
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:48 | 来源:语文通



马尔代夫游记作文 篇1马尔代夫游记作文 篇2马尔代夫游记作文 篇3马尔代夫游记作文 篇4马尔代夫游记作文 篇5马尔代夫游记作文 篇6马尔代夫游记作文 篇7马尔代夫游记作文 篇8马尔代夫游记作文 篇9马尔代夫游记作文 篇10

马尔代夫游记作文 篇1


Little friend, where did I go this summer vacation? I went to Maldives!


Maldives is composed of many small islands. I stayed in the Holiday Inn on Kangduma Island. I spent 5 happy days there. We live in a single family villa with a direct view of the sea from the balcony. This article was written by listening to the waves of the sea.


I went there one night. I also took a speedboat to our island. I saw stars all over the sky on the speedboat. I can't see so many stars at ordinary times.


The main things I do in Maldives are swimming and diving. I picked up a lot of hermit crabs on the beach there! What I picked up from the sea is under the big stone! I like those hermit crabs very much and want to take them back to Shanghai. Unfortunately, the notice in the hotel says that anyone who takes sea sand, shells, hermit crabs, etc. will be fined 5000 dollars once they are found by the customs! So I had no choice but to take it back.


I also fed fish there! When I arrived at the fish feeding place, I suddenly found that there was no food for the fish. At that moment, an aunt from Paris, France and her son gave me a piece of bread respectively. I thought they were very warm, but her son kept giving me bread behind, and I suddenly felt that I could not feed them all. But after they left, I thought I'd throw it all away. Then we walked back to the hotel. On the way, we saw a lot of hermit crabs and had a hermit crab party! Then we strolled back to the warm hotel.


Maldives is so beautiful!

马尔代夫游记作文 篇2


Maldives is beautiful!


The sea water in Maldives is very transparent, without any sundries, just like sapphire. The fish inside are colorful, black and white, blue, and white. They swim around in the water, very lovely! Sometimes, there are small white sharks swimming leisurely in the shallow sea, which seems very happy!


The beach of Maldives is white, with hermit crabs and ants on the beach. The hermit crab always hides in its shell until it feels safe. The ants were black and big, and looked very strong. There are always crows resting on the coconut trees, and when they are happy, they always shout loudly.


The houses in Maldives are very special. The roof is made of straw. The sea breeze is blowing. It's very comfortable to sit on the lounge chair outside! The one on the beach is called sand house; On the water is a water house. When I lived in the sand house, I always shot crows and fought water battles with my friends. When we lived in the water house, we always read and rest on the couch, looking at the blue sea and feeling relaxed.


Marine life in the Maldives is very interesting. While enjoying the sea, we happened to find a heavy turtle swimming slowly. My mother and I followed it excitedly and took several pictures with the camera. Another time, I found a strange fish. Its body was wide and flat, its tail was thin and long, and its head was very big; Its outer ring is light blue, and its inner ring is dark blue. Its body seems to be shining. I named it "Bigheaded Ghost".


I love Maldives!

马尔代夫游记作文 篇3


In winter vacation, my parents and I went to Maldives for a trip. After more than 9 hours of planes and half an hour of yachts, we finally arrived in the Maldives.


When I stumbled onto the immortal coral island, my tiredness was all forgotten. There are lots of virgin forests on the island. The roofs of houses are made of wood or straw. There are bright and beautiful flowers everywhere, which makes people feel like a paradise. The blue sky and the blue sea, as people say, are a piece of blue jade and a piece of emerald. From a distance, the water and sky are connected, and the emerald and the blue jade are combined, making it spectacular. Overlooking the clear and bright sea water, lobsters, crabs, and all kinds of fish are colorful. I couldn't help exclaiming excitedly: "How beautiful!"


The beach here is different. The sand is as white as pearl and as fine as flour. It's very comfortable to step on it. On the beach, I saw seashells that I had never seen before. They were spiral, fan-shaped, and awl shaped. They were white as jade, covered with red spots like exquisite paintings, and light pink was particularly elegant. What surprised me most was that some shells and small crabs lived in them and were sleeping soundly!


The starry sky of the island makes me unforgettable who has been living in the city. Countless stars like diamonds sprinkled on the dark blue sky, and the moon was as bright as a white jade plate. Relying on the lounge chair of the water house, blowing the sea breeze, looking up at the starry sky, like a dream. The shining stars surrounded me like little angels


Maldives is as beautiful as heaven, which makes me linger.

马尔代夫游记作文 篇4


Today is the day I have been looking forward to for a long time. I can finally go to Maldives to play! We flew to Guangzhou on January 25. It took more than 5 hours for Urumqi to get to Guangzhou. We stayed in Guangzhou for two days before flying to Maldives. It took us more than 6 hours to fly from Guangzhou to Maldives.


We landed at Male Airport. When we got off the plane, I felt a clean wind blowing in my face. Although it is already evening, I can feel the air here is very different from ours. The island we are going to is called "Central Grande Island", and we have to take another seaplane to get there. It's a pity that we can't overlook the whole picture of "Central Grande Island" at night.


I found that the local people in Maldives walk on the ground barefoot. They pay attention to environmental protection and never litter. The cleaner sweeps with a small broom, which shows that their environment is well protected. The sea water is clear and there is no garbage on the sea.


The first day I arrived in Maldives, I left a deep impression. I think that environmental protection should start with everyone, and we should protect our environment.

马尔代夫游记作文 篇5


This year, my father and mother plan to take me to Maldives for the New Year. Maldives is a country composed of many islands. It has beautiful scenery all the year round. Male is its capital and one of the smallest capitals in the world. Sun Island is the largest hotel island in Maldives, so our itinerary this time is Sun Island.


The water here is crystal clear, and groups of fish swim in the water; The island is covered with coconut trees. Through a narrow and simple wooden bridge, we entered the villa. This villa is directly built on the water, which is very magical! On the balcony, we can sleep on the couch and feel the sea breeze; In the room, we can directly throw bread crumbs into the sea to feed fish.


There are no cars on Sun Island. Their means of transportation are bicycles and electric vehicles. There are gardens everywhere on the island, and every small animal here has its own fixed home: lizards' homes are full of trees, and the parents of birds are full of flowers and plants... They live in harmony, and no one will invade each other's territory.


My father and mother will take me to the island every day: there are unique restaurants, beautiful golf courses, and exotic SPA halls

马尔代夫游记作文 篇6


My long awaited trip to Maldives has begun!


Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and consists of more than 80 islands. The island scenery is very beautiful and it is a tourist resort.


We set out from Shanghai and finally arrived at the "Nyama Island" in Maldives after a ten hour flight. When I came here, I found how blue the sky was, like a piece of precious silk; The water is so clear that you can see corals and small fish swimming around.


The night we arrived was just in time for the Mid Autumn Festival. The people on the island were very enthusiastic. They invited a Chinese chef to cook a beautiful Mid Autumn dinner for us. We ate delicious food while watching the moon. It was wonderful to spend Chinese traditional festivals abroad!


The most impressive thing is that coach ADAM took me to snorkeling. I wore a diving suit with a nervous mood and slowly dived into the sea with my coach. There, I had a close contact with beautiful corals, fish of different sizes, and lovely clown fish scurrying around the coral. How I wish I were a little fish and could swim in the sea.


Maldives is really beautiful! I love Maldives!

马尔代夫游记作文 篇7


On the afternoon of August 12, we followed a Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines to Maldives, the most precious pearl in the Indian Ocean, after a 7-hour and 30 minute long flight.


Maldives, located in the southernmost part of South Asia, is an island country with an area of about 3 million square kilometers and is composed of 1200 small coral islands. Male is the smallest capital in the world, only as big as Tiananmen Square. Soon after we got off the plane, I looked into the sky and found that the sky was full of twinkling stars, and there were even white clouds here at night!


In the morning, I called my sleeping parents to accompany me to the beach. Wow! The sand here is as fine as flour, and the sea here is crystal clear. While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery, my mother smiled and said to me: "This is not the most beautiful. In the afternoon, Shangri La Island, one of the many islands in Maldives, which we will go to, is much more beautiful than this. Shangri La Island is the farthest island in Male. It will cross the equator without pollution and is the most beautiful resort in the world. I was even more excited to hear what my mother said.


Soon we boarded the inland plane and speedboat to reach Shangri La Island, where I was full of curiosity. Is this a painting? Is this a fairyland on earth? I was shocked by the scene before me; Blue sky, snow-white clouds, spectacular rosy clouds, meaty white beaches, and mysterious sea water with various colors. It's so beautiful. These are all beautiful things that can't be described by words. Maldives is really a bunch of beautiful pearls shaken off by God! We live in a water house, which is a villa built in the middle of the sea. The balcony can lead directly to the sea, and there are many beautiful tropical fish swimming around. I can't wait to change my swimming gear and jump into the sea.


The next day, my father ordered to go out to see dolphins, which is also the most interesting thing for me to do here. The quick uncle didn't know his name, because he was very dark, and everyone called him Xiao Hei. Uncle Xiaohei said that dolphins live in the deep sea, and only in the deep sea can we see dolphins. But we did not find dolphins after several circles in the deep sea. Then Uncle Xiaohei said: "If you are not lucky, you may not see a dolphin.". As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared in the air. Uncle Xiaohei suddenly shouted: "LOOK, LOOKThat"! Ah, it's a dolphin! One, two, three, four... Many dolphins climb over the sky together, just like greeting us, welcome us!

这时,快艇上响起音乐,海豚跳的更欢快了,它们一边跳一边游,我们的快艇开得快,它们就游得快,跳得快;我们的快艇开的慢,它们就游得慢,跳的慢。 www..c www..cn n 它们一会儿在空中翻跟头,一会儿上玄月跳水,一会儿下玄月跳水。真是海中的舞蹈家呀!我从来没有见过这么多只海豚,以前都是在海洋馆里见到几只,而且都是被人类训练过的,失去了本性,所以我感到万分激动。

At this time, there was music on the speedboat, and the dolphins jumped more happily. They jumped and swam. When our speedboat drove fast, they swam fast and jumped fast; If our speedboats drive slowly, they will swim slowly and jump slowly. WWW.. C WWW.. CN N They turn somersaults in the air, dive on the moon, and dive on the moon. What a dancer in the sea! I have never seen so many dolphins. I have seen several dolphins in the aquarium before, and they have been trained by humans and lost their nature, so I am very excited.


In the next few days, we went snorkeling, caught crabs on the beach, and picked up corals... Soon, we were leaving Shangri La Island. I cried sadly, and then silently wrote on the beach: Maldives, I will come again. The sky, rosy clouds, sand beach, sea water and water house here will make me forget to leave. Goodbye, Maldives!

马尔代夫游记作文 篇8


On the holiday, we had a family of children and grandma. Brother Xiaoyu was ready to go, packed as many clothes, medicine, diving equipment and food as possible. We finally arrived in the long-awaited Maldives by plane after ten hours.


The Happy Island is located south of the equator. Before the plane landed, the flight attendant on the plane gave each of us a "certificate of equatorial passage". I spent five happy days there. We live in a single family villa. We can see the sea directly from the balcony.


In the past few days, we have arranged all activities in the daytime, swimming, fishing, walking and watching performances in the evening. On the first day, we got up early and went to the seaside to watch the sunrise, pick up shells and watch hermit crabs. In the evening, we went fishing at the seaside. Brother Xiaoyu caught a small shark, and we set it free. I hope it can live freely in the sea. It's getting dark. I look at the stars in the sky on the speedboat, which I rarely see in Beijing.


The next day we went to the sea to see the dolphin show. We saw many dolphins, big and small, moving in groups in that area. When they saw the boat coming, they would swim over and swim with the boat, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right. They kept jumping out of the water, like naughty children, extremely cute. Everyone screamed excitedly. After going around for several times and seeing many dolphins, the boat began to return. In the afternoon of the next day, we went snorkeling together. A coach accompanied me all the time. We communicated in English. That afternoon, we had a good time. I began to like snorkeling.


On the third day, we learned to drive motorboats on the sea. The coach was very conscientious and responsible. We soon learned it. But because I was a child, he dared not let me drive too fast. He always sat behind me to protect me. This sport was much simpler than I thought.


On the the fourth day, we went snorkeling on a mysterious "Unmanned Island". The sea water there is light, transparent and light green. We took pictures of colorful fish, coral and giant sea cucumbers. On the way back, we saw several big turtles. In the afternoon, we played banana boats, kayaks and so on on the sea.


There is also a rich buffet every day. All the people on the island are very warm and polite. I also learned to tip and practice my English expression on this trip.


The six day journey soon ended, and we reluctantly left the beautiful Happy Island. I will never forget the sunshine, white sand beach as fine as powder, clear sea water and sand house there. Grandma, I hope to bring you next time. There are vegetarian and tropical fruits you like. Stimulating sports are not suitable for you, but I can walk with you, swim, blow the sea breeze, pick up shells, watch performances


Comment: The article has written about six days of fun on the island, including four days, and where are the other two days? You can explain. During the six day tour, we can arrange and describe the scenery in detail, so that we can experience the beauty and happiness with you.

马尔代夫游记作文 篇9


The Maldives near the equator has always been a tourist destination for me. Taking advantage of this sacred festival - National Day, we went to Maldives with our family.


During my visit to Maldives, the most unforgettable thing for me is to dive in the endless sea!


As soon as I jumped into the sea, it was very quiet around me. There were also countless fish in different colors, shapes and postures.


As far away from the shore, the sea water is getting deeper and deeper, the coral reefs are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more kinds of fish. It's really beautiful! I couldn't help reaching out to touch it, but it cleverly avoided. I secretly admired the agility of the fish and savored the gift from the sea to the world.


Among these beautiful fish, I like a kind of black and white fish best. You may think its color is too ordinary and ordinary. But after returning to China, the fish from the distant country of Maldives that is deeply printed in my mind is this ordinary, ordinary black and white fish. It looks ordinary, even monotonous, but its color seems to be integrated with the sea. The two complement each other and are very harmonious. Moreover, its swimming style is elegant, just like a princess with extraordinary bearing dancing, which is impressive.


It can be seen that anything is not more gorgeous and beautiful, but depends on its unique charm.

马尔代夫游记作文 篇10


Beautiful Maldives! With a scream, I got out of bed. Do you know why I'm so excited? Because today is the day when we go to Maldives. A long time ago, I saw the introduction of Maldives on TV and got a good impression of it. At that time, I thought it would be great if I could go there. Unexpectedly, that dream turned into reality.


After breakfast, we were very happy to laugh all the way, and soon got on the plane. Watching the house getting smaller, we have come to the sea of clouds. I am very happy to have Baiyun as my partner. We arrived in Maldives in a few hours.


In the evening we decided to take a walk by the sea. Walking out of the hotel is an endless sea. Maldives is made up of hundreds of islands. There is only one hotel on each island. Their total area is not as big as Deyang, so there are few tourists here. It is very comfortable. When you look up, you will feel that you are dreaming. The sky is full of stars, and there is no space. The sky presents a dark blue night sky, which is extremely beautiful!


The next morning we got up and we were going to watch the sunrise. When we arrived at the best place to watch the sunrise, a red, big and bright sun soon rose, turning the sky red and my face red.


After watching the sunrise, we came to the seaside. From afar, there are ships sailing in the deep blue sea; Nearby, the sea is green and green, without any sundries, and you can see beautiful fish! The sand beach is much better than Hainan in China. The sand is fine, snow-white, and shells can be seen everywhere. There are living hermit crabs in it. There are also many beautiful corals. Even the sky is blue and blue, and its integration with the sea melt is simply "sailing on the blue waves, while the master swims in the painting".