
时间:2022-06-13 13:29:24 | 来源:语文通


I am the Minister of Logistics of our team. The purchase is my work. In the morning, for everyone to have a delicious breakfast.Yesterday (July 14th) and Ren Wenhai (big handsome guy) discussed early to buy food early. We got up at 5:30 in the morning, and finally "abandoned" me and went back to sleep.


The face of the great girl in Henan has changed.It is good at about 5 o'clock in the morning.But this did not stop the students' pace of going to school, and it was still very early.From this point, the enthusiasm of students is ten times higher than us ... ashamed!


Every day, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the students who are also very enthusiastic about the two of us. I still have a small assistant during class. He may not be good at learning, but his handicraft is particularly good. I think my assistant should get it.Must, even if learning is not so good.


The moment of eating at noon is here again. What should I eat for meals?Our team is enthusiastic, but its ability is not good.However, unity is power. At 12 o'clock, we all have rich lunch.Everyone is particularly happy to eat together, especially Ren Wenhai is particularly happy and can eat. Almost every time is the last one. Special ... he is angry that he eats a lot of food, but he is not very fat.I am angry.


At noon lunch break, we are not very good for us. Students seem to be super early early. Of course, as big sisters and elder brothers, of course, we cannot fall behind and join their team early.Rope, play basketball together, live happily, we are very happy ...


One day, getting up ... buy ... cook ... eat ... class ... prepare lunch ... eat ... lunch breaks ... class ... prepare dinner ... eat ... preparation ... bath ... sleep.Mechanical life, but there are interlodations, so happy.There are too many mosquitoes when I sleep.But she also fell asleep.


Give yourself: Do your face carefully every day, read more, sleep on time, eat less and eat more.Be gentle, generous, continue to be kind, and maintain love.Not in front of people, I talked about consolation everywhere, but learned to face it alone, and I would like to make the Tao ideal.In this way, you are single. You are so devout that you will be the best in being a better self -religious self, and that person must be worthy of all your waiting.



1、一天:一天读音为yì tiān,是指1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。一天 yī tiān词典解释:1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。(1) [a day]∶一昼夜(2) [round the clock]∶二十四小时一天二十四小时都有人值班(3) [one day]∶有一天,有朝一日一天,老李谈起他参加红军的经过(4) [the whole day;all the day] 〈方〉∶一个白天忙碌了一天(5) [from morning till night] 〈方〉∶一天到晚分词解释:满天:充满或布满天空,形容数量多。天空:1.谓天际空阔。 2.日月星辰罗列的广大空间。一块:1.表数量。用于单个的块状之物。 2.一起,一同。 3.同一处所。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。...一天怎么造句,用一天造句»

2、充实:充实读音为chōng shí,是指1.使完满;加强。 2.充足;富足。 3.犹充盈。 4.壮实;结实。 5.犹踏实。充实 chōng shí词语解释:1.使完满;加强。 2.充足;富足。 3.犹充盈。 4.壮实;结实。 5.犹踏实。(1) [substantial]∶内容充足不虚内容充实(2) [rich]∶富足百姓充实分词解释:结实:①坚固耐用:这双鞋很结实。②健壮:他的身体结实。充足:1.足够。 2.富足。 3.饱足;饱满。 4.补足,纳足。踏实:1.亦作“蹋实”。 2.切实;不浮躁:工作踏实|踏实肯干。 3.安定;放心:心里不踏实。 4.行步稳健。 5.落实。加强:使更坚强或更有效:加强团结ㄧ加强领导ㄧ加强爱国主义教育。...充实怎么造句,用充实造句»