
时间:2022-07-23 13:21:04 | 来源:语文通



I sit in front of the TV every day, waiting for the cartoon I want to watch, yes, that cartoon is my favorite "Bear".


There is no bald hair in it, the strong bear, the lazy bear two, and the beautiful Zhao Lin.


Remember a episode, they caught fish in the game.The bald head is a referee, "Time is only ten minutes, start!"


In the blink of an eye, Xiong Er caught ten, Xiong caught 50 children, and Zhao Lin grabbed 80. They asked, "How do you catch it?" There are so many! "Zhao Lin said:" In the waterFind some stones, surround a circle, and make another exit. When the fish comes in, I can't get out. "


It turned out that they said, "No wonder they caught so many fish." Zhao Lin was really smart.I think this method will be used when I catch the fish next time.


Is it very interesting? Let's take a look with me, maybe you can catch more fish you can catch next time!



Come on! Come on! Come and watch this cartoon of this "Bear".


This cartoon is rich, interesting and exciting.The two bears are written, namely Bear and Xiong Er, and a bald head. I like the bear in "Bear" the most. He is particularly smart and can always come up with various ways to defeat the bald strength.Once, Xiong Da and Xiong Er's mother disappeared. Xiong Da saw Xiong Er crying in wow, so he moved his mind and tried to make Xiong Er laugh, so I like Xiong Da.


Classmates, this cartoon is really interesting. Come and see if you have time!