Everyone must have heard of cannons. The artillery is a shell, which is very powerful.However, there are dozens of "mini cannonballs" in our family. The "shell" has passed my verification power. Although there is no real power of the shells, it is also unstoppable! Be careful! It also has to "fire" to you!
Escape! "Turn off the artillery"! Today, when I pick tomatoes on the balcony, when I am eating and interesting, I? There is a half -green peel, how can there be black and black, like mini -black football likeThings? I walked over, oh, this is the seeds of the fruit of Fengxianhua.
Escape! "Turn off the artillery"! Today, when I pick tomatoes on the balcony, when I am eating and interesting, I? There is a half -green peel, how can there be black and black, like mini -black football likeThings? I walked over, oh, this is the seeds of the fruit of Fengxianhua.
啊!凤仙花的种子既然已经成熟,那我就把它摘下来吧!于是,我拿来了一个方方正正的红色礼物盒,想将种子摘下来,放在这个里面,刚刚碰到果皮的时候,“啊呀!好痛!是谁在攻击我!别再躲藏了!快点站出来!”我感到我的脸剧烈地疼痛了一下,但是周围没有任何一个人,更不可能攻击我。我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢?“嗒嗒嗒,嗒嗒嗒,嗒嗒嗒······”不不不,不不不!我又被不知从何方而来的 “机关枪”给射击,击中了。我愤怒地看了看四周,看看是不是有人躲在某个角落在搞恶作剧,No,No,No,我丝毫没发现任何人躲在周围。所以我继续摘,脸却左顾右盼,看看有没有人在袭击我。现在什么也摘不到了,机关枪也消失了,我低下头,捂住眼睛,慢慢地,慢慢地,将手指露出一条缝,小心翼翼地向下一看,原来这个果实已经空空如也了,我也恍然大悟,原来就是眼前的这盆凤仙花在搞怪啊!这小小的,“凤鲜花籽”牌的“迷你机关枪”在朝我“开火”啊!火力还蛮强的呀,真让我措手不及。我哈哈大笑起来。
Ah! Since the seeds of Fengxianhua have matured, then I will take it off! So, I brought a square and positive red gift box. At the time, "Ah! It hurts! Who is attacking me! Don't hide anymore! Hurry up!" I felt that my face was painful, but there was no one around me, and it was even more impossible to attack me.我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢? I looked around angrily to see if anyone hid in a corner in a corner, no, no, no, I didn't find anyone hiding around. So I continued to pick it, but looked around to see if anyone was attacking me. Now I ca n’t pick anything, and the machine gun has disappeared. I lowered my head, covered my eyes, and slowly, slowly, exposed a seam of fingers, and looked down carefully. Suddenly realizing that the pot of phoenix flowers in front of me is funny! This small, "Phoenix Flower Seed" brand "mini -machine gun" is "firing" towards me! Essence I laughed.
Ah! Since the seeds of Fengxianhua have matured, then I will take it off! So, I brought a square and positive red gift box. At the time, "Ah! It hurts! Who is attacking me! Don't hide anymore! Hurry up!" I felt that my face was painful, but there was no one around me, and it was even more impossible to attack me.我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢? I looked around angrily to see if anyone hid in a corner in a corner, no, no, no, I didn't find anyone hiding around. So I continued to pick it, but looked around to see if anyone was attacking me. Now I ca n’t pick anything, and the machine gun has disappeared. I lowered my head, covered my eyes, and slowly, slowly, exposed a seam of fingers, and looked down carefully. Suddenly realizing that the pot of phoenix flowers in front of me is funny! This small, "Phoenix Flower Seed" brand "mini -machine gun" is "firing" towards me! Essence I laughed.
Then, I changed the new method to collect fruits.My eyes lock a cracking fruit first, but it is also mature. It is green and green, like a gourd seed.I first covered the gun with many cannonballs with my hand, and then, I carefully scratched it in half with my thumb. I had a force to get it in my hand, and then a lot of bullets were firing.EssenceAfter I took out the "gray and black cannon shells, I found that the green" shell "of the grass green had already been rolled up like animals. It was tight. It turned out that the machine gun was launched like this! FortunatelyI was taken away by me, or I was hit again!
Then, I changed the new method to collect fruits.My eyes lock a cracking fruit first, but it is also mature. It is green and green, like a gourd seed.I first covered the gun with many cannonballs with my hand, and then, I carefully scratched it in half with my thumb. I had a force to get it in my hand, and then a lot of bullets were firing.EssenceAfter I took out the "gray and black cannon shells, I found that the green" shell "of the grass green had already been rolled up like animals. It was tight. It turned out that the machine gun was launched like this! FortunatelyI was taken away by me, otherwise I was going to be hit again!
By the way, do your family plant Fengxianhua? Then you must read my composition. After reading it, you have to be careful! It is the only weapon that it owns at any time."Mini machine guns", aiming at you secretly, while you don't know, prepare -------------!!!!
By the way, do your family plant Fengxianhua? Then you must read my composition. After reading it, you have to be careful! It is the only weapon that it owns at any time."Mini machine guns", aiming at you secretly, while you don't know, prepare -------------!!!!
Everyone must have heard of the cannon.However, there are dozens of "mini cannonballs" in our family. The "shell" has passed my verification power. Although there is no real power of the shells, it is also unstoppable! Be careful! It also has to "fire" to you!
Escape! "Turn off the artillery"! Today, when I pick tomatoes on the balcony, when I am eating and interesting, I? There is a half -green peel, how can there be black and black, like mini -black football likeThings? I walked over, oh, this is the seeds of the fruit of Fengxianhua.
Escape! "Turn off the artillery"! Today, when I pick tomatoes on the balcony, when I am eating and interesting, I? There is a half -green peel, how can there be black and black, like mini -black football likeThings? I walked over, oh, this is the seeds of the fruit of Fengxianhua.
啊!凤仙花的种子既然已经成熟,那我就把它摘下来吧!于是,我拿来了一个方方正正的红色礼物盒,想将种子摘下来,放在这个里面,刚刚碰到果皮的时候,“啊呀!好痛!是谁在攻击我!别再躲藏了!快点站出来!”我感到我的脸剧烈地疼痛了一下,但是周围没有任何一个人,更不可能攻击我。我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢?“嗒嗒嗒,嗒嗒嗒,嗒嗒嗒······”不不不,不不不!我又被不知从何方而来的 “机关枪”给射击,击中了。我愤怒地看了看四周,看看是不是有人躲在某个角落在搞恶作剧,No,No,No,我丝毫没发现任何人躲在周围。所以我继续摘,脸却左顾右盼,看看有没有人在袭击我。现在什么也摘不到了,机关枪也消失了,我低下头,捂住眼睛,慢慢地,慢慢地,将手指露出一条缝,小心翼翼地向下一看,原来这个果实已经空空如也了,我也恍然大悟,原来就是眼前的这盆凤仙花在搞怪啊!这小小的,“凤鲜花籽”牌的“迷你机关枪”在朝我“开火”啊!火力还蛮强的呀,真让我措手不及。我哈哈大笑起来。
Ah! Since the seeds of Fengxianhua have matured, then I will take it off! So, I brought a square and positive red gift box. At the time, "Ah! It hurts! Who is attacking me! Don't hide anymore! Hurry up!" I felt that my face was painful, but there was no one around me, and it was even more impossible to attack me.我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢? I looked around angrily to see if anyone hid in a corner in a corner, no, no, no, I didn't find anyone hiding around. So I continued to pick it, but looked around to see if anyone was attacking me. Now I ca n’t pick anything, and the machine gun has disappeared. I lowered my head, covered my eyes, and slowly, slowly, exposed a seam of fingers, and looked down carefully. Suddenly realizing that the pot of phoenix flowers in front of me is funny! This small, "Phoenix Flower Seed" brand "mini -machine gun" is "firing" towards me! Essence I laughed.
Ah! Since the seeds of Fengxianhua have matured, then I will take it off! So, I brought a square and positive red gift box. At the time, "Ah! It hurts! Who is attacking me! Don't hide anymore! Hurry up!" I felt that my face was painful, but there was no one around me, and it was even more impossible to attack me.我想了一下,又继续摘,“啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛,啊啊啊,痛痛痛······!”你是不是感觉我在打节拍呢? I looked around angrily to see if anyone hid in a corner in a corner, no, no, no, I didn't find anyone hiding around. So I continued to pick it, but looked around to see if anyone was attacking me. Now I ca n’t pick anything, and the machine gun has disappeared. I lowered my head, covered my eyes, and slowly, slowly, exposed a seam of fingers, and looked down carefully. Suddenly realizing that the pot of phoenix flowers in front of me is funny! This small, "Phoenix Flower Seed" brand "mini -machine gun" is "firing" towards me! Essence I laughed.
Then, I changed the new method to collect fruits.My eyes lock a cracking fruit first, but it is also mature. It is green and green, like a gourd seed.I first covered the gun with many cannonballs with my hand, and then, I carefully scratched it in half with my thumb. I had a force to get it in my hand, and then a lot of bullets were firing.EssenceAfter I took out the "gray and black cannon shells, I found that the green" shell "of the grass green had already been rolled up like animals. It was tight. It turned out that the machine gun was launched like this! FortunatelyI was taken away by me, or I was hit again!
By the way, do your family plant Fengxianhua? Then you must read my composition. After reading it, you have to be careful! It is the only weapon that it owns at any time."Mini machine guns", aiming at you secretly, while you don't know, prepare -------------!!!!
By the way, do your family plant Fengxianhua? Then you must read my composition. After reading it, you have to be careful! It is the only weapon that it owns at any time."Mini machine guns", aiming at you secretly, while you don't know, prepare -------------!!!!
1、果实:果实读音为guǒ shí,是指①植物体的一部分,花受精后,子房逐渐长大,成为果实。有些果实可供食用。②比喻经过斗争或劳动得到的胜利品或收获:劳动果实。果实 guǒ shí词语解释:①植物体的一部分,花受精后,子房逐渐长大,成为果实。有些果实可供食用。②比喻经过斗争或劳动得到的胜利品或收获:劳动果实。分词解释:长大:1.体貌高大壮伟。 2.指体貌高大壮伟的人。食用:1.吃的和用的。 2.吃,喝。 3.做食物用。 4.可以吃的。逐渐:副词。渐渐:葡萄逐渐成熟了|病情正在逐渐好转。劳动:①人类创造物质或精神财富的活动:体力劳动ㄧ脑力劳动。②专指体力劳动:劳动锻炼。③进行体力劳动:他劳动去了。收获:①割取农作物:开镰收获|农家喜收获。②获得的成果:这次学习,收获颇多|出外讨帐,收获不多。...果实怎么造句,用果实造句»
2、炮弹:炮弹读音为pào dàn,是指火炮射击用的弹药。由弹丸和发射装药组成。主要可分为用以直接毁伤目标的主用弹,如爆破弹、穿甲弹、榴霰弹、破甲弹、燃烧弹等;利用特殊效应达到特定目的的特种弹,如照明弹、曳光弹等;用于训练、试验的辅助弹。炮弹 páo tán词语解释:火炮射击用的弹药。由弹丸和发射装药组成。主要可分为用以直接毁伤目标的主用弹,如爆破弹、穿甲弹、榴霰弹、破甲弹、燃烧弹等;利用特殊效应达到特定目的的特种弹,如照明弹、曳光弹等;用于训练、试验的辅助弹。(1) [shell]∶大炮用的空心发射体,内含炸药、化学物质和其它物质(2) [cannonball]∶用于火炮发射的实心弹分词解释:发射:射出(枪弹、炮弹、火箭、电波、人造卫星等)。特定:1.特别规定;特别指定。 2.指具体的某一种或某一个。主要:1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。...炮弹怎么造句,用炮弹造句»
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