
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:10 | 来源:语文通



端午节日记400字 篇1端午节日记 篇2四年级端午节日记300字 篇3端午节日记作文 篇4端午节日记 篇5端午节日记作文 篇6四年级端午节日记300字 篇7

端午节日记400字 篇1


The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, the great poet of Chu State. It is said that on the fifth day of May, Qu Yuan threw himself into the Guluo River. People were afraid that Qu Yuan's body would be eaten by dragon eaters, so they rowed down to the river to rescue him. But the river was very fast, and Qu Yuan had disappeared. So people threw rice balls into the river, tied colorful ropes, eggs and other food, so that the dragon water beasts could have something to eat, and Qu Yuan would not be harmed,. Gradually, the custom of rowing dragon boats and making dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival has spread.


I had no impression of the Dragon Boat Festival before, but this year's Dragon Boat Festival, my mother brought a pot of fragrant zongzi in the early morning, one by one. The shapes of zongzi are prismatic, quadrangular, meat zongzi, eight treasure zongzi, and alkali zongzi. It looks really good. Smelling the aroma of zongzi, I was so greedy that I couldn't wait to take a zongzi and peel off its leaves. Wow! It's packed with meat, mushrooms, shrimp and other condiments. It must be very delicious. I ate one zongzi in three or five bites and then brought another one. My mother told me that although the zongzi was delicious, I couldn't eat too much. If I ate too much, I couldn't digest well. I was told to eat two or three, but it tasted too good. I didn't think I could eat enough, hehe


Our family ate zongzi around, immersed in the festival atmosphere. I feel so warm!

端午节日记 篇2


The Dragon Boat Festival is very warm every year.


Early in the morning, when I entered the office, I received a call from my teacher. The teacher made dumplings and insisted on sending them to me. I'm over 70 years old. It's a long way and the weather is bad. How dare I go and get it myself.


I remembered the Dragon Boat Festival last year, after I changed my department, when I received a phone call from my former team colleagues. They said that an uncle downstairs called me all morning. Now he is waiting downstairs. He wants to see me and asks nothing. Colleagues are worried about whether to go down with you. What can I do? Without much thought, I went downstairs alone. Standing in the hall waiting for me was an old man, surnamed Zhang, an enthusiastic reporter. Because I changed my mobile phone number, my uncle couldn't find me, so he had to call the office. My uncle carried a large bag full of zongzi and boiled eggs. The uncle said that it was wrapped by your aunt yesterday. It was still hot after cooking in a big pot all night. Early in the morning, your aunt urged me to deliver. My uncle said, I haven't heard from you for a long time, and your aunt and I are very worried about you... After taking the rice dumplings, I really don't know what to say except thank you. In fact, it was my uncle and aunt who helped me and provided me with news clues in those years. It was I who really should be worried about them

四年级端午节日记300字 篇3


I am so happy that I finally look forward to the annual Dragon Boat Festival!


At noon, we ate rice dumplings, fish, meat and seafood, and went to Dongpu Bridge with our brother and sister to watch the dragon boat race. At this time, there were so many people on the river bank that a human wall was built. I couldn't wait to squeeze into it. The dragon boats lined up on the river, and the people who rowed the dragon boats were all dressed in neat clothes, red, black and yellow, with the sound of a musical gong and drum. Many dragon boats began to compete on the river between them. The members on the boat were unwilling to lag behind. Their rowing speed was consistent with the rhythm of the drums. The scene of shouting "hei yo, hei yo" was very spectacular. Watching the fierce competition on the river, the dragon boats rowed past, and white waves were stirred on both sides. The audience on the river bank could not help shouting "Come on, come on". I want to go to the dragon boat to cheer them on.


The dragon boat team rowed past, and each team member made every effort to row orderly. The sound of gongs and drums and cheers became more and more intense. It was so shocking! I'm absolutely fascinated!


Time passed quickly. Today I watched a wonderful dragon boat competition and had a happy Dragon Boat Festival. How unforgettable!

端午节日记作文 篇4


Every year around the Dragon Boat Festival, it is the custom for married daughters to wrap dumplings at home and send them to their parents and grandparents. I don't know when this custom began. In the past, I was always busy making dumplings at this time, but now more and more young people are using red envelopes instead of making dumplings.


I originally planned to give some money to my grandma and parents, but those kind aunts said that my grandparents might like to eat rice dumplings. Later on, I thought it was right. My grandfather was in his nineties and my grandmother was in his eighties. Although there were many aunts at home, everyone was so busy making money that they didn't have time to make dumplings for them. Anyway, I'm free at home, so I'm going to make two big zongzi for my grandparents and two elderly people to eat, which will make them happy, and how filial I look to outsiders, hehe.


I prepared all the preparations this morning. I bought 50 pieces of meat and 15 pieces of peanuts for filling. There are about 70 or 80 small dumplings and two large ones wrapped in 14 jin of rice.


I haven't worked like this for a long time. I feel really tired this afternoon and my back will be broken. However, I am happy and have a sense of achievement. I find that I have made dumplings more and more decent. And it's delicious. Happy, so let's show off here.

端午节日记 篇5

20xx年xx月xx日 星期x




端午节日记作文 篇6


In this semester, our school has held many activities, and the most influential one for me is the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings competition.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, the radio dialed a notice asking all classes to turn on the TV. I was very excited, because this is the first time I made dumplings myself.


The aunt of Wufangzhai taught us how to make dumplings, and I started to take action.


At first, I thought it was very simple, so I took two very large and green zong leaves, held them into a hollow triangle, poured golden glutinous rice into the triangle, and put a piece of oily but not greasy meat from Wufangzhai. The triangle's belly was filled, and I thought proudly: How can I be hard to get here? But when he tied the rope, the triangle immediately changed, and all the things in his stomach would be lost in an instant. I was so disappointed that I looked up at other students. Many of them were wrapped up and loosened, but they didn't give up. They were still wrapped up again and again. I saw my classmates, but I was also excited and wrapped up again. This time, I won't be careless any more. I carefully packed my bags and really packed them. At last, my kung fu is worth the effort. I succeeded. I finally wrapped a rice dumplings myself.


I am very excited, also very excited, feel incomparable happiness!

四年级端午节日记300字 篇7


"The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival..." Whenever I sing this children's song, I will think of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.


The Dragon Boat Festival also weighs five, and many customs are also associated with the number "five". Red, yellow, blue, white and black silk threads are tied to children's neck, wrists or ankles, which are called long life strands. Each family should insert "five ends": calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, garlic, dragon boat flower.


Wen Yiduo, a scholar, believes that the Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Festival, a festival held by southern ethnic minorities to commemorate the Dragon God four or five thousand years ago. When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival in the south, they will also eat "five yellows", which contain yellow croakers, cucumbers, salted duck egg yolks, rice dumplings wrapped in soybean petals, and realgar wine. In addition, southerners and northerners will use realgar to draw the word "king" on children's foreheads and wear colorful sachets on this day.


Dragon boat racing and eating rice dumplings are the main activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the dragon boat race was to save Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Miluo River. To throw zongzi into rivers is to make fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough and not to eat Qu Yuan's remains. Later, it became a custom to eat zongzi. It seems that eating zongzi and racing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival are related to commemorating Qu Yuan, as evidenced by the poem "Dragon Boat Festival" of the Tang Dynasty: "The festival is divided into the Dragon Boat Festival, which is said to be Qu Yuan. It's said that the Chu River is so remote that we can't wash away the grievances of our ministers."