
时间:2022-07-08 13:27:09 | 来源:语文通



Whenever the Spring Festival, I am very longing for all kinds of fragrance. It seems that I can smell it when I tille the nose.


After the fifteenth month of the lunar month, each household gradually became tired into a dog and steamed buns.Due to the meal of peace and the beauty, the steamed buns are booming.Raise wheat flour and rice paste into a huge batter, like a large silkworm, white and white, and a shallow pink flavor cable around all restaurants kitchen.The balls and steamed sakes are made one by one, put in the steamer, and the dim sum fragrance gradually scent the aroma, so that you can't help but want to steal one to taste ...


The most attractive or big dish.There are steamed sea bass with "more than a year"; eight treasure rice with "harmony"; there are also Ruyi dishes with "everything" ... the delicious flavor of beef and lamb, beef and beef blew all the houses, making people can't help flowing; various vegetablesThe fragrance is overflowing, making people feel refreshed; *** chicken soup is strong and fresh, it is not easy to drink when you drink it ...


It is unforgettable that there are strong aroma.During the Spring Festival, drinking is indispensable: the aroma of red wine can make you sully drink in Aquarius, pour a cup, purs it, and flow into the bottom of your heart;All the rooms were immediately filled with sweet aroma; the fragrance of pure grain wine was mixed with a strange smell. Because pure grain wine was made of mellow rice, the longer the fragrance was stored, the more mellow ...Mowing


The most distinctive or Spring Festival couplet is ink.Each house is clear and black: there are those who wish the whole family happiness and happiness, some are expected to make a wide range of wealth, and some bless the motherland and strong ...It seems to be a poetic courtyard full of charm.Everyone came and went in Mo Xiang, and sent a wishes from the heart in Mo Xiang ...


As soon as the Spring Festival, the firecrackers at the end of the streets and alleys rose one after another.The colorful fireworks release the aroma of sulfur powder, which makes people feel confused and seduced.That fragrance is so long, so people are reluctant ...


In addition, there are also "crackling" dried fruit stir -fried incense. Everyone wears the fragrance of clothes, the red envelope fragrance of the red child's smile ... No matter where I am alone, no matter you are poor or quite, they have the right to enjoyThis fragrant flavor.



The long alley passing through the door of the grandmother's house.Twist left, take two or three steps, the lively place is where I will go every year.


Large white steamer, open the lid through a pair of rough big hands, the white steam is filled with you. After the gas is scattered, you can see the black bamboo strip mats.Essence


The white cake bottom is sprinkled with honey, red dates, red beans, sesame, dense, covered with the entire cake noodles, rich in color and mouth -watering.The fresh flower fragrance mixed with Ye Xiang, tearing it lightly, and the light yellow bottom spread out the smell of good laurel, a touch of sweetness, refreshing, even if I closed my eyes, I could follow the grandmother's house from my grandmother's house.Here.


When Chongyang Cake was released, it was the most delicious. The hot air was steaming. In the autumn wind, it was like a warm current pouring into the throat.Sometimes, I am willing to stand next to the last 15 minutes, just for the newly released, warm taste.White rice cakes with dark red bean paste, bite glutinous paste, softer than sticky rubber sugar, sweet and sweet desserts, and chewy than soft glutinous rice balls.When the throat rotates falling in, a little will be naughty on your teeth. I always use my tongue to push all the cake pieces into the mouth, refuse to miss the a little bit, swallow it, and after swallowing, I stillLicking the fingers with Gui Xiang with your tongue, it is really full of flavor ...


This year, when I reached the street again, I would not be able to save those 15 yuan.The night before, I bought it back.This year's cake is another wife, but the smile on the face is the same. The steamer on the tricycle is the same. I secretly tear up a small piece with my hands, put it in my mouth, soft and waxy, and bring a little bit of a little bit.Child sticky, um, the taste is the same.The next morning, I just walked out of the room when I was sleepy, and I heard the sweet fragrance, my eyes bounced away, and most of the Chongyang cakes were waiting for me on the table!I grabbed the chopsticks and I was a big mouthful. Wow, I wanted to cry, but it didn't seem to be so warm. Hey, after all, the taste of the steamer is different from the microwave oven!I am afraid that any machine can't bake the steaming taste, it is a warm taste that can get into people's hearts.


When the fragrance of the cake is drifting again, the tricycle with a large volume speaker has the warmest warm matter in the cold autumn, and sprinkle the flavor of the temperature into Chongyang ...



Just right, spring! And not to mention warm sunlight, light clouds, soft breeze, and drizzle; the tender grass, the stream of streams, just feel full of vitality, and thenVitality.


The flowers are also full of energy to add color and color, red peach blossoms, pink apricot flowers, white pear blossoms, clusters of blooming on the branches, bees buzzing, butterflies fly, and the fields of the field become a bright one shine.Symphony.Citizens may be high or outings to enjoy the splendid spring; farmers either the ground, or sow, and sprinkle the hope of the next year.


In the intoxicating spring, people will not forget some foods: toon, tofu, refreshing and delicious; sesame oil mix bitter vegetables, cool and fire; elm money mixes white noodles, soft and hunger.These foods are both delicious and healthy, and are loved by people.


And people's favors are Huaihua. It not only brings people visual enjoyment, but also a feast for people's taste. People regard it as a star.


First look at the appearance of the stars: they seem to be going to a date, a gorgeous dress, grace and wealth, elegant and generous.A string, a spike, a trace of a trace, a strand, exuding fragrance, which is comfortable; with a flower in the mouth, the sweetness spreads, intoxicating the wonderful time.In the sun, the crystal is colorful, white as snow, and reflects the moving face. Every year and year, the locust blossoms are still fragrant.Although it is gorgeous, it is not open, but it is not strong. It is always fragrant after "Fang Fei in April in the world". It brings a song to Millennium, a hot dance, and pushing the beauty of the spring to the climax.


Look at the charm of the celebrity: The sunset is in the mountains, the flowers flashes a little golden light, the adults and children come out, the wire hook is tied on the bamboo pole, the hook stretches into the flower bush, hooks it down, the pearl -like buds will be covered with full buds.In one place, the children picked up their handbags, took it home with water and washed the white surface a few times, steamed them in the pot first, and then fry it with green onions and garlic cloves.I only feel the happiness and sweetness of life.


Huaihua brings us not only bright and beautiful, but also gives us nostalgia for life.Once Qingming passes, people think of Huaihua, the deliciousness of Huaihua, and the fun of playing Huaihua. Huaihua uses its tranquil and friendly mood to stun the entire season and comforts all dreams.In the refreshing heart and spleen of the year, peace and auspiciousness exuded, accompanied by the joy of people, flying in the spring breeze.


This is locust blossom, and the fragrance is full of thoughts.



Dumplings are one of my favorite foods in this world.


I was on vacation, because my parents were too busy and did not go to play, so I had to go to my hometown.After a few hours of boring, my feet fell on the ground with a strong rustic atmosphere, and the aroma of fragrance was floating in the distance, and asked carefully, um, dumplings!As soon as I smelled the taste of dumplings, my belly rang in a timely manner.Based on the thoughts of the people, they ran to the grandmother's house regardless of the image.Oh, forgot, my grandmother entertains me every time I go home.


I ran before the cement high house I just built, and I was slightly stunned. The familiar small earthen house had disappeared suddenly before!At that moment, there seemed to be panic in my heart ... until I smelled the familiar dumplings, I stepped into the house firmly. My grandmother was squatting in front of the small stove to cook dumplings.The thin body is getting thinner.When my grandmother saw me, she laughed, and greeted me to sit down, got up and prepared to find me snacks (from small to large), but I couldn't help but say "No, grandma, I am now I am nowI just want to eat dumplings. "My grandmother glanced at me in surprise, then smiled, and sat in cooking dumplings again. While I was in a small time, I liked her dumplings.Yeah, I can't help but think of it. From childhood to large, I have eaten countless dumplings. Why, why, I always want to eat dumplings made by my grandmother, even if I eat it every year, I still don't bother.


I was annoyed in the room and went out to breathe. My biggest impression this time was that one after another car stopped at this or the gate of the house.The person, and the dumpling fragrance of a family ...


When I go back, the dumplings have been served, and my grandmother's dumplings are always narrow and flat. I can't wait to bite it. There is no meat in the dumplings, but I have felt very fragrant, sesame oil and vegetables.Combined, the aroma was full of my mouth, my stomach, my atrium ... At that moment, I seemed to understand why I was so persistent and loved the dumplings made by my grandmother.Now this kind of sweet and sour and salty society does not match, but that dumplings are wrapped in family affection!It is a kind of affection like parents and uncle and uncle. It is a kind of mellow, bland but a sense of security, this dumpling, so fragrant!Suddenly I remembered that Mr. Liang Qiushi wrote an article that mentioned a delicate dumplings in it, so I want to ask, can it be compared to the dumplings of the old woman in the village village?Can't compare!Even if Mr. Qiu Shi regenerates, he will definitely agree with my statement. With dumplings with affection for stuffing, the remaining dumplings in the world can't be comparable to it.


I took another bite, that dumplings, the fragrance of dumplings ...



The season of lotus fragrance is another year.When standing on the side of the lotus pond, the beautiful scenery in front of my eyes: the green lotus leaves are boundless and paved to the distance where the water and heaven are connected; the bright red lotus flowers look particularly beautiful in the sunlight.Whenever the breeze blows, the lotus leaves of the field are gently shaking, the flowers of flowers are the first, and the fragrance is fluttering.


"The lotus leaves are infinitely blue, and the lotus lotus is red." This beautiful scenery is not in the West Lake in June written by Yang Wanli, but in front of my eyes, I can enjoy the opportunity to appreciate every day.Just because of love this beautiful scenery, I often stop by stopping by this lotus pond.This lotus pond is very large, and there is no end to the shore. There are only countless green leaf red flowers in front of you, and the aroma is pleasant.


I have liked lotus since childhood. I still remember that I used to go to Liantang to steal the beautiful and seductive lotus in Liantang in a night when I was young. I remember the owner of Liantang who came out to inspect. As a result, the partner stood in the dense lotus leaf clumpI didn't dare to move. It wasn't until the owner of Liantang returned before going home embarrassed.Later, I dare not steal flowers again, although the stealing books that Kong Yiji said is not stealing, and stealing flowers is because of love flowers, but I can forgive me! But when I think of the heartache of the Liantang owner at the time of the dayLearn to watch from a distance, adding a little pity for the lotus with the lotus.


Until I read the description of the lotus in the literati, I loved the lotus to love the lotus. In my heart, the lotus was the style of the gentleman, the girl of the Ting Ting, the fairy swaying, and perfect."Yu Lian's muddy mud is not dyed, clear and clear, but not demon.The Lotus Speaking "only wrote the beautiful appearance and fragrant temperament of the lotus in seven sentences, and also revealed that the lotus's high morality, beautiful sentiment, and integrity.


"The lotus flowers were swayed in June, and the pan -orchid boats were scratched. Huajiao Yinghong rain, laughing and smoking flavor." It is said that June 24, the lunar calendar every year, is the birthday of lotus flowers. On this day, people in Jiangnan Water Village will invite relatives and friends to take advantage of them to take advantage ofXiao Drum drawn boat, singing and singing, and enjoying a lot of fun in lotus flowers.Li Qingzhao's phrase, "Entering the depths of the 句 李", is also making such a picture in his mind: green leaves, red flowers, light boats to start fighting herme flying, and the girl laughs than Huajiao.This picturesque scene often dreams, and people can't bear to wake up.


I love lotus so much because of her purity and elegance, but also because of her holy.Lotus is also the national flower of India and Sri Lanka.Both Buddhism and Taoism regard the lotus as a symbol of holy.The Buddha Bodhisattva is sitting on the lotus platform, and there must be lotus in the pond of the Taoist fairy house.The resurrection in the "Fengshen Bang" is his master Taiyi real people with lotus leaves, lotus, lotus seeds, and cymbals to make Nezha's body. It is said that only holy lotus can allow Nezha's soul to attach.In the temples of our country, the trace of lotus can be seen everywhere. It can be seen that people are respectful to the lotus!


When reading "Dream of Red Mansions", I also remember the lotus.Qingwen died, Jia Baoyu made a "Hibiscus Daughter 诔", which is more humane with the character of the lotus.Cao Xueqin also set the lotus as Lin Daiyuhua. In the 63rd "Shouyi Hong Qunfang Fang Fang Open Night Banquet", the participants all smoked a ivory flower name, peony, plum blossoms, begonia and other famous flowers to Xue Baozhen, Shi Xiangyun and othersWhen she was shining, it was Lin Daiyu's turn. She silently said in her heart, and she didn't know what a good flower could be drawn.When she got it, it was the hibiscus that wrote "the wind and resentment", and everyone couldn't help but say that she was not worthy of being a hibiscus except her night.Although Daiyu is unfortunate in the dream of the Red Mansion, it is my favorite and most pity, which has nothing to do with the lotus!


In the ancients, many people can find lotus, and many of the modern writers like to write lotus.Zhu Ziqing's "Lotus Pond Moonlight", the dream of the dreamy moon, the lotus is like a fairy with a light yarn, and the faint sorrow can't help but disappear.Lu Xun also wrote a "Lotus Powder Man" "Sweeping the greasy powder in the wind, but it faded the red clothes to learn light makeup.


The beautiful scenery is picturesque, and it is drunk! The most nostalgic time is the moment when you pass by the lotus pond.Some of the slim lotus flowers are completely open, and some are blooming.The aroma from the wind was refreshing, and greedily took people to take a deep breath again and again.After the rain, the lotus appreciates the lotus, the flowers are more pure, the leaves are more charming, the leaves are high and low, the high ones cover the rain, the low floating on the water surface is like a mirror, each leaf is full of pearls like pearls.The rain drops, crystal clear, shiny.


Another year of lotus fragrance, in this lotus season, invite you to enjoy this beautiful scenery with me.



A spring weekend, my parents and I drove to the suburbs.This is a rare good weather, with blue sky, white clouds, and many big trees that have just germinated.


"Hey, what kind of tree is this? This flower is so beautiful!" I asked strangely outside the window.Mom looked back and hurriedly told Dad to stop: "This is a locust tree. This flower can be steamed and eaten. It is the characteristic of our hometown! When the locust flowers bloom, everyone must eat it!Can't eat it, this is exclusive to the deliciousness of spring. "


As a standard foodie, when I heard the word "eating", I came with my spirit, stomped excitedly, urging my parents to pick it up.


The Huaxai flower is white, the flower bone is small, but the fragrance is very strong. It looks like grapes. It is easy to pick up.Unfortunately, the mother said that if she was in my hometown, Grandpa would find a long bamboo pole with a sickle.But we did not have these tools, so we had to rely on my father to bend the branches. My mother and I put the flowers down and put them in a plastic bag.My mother and I played a flower picking competition, and my father was a referee.In the game, because I was too anxious, I threw the flowers, but the leaves stayed, making everyone laugh.


At the end, the Huaihuahua was already full of bags. I have been carrying it all the time, and I was smirking along the way, thinking about the fragrant Huaihuaihua ...


When I got home, my mother washed the locust flowers, add a little salt, mix it on it, and put it directly into the pot and steam it.When the aroma overflows, the Huaihuai flowers are out of the pan, my mother pour some sesame oil, and I have made great achievements! I gently pinch a little with chopsticks, so fragrant! It's so delicious, I can't help but eat it.Essence


This is the taste of spring. I really hope that I can eat such a hometown food next year!



Just after the festive New Year, my friends and I embarked on the way to visit the ancient town of Yangqiao. This way, it contains the sweat of the ancestors, and it is also full of people's wisdom.


Walking along a bluestone road, whenever you see the dark green moss, leaning on the stones that have been lewd over thousands of years, you can't help but think of the crowd densely during the Chinese New Year.They all stayed on the big green stone wrapped in the moss, and did not give up to leave some of the years of the time of Daqingshi, which reminded me of the rain alley and thought of the girl who walked through this road with sad grievances.


Just when I was in thought and fell into imagination, my eyes became dim. I thought it was changing. At first glance, it turned out that the surrounding buildings were tight, leaving only a small seam to penetrate the light. This is the front line. I raised my head and watched the old and beautiful buildings with white walls and black tiles. From bottom to top, climbing mountain tigers and dirt, always following my eyes, climbing the previous snow -white walls, and even some locals couldn't stand the wind and rain, showing red bricks. It must be beautiful here before, and I concluded. Because I saw the brick wall that was brushed over and over again. Continue to move their eyes up, and the rows of neatly arranged black tiles are loyal to guarding their old houses, but they are covered with scars. I thought again, maybe when the wind and heavy rain hit, they must be extremely painful, but they saw the old house under the peaceful and sound, and they must have to bear the responsibility of this dedication, so they insisted in the rain and established in the wind. To protect this old street. Nowadays, most of them are incomplete, but they are still perseverance and make me a little more awe. On this way, aunt with rich mathematical knowledge showed us the wisdom of his predecessors: the activity door composed of parallel quadrales and the iron nails blocked by cracks. But all this is indispensable for the footprints of history. The footsteps of the years are gently, and the traces of history are a little bit.

终于走出这胡同,光一下子亮了,使我很不适应,闭上了眼。可睁眼的那一刹眼,我眼前画风一变。此时出现的不再是古老深沉,而是宁静清纯一片。一座小桥连接两岸,下面碧波荡漾,清新的空气使人心旷神怡。走上桥头,轻扶着扶手,那石头粗糙极了,小孔无数,可却好看极了,色泽偏黄。往两边眺望,全是水,弯弯曲曲,绕住整个村,阳光照耀下闪闪发光,好像一条金丝带。仔细一看,一位老人正泛舟湖上,那泛着陈光的摇橹正撑起一片片涟漪,真美 !好像一朵朵花。目光往上,老人们坐在临水而建的阳台上,悠然自得地做着晒着腊肠,头顶上一串串红灯笼随风飘扬,年味还未散尽呢。孩子们着着红衣,老式收音机里放着新年的歌从巷子里传来,真是欢欢喜喜年味长呀。

Finally walked out of this alley, and the light suddenly turned on, making me very uncomfortable and closed my eyes.At the moment when I opened my eyes, the style of painting changed in front of me.At this time, it is no longer ancient and deep, but a quiet and pure.A small bridge connects the two sides of the strait, and the blue waves are rippling, and the fresh air makes people feel refreshed.Going to the bridge head and holding the handrail lightly, the stone is rough, the small holes are countless, but it is very beautiful, and the color is yellowish.Looking at both sides, it is all water, bending and curved, around the entire village, shining under the sun, like a gold ribbon.Take a closer look, an old man is rafting on the lake, and the shaking of Chen Guang is holding a piece of ripples, which is really beautiful! It seems like a flower.Eyes, the old people sat on the balcony built by the water, leisurely, leisurely dancing the sausage, a string of red lanterns on the head fluttering with the wind, and the taste of the year has not been disappeared.The children are in red, and the new year's song comes from the alley in the old -fashioned radio. It is really happy and happy.


Alas, a group of raccoon girls are singing in the distance, the old man talks with laughter, and the children are free to play. What is there? Run a look, a well, a thousand -year -old well.I couldn't help but put down the bucket with the help of the old man, and suddenly "Ding Dang" in the well, curious to find out inside, the water was true, and the whole face was clearly reflected in the water.When a bucket of water was raised, everyone washed their hands with water."Wow! Warm!" The village sound of the Manchi and the soft words of Wu Nong were mixed together, and everyone smiled heartily and comfortably.I leaned against the well and thought: One side raised one person in the water and soil, and did not forget to dig the well.No wonder, Yoyo Yangqiao Ancient Town incense.


If Yangqiao is a painting, it must be a ink painting, fresh and elegant; if it is said that Yangqiao is a flower, it must be a flower, which is amazing; if Yangqiao is a poem, it must be it must beA pastoral poem, simple and thick.Because of Yangqiao, there is no dispute with the world!



In the year, the flowers bloomed, and the sun was paved on dark dirt. I squatted on the ground and collected the unforgettable fragrance.


When I was a child, my favorite was the jujube tree in the small garden.Not only because it is red and sweet, its leaves are green and straight, and its dryness and straight; not only because it will always have a kitten trace, but the gods like a chair on his feet.The tomato next to it is the sweetest.I painted next to the grape rack and was caught by a burst of aroma.What smell is so sweet?I looked for the wind and found it.It is a jujube tree.Its head is shiny.Looking closely, you found jujube flowers hiding under the leaves and leaves.It is also green, as small as rice grains, such as the stars fall into the world.With a breeze, my hair fell lightly, and a lot of jujube flowers fell from the sky, falling on the soil, and the green seemed to glow.


At this time, I looked at the ground and found that the tender rice grains were stained with the pitifulness of the soil.A small flower, the two small flowers ... after a while.I put them in the tank, put some water, petals and fine soil, and buried them in the soil together.I think they must be the best green fertilizer next year.I dug up the soil on the upper layer and swept the soil stained on the can.Open the lid and a bucket of aroma.This is the taste of jujube flowers last year.At first glance, the grains are still clear.The color changed from green to brown, but this does not affect my joy.The joy of a year of dust was deeper and deeper in this jujube flower.


The flavor of the year, falling in the soil, born in the heart.Although the dust is sealed and isolated from the world, it is more fragrant like wine, and it is more fragrant.



At the end of the year of 2021, the Hangzhou New Crown epidemic suddenly came back and disrupted people's travel plans for the New Year.Dad's unit has entered the wartime model. When he is not at home, his family is no longer so lively ... This is destined to be a special holiday.


On the morning of the second day of the New Year, the entire city had not woke up, and the road that had been hustle and bustle in the past was also extremely quiet.The raindrops of beans have fallen off the ground, and the small flowers are blooming. Occasionally, several cars shuttle through the rain, and the air is mixed with a cold.However, such the weather did not stop me. I had already got up and went to Hangtu.Because this Spring Festival library is still open for everyone, I think that there are fewer people in Hangtu read books than usual, just taking advantage of this time and book as a companion, and a "Spring Festival of Spring Festival".I found that the quiet and bright Hangtu was the best place to go in my festival.


When I came to Hangtu's entrance, the staff had already adhered to the post. I and the people who came to the library consciously lined up and waited. After scanning the code and testing, I entered the warm and fusion library after the security check. I was immediately attracted by the thousands of collections here. In that row, the bookshelves were arranged in an orderly manner, and the books of each volume were carefully placed in a suitable position. Walking in the passage of the bookshelf, I seemed to feel the cultural atmosphere that precipitated for thousands of years from the book scroll. I found my favorite books from many books and hugged them to the reading area. Look, the reading area has been dressed up, the red Chinese knot, the new year tiger shape of the tiger are embellished, full of strong years. Many readers have been sitting here, some are holding good books and traveling in the ocean of the text; some write and paint, immerse themselves in the tactics of the title of the title. No one was making a loud noise here, and no one chased the trouble. My original impetuous heart was infected by the quiet atmosphere, and gradually calmed down. I looked at the people around me carefully and guess why they came to the library for the holidays.


I found the grandma I met every time. The grandmother was very special, with a messy white hair on her hair, a colorful straps, a thick lens glasses on her old face, and her clothes were not neat. On her table, there was a cup of hot tea, and seven or eight plastic bags filled with things full of things were placed on the seats around her. Today, she still sat there to read a book quietly. At this moment, the warm Hangtu provided her happiness for her holiday, and maybe she found the joy of life here. This reminds me that the Chinese teacher told me: In 2014, the Hangzhou Library was rated as the "warmest library" by netizens because of providing reading space for scavengers. At that time, in the media report, an old man who seemed to be a scavenger moved a lot of netizens because of the details of "washing hands before reading". The old man named Wei Sihao. Before retiring, he was a first -level teacher in middle school. After retirement, he held more than 5,600 yuan in pensions. He could have always cared for it, but he chose to pick up the "subsidy" days. However, he "subsidized" is not his own life, but those children who can't read books. He moved our entire Hangzhou City.


Not far away, sitting on the round table, sitting with a few friends who came from each other, they read quietly, occasionally raised their heads and whispered, smiling at each other, and felt happiness from a holiday date.On the other side of the sofa, a child leaned quietly beside his mother, holding a cartoon picture book, and rolled quietly.From time to time, the facial features on the small face changed, frowning for a while, a smile slowly, and fully devoting to the plot of the story. What a warm parent -child reading picture.Under the influence of such a quiet atmosphere, everyone is intoxicated in the book. Here, the time is warm and the years are quiet.And after I looked at these book friends quietly, I quickly sat in a corner and read the book quietly, and I spent a beautiful day unconsciously.


In the new year, the footsteps of spring are approaching. Let us jointly hold the book scrolls to welcome the beautiful spring, and meet a better self in the incense of the new year!



There are not many problems in reading, and their minds are unknown.If you have a feet, you do n’t learn.""Reading break rolls, getting a God."" Books are nutritional products all over the world."In order to increase nutrition, I also cook in person -cooking books.


I remember when I was in the second grade, I made a reading question called "Boil Book". At the beginning, I thought it would be very cultural to cook the book. After that, my secret operation began: After entering the study, I took the most nutritious book, and rushed to the kitchen at the speed of thunder. I quickly opened the closet and held my breath. Turned up and threw the book into the pot. The large pot was covered with water, put on the stove, and opened the fire. I thought: Immediately I was the cultural person of poetry! But what should I do? Yes, it's all cooked, that can definitely eat it! I was very excited, found the bowl, turned off the fire, took out the spoon, and prepared to hold the book. What should I do after becoming a Wenhao? First of all, I decided to write a book to make it sell well around the world, selling 10,000 books a day! I fantasized the life of the beautiful Wenhao, and I couldn't help but excited, and my mouth laughed at my ears. I narrowed my eyes and walked towards the pot with an expression that despised the world, ready to drink my Wenhao soup. I grabbed the spoon and scooped up with a large bowl. When I tasted it, I saw my eyebrows moved, the nostrils were enlarged, and the corners of my mouth were skimmed. Oops, what is this? It does not have any taste! Forget it, add some seasonings and drink. I looked at the place where the seasoning was put, added some salt, and dripped a few drops of soy sauce vinegar. I thought: Everything will be better! I said that I would do it. First, I threw a few pieces of rock sugar in, and put the pepper, fuel consumption, etc., and stir it well. After trying, I tasted — wow, all wake up the mother who sleeps at noon! Salted and spicy! I only remembered that the essay didn't finish it.


From then on, this essay was deeply engraved in my heart, and it also made me really fall in love with the book from cooking.


The world of the book is colorful. Give me the power of advancing, let me embark on the journey of Shu Xiangnianhua, I don't tireless, and live and death!



In my childhood memory, the book has a great impression.


When I was not literate, my dad helped me buy some picture books. Those books were very small, basically the main painting.


My parents are usually very busy with work, so I didn't have time to give me the content of the book, but I don't know how to do it. I just look at it myself.


Later, I went to elementary school and literate. The books I bought for me had less paintings inside, but there were more pinyin.


I seem to look at those books, especially when a person stays at home, and some words skip it if you don't understand it, but I roughly understand the story in the book.


Sometimes they play with the neighbor's friends. They do n’t love to read books, and naturally no one will discuss the content in the book with me.


But in such an environment, I still like to look at those books when I am alone, from the half -knowledge to the content of the book, and some even read it many times.


At that time, the price of those extracurricular books was not cheap, and my dad occasionally went to the county to buy books in the bookstore, so more often, I repeatedly read the books at home.Later, I even used the senior Chinese textbooks of my neighbor's sisters to read as an extra -curricular book. I felt particularly happy.


It is really beautiful to think about the time of reading a book in my childhood.Now there are more books, but not as full of knowledge at the time, maybe you have to reflect on it and regain the love of the knowledge of books.



There is an open space in the front yard of my aunt's house, seeing the square, there is a wall next to it, turning over, it is an alley.Just on this open space, a osmanthus tree is planted.


How old is this osmanthus tree, even my aunt doesn't know.My aunt recalled that since she moved here, this osmanthus tree has grown here.


This tree is thick and looks clumsy.Only a few branches are straight, and the other branches are strange.Every winter, small bags are bulging on the naked branches, as if they are dangled by mosquitoes. These small bags slowly become Microsoft, like soaking in water.


In spring, some small green strips stretched out of the small bag, and then stretched out the fat, tender green, and even a little cute leaf. The aunt said to me, "Look, the osmanthus tree put on new clothes and put new new clothes, put a new new clothes, put new clothes, and put new new clothes, put new clothes on new clothes, put new clothes, put new clothes, and put new new clothes, put new clothes, and put new new clothes, put new clothes, and put new new clothes, put new clothes on new clothes, put new clothes, and put new clothes on new clothes.The hat is! "At this time, I couldn't help blooming.As a result, under this green shade, I played Qiu Qian and homemade seesaw again with my friends, and they were not tired! In the house opposite, there were often people smoking and cooking.At this time, my friends and I sat on the open space, watching the chimneys with smoke, talking about their hearts, and from time to time, there were a few bursts of laughter, which was very comfortable.


The flowers of the laurel trees are small, but the aroma is very strong. Every autumn, I noisy to shake the osmanthus with my aunt.But every time, my aunt said to me: "I can't eat hot tofu in my anxiety. It is delicious to wait until mid -August.


Speaking of osmanthus, I remembered: In September, the sound of selling "rock sugar osmanthus cakes, now selling, fresh and healthy!" When I thought of this, my sweet -scented water cake is us.Anhui specialty, in addition, we also have osmanthus cakes, osmanthus tea, osmanthus perfume, etc. here, countless.And, every time I get sick, my aunt would buy me osmanthus Longjing tea to reconcile qi and blood without being tortured by headaches.


The beginning of the snow array was floating, covering the brown -yellow leaves, and paved a layer of white wool blanket on Dadi.At this time, the osmanthus tree is like pear blossoms in full bloom.Occasionally, one or two wild geese flying south stopped on the branches, closed their eyes, motionless, lined with silver -white background, like a dusty ancient painting.



A trace of spring rain sprinkled, moisturizing the sound of Donghua Campus — the Donghua campus that accompanied me for three years.Today, a tender green Guanxiang rooted on the campus, as webaks who came to Donghua, so immature.


In the early spring, the drizzle seemed to never stop.Guanxiang was planted in a gloomy morning."Ten years ... Twenty years ... Thirty years ... must come again!" The promise made by the graduation tree was engraved in his heart.Memories of memories, constantly pouring out ...


Childhood, like a gorgeous and colorful rotary Trojan, has a dream of flying one after another, and a setback of failure.But no matter how beautiful it, it will still be in the dust and smoke.


Looking back at the first time I arrived at my alma mater, there was only one classmate in the dormitory.During the lunch break, you can only quietly stare at other classmates to play and play.But our relationship is increasingly stable in the hot sun in summer.On weekdays, you can always hear a concern.On the last night of the semester, although our dormitory was quiet, a pair of clear and clear eyes, sleepless.


That morning, the team members of the sixth grade squadron gathered in front of Guanxiang, watched a shovel and paved to Wanxiang, and irrigated it a little.Wanxiang, what cultivation of tender trees -sweat.


On the way forward, the difficulties and challenges will not disappear one by one, and brave challenge is the only breakthrough.Three months later, the first blockbuster will block on our way forward -Xiao Shengchu.Difficulty, non -difficult; easy, non -easy.If the sweat is sprinkled in the alma mater, we will carry the incense and stride towards the next difficulty.


Alma mater, how many traces of us, on the playground, the running figures passed by, and the sweat stars fell down; in class, under the correct sitting posture, the table and chairs were silently dedicated to us; in the dormitoryOver time ... Alma mater, how can we be willing to leave your arms!


The goshawk exercises himself, people, and exercise yourself in the predicament.Wanxiang, the wind and rain again and again, just exercise.This graduation tree grows together.


In the wet air after the rain, a little dew was stayed on Guanxiang.Under the shining of the sun, I seemed to see 1,033 leaves, shining ...



"On the banyan tree by the pond, I know the sound of the summer, the autumn thousands of autumn, only the butterfly stops, and the teacher on the blackboard is still desperately desperately desperately. Writing and writing, waiting for the next get out of class to wait ... "




Insert the wings of dreams, fly towards the distant starry sky, how can the bright universe bloom beautiful? Living in continuing, dreaming is summoning, and the endless vision of childhood may be your goal of struggle in this life, maybe it's just your childhood thinking about itEssence


Everyone has their own childhood. Everyone's childhood has their own stories, but the story of Grandpa Mei Hanyu has a long aftertaste and carried in my heart.


We have jointly owned and experienced together in childhood, but we have forgotten the true meaning of childhood.I remember the first chapter of the beginning- "Thirteen -year -old Story", and the first sentence is "Thirteen -year -old story is too much, to what extent?The same, as much as the eleven -year -old story. "Yes! With too many story of childhood, it seems that the story of the thirteenth is the same as the twelve -year -old, isn't it? Life may be by these messy stories, lifeThese trivial memories are connected in series and shine in the long river of life.


In the memory of childhood, we may not help our mother to practice bicycles, but we have also helped our mother brush the bowl, washed vegetables, and mentioned water; we may not sleep with my grandmother's little feet on the cold winter night, but we also we alsoI have accompanied my grandmother to take a walk and chat together; we may never visit the sick relatives alone for the first time, but we have also made a warm lunch for our family for the first time; we have also caught fish in the field with the younger sister, and my friends with my friends.Playing a prestigious police officer will also dare not dare to be alone because of the dim loft, and will feel guilty because of deceiving our parents ... We grow up step by step in the baptism of the years, but we buried our love deeply inIn your heart, neglect.


The memory of childhood flows in Grandpa Mei: A ordinary "Red Lighting Terrace" entrusts Grandpa Mei's deep nostalgia for his mother, and it also evokes that I have worked hard to work in the country.Ben Bo's parents' strong thoughts; a thin and small "Sparrow" caused Grandpa Mei to release the ridiculous behavior of the society at that time, and it also made me feel the superiority of my learning environment; a simple "Exam" wrote a "Exam" written by the "Exam" to write a "Exam" written by the "Exam".Grandpa Mei's deep expectations for my children also made me realize the mentality of my parents looking for Jackie Chan.A warm current flows slowly in my heart field, where there is a temperature of love, and the warmth of the home also makes me deeply understand that there is no more happiness in the world than having a book incense.


Maybe one day we will lose our most sincere dreams on the road of moving forward, but please remember that there will always be a way ahead.Grandpa Mei was also lost, but he pulled his brother's hand and kept moving forward. Let us move forward. He smelled the strong ink ink, and stepped forward with a small whistle step by step. This is our unique song.



The book "Book Fragrant Childhood -Remember the Innocent Boys" describes the childhood scenes of many writers.


I read the story of the prose story of the elephant, dogs, insects and donkeys in the group of "Partners in Storm". While appreciating and appreciating the beauty and touching of prose, they should also think about a more important issue: fully pay attention to full attentionWhile human health and fate, we should always remember that those fate of birds and beasts that obviously belong to vulnerable groups compared with humans on this earth;The entire nature of nature is inseparable from each other.


At the same time, in the story of "Far Wind Qin", they are all narrative prose, and they all write "walk through some of the unusual people in my life."


"I" childhood and adolescence, they got their loved ones and encouragement. They accompanied "I" and walked through the path of childhood.


Every writer and artist are a constellation of the sky.Some moving stories that happened on them were like the stars behind the clouds were shining.


Every writer and artist, they are the greatest friends in our hearts.The virtues and charm of them will always be chanted and worshiped by people.If the world does not work for us, how barren and barren will become! Their beautiful and touching life story will make us always have good hope, expectations and beliefs for the world.


Thanks to the writer for bringing me so much movement.



Listening to my mother said, I have liked books since I was a child.When I was just walking, I always loved to drill my parents' study.I looked at the left in the study, looked right, and after a while, I "returned at a full load": I had a few more books in my hand, and grinned proudly.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


Later, my mother took me to Xinhua Bookstore: Wow, there are so many books in it! I really want to take all the books home.Under the selection of my mother, I have the earliest books in my life: "Knowing Animals", "Study Number", "Mom tells stories, and the baby ends".Since then, there is no noise in the family, and it is replaced by me to read the book quietly; there is no crying sound, and it is replaced by the laughter that I see a happy place.Although I didn't know a lot at that time, I was still happy to live for reading.It was also since then that I have had a deep relationship with the book. I often can't hear the mother's call because of the interesting and interesting.As I grow up slowly and the number of literacy, I have read more books: "Insects", "Journey to the West", "The Adventures of the Blim King", "Little Doudou by the Window", "Education of Love".EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence

正因为读书,让我得到了很多教育和启发,让我分清什么是丑,什么是美,什么是恶,什么是善;也正是因为读书,才让我眼睛近视了,可我还是乐此不疲。 记得有一次,妈妈给我买了一本我梦寐以求的书,我乐不可支,一蹦三尺高,同呼“老妈万岁”,然后便抓紧时间看书,一分一秒也不肯放过,连上厕所的时候也偷偷地看(因爸妈不准上厕所看书,说这样对身体不好)。到了晚上,妈妈催我去睡觉了,我却漫不经心地回答着“哦”,但还是坐着不动,继续看着书。妈妈连催了几次后终于“火冒三丈高”,拉着我的耳朵就往床上而去。我极不情愿地放下书去睡觉。可躺在床上时,脑海里却还是书中的情景:那女孩会走错路吗?她会被发现吗?带着这种想象,我进入了梦乡,梦中,我遇到了书中的那个女孩。。。。。。第二天醒来,我偷偷地笑了。

Because of reading, I got a lot of education and inspiration, which made me distinguish what is ugly, what is beauty, what is evil, and what is good. It is precisely because of reading that my eyes are myopia, but I still enjoy it.I remember once, my mother bought me a book I dreamed of. I couldn't support it, jumped three feet high, and called "Long Live Mom", and then hurriedly read the book.When I went to the toilet, I also secretly read it (because my parents were not allowed to go to the toilet to read a book, saying that this is not good for the body).In the evening, my mother urged me to go to bed, but I answered "Oh" indifferently, but still sat still and continued to look at the book.After the mother urged several times, she finally "fired three feet high" and pulled my ears and went to bed.I reluctantly put down the book to sleep.But when lying on the bed, she was still the scene in her mind: Will the girl go wrong? Will she be found? With this imagination, I entered the dreamland. In my dream, I met the one in the book in the book.girl.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceI woke up the next day, and I smiled secretly.

现在,我已经是一个五年级的学生了,随着知识的慢慢积累,看书的范围也更广了,科技的,文学的,历史的,我都会涉及。看书不仅给我带来了许多快乐,更丰富了我的头脑。正如莎士比亚所说:“书藉是人类知识的总统。” 没有什么比读书还要快乐了!我的童年,因为有了书的陪伴而变得更加缤纷多彩!

Now, I am already a fifth grade student. With the slowly accumulation of knowledge, the scope of reading is wider. I will involve it.Reading not only brought me a lot of happiness, but also enriched my mind.As Shakespeare said: "Book borrowing is the president of human knowledge." Nothing is happier than reading! My childhood, because of the companionship of the book, became even more colorful!



When the annual wind lifts the sand window, I vaguely heard the sound of the pages gently flipped by the wind pages, the sound of "sandsha" made my mind upAfter such a picture, countless text babies beating gently. They jumped in the book, like magic, and they suddenly became beautiful languages, making people praise.


We grew up with books, and books are essential things in our growth.We love reading, and we should study like hungry people on bread.The book is a comfort in our adversity. The study is the nest of the literati spirit, the temple of life. When we are young, reading is like walking facing the sun. Even the light ink is better than the strongest memory.Get bravery in battle.Reading seems to be the water under the sand, the deeper the dug, the more clear the spring water.If we know that the knowledge is constantly increasing, we do not know that we must become less and less. A person's measurement is a spiritual force and a strong civilization.


Shuxiang, some people think that Shuxiang is a state of mind. However, some people say that Shuxiang is a feeling. They are right. Shuxiang is not only a state of mind, but also a feeling.


My childhood grew with the book, and I had a lot of love for the book.


In my childhood, I walked to the door of the bookstore. I seemed to smell the smell of book incense. I made two steps in three steps. After entering the bookstore, I hurriedly picked up one of the four masterpieces.I couldn't hear the noise on the road. The sound of broadcasting on the streets was high. The pages of the book pages gently turned on the knees.Triven Water Wars ".When the sunlight of the bookstore suddenly turned on, I found that I stood here for more than two hours, and I swallowed it, as if I had to swallow all wisdom.


I walked out of the bookstore and stood a little numb, but I was relaxed. This was a word I remembered. Remember, you grew up and grew up, and you are also the head of the reading.


Reading with this growth, Shuxiang accompanied this childhood.



I am the Zhong XX of Class 2 (3). I like to read books very much. I often use the spare time to read books.When I return home from school every day, I will immediately hold a book and watch it with a lot of time as soon as I finish my homework ... Before going to bed every day, I will ask my mother to let me read the book for a while, so that I will sleep extra sweet.Even every time I go out, I will bring a book, and I read it as soon as I am free.


I have always regarded books as my best friends. From the book, I have not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also know how to be human.It is to read the book to enrich my imagination, and let me realize the joy of traveling to the ocean of knowledge.


Books are human friends, books are human guides, books are the ocean of knowledge, and books are indispensable necessities of human beings.I think how regrettable it would be!



I am a child who loves reading.I love to read all the books.Although the bookcase at home is already full, I have finished reading it. Now the library is my favorite. Every Saturday I go to see the half -day, I am intoxicated in this vast sea of books.


When I did n’t go to elementary school, my mother bought me a lot of small books with beautiful patterns. I was deeply attracted by the colorful pictures. The favorite thing every day was to sit on the ground and look at the album.Each painting has a wonderful story. Kong Ronglang Ronglai, Chengmen Lixue, and deer milk were served. The touching stories are now in my heart.


Slowly, those albums can't satisfy my desire to know.After learning Pinyin, my eyes aimed at thick Chinese and foreign masterpieces, hahaha! This time I got rich, and I would never worry about the words I didn't know!


Therefore, I can go to the toilet for more than half an hour. At night, I waited for my mother to fall asleep before turning on the lights. Just to see how Guan Yu passed the five levels and chopped six generals.Therefore, when I was in class, I often thought about the story of the story in the book, and for the training of this teacher.


I watched it over and over again, and gave me a new feeling every time.Sun Shaoping's insistence on his dreams, Sun Shaoan's hard work and stubbornness, and the little girl Lanxiang's understanding and understanding.In such a difficult age, he never gave up reading and studying. It was this that made them have a different vision and insight, which changed their destiny.Look at the environment of our lives, saying that it is not an exaggeration in honeypots. What are the reasons not to study hard?


It is precisely because of these books that enrich my life that I know the knowledge that many peers know, and it also makes me understand what is integrity and kindness, and what can be done, although many times I do it.Instead.But I am still proud of myself!


In the future, I will read more books and make a veritable "Book Fragrant Boy!"



Childhood is the first experience of life. It lights up the light of fireflies for the glass bottle of our lives, and embroidered love and dreams for our life.When the rain was hit outside the window, we played the poem with us, and made us light when happiness flashed.


My happiest childhood was spent at the native grandma's house.Sleeping the sun in the morning, the quilt was so long, and then got up to hold the big bowl.I put on my clothes, and after eating, I was looking for my brother who was only in the fourth grade at the time.Said to play, in fact, the older children don't want me to play together, I stood next to it, helped them pick up the ball, and watched them cheer. I also jumped with them.Sometimes the humorous brother will say a very interesting thing: "One day, I have to ride the cow on our backyard to see it!" After listening, we laughed and grew up.How long the brother who has been out of the county is eager to the outside world!


Play every day, laugh every day, my brother and another boy make a stick, one to make a net, and he caught a big knowledge of calling for a whole day.It was struggling by my brother in the net.My brother looked up and saw another one, and gave it to me, and he went to catch it again.I yelled, and my hand tightly pinched its transparent, textured wings, but it rushed hard, and made a squeak.In the sound, I just squeezed it for a few seconds, and I was too scared. I closed my eyes and loosened my hands, and then yelled and ran away, for fear that it fell on me again.


Sometimes, we will play military chess, my brother is instructed to me, and the child of "enemy" will shout: "Unfair!" Once, the neighbor bought a large piece of furniture and made a big big one.In the carton, a few of us crouched in, cover the top cover, pull a hole in the four walls as a door, and then play the door.


When I was a kid, I was talking about it. Grandpa and grandma picked the apple in the ground. I stood under the tree and saw the red Fuji apple, so I couldn't help eating it.It was originally here to help, but enjoyed it in advance.Grandma used to give me a red dried fruit in black, outside, soft and sweet inside, I love to eat, but I don’t know what it is called. Sometimes I want to eat it., I want to eat black! "Grandma recalled for a long time before remembing it and took it for me.Later, I learned that the delicious "black" name was persimmon.


The big cow in the backyard, I often learn it, but I always do not learn it.But it is cute, I feed its grass, all of which are eaten.Later, because Grandpa became tired of taking care of it, it was sold. It was eaten in the belly!


Later, when I grew up, I started to understand how happy I was. How long my brother is eager to the outside world. It is not terrible to know a little.And that big cow, I drank its milk to grow up.


My childhood story is insignificant, but it always tells me when I was confused: life is not lingering, there are poetry and distance ... childhood has the original dream in my life.