
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:11 | 来源:语文通



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诚信为本作文 篇1


Honesty has been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times. For thousands of years, people have striven for honesty and praised honesty. The spirit of honesty has been glorified in China and filled the land of China. Shang Yang built a tree to win trust and won the trust of the people, thus successfully implementing the new law. Zengzi killed a pig, so that his wife and son knew how to be honest. Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei and entrusted him with the responsibility of being an orphan. He devoted himself to his work and died, leaving him a reputation of integrity throughout the ages. Confucius said, "I don't know what to do without faith"; Mozi said that "words must be trusted and actions must be resolute", and Han Feizi also said that "it is better to be tactful and honest than to talk about deceit"; There is also the saying that "a gentleman's words are irretrievable", which shows that honesty is paramount in the minds of the ancients.


Up to now, material desires are running rampant, people are becoming more and more indifferent, and honesty seems to be far away from us. So we should not pay attention to honesty?


I believe you must have heard the story of Chai Xinjian, the boss of Little Swan. He said a very pithy sentence: credit is irreversible. As time goes by, it is hard to recover once lost. Hong Kong Superman Li Ka shing also said: be frank first and treat people with sincerity. It is because of honesty that they have achieved great success!


The boat of life is unbearable. There are some discards and some gains and losses. Losing beauty, accompanied by health; Lose health and learn with talent; Lost talent and knowledge, accompanied by friendship. But what if we lose our integrity? Without integrity, everything we have money, honor and friendship are just flowers in the water. The moon in the mirror, like a passing cloud, will eventually disappear with the wind.


"Honesty is the foundation of people, and faith is the heaven." People without integrity live in the world, just like walking corpses. Without soul, they let their bodies float. How can they stand in a place in the society? We should pursue the truth that "wealth cannot be immoral, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be subdued", and we should scrupulously abide by integrity. Honesty should be the foundation of a person's existence.


Therefore, each of us should take honesty as our own criterion, and live a down-to-earth life with consistent words and deeds. Be honest, speak the truth and do honest things. Honesty to people, honesty to yourself, no deception, no concealment, far away from intrigue, sophisticated, more sincere feelings, more trust in the eyes. We should believe in the power of integrity, which can turn stone into gold, touch wood into jade, and turn decay into magic! Each of us should vigorously promote integrity in the whole society, and do our part to purify the social atmosphere!


With integrity, a small match can light up a starry sky; With integrity, a small green leaf can dump a season; With integrity, a small spray can splash the whole ocean... give your soul a fertile land, give your integrity a heaven and earth, and let us walk with integrity on the road of life!

诚信为本作文 篇2


Honesty has been the traditional virtue of ancient Chinese civilization since ancient times, and also the basic morality of people all over the world in dealing with people and things. Honest people walk around the world with honesty. Nothing can stop them.


Since ancient times, I have had many good conversations in China: Jibo made a lot of money; Shang Yang expressed his position to win trust. Ji Zha hangs a sword tomb tree. Even after thousands of years, it will be widely praised by later generations. However, it is shameful to break promises. For example, King Youwang's war game made the Zhou Dynasty disappear from history. There is also a famous folk story about the wolf coming, which is a model for parents to educate their children.


A businessman in Jiyang sank while crossing the river. He grabbed a hemp pole and shouted for help. A fisherman heard. The merchant hurriedly shouted: I am the richest man in Jiyang. If you can save me, I will give you 100 liang of gold. After being saved on shore, the merchant opposed him and refused to admit his guilt. He only gave the fisherman 10 liang of gold. The fisherman blamed him for breaking his promise and breaking it. The rich man said, "You are a fisherman. You can't earn a few dollars in your life. Aren't you satisfied with suddenly getting 12 liang of gold?" The fisherman had to leave reluctantly. Unexpectedly, the rich man capsized again. Ganfu, who was deceived by someone who wanted to save others, said: "He is not a man of his word!" So the merchant drowned. It is accidental that a businessman capsized twice and met the same husband, but it can be expected that the bad news of this businessman is not good. Because if a person does not keep his promise, he will lose the trust of others. Therefore, once he is in trouble, no one is willing to save him. Those who break their promises to others must wait to die in case of disaster.


Seeing Haier's achievements, it is hard to imagine that this famous enterprise was founded by a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy. What makes it rich? "This is just a good historical record written in good faith. The director Zhang Ruimin proudly said," I remember that the project was on the verge of collapse at that time. When users reported that our products had quality problems, I used a sledgehammer to smash all 76 unqualified refrigerators in front of the employees of the factory without any concern! In fact, I know that this is "Haier. In the final struggle, progress is success, and retreat is failure, but I have the courage to walk through difficulties with integrity!" today. Haier. It is an example of getting rich with integrity to become the only one of the top 100 most influential brands in the world in China.


Honesty makes a super large enterprise rise, while dishonesty makes a rich man die, so we should keep our promise.


A few days ago, I made an appointment with my classmates to climb the mountain. Because the appointment time was early and I liked to stay in bed, I was half an hour late. Fortunately, he has not left yet, or maybe he is very generous, or I am afraid I will really lose a friend!


Honesty is the foundation of human beings. Honesty spreads all over the world. It cannot be blocked.

诚信为本作文 篇3


What is life? Since ancient times, no one can really answer this question, what is life? It is too profound, but we can answer what is the most important in life. Undoubtedly, it is not money, power, status, beauty... but the common two words - integrity.


Grandma Song Qingling is the former honorary president of the People's Republic of China. She is deeply respected by children. Honesty has always been her principle.


One day, a kindergarten received a notice that Grandma Soong Ching ling was coming to see the children. Everyone jumped up with joy when they heard that. The kindergarten teacher made all the preparations and waited for Grandma Song to come. However, a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky, which made the trees bend over and the wires creak. People could not open their eyes. Everyone thought Grandma Song would not come. Just then, a car horn came out of the door. It turned out that Grandma Song was coming against the strong wind, braved the sand and dust all over the sky. Grandma Soong Ching ling walked to the children with a smile. A teacher said uneasily, "If the weather is bad, you can come another day!" Grandma Song shook her head and said seriously, "No! I can't break my promise. We should be honest."


Yes, people should be honest. Grandma Soong Ching ling said so, and she did the same. Doesn't that make people more respected and loved? Since ancient times, our Chinese nation has also had the traditional virtue of honesty and trustworthiness. In ancient times, there were many famous examples, which have been passed down to this day, such as Zeng Zi Killing the Pig. I remember in this story, Zeng Zi said that "Today's bullying is to teach children, and the mother bullies children. The son does not believe the mother, and it is not because of this that he has become a teacher." It is true that honesty and trustworthiness are what we should cultivate from childhood, but they are also influenced by the surrounding things. The right or wrong of a thing we do often affects others. Therefore, we should be honest and trustworthy towards others, and act in accordance with our words.


For a long time, I have especially praised the saying that "people are based on honesty". How can a person who breaks his promise get others' trust? A person who has lost the trust of others is like isolating himself from a desert island and making a career for others. Only by taking honesty as a foundation, a foundation, and being strict with himself, can you let others give you the affirmation of trust and get the return of others' loyalty.


Perhaps, in our life, many people despise honesty and discard it lightly. They pursue the charm of money, the prominence of power, the supremacy of status, and the pursuit of... But even if they have all these things, they will still get the cold shoulder of others, blame and spit, because they have lost the most important thing in their lives - honesty, a person who has lost integrity, And how to have a "wonderful" life.


People take honesty as the foundation, a piece of sky and a piece of land. May every place leave more footprints of honesty! It will be the most beautiful rainbow forever.

诚信为本作文 篇4


Once upon a time, we were full of ambition. Walking in the busy city, I have no time to take care of the coldness, criticism, sarcasm and even scolding around. However, we can't help doubting when we encounter professional titles; When shopping encounter Y goods, we are a little uneasy; When poisoned rice was encountered during eating, we were clearly shocked; We were really angry when we met fake pregnant women for charity.


After stopping to think, we found that the sail of integrity was put on the shoal by ourselves, and the mast was broken and the sail was broken. Turning to the pages of history, we are gratified that those beautiful stories are still emitting endless fragrance in the distant place. Meng Xin returned the money to bring back the sick cattle, which led to a healthy and noble moral rope; Lu Su strictly abides by the secret of "listening to the sound and counting arrows" and the noble personality charm; Zengzi killed swine, showing his style of being a parent; Liu Bei's three visits to the cottage highlighted the sincerity of his thirst for talents. These people, these things, once again become the evidence of "integrity is gold".


With honesty in interpersonal communication, even if there are barriers between hearts, it will burn away all barriers and guide the hearts to embrace beauty and sincerity together; With honesty in love, even if the ice hard to communicate congeals in the emotion, it will also melt all misunderstandings and flow a stream of understanding between different hearts; With honesty in our career, even if we encounter difficulties and storms, it will also give us a burst of fighting spirit and strength. If you don't understand honesty, you will be more critical of people and less tolerant; More demanding, less caring. Lack of integrity, the ultimate result is the loss of trust and affinity. Without honesty in the struggle, it is like a bird losing its wings; The absence of honesty in life is like the absence of sunshine in life... Cheng Yi said, "Those who touch people with honesty should be honest.".


He spoke out the win-win benefits of honesty. Pierre Cardin stresses honesty and becomes a world famous brand; Panasonic Group leads enterprises to become "century old enterprises" and creates Panasonic Kingdom; Haier Group holds high the banner of "Sincerity Forever" and sets up a brilliant industry. In particular, our country, based on the diplomatic norms of peaceful coexistence, has tied the knot with friends from all over the world and won high international praise. Because people are well aware that honesty is a real asset, and honest words are hard to stop. Those who scrupulously abide by integrity follow the rules of kindness, are steady and generous, are approachable and modest in life; People who practice honesty are willing to help others, behave nobly, have a clear sense of love and hate, and advocate truth. Honesty is like a quiet lake, quiet, indifferent and beautiful.


Integrity grows in a harmonious atmosphere and in a kind and peaceful vision. To be honest, we must broaden our mind, cultivate courage, abandon selfishness and trivial things. Only when we achieve and maintain a state of calm magnanimity, supreme goodness, truth and purity in our thoughts can we intoxicate ourselves and others. Integrity is a colorful star in the night, a sweet wind in the valley, a timely rain in the dry soil, and a warm sunshine in the cold winter.

诚信为本作文 篇5


Honesty is the foundation of life. The ancients had a deep understanding of this. Today, with the noise, I came to the flea market held by Little Orange Lantern.


I brought a variety of small toys, but the prices were too expensive, and all the items were more than 10 yuan. I didn't pay much attention at that time, so I released the articles. At the beginning, a person came to see my articles, and his mouth slightly rose. But he asked me about the price, and I set the price at ten yuan. At this time, the student was discouraged and left silently. At this time, I didn't notice that my price was too expensive, but I was still doing my business.


Unconsciously, an hour has passed, and others are doing a brisk business. They have sold more than half of their goods, but I haven't sold any of them, which makes me anxious like ants on a hot pot. Then I thought again and went out with my belongings. I went from east to west, from west to east, and I spent a lot of words, but in the end, none of them were sold.


At this time, I felt that I didn't have a good taste, and I said that maybe I wasn't selling anything. At this time, I was going to give up, but one of my classmates couldn't help it. He came to me and said meaningfully and solemnly: "This little student, you can't be a black businessman. These things are not worth ten yuan, but you sold them for more than ten yuan. Doing business should conform to reality, and be honest."


It was only then that I understood why my goods could not be sold. That was why my price was too expensive and my honesty was not the foundation. At this time, I was very sorry and hurried to lower the price. But no customer came. At this time, I was going to thank him, but he disappeared.


Although I didn't sell anything in this activity, I learned the truth that honesty is the foundation, and today I am worth it.

诚信为本作文 篇6


Mother's love


On a sunny morning, my sister and I had nothing to do, so I was going to tell her an interesting story. Speaking, "Ding Dong" - Mom is back. She took off her shoes, put down her work bag, walked into the room, smiled and said to us, "Dabao, Xiaobao, what would you like to eat for lunch today?" "Fast food." My sister and I answered in unison. "OK, let's have fast food today." After that, my mother turned on her mobile phone and clicked "Are you hungry?". My mother asked me what to eat first, and my favorite dish immediately popped out of my head; "Fried beef with potatoes, white cut meat and Chinese cabbage." Mother then asked her sister what to eat, and her sister said, "I want to eat braised fish and a bowl of soup." So my mother ordered our favorite food on her mobile phone. This is our mother. She can always give us her love equally.


Dad's Choice


I remember one time, my sister and I played until nine o'clock at night, and we were hungry. Dad asked his sister, "Xiaoxiao, what are you going to eat today?" "Noodles." My sister said happily. Dad asked me the same question again, but I wanted to eat fried dumplings.


Facing such a problem, Dad was in a dilemma. At last, he said firmly, "Well, let's eat noodles today." The younger sister clapped her hands and hurriedly applauded. I said to my father anxiously, "Dad, I have eaten noodles three times this week. Can I have fried dumplings today?" Dad replied solemnly. "We should eat less fried dumplings. Noodles are the staple food, which is much healthier than this." Finally, we went to eat noodles. But this is the least delicious noodles I have ever eaten. Why does my father listen to my sister? Why is Dad so partial?


Love Milk


After I took part in the school sports meeting, when I came home, I saw my sister holding a bottle of yogurt in her hand. She came to me with a drink and showed off: "Sister, look, I have yogurt. My father bought it for me!" Hearing this sentence, I immediately became furious, ran to the room angrily, and forced the door to close. Suddenly, my eyes seemed to catch a glimpse of something. Why is there a bottle of milk on my desk? I walked over and happily picked up the milk. I saw a small note on it, which said: Dear Dabao, this is for you—— Love your father


When I saw such a note, my eyes became moist. I thought to myself: Dad loves me, and I should not have misunderstood him.


I walked out of the room and said to my father with a embarrassed face: "Dad, thank you for the milk you gave me. I misunderstood you before. I think milk is very sweet." After listening, Dad touched my head and smiled with understanding: "Good boy, go play with my sister!"


Now I think it's good to have a sister. I not only have a playmate, but also I can give my sister some of the love my parents gave me.

诚信为本作文 篇7


Honesty is a traditional virtue in China. Honesty is the basic principle of life. If you lose honesty, you will lose the trust of others.


Time keeps running like a horse. Many things fade away with the passage of time. But one thing keeps me fresh in my memory.


One day, a classmate came to my home at night and asked me to lend him a book. I agreed. After finishing my homework, I got up and went to look for books for him, but I couldn't find them anywhere. Suddenly, I remembered that I had left my grandmother's house when I was playing at her house. But now it was more than nine o'clock and I had to go to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I always thought about what to do when my classmates borrowed books tomorrow, Suddenly, my father came in and I explained the situation to him. Then my father said that Tagore said that if you learn to love others, others will love you. If you want to keep your promise to others, others will also keep your promise to you. If you promise to others, you must keep your promise. If you don't keep your promise, others will no longer believe in you. Honesty is very important.


So my father put on his coat and took me to Grandma's home so late that day, the wind outside was very strong. It seemed that he was deliberately playing tricks on me. After a long journey, he finally came to Grandma's home and took the book back.


The next day, I was also very happy to see the happy expression of my classmates. It should be because I didn't break my promise. It always appeared in my mind. It taught me that honesty is very important.


Whenever I read a big book, I think of my father's words that honesty is very important. Always abide by honesty. I always grow up to be honest.

诚信为本作文 篇8


In life, when strangers first get along with each other, we will give each other a meeting score, and then add and subtract constantly in the process of getting along. Therefore, after a period of time, some people will be strangers, and some people will drink and talk to each other and say they hate each other late. There are many factors that determine a person's score, but what has never changed is the most fundamental honesty and trustworthiness in human nature.


But in this era of rapid technological development and knowledge explosion, the fast-paced life and learning pressure has made too many people gradually ignore the importance of integrity, ask themselves, and do everything they promise others well? Did you make a commitment without casually and then turn around and forget about it? Can you stick to your pure integrity in the face of interests and rights?


As a result, many people gradually began to be confused in the workplace, school and life. Why can't I always get promoted? Why are my classmates always indifferent to me? Why is my communication scope always getting smaller and smaller? Maybe you think you are serious about everything. In retrospect, is this the case? Oh, by the way, the last time I promised to buy breakfast for XXX, I forgot to catch the bus that day. The last time I promised to help XXX cram school, I forgot something that day. It is in this constant trivial matter that your integrity is also lost.


I remember something happened: one morning, the math teacher walked into the classroom with a serious face and shouted: Who else has not handed in his homework? A few heads sprang up in the class immediately. One more is needed! The students in the class were unmoved and sat as steady as a mountain.


In a short time, the teacher focused on me. Huang Tianle, I didn't seem to approve of you. Have you handed it in? Yes, absolutely! I'm sure.


After class, the teacher called me to the office and said sternly, "I've just found it for you, but you haven't handed it in. Get it from your schoolbag!"!


Back in the classroom, I looked around in my schoolbag, but I didn't find it. I calmed down and thought, ah! I seem to have forgotten my home. Damn, this should be punished as not writing! At this time, a bad idea popped out of my head: if I didn't tell the teacher, I would say nothing.


It's really an endless road! I immediately ran to the teacher's office and explained to the teacher


Situation. Maybe because I am a good classmate, and my name has never been on the list of homework that has not been handed in, the teacher actually believed me and handed me his "One Lesson One Practice" while telling me to look for it again. I was so moved that I suddenly found that I was short of integrity.


Han Feizi once said: A small faith is a great faith., In life, every detail and every sentence is likely to make others look up to you or, well, this person is also such a person. If you want others to respect you, you should first show enough respect for others, take everything seriously, take every promise seriously, and abide by every agreement seriously. Even if things are small, it is easier for people to have a good opinion of you.


If you have a deep understanding of the inconvenience that the loss of honesty brings to your life, you should be able to find a solution. If you just think that honesty has little impact on what I sometimes do not have, then you cannot understand the weight of honesty. Let's be honest and trustworthy new workers!

诚信为本作文 篇9


My mother often teaches me to be honest and trustworthy. At first, I didn't think so, but through a small matter, I changed my view of this sentence. When I was six years old, I went to Xinhua Bookstore with my mother to buy books. At that time, it was drizzling in the sky, and the roads were filled with small pits of sewage. Just as we were about to go home, I suddenly caught a glimpse of something swimming in a small puddle. I bent down and looked carefully. It was a goldfish. I quickly picked it up. It was a very lovely goldfish. The red and white patterns made people love it at the first sight. I looked around and found a middle-aged man selling goldfish nearby. This goldfish should have jumped out from there.


"Great!" I exclaimed excitedly, "Today, I not only bought a beautiful book, but also picked up a super cute goldfish." So I hurriedly asked my mother to find a plastic bag to put water in and take the goldfish home to raise.


But my mother was indifferent and said to me, "No, we can't have this goldfish." "Why?" I asked anxiously: "This kind of luck is rare!" Mom said to me calmly: "You think, if we asked for the goldfish for nothing, the seller would earn a few yuan less. It's raining, and people are still working hard to sell the fish. You just take away a goldfish without spending money, and others' hard work will be wasted. Besides, honesty is the foundation. It's dishonest and immoral to take the fish directly. What's the point of being a man without honesty?"


After listening to my mother's words, I woke up like a dream. Yes, honesty is the most important thing. We can't lose honesty for the sake of a small benefit or a small bargain. So I reluctantly gave the goldfish to the seller, and my mother rewarded me for being honest, so she bought me several goldfish and we went home happily together. Now, I still take my mother's words as a motto!