
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:50 | 来源:语文通



清明节作文300字 篇1清明节作文300字 篇2

清明节作文300字 篇1


Yesterday was Tomb Sweeping Day, and also the day of ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is a tradition of the Chinese nation, which shows our respect for our ancestors.

一大早,妈妈开车带着我和姐姐回老家去。沿路我看到好多 去秦岭山里的车,粉红的桃花,绿油油的麦田和金黄金黄的油菜花,许多游人半路停下在桃园或者在油菜花边照相。

Early in the morning, my mother drove me and my sister back to our hometown. Along the way, I saw many cars going to the Qinling Mountains, pink peach flowers, green wheat fields and golden rape flowers. Many tourists stopped in the peach garden or took photos at the edge of rape flowers.


We arrived at our hometown before we knew it.


When I got home, I found that we were a little late. My uncle's family and my aunt had already returned. Grandpa led us to burn paper for Grandma and Grandpa, and I certainly joined in. I learned to kneel down. Because there were so many people, we formed a big circle to burn paper and paper money, and then kowtowed. Grandpa is afraid of causing other things to catch fire. Let's wait a little longer. We can go home after the fire is completely extinguished.


When I got home, my grandma and aunt cooked lunch and everyone talked and laughed. I thought to myself: Grandma and Grandpa, you must have a good time in heaven!

清明节作文300字 篇2


"The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Let's go to the tomb." However, I still don't know what "grave sweeping" means?


I told my father this question, and he promised to take me to the tomb on Tomb Sweeping Day this year. On Tomb Sweeping Day, my father prepared some things to take me out. I said, "Daddy, do you want to bring a broom?" Dad shook his head and said, "No, no!" I thought, "How can I sweep without a broom?" Later, I followed my father and walked for about a class to a pile of graveyards. My father said, "This graveyard belongs to your ancestors, and today we are here to visit them." Then Dad took out a bunch of "paper money" from his bag and tied it to the straw on the graveyard. He also threw "rice and water" and burned some "paper money". Finally, he asked me to kowtow with him. After kowtowing, my father said, "This is called tomb sweeping, you know?" I understand a little, but I don't understand. But I nodded.


This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival I will never forget. In the future, I will learn a lot about the Qingming Festival.