
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:47 | 来源:语文通



难忘的中秋节作文 篇1难忘的中秋节作文 篇2难忘的中秋节作文 篇3难忘的中秋节作文 篇4难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇5难忘的中秋节作文 篇6

难忘的中秋节作文 篇1


August 15th of the lunar calendar is the Mid -Autumn Festival in China.


One of the sayings of the Mid -Autumn Festival is the 15th of the lunar calendar. This day is just the time when rice is mature. Each family worships the land gods, the food of God has fruit, moon cakes, ordered incense.After that, everyone sat together, while eating moon cakes, looking up at the moon in the sky, it was called the moon.


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. The custom of Wenzhou people is a gift to the elders.Therefore, my mother bought a lot of things for her grandmother and grandmother today. Grandma also set up a table of wine at noon. She invited my aunt and my cousin cousin to get together.At noon, the staples are dried powder and old ducks. This is the custom of the Mid -Autumn Festival of Wenzhou people.Everyone talked about how I spent the past August 15th on the dining table. Talking and talking, "Time is so fast! In a blink of an eye, the Mid -Autumn Festival is here." At this moment, the Wenzhou people's Mid -Autumn Festival gifts are given gifts at this Mid -Autumn Festival gift.The meaning is to connect with the relationship, and the business requires business.


This Mid -Autumn Festival is really interesting. I heard my grandfather and grandmother's simple life in the past. Think about how happy my life is at the moment!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇2


Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, finally, I look forward to Mid -Autumn Festival.Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion day. On this day, our family spent happily and very fulfilling.


In the early morning, our family got up early. Mom went to the morning caple market to buy food. So what do we do?That's right, we go to climb the mountain.

“清晨的空气好清新呀!…作文迷 .cn…”我赞叹道,“清晨的的空气中杂质较少,吸入体内会很舒服。”鸟儿早早的起了床,站在枝头叽叽喳喳的叫着,好像在说:“今天的天气好晴朗!”白云在空中自由自在的飞着。

"The air in the morning is so fresh! ... Composition fans .cn ..." I admired, "The early morning air is less impurities, and it will be very comfortable in absorbing the body." The birds got up early and stood on the branches.It seemed to be saying, "Today's weather is so clear!" Bai Yun flew freely in the air.


We just arrived at the population. The unknown big trees of the two lines extended from the entrance to the top of the mountain. The lush branches and leaves covered the dazzling sun, making me feel no longer exposed.I play with my sister: See who climb to the top of the mountain first.The pace of climbing the mountains continued to accelerate, followed by me, the younger sister who was panting and insisted, and my father walked slowly behind.In the end, my first, my sister second, we rest on the top of the mountain, waiting for the father behind.I suddenly discovered that the top of the morning in the morning was completely different from the top of the sunset: two old grandma was playing badminton, and badminton kept flying in the two old grandma; and the three grandpa was playing Tai Chi.


At noon, when we were tired, we returned home to see a table delicious, and we had already drooped three feet!Faced with delicious food, we couldn't help gobbing, and our mother laughed beside him.


Finally, at night, we finished meals, wrapped some moon cakes and fruits with tablecloths, and went out.Yes.We go to "picnic".When, my mother put the tablecloth on the grass. I sat on the grass and picked up a moon cake, looked at the moon, bite a bite, and my mouth was full of happiness.


This beautiful day and reunion day are so memorable

难忘的中秋节作文 篇3


Today is August 15th of the lunar calendar, the Mid -Autumn Festival in my country, and a festival of reunion for relatives.


Our whole family was around the dining table, and in the laughter, we ate a fragrant dinner.


After eating meals, I quickly ran to see the moon, and the sun just went down the mountain."The scenery of tonight is so beautiful!" I couldn't help but sigh.But the Moon Sister was hiding in the clouds and refused to come out. After a while, she only revealed her face, like a shy little girl, seemed to hiding secretly in the clouds!After a while, the moon suddenly worked hard and finally came out.The dazzling light looks particularly bright under the lining of the dark blue sky. Usually the bright stars are no longer so striking, and the eye -catching is the round and big moon.The moon was like a big jade plate hanging in the sky!


Just when I thought about it, I shouted and disrupted my thoughts: "Snow, come back to eat moon cakes!" I listened, the arrows rushed into the house.I tasted the moon cake and thought about the moon: I do n’t know how the children in the disaster area spent the Mid -Autumn Festival?


I wish the children in the disaster area find their relatives as soon as possible, and the children in the disaster area can also spend a happy and complete Mid -Autumn Festival.Please send Sister Chang'e and the cute jade rabbit to send the blessings of our whole family to the place where the disaster encounters the disaster!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇4


A pure round moon hangs in the quiet night sky, and it has reached the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is here.In the night sky, the stars were scattered, and the stars blinked, looking at the moon with curious eyes, for a moment, the stars held the moon.The moon seemed to be shy, covering his face with a light veil -like cloud, and suddenly appeared.After a while, the moon came out, like a round of jade plate inlaid in a deep night, the bright moonlight was filled with the earth, and the brilliant crystals on the ground on the ground were like a mirror.Another sky.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is here.Under the moonlit, a blooming wild chrysanthemum swayed in the wind and danced under the moon.The ground looks like a moving picture, showing their graceful figure, jumping out of their most dazzling dances, and blessing the arrival of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节到了。爷爷奶奶给孩子们讲着传奇的月亮神话,孩子们吃着香甜的月饼,一边听故事,一边若有所思地望着月亮。“爷爷,嫦娥一个人在月宫不寂寞吗?”“啊?不会的,每到中秋时,嫦娥姐姐可忙了,她得把所有人对远方亲人的思念送到每个角落。”“那我们明年中秋节去看嫦娥姐姐好吗?”“哈哈哈,说得好,咱们明年乘坐‘神9’去月宫邀请嫦娥姐姐来咱家做客,吃吃人间的月饼。”夜深了,窗前已经没有了孩子的影子,他们都睡熟了,圆圆的脸庞上露出幸福的笑魇 ,一定是梦见上月宫了吧。

The Mid -Autumn Festival is here.Grandpa and grandma told the legendary moon myth to the children. The children eating sweet moon cakes and listening to the story while looking at the moon thoughtfully."Grandpa, is Chang'e alone in the Moon Palace?" "Ah? No, every Mid -Autumn Festival, Sister Chang'e is busy, and she has to send everyone's thoughts about the distant relatives to every corner." "ThenWill we go to see Sister Chang'e next Mid -Autumn Festival next year? "" Hahaha, say well, we will take the "God 9" next year to invite Sister Chang'e to visit our house and eat moon cakes on earth. "Without the shadow of the children, they are all asleep, and the round face shows a happy smile on the face. It must be dreaming of the palace last month.


In the moonlight in front of the window, I deeply wish everyone a happy Mid -Autumn Festival and the family reunion!

难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇5


Today is the traditional Chinese festival -Mid -Autumn Festival.On this day, people outside must go home to reunite with their families.——Alings like the moon on this day.


Our family is no exception.On this day, many people came to our house, including brothers, aunts and uncle.Grandma also made a lot of delicious food.We talked and talked, we talked and laughed, and learned about each other's recent work, family and learning.After dinner, Dad took out a large box of moon cakes.I said, "So many moon cakes?" "Yes," Dad said, "Don't you want to eat?" I said, "No! I really want to eat." Dad smiled and asked my family to share moon cakes.Watching everyone eating sweet moon cakes, a happy smile on their faces.At this moment, I feel the warmth and happiness of my home.


In the evening, my parents took me to watch the movie "The Rise of the Apes", which tells the story of the endangered humans and the growing apes.When I see a good place, I think I am there, and my heart will sweat for them.I can't wait to go in to help them.The movie is over, but my mood is still on the plot of the movie.


This Mid -Autumn Festival is really unforgettable for me.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇6


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. Do you know that there is another name in the Mid -Autumn Festival?Let me tell you!The Mid -Autumn Festival is also called reunion festival.


On the night of the fifth day of August, Wang Yuhan and I went downstairs while eating moon cakes while watching the moon.People often say "the moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival is clear." This sentence makes sense.Look, Yueer, with a circle of golden ring, finally rose.It was golden and golden, and slowly passed through a light smoky white cloud, raised up, raised, and at that moment, the color of Yueer became lighter and turned white.I looked up and found the big, round, and bright moon that had just risen in the east, really like a silver jade plate!I can't help but chant "I don't know the moon in the hour, call it as a white jade plate."


Suddenly I thought of a game. The rule was that everyone took turns to say a word about the moon or an ancient poem or a moon in the moon. Everyone listened to the game. The game began, I said, "Moonlight is like water!" Wang Yuhan said: "The moon in the sky is like a big jade plate." His mother said, "I don't know the moon in hours, call as a white jade plate." My dad said, "Haoyue is empty . "Mom said:" The stars in the sky seem to be dancing with the moon. "His father responded quickly, and then said," The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time. "My sister is a student of the third grade. She said: "Drums break the pedestrian, and the sidelines of autumn are sounded. Lu from the white tonight, the moon is the hometown." After listening, everyone applauded and applauded. His mother said unwillingly, "People are leisurely osmanthus falling, and the night in the spring of night. The moon is shocking mountain birds, and Shiming is in the middle of the spring. "In the moon night of the autumn wind, smelling a faint osmanthus flavor, eating moon cakes, enjoying the moon, playing games, laughing and laughing wandering above the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival. Eat moon cakes and talk about happiness. "Spend good moonlight people, I am reunited with my family." Yeah! I will also make a poem.


I really look forward to the Mid -Autumn Festival next year!I really hope it is like tonight!