
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:54 | 来源:语文通



清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇1清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇2清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇3清明祭英烈 篇4

清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇1


Early morning is particularly lonely.Dongsheng's sun looks particularly charming through the window.However, its charm does not attract me to appreciate.At this moment, my thoughts are far ...


The annual Qingming Festival holiday is over this week. It is over. I only remember that the day of the Qingming Festival drove a car like a flying goose cemetery.After taking the car for about an hour, the parking space there was almost full.We were holding the sacrifice, with white flowers, candles, paper money ... slowly walked into the cemetery. The first thing that came into the eye was countless tombstones, where I was moved by many people.


In the evening, there are only a few sparse stars in the sky. On this lonely night, I seemed to see the martyrs who were sleeping in the martyr's tomb; they saw the scenes of their heads and blood for the rise of the Chinese nation; they saw them one by one for the good future of the motherland. Back ... At this moment, how surging my heart, I recalled the texts of heroes I have learned from elementary school so far, including Li Dazhao, Huang Jiguang, Ye Ting ... not only these great characters, but also a lot of unknown unknown Revolutionary martyrs. I was not sensible in the past, maybe I wouldn't think about what martyrs were, how much sacrifice the martyrs made for us. Who saved the Chinese nation? Who left us for our spiritual wealth? Who returned to our good life today? Yes, the revolutionary martyrs are them! Without them, they did not have the prosperity of the motherland today. At the crisis of the motherland, they came forward and defended the motherland with their blood. Their heroic deeds will always be remembered in the history book. Their spirit has deeply inspired the descendants of the descendants. Their great backs stay in people's hearts. The sentence in Zang Ke's "Some people" is good "Some people are alive, he is dead; some people are dead, and he is still alive." The second sentence is used to describe these revolutionary martyrs very accurate. Comparing today's life with the past life, I found that I was blessed in blessing. If there is no them, where can there be today's motherland, where can there be a good life today? Thinking of this, I am ashamed.


After another Qingming Festival, I truly understand that I have grown up, and I will feel indifferent to the ignorance of the past.If you have a chance, I must go to the Martyrs' Cemetery to remember these revolutionary martyrs and record their glorious deeds ...

清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇2


The Qingming Festival is the day when we remember the ancestors and martyrs.This afternoon, our school _ all the teachers and students of the grade came to the Cemetery of the Martyrs of the Dongshan Revolutionary Martyrs with an extremely heavy mood.


When I walked into the cemetery, I saw the revolutionary hero monument standing on the top of Dongshan from a distance. The eight golden characters "Revolutionary Martyrs Everbright" on the monument shine in the sun.Ascending the long stone steps, we came to the hero monument. The monuments were engraved with the murals of the heroic battle of the revolutionary martyrs, recording the glorious deeds of the revolutionary martyrs.


Under the solemn and solemn monument to the bright team flag, we held an oath ceremony, and all teachers and students mourned for 3 minutes for revolutionary martyrs.At that moment, I thought a lot: Today, our beautiful happy life is throwing cranial and sprinkling blood from the revolution, and it is created for us with life.I must learn angrily and work hard to serve the motherland in the future.Later, we wanted the revolutionary martyrs to offer a small white flower.Stay, first martyrs, we will always miss you.


Finally, we visited the Memorial Hall of the Revolutionary Martyrs.


This grave sweeping activity gave us a good education.

清明节缅怀先烈作文 篇3


_ 月 _ _ is the Qingming in 24 solar terms. When the Qingming season, people sacrifice their ancestors, remember the martyrs, and pin their grief through various forms.


On this day, I thought of a hero.


Do you remember Qiu Shaoyun?He is our hero.It was one day in October 1952, and Qiu Shaoyun's company was in a difficult task.More than 500 volunteer soldiers were hidden into a piece of artemisia.Two soldiers were discovered by the enemy, and the enemy scanned a shuttle bomb to the top of the mountain.After half an hour, the enemy aircraft flying from the south dropped the burning bomb.One fell on Qiu Shaoyun's leg. He thought of the victory of the entire battle, firmly in the grass, endured severe pain, until the sacrifice did not moan.Before leaving, Qiu Shaoyun vowed for the steel: For the victory of the battle, he was willing to give everything to him.


He just endured the physical pain for the motherland, the whole, and the victory for the whole, and even gave his precious life in the end.


There are many heroes like him, such as: strong and unyielding Liu Hulan, Lei Feng who is not afraid of hardships, Huang Jiguang who is bravely struggling.


It is their happy life today with their own blood and precious life, so we must cherish our current life.Let us pay tribute to them, sorrowful sorrow!Their spirit inspires us.Let us go forward and work hard, return to them with excellent results, and return to the motherland!

清明祭英烈 篇4


"The rainy season is rainy, and pedestrians want to break the soul on the road." Qingming sacrificed ancestors and martyrs was the traditional custom of the Chinese nation.However, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic this year, in order to protect the health of primary and secondary school students in the county, avoid personnel to focus during the Qingming period, and reduce cross -infection.Activity.Every year, the tomb of the martyr's cemetery is to remember the tradition of our school, and this year is changed to sacrifice heroes online.


I remembered the revolutionary martyr Fang Zhimin again.Fang Zhimin is a native of Hutang Village, Paiyang, Puyang, Shangrao City, Jiangxi. The Chinese Communist Party Revolutionary, Politician, Military Council, and Outstanding Farmers Sports Leaders.During the Wars of the Land Revolution, the founder of the Fujian, Zhejiang (Anhui) and the Gannoi Revolution and the Red Ten Legion.He joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in August 1922, transferred to the Communist Party of China in March 1924. In January 1928, he participated in the leadership of the Heng Raiders and created the Northeast Jiangsu District.He has successively served as the chairman of the Soviet government of northeast Jiangxi Province, the Soviet government of Fujian, Zhejiang, Zhejiang, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Province, a member of the Political Member of the Red 10 Army and the Red 11 full scores.He combined Marxism with the actual situation of Northeast Gan, creating a set of experience in the establishment of the party, the founding of the army, and the establishment of the red regime. Mao Zedong called it a "Fang Zhimin -style" base.He was arrested on January 29, 1935, and sacrificed on August 6


I think: our current happy life is exchanged for tens of millions of martyrs to throw their heads and sprinkle blood.They are the pride of the motherland, and they are in exchange for our peace and peace today; it is the revolutionary victory for their valuable life for the motherland.I bow to you, I give you flowers to you, and I pay tribute to you!In the future, we will learn your spirit, learn you wholeheartedly, and devote your limited life to the unlimited revolutionary cause of the motherland.Your life is precious and valuable. Without you, how can we sit in a spacious and bright classroom today?You are the savior of the motherland, and the savior of our motherland!


We will definitely cherish the current time, study hard, and grow up to strive to be a national pillar.