small aviation town!". My heart is flying with the airport ...


Back to my hometown this Spring Festival, I really opened my eyes.I have gone through my country!Intersection

家乡的桥作文700字 篇2


I have appreciated the majesty of the Yangtze River Bridge and I have seen the thrills of the long bridge. However, I always remember the small bridge in my hometown.


It was an extremely ordinary bridge, which was so ordinary that he didn't even have names.I have also asked its name, but the answer I got was exactly the same -I don't know.Maybe no one can give it a name at all.


It was an arched bridge, bent like a moon, spanning the clear river water, it was really "Hongqiao Board".There are some dark green moss on the bridge.Under the bridge, the river water flows lightly, and from time to time, a few laps of ripples seem to be the small dimple exposed when Xiaohe smiles, but there are a few strands.


In the early morning, the fine dew is scattered on the moss, and the weak morning light rippped on the green waves, like fantasy.In the evening, under the setting sun, the cooked smoke nearby, turning around the trees around him, isn't this scene in this situation, isn't it the scenery of Bai Pu and Ma Zhiyuan?—— "Light smoke, old tree cold crow, small bridge flowing water."


Every spring, a little weed will be drilled out of the bridgehead.Most of these weeds are very short, thin and thin, but they are all straight waist, and they all grow up.They have been working hard to gain the power to survive at this barren bridge head, show off the power of Cao Liang's grass last year, and give the grass and trees next year.Grass is a generation of generations to survive; the bridge, you must watch Caochun come and autumn, and the prosperity and prosperity ...


Looking at it, looking, the bridge is old.Yes, it is indeed old.The original solid and tall guardrail was poured; the original smooth and neat bridge surface was mottled; the river water flowing gently under the bridge also turned into "trickle" ...


But it still stands here to provide people with the convenience of crossing the river, even if it is unknown ...


When you see such a small bridge on the side of the road, do you just think it is just a bridge?Do you think that the curved bridge is like a humpback of Grandpa?Didn't you think of the collapsed fence like the same teeth that Grandpa dropped?Do you think that the mottled bridge deck is like the old face of Grandpa?Do you think of the flowing river and the "trickle" that symbolizes the sweat and tears of your grandfather?


He suffered so many hardships, but still supports a beautiful family. Isn't it as great as the bridge?


I finally understand why the bridge is unknown: the vast majority of the people who support this world are ordinary people. They are silent, working hard, but few people remember what their surname is.


Maybe this is the unknown here.

家乡的桥作文800字 篇3


When I was a child, I appreciated the wind and frost in the textbook, the simple and elegant Zhaozhou Bridge.When I grew up, I have appreciated the health and majesty of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge of the provincial capital.However, I have a soft spot for the salt river bridge in Huaiyin in my hometown, because she prints my childhood footprint and can cause my thoughts on life.


The Yanhe Bridge is a cross -river bridge, with a length of about 100 meters, like Mount Fuji, and the two ends are low in the middle.This bridge confirms the footprint of my life.


Yanheqiao painted my childhood life with colorful colors, giving me endless joy.Every summer, we always stand on the bridge with our friends. A fish jumps into the water. One is stronger than the other. Seeing the highest splash that stretchs, who is the winner. The loser will accept several other people.attack.After playing enough, when we were tired, we lay on the bridge and sang the nursery rhymes taught by my mother while holding the sun.


As I get older, I have hope with a group of friends with a group of friends, with my dreams and naive crossing this bridge. When I go through this bridge, we will always stand on the bridge and pick up.The bricks are throwing hard into the river water, and they are more than the distance from the water. Sometimes they find some tiles or something, which is more far and near the water.To put it bluntly, now I want to retain the age of "children's urgency to chase yellow butterflies" and "busy to put paper kite in the east wind", but after all, time does not stop and the years are not forgiven.


At the age of studying in high school, I started to walk with the car. Whenever I passed this bridge, I faintly produced memories of childhood. When I heard the sound of flowing water under the bridge, there would be an impulsive impulse in my heart.That was the horn of urging me to forge ahead, and it was the voice that I never gave up.


After ten years of cold windows, I finally planned to work. Although it was not ideal, after all, I jumped out of the farm gate and walked towards the gate.Coincidentally, on my way to get off work, I also passed the Yanhe Bridge, but whenever I passed through the bridge, I always looked at the distance, looking for the rising sun of Dongsheng, and looking for a bright sunshine.But more time, because I came early in the morning, it was difficult to find the footprint of the sun, and often returned to the unit that brought me more thinking with disappointment and depression.


Now, I am middle -aged, and every time I pass the Yanhe Bridge, I always leave a personality: This Yanhe Bridge is like my bumpy life of life. You see, when you just go to the bridge, it is like us.Childhood, naive, go up, go up, go to the middle of the bridge slope, and approach the top of the bridge, which means that you have reached the young man who is in Fenghua.Po Shung is down, that's because you are already middle -aged ...


Ah, the Yanhe Bridge of Huaiyin, your hometown, your ancient and modern atmosphere, your color, your health, your charm, and your feelings, just like a rain on the road of my life, a gust of wind, a ray of strandsSunshine, I really love you!IntersectionIntersection

家乡的桥作文800字 篇4


In the first month, our hometown has a beautiful "landscape", like a rainbow spanning Hexi, which is the Hexi Gallery Bridge located at Jingning exit at Yunjing High Speed Speed.


Let's talk about it first.The main colors are: red and gray.Looking at the gallery bridge from a distance, it adds up to six slopes.There are two imports on the heads of imports, middle and exit, which can be said to be one layer of two slopes.The most distinctive is the two slopes in the middle.There are two leaders on the two corners on the top of the second slope. Some people say it is used, and some people say that they are used to ward off evil spirits.Two faucet towards different places, there is a phoenix in the middle.There are many roots on the red bridge.


The "rainbow" in the early morning is silent.There are not many people playing in the morning, and there seems to be nothing else except the bird's sound.I walked on the gallery bridge and looked up. There was a floating clouds on a wooden beam. Although the craftsmanship was not so delicate, no matter which auspicious clouds indicated the vision and mystery of people's future and mysterious futureIn ancient times, an antique lamp was hung on both sides of the bridge.Standing in this quiet place, watching these is really beautiful!I lay down on the bridge and looked down. The stream sang a beautiful song, and a stone road was placed on the river in an orderly manner. The children jumped around and added a fun to the quiet gallery bridge!


The bridge at noon is lively.The sun was empty, and tourists walked around the bridge.Some point here and talk about it here; some of the ancient poems and some sculpting characters on some of the lamps next to the gallery bridge; some hold the camera, take a picture here, and shoot it. I always feel that it is not enough to shoot enough.Native


The gallery bridge at night is gorgeous.The brilliant gallery bridge changes in various colors, which can really be regarded as the most beautiful of the day.The night fell, and some of the surrounding buildings were wearing glittering gold "hats" on the surrounding buildings.Various patterns are constantly changing on the electronic screen of the gallery bridge.At first, it was all green, and then blue covered the green one by one, reflected in the water, and it was so beautiful!Then there was a meteor shower, and the purple -red meteor rain drifted from the "air".Really, maybe you will question whether you are in a beautiful fairyland, and the reflection of the water is like many small fish jumping out of the water.Immediately afterwards, the golden fish "turning the mountains and the mountains" gathered in the middle to become a sign of Xiangxiang.In the end, the words "Magic Xiang Township, Historical Town" and other words appeared, and the coherent scenes were cleverly integrated with the water color. Why not make people amazing?


The water bridge and the bridge are water, which is this antique gallery bridge, like a colorful "rainbow" across Hexi!

家乡的桥作文800字 篇5


In my hometown, there is a stone arch bridge.As far as I know, it has a history of 300 years!Although the years were ruthlessly destroyed, the stone cracks were full of weeds, and the stones had mottled traces and unevenness, but it still spans the river majestic.


This stone arch bridge is 20 meters long and 4 meters wide.The bridge hole of the stone arch bridge is curved, like a rainbow.There are two semi -circular arches on both sides of the bridge hole.In my hometown, the rivers often skyrocketed, especially when there is a lot of rain in the summer, this design is the same as Zhaozhou Bridge, which not only saves stones and reduces the weight of the bridge.Essence


In the center of the bridge, there is a red pentagram like a compass.There are three long knives inside.Only the sharp and bright knife tip was exposed. Now the tip of the knife is rusty, leaving a stone groove.Why is the sharp knife on the bridge?According to legend, whenever Wuyun is densely set, and thunderous, a dragon suddenly appears like a god suddenly appears on the river.The evil dragon was amazing, and the body was almost filled with the entire river.Then it swayed its huge body, put the river water into the crops on both sides of the strait, and drowned the crops.Then keep the body growing with the river to threaten the safety of the bridge.When the rain stopped, the evil dragon disappeared without a trace.So the people in the village came up with a way to stop the dragon. They installed the pentagram in the center of the bridge and installed three long knives in it. When the evil dragon appeared again, the knife would automatically control the knife automatically.The dragon stabbed and stayed away.Since then, the evil dragon has never dared to appear again.


I think the ancients believed this set, and then there would be a sharp knife.Looking at the stone arch bridge now, the bridge surface is paved with slate. The middle is wide and flat, and the two sides are a bit steep.Over the years, the wind blows and rain, and people have been stepping on the cow, which has always been smooth, but the coin is not grinding.There are stone fences on both sides, and the stone bar is 1 meter high, which is a rectangular form.There are all kinds of small arched maps on the stone bar, semi -circular, round, irregular, etc.; Both ends of the stone bar are a little higher than the stone bar.The verse of praise bridge is engraved on it.There is a merit monument on the bridge head, engraved with the name of construction and craftsman, and has already fallen off with stone dandruff. It is said that this stone arch bridge was built by a woman in the village.


Although the stone arch bridge in my hometown, although not as majestic as Zhaozhou Bridge and Lusuqiao, it is like a highly respected old man in our hearts, silently and selflessly to provide convenience and guard our village.

家乡的桥作文800字 篇6


My hometown Chumen is a small town of Jiangnan, which is surrounded by mountains. The Yulumen River passes through the town like a white jade belt.There is a bridge with a river. Although the bridge of my hometown does not have the majestic and magnificent overpass, and there is no long history of Zhaozhou Bridge, the bridge of my hometown is in various ways.The bridge is not only a unique landscape of hometown, but also the cultural accumulation of hometown, but also reflects the changes and development of the hometown.


On the Nanmen River, there is a "Jiuqu Bridge" built in 1983. From the top floor of the 24th floor of the Nanbin Huayuan, the "Jiuqu Bridge" is like a paper fan and expands to the river.Walking on the tortuous bridge, the Baishi Bridge is engraved with relief patterns such as Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, Double Lions grabbing Pearls, Danfeng Jingyan. The shapes are different and interesting.Under the bridge of Jiuqu Bridge, the blue waves were sparkling, and the breeze blew, which was refreshing.Sitting in "Yinghui Pavilion" and "recent month pavilion" overlooking, Yahuo Mountains and mountains are overwhelming, the ancient Great Wall twists and turns extend, and it is interesting to Jiuqu Bridge.The parts of Jiuqu Bridge are looking at the Nanbin Huayuan Villa and a more than 20 -story building, which is low and one high, playing the movement of the hometown culture and the harmonious development of the modern economy.Jiuqu Bridge also walked out of the country's most influential town -level publication "Quqiao". No wonder some people said that if this Jiuqu Bridge is not available, Chumen will lose one -third of the charm.


A group of three arches of the Wenfang Bridge, named one of the eight scenic spots of Chumen, "Gaofeng Wenfang", which is engraved with the beautiful legend of Chumen Wendan and Wen surnamed Dan.In the morning, people went to practice swords, dance, and talk about the earth, and the entire bridge became lively.By noon, the entire lake was quiet. At this time, the three arch bridges lying quietly on the lake and whispering, even the swan did not want to disturb them, and quietly rest quietly in the warm sun.In the afternoon, the Wenfang Bridge was lively again. We children chased, played, played, and the entire bridge was immersed in the happy ocean.It's so pleasant!Gradually, the night came quietly, and the moonlight reflection came down and sprinkled it on the bridge, as if putting a golden coat on the bridge. In the evening, the neon lights of the entire bridge were colorful and colorful.Soon after, the river will be built into Hubin Road Pedestrian Street, becoming the most prosperous place in Chumen.The Wenfang Bridge is both a dragon and a rainbow, bringing unlimited reveries.


The biggest bridge of Chumen is the environmental protection bridge next to my home. The magnificent environmental protection bridge spans the momentum and color to Chumen.In order to carry the beautiful vision of the development of my hometown, I took the steps.


There are also Chuzhou Bridge, Chaoyang Bridge, Changye Bridge, Chengdong Bridge, and Wenlan Bridge. Each bridge is a good hope for people in the hometown, and it is also connected to the dream of developing their hometown.

家乡的桥作文800字 篇7


"Bridge in Beijing, there are all kinds of poses, Beijing's bridge, magnificent ..." Whenever I hear this song- "Bridge in Beijing", I will think of the beautiful, solid, and unique shape of my hometown.Quqiao, this Jiuqu Bridge is located in the beautiful Jiuquanquan Lake Park, also known as the Western Han Dynasty Park.Regarding my hometown "Jiuquan", there is also an ancient legend: In 121 BC, the general Huo Huo, Huo Huo, recruited the Huns and fought a famous battle with the Huns.In a altar, General Huo believed that the credit belonged to the general of the army, so he poured the wine into the spring to drink with the soldiers, so the reputation of "Jiuquan" was inherited to this day.


The Jiuqu Bridge in the Western Han Dynasty is not what it looks like now!Listening to her mother said: When she was a child, Jiuqu Bridge was not like this, it was just a gray stone bridge.Pass on the bridge.At that time, the guardrail on the bridge was a bit low.Mom also said: When they met the lake when they were young, some people would also row the boat to slowly drill into the bottom of the Jiuqu Bridge. Every time they feel that their heads seem to meet the bottom of the bridge, it is very interesting."


The Jiuqu Bridge in my memory was like a natural game field, which was one of the most played places in the park when I was a kid.In the spring, the grass and willow branches by the lake were revealed. When the wind blows, the grass and willow branches slowly swing up the body, as if playing with Jiuqu Bridge; in the summer, the small fish and the small fish in the lakeThe small shrimp slowly swims at the bottom of the bridge, as if playing in the guardian of Jiuqu Bridge; in the autumn, the leaves by the lake are dried yellow, blown by the wind, falling on the bridge surface, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, walking on it, Rustic lings; in winter, the white snow covers the bridge surface, as if a thick quilt was covered for Jiuqu Bridge.There is a lake heart pavilion on the Jiuqu Bridge. If you are tired, you can sit down and take a break. By the way, look at the other beautiful scenery in the park.If there is wind at this time, it feels like the whole person will become happy.


In the season when the lotus lotus was opened earlier this year, we went to the park again, and the park was repaired. Even the Jiuqu Bridge has changed. It is no longer the original dirty color.The original gray was restored cleanly, and the slice on the side of the bridge also brushed bright red paint. The entire Jiuqu Bridge seemed to wear a beautiful new clothes.The new Jiuqu Bridge floats in the blue waves, and it looks extremely charming against the beautiful lotus and tender green lotus leaves. People stand on it to take pictures. It has become the most beautiful scenery in the park.


There are very few water in my hometown, and there are no bridges, but I think the Jiuqu Bridge in the Western Han Dynasty must not be inferior. It is built on the water to facilitate pedestrians to pass, but also become the scenery in the park.Features of the bridge.


I love this bridge in my hometown!