
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:46 | 来源:语文通



《城南旧事》读后感 篇1《城南旧事》读后感 篇2《城南旧事》读后感 篇3城南旧事读后感 篇4城南旧事读后感300字 篇5城南旧事的读后感 篇6《城南旧事》读后感 篇7《城南旧事》读后感 篇8城南旧事读后感700字精选 篇9《城南旧事》读后感 篇10

《城南旧事》读后感 篇1


After watching "The Old Things of the City", I think that the Chinese Yingzi is very bold and likes to associate with others. In the end, it became a good friend, such as: the "silly sister", the girl, and the person who went to steal things for his younger brother to go to schoolEssenceI have always wanted to answer the thief asking her question for Yingzi: Am I a good person or a bad person?I think he is a good person, because he has no money. In order to learn to learn from his brother, he had to steal the Buddha statue of someone else's house. After he found that he did not go to the abduction, he just talked with Yingzi. When he was caught by the police, he was caught.After that, there was no resentment.


In this situation, I was sad for him. After making friends, I dispersed just a few days later. In the end, even his father died of illness. Yingzi was so pitiful!

《城南旧事》读后感 篇2


Childhood is a beautiful fragrant flower. One year old, the petals dropped.When the petals were gone, our childhood passed.


The book "Old Things in the South" is the representative work of Taiwanese female writer Lin Haiyin.In the old Beijing last century, from time to time, the hawkers screamed in the alley, planted the courtyard courtyard with peach bamboo, a warm stove in the house, thick cotton pants that could stand up, and the small oil chicken in the western room.Ba Zhenmei in the Buddha Zhao Building ... The little owner in the book is surrounded by these warm things, the kind and severe father, the mother who handles the housework, the kind Song mother, and the almost beautiful men will add it.A younger brother or sister, such a big family story is like a charm.


Yingzi's childhood fun is reflected in the Hui'an Pavilion.Yingzi dared to go to the Hui'an Pavilion, who did not let her mother and Song mother go to play, and also had contact with a "lunatic" where Xiuzhen often became a good friend.She learned from Xiuzhen that in fact she was not really crazy, but because she missed the child who had lost her for many years.When Yingzi found that the good partner of the same age was Xiao Guizi, even I couldn't help but be surprised (there was such a coincidence in the world), and she was also happy (the mother and daughter who had been separated for many years was finally reunited).


Many of the characters in the "Old Things of the City" have established deep feelings with Yingzi, but with the passage of time and the changes of things, they all left Yingzi, or even forever for various reasons.


Now we are in a beautiful childhood, we must cherish our current happy life.Now there are tremendous changes in technology. We will not continue to contact in various ways as Yingzi lived in the era of Yingzi, but we must cherish everything and everyone around us.


Childhood is happy, and many interesting things in childhood have added color to childhood.Childhood seemed to be a small river, and Pentium went to the sea.Our childhood is fast and fast, so we must cherish all the beautiful times we have!

《城南旧事》读后感 篇3


During the holidays, I read a novel "The Old Things of the Chengnan". The storyline of this novel was deeply imprinted in my mind, so that I couldn't forget it for a long time.


This book is a person and thing described in the old Beijing.From the childhood camel team to the flower of his father, the middle protagonist Yingzi experienced many growth.That's it, a character began to enter the story: the girl Xiu Zhen, the girl who was called a lunatic in the Hui'an Museum, the good friend of Yingzi, the brother who was helpless to be a thief for his younger brother, and lived in Yingzi's house to hide in the wind.Uncle Dexian, Aunt Lan, who was kicked out by Shi Jia's family, Song Mom Song, the servant of Yingzi's family, his father who died of illness ... They are the most important figures in Yingzi growing up, and they are also people who teach her many truths.


What impressed me most was this chapter."Dad's flowers are falling, I am no longer a child" is the end of "Old Things in the South of the City". The previous content stays at Yingzi when he was a child.In one chapter, Yingzi finally grew up.This chapter wrote the severe strict and love of her daughter, and also wrote the calm expression of Yingzi when he heard his father's death. At the end of the article, "Dad's flowers are falling", and what Dad likes it.Leave.And said he had grown up.


This reflects the growth of Yingzi.Childhood is the most innocent and happiest era of everyone.Childhood is also the deepest memory of everyone.But childhood will always end. We should cherish our childhood and make it a good memory.

城南旧事读后感 篇4


Farewell is a sad word, but life is inevitable to go through parting.There are 6 stories in the book "The Old Things of the City". The part of the book is the keywords of this book. Through parting, let us know that Xiaoyingzi has grown up slowly.In the end, she finally understood that parting was not ended by tears. If it was possible, it should be a speechless ending!


The last part of "The Old Things of the City" is (Dad's flowers are falling, I am no longer a child).When Xiaoyingzi was doing a graduation speech, she loved her father unfortunately died in the hospital.At this moment, she has to say goodbye to her classmates, teachers and alma mater for many years, but also facing her and her father's life and death.Among the five stories in front, she cried to the history of illness.However, this time she really grew up. In the face of teachers and classmates, she smiled.When she returned home, she seemed to see her dad, and she also saw the flowers that had been carefully cultivated in the past few years.However, in the end, she stepped on the road to the hospital calmly.


"Dad's flowers have fallen, I am no longer a child." At this time, Xiaoyingzi, as the boss at home, she began to take responsibility for the entire family.


Although the parting is terrible, it is real. It will not happen because of your fear and fear, especially when you grow up, you can grab you tightly.


The Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao also had the same parting. At that time, he was a relatively remote place to investigate. His old mother was particularly reluctant to be reluctant. In the evening he was going to go there, his mother sewed his shabby clothes.EssenceWhen you are about to leave, your mother will come back soon, just afraid he will leave the lonely life of an old lady.Who wants to go through such a parting?Meng Jiao also wanted to accompany his old mother at home. However, this is the decision of the court. It is an impossible fact that Meng Jiao must leave the old mother for a while.


Actually, I am not afraid of parting.Xiaoyingzi was sensible in the sixth grade, and I should be sensible.Meng Jiao knew that when his clothes broke again, he and his mother should reunite.Because today's reluctance to separate is to the joy of reunion in the next moment, and we should not be afraid of parting because of this.

城南旧事读后感300字 篇5


Last Monday (referring to February 24, 2014), we learned the article "Dad's Flower", which was selected from Lin Haiyin's famous work "Old Things of the City".This is a collection of short stories, which is not long. Therefore, on the third day, on the third day, on Wednesday, the task of reading the "Old Things of the City" was arranged on Wednesday.At the same time, at the two consecutive Chinese classes (composition lessons) on the morning of the third day, the teacher played the movie version of "The Old Things of the Chengnan" to the classmates.After returning home, I read the "Old Things of the City" and found that the movie has increased or decreased compared to the original.


There are six parts of "Old Things in the South", namely "Dongyang Children's Camel Team", "Hui'an Pavilion", "Let's Look at the Sea", "Aunt Lan", "Donkey Rolling" and "Dad's Flowers falling.I am no longer a child. "Among them, the first and sixth contents are very small, but the summary text.The four parts in the middle are the main content. Each part tells a story, and each story has a central character.""

城南旧事的读后感 篇6


A drop of water can reflect the glory of the sun; a good book can purify a beautiful heart.Deep in my heart, there was such a book, which reflected the sun in my heart like a drop of water.This book is an autobiographical novel written by the famous female writer Lin Haiyin- "Old Things in the South".The fate of the characters in the novel in the book made me stomachache, unforgettable, and deeply touched me.


Looking at this book, I seemed to see the old Beijing in the 1920s: In a narrow Old Hutong, an old man is selling crystal clear rock sugar gourds; the children are playing on the grass, and the sound comes from the distance.Yang's ears of camel ringtones; the courtyard house with chilled peels; small oil chickens in the west chamber ... Everything here is so beautiful, so happy, so carefree, free!


This book mainly talks about the various childhood things that happened in a small hutong in the south of Beijing in the south of Beijing in the late 1920s.He helped Niu'er and Xiuzhen's mother and daughter reunion, promoting Aunt Lan and Uncle Dexian to love each other, and encountered the thief in the wasteland, Song Ma's departure ... Finally, when Xiaoyingzi was 13 years old, his father died also died.EssenceWith the departure of his father, Yingzi really realized his responsibility, he really grew up, and his childhood was far away.


Although childhood is happy, it is short -lived and will slowly pass with time, so we must cherish our childhood.Do not do things that make yourself regret, because time cannot never be, and childhood cannot stay forever.Moreover, there are no banquets in the world. Many people have lost their shadows with the growing up with Xiaoyingzi, and they lost his childhood.I also understand that the most important thing to grow is not the result, but the process.The result of a person is perfect and there is no process, and it grows meaninglessly.Only at a down -to -earth, step by step, that is the true meaning of growth!We also have to have a pair of wisdoms that can feel good things like Yingzi and love life.


Thanks to the book "Old Things in the South" because it brings a lot of fun to my childhood.In this way, I took this book again ...

《城南旧事》读后感 篇7


A ray of winter sun shot from outside the window, and the sound of a bunch of dingling bells from far to near.........Oh, that's a camel team is coming here. At this moment, a little girl outside the window is learning the camel to grind her teeth!"Isn't this Yingzi"?As soon as I called, I sat up from the bed, and I rubbed my eyes and settled. It turned out that this was a dream about the childhood of the city.


I got up, and I habitually opened the "Old Things in the South" on the bed.Reading "The Old Things of the City", I gradually approached the book and watched the happy childhood that Yingzi spent in the south of the city. They were like a quiet stream and slowly penetrating into my mind.I love this book, not only because there are real and simple Yingzi in the book, but also Xiuzhen of Hui'an Pavilion.… The little bit of them made me build a deep feeling in the process of traveling this book.So whenever I hold this book, I will become brave in growth, but at the same time my heart is also softened. The "camel team" in this Dongyang makes me unforgettable in my life.The hot air reflected in the innocent childhood of the children, and let the rainbow sinking in his heart opened the branches when the glory was opened again.


Yingzi's childhood was very exciting.Her childhood was dramatic, but she was real and simple, and she was pure and indifferent.In contrast, my childhood is very different from Yingzi.Although I will be busy in the same study, I will also be busy and inadvertently come to an inadvertent farce.I remember when I was a child, I squatted beside the dog cage. I squatted for a long time, with a scared mood, and kept hovering on the edge of the dog's tail. Sometimes the dog called, I was so scared to hide, but I thought about it in my heart.: What are you afraid of, the puppy is prestigious, I will cure it.So a shocking dog screaming started, the dog sounded, and I sounded, the sound was shocking.Sometimes the dog was impatient and kicked the cage severely, but I was not easy to mess with it, and I picked up the broom and waved it ... haha, that's it, and I was out of control.


"Old Things in the South", I think this book is a cluster of sparks. Children are lights. Because of the shining of sparks, childhood will sparkle. Yingzi, a naive and inferior little girl, has a brilliant smile in the sun.It has to be flickered."Old Things in the South", let our hearts calm, clear, sweet ...

《城南旧事》读后感 篇8


"Dad's flowers have fallen, and I am no longer a child." This sentence came from Lin Haiyin's book- "Old Things in the South".


This book is described from the perspective of a little girl, a little girl in Beijing in the twentieth century, and draws vivid stories.It mainly tells that Yingzi made friends when he was playing, a "crazy" woman Xiuzhen, a girl.When Yingzi played with them, she found that the girl was Xiu Zhen's daughter, and her mother and daughter recognized each other, but they died under the train.Yingzi also met a thief and understood the hard work of his life because of his life.


I like Xiaoyingzi's kindness, innocence, and uprightness.When she heard that Xiu Zhen's mother was going to find a girl's father, she gave her a gold bracelet to Xiuzhen as a bang for a while.When the man who stole things was arrested, others were scolding men.Yingzi is not like others, but she is full of sympathy for men.


The story of "Old Things in the South" is sad.Xiaoyingzi did not understand what kind of goodness and evil in the hearts of adults during their childhood.From the perspective of Xiaoyingzi, I saw the social state of that era and understood the sadness and joy in life.I also realized that the author Lin Haiyin's deep nostalgia for childhood, Lin Haiyin wrote this "Old Things of the City" in order to remember his childhood life."The camel team comes again, but the childhood does not return." Yeah, the author's childhood is so real, so pure, so warm!


I also have a carefree childhood. My childhood is more colorful than Xiao Yingzi's childhood, there are various toys; many snacks; countless interesting books; a group of partners who read and play together ...… I learned from Xiao Yingzi's childhood to cherish time, cherish beautiful childhood, and cherish the happy life we have now.Thank you for everything we have now.We set our goals, study hard, and work hard for it. One day we will set up wings and create a better life.

城南旧事读后感700字精选 篇9


This summer, I read the "Old Things in the South" written by Lin Haiyin.The protagonist of this book, Yingzi, is a naive little girl. This book tells her many experiences and slow growth.


However, what moved me most was the story of Xiuzhen, a "lunatic" in Hui'an Pavilion.Her destiny can be described as ups and downs. When she was young, she met the "Three Uncle". When she had Xiao Guizi, the "Three Uncle" left her.Life and death.Since then, Xiuzhen has been called "lunatic" by everyone, and no one wants to care about her.When Yingzi passed the Hui'an Pavilion, she felt very kind to Xiuzhen for the first time.After that, as soon as Yingzi was free, he ran to Hui'an Pavilion and listened to Xiuzhen telling the story of her and "San Shu" and Xiao Guizi.Occasionally, By chance Yingzi found the birthmark behind the girl's neck, and immediately took the girl to find Xiuzhen.The mother and daughter finally reunited, so they packed their luggage and hurriedly left, ready to go to the "Three Uncle".Yingzi watched their figures disappearing in the night ... Unfortunately, Xiu Zhen and Niu'er not only did not catch up with the train, but were also crushed by the train.


Seeing that my tears couldn't help falling, Xiuzhen was really hard, and began to leave her "Three Uncle". Xiao Guizi was picked up by others.It is easy to recognize each other, but it is killed on the way to find the "uncle".I really hope that I can help them and make them recognize earlier.


Occasionally, I went to listen to Uncle Gu Wenzhong's lecture. He is a very great person.At the age of three, he suffered from asthma and lived in the hospital for nearly a week some time ago.In the hospital, he was not doing nothing, but to help parents who lost their children on the Internet to find their children. He has been doing this job for more than ten years, and so far has helped more than 100 pairs of family reorganization.During this period, he was also "liar" by others, but he was not defeated and still insisted on communicating with the other party. After several patient communication, the other party was shaken, so he decided to let him try it.Sure enough, he succeeded.He even helped a little girl who was sold from Myanmar to China to find her loved ones in Myanmar.After listening to the lecture, I admired him even more. At that moment, I remembered the girl and Xiuzhen. If they were in the era of their lives, I could meet a good person like Gu Wenzhong.


"Old Things in the South" is a book that benefits me a lot. When I close the book, the scenes and characters in the book often emerge in my mind ...

《城南旧事》读后感 篇10


Today, I finally read the book "The Old Things of the City".


The book "The Old Things of the City" is a series of novels, including five short stories "Hui'an Museum", "We Go to Watch the Sea", "Lan Girl", "Donkey Roll", "Dad's Flowers, and I am not"Children".They are separated by their respective independence. They have their own main characters and are independent of each other, but they are written by the protagonist Yingzi's narrative view.


Among them, what impressed me most was "Hui'an Pavilion" and "Let's Go to the Sea"."Hui'an Pavilion" describes the childhood life of Yingzi in an Hutong near the Hui'an Pavilion of Beijing and two friends: one is the lunatic Xiu Zhen in the Hui'an Pavilion in the Harong, and the other is a child who meets in the oil and salt shop.Son.It turned out that the two were pro -mother and daughter. In order to find Xiao Guizi's biological father, the mother and daughter died in the train wheel tragic, but Yingzi faintly knew that they had a carefree young age, and disappeared with their disappearance.


"Let's Look at the Sea" describes a thief hidden in the grass. This thief chose to steal the road for his younger brother. After the thief was caught, Yingzi understood the livelihood.The embarrassment that is forced is the helplessness of most poor people.


After reading, I feel a lot. Yingzi's childhood can be described as sad and happy. However, I think Yingzi is very pitiful, because the ending of each story is miserable. There is always one person left her. In the endAfter leaving, Yingzi wanted to help her mother carry this home.Overall, my childhood life is similar to Yingzi, all of which are full of clothing.However, I am still envious of Yingzi, because in her childhood, "Song Mom" and "Aunt Lan", but not with me, not so fun. Yingzi also realized some truths through these things, making herLife in the future is even more exciting.


Lin Haiyin's novels are really attractive, I will find some more to read in the future!


When I first came into contact with the novel "The Old Things of the South", I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. I still remember that I learned a text called "Reading". I like the writing style of the author Lin Haiyin.Knowing her, I passed by the bookstore once, and happened to see her book. The book was "Old Things in the South". The title of the book deeply attracted me and made me buy it without hesitation.