My family is habitual. After dinner, the family likes to sit down to drink tea, read articles, and chat.Especially in the summer, there are many free time, listening to music and reading in the tea room, I feel particularly enjoyable.
Our big tea room has an elegant classic style.The tea room paste wall is a row of positive bookcases, and a sandalwood bed is lying in front of the window.My mother and I like to sit on the tea with tea to read a book.My father often chooses a number of small stories that are interested in thinking and understanding to help me read, but I often laugh while reading, and when I am happy, my mother will cover my ears and say that I am too loud.
My favorite is "Reader". Whenever I see a touching little story, I will shrink and say that I need to read it with my father and mother. I often read it.My father and mother had already moved quietly ...
Sometimes, my mother will continue to take out her favorite Tang poetry and Song Ci. We smiled with noodles and remembered.Cao Cao's "Guan Cang Sea", especially in the Three Kingdoms, is especially liked. Usually the three people recite — the east -east of the vermiculite, with the sea of view of the sea, the water of the water, the mountain island ... Langlang's memories are mixed with everyone's happiness.Laughing, lingering in the tea room.Sometimes when a poem was recited, my father coughed and said to everyone, "I read a" Mr. Wu Liu "by me!" After speaking, he shook his head and turned his back.After three differences, do many postures, waved and nodded, and looked at the spirit, as if he was a great writer in ancient times.
After reading oral reading, my mother will make a pot of tea. Everyone reads the articles while tea. At this time, I always feel that my heart is full of happiness!We can be together every day. Some parents are too busy to accompany their children. Some parents are likely to be released often. Therefore, I still quietly say to myself in my heart: I am the best child of heaven and earth!
Perhaps because my father and mother love to drink tea, my family has a complete variety of tea. Green tea, green tea, flower grass tea, and black turtle, what I want to drink.In addition, my mother came from Japan to brought from Japan to the exquisite "Xianglan Society" tea vessels. It is still the same as good tea and good cups.
Unfortunately, the fresh graduation study and training is too busy now, otherwise, our family can still clear tea in the quiet and warm tea room like the summer vacation.The exquisite pottery, the type is called -happiness.
1、休闲:休闲读音为xiū xián,是指亦作“休閒”。1.犹言空闲;闲适。2.农田在一定时间内不种作物,借以休养地力的措施。 余暇时的休息和娱乐休闲度假休闲 xiū xián词语解释:亦作“休閒”。1.犹言空闲;闲适。2.农田在一定时间内不种作物,借以休养地力的措施。[rest and recreation at leisure] 余暇时的休息和娱乐休闲度假分词解释:措施:1.设施;解决问题的办法。 2.实施。作物:1.犹造物。主宰万物之神。 2.农作物的简称。休养:1.谓安定人民生活,使其经济力量得到恢复和发展。 2.休息调养。指使身心得到休息或滋补。 3.犹陶冶。...休闲怎么造句,用休闲造句»
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