
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:35 | 来源:语文通


难忘的中秋节作文 篇1难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇2难忘的中秋节作文 篇3难忘的中秋节作文 篇4难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇5难忘的中秋作文 篇6难忘的中秋节作文 篇7难忘的中秋作文 篇8难忘的中秋节作文 篇9难忘的中秋节作文 篇10

难忘的中秋节作文 篇1


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival, and it is also the traditional festival of our country.On the Mid -Autumn Festival night, the moon looked particularly round and bright.Our family planned to go to the square to enjoy the moon at night.


When I came to the square, my parents and I looked forward to the appearance of the moon.We all look forward to the moon coming out earlier, but the moon is like a shy little girl, hiding in the clouds and refused to show up.At this moment, the moon gradually gone out of the face, and slowly passed through a ray of green smoke and white clouds to the sky.The golden moon is like a big moon cake.At this time, Yue'er's color became lighter and turned white. It took off the golden yellow coat and replaced it with a thin layer of silver gauze.It seems that a silver -white jade plate hangs on the sky, emitting a white light, crystal clear.The soft moonlight sprinkled towards the earth, as if all things in the heavens and the earth were put on a layer of light tulle, illuminating the world of night.Looking at the beautiful moon sister, it is so kind and innocent and beautiful.I look up at my parents again. At this moment, I can give our family to enjoy the moon on the Mid -Autumn Festival and full moon night. It's so happy!


We all looked at the moon with a smile.I really hope that every family can be as happy as my home!

难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇2


Today is the traditional Chinese festival -Mid -Autumn Festival.On this day, people outside must go home to reunite with their families.——Alings like the moon on this day.


Our family is no exception.On this day, many people came to our house, including brothers, aunts and uncle.Grandma also made a lot of delicious food.We talked and talked, we talked and laughed, and learned about each other's recent work, family and learning.After dinner, Dad took out a large box of moon cakes.I said, "So many moon cakes?" "Yes," Dad said, "Don't you want to eat?" I said, "No! I really want to eat." Dad smiled and asked my family to share moon cakes.Watching everyone eating sweet moon cakes, a happy smile on their faces.At this moment, I feel the warmth and happiness of my home.


In the evening, my parents took me to watch the movie "The Rise of the Apes", which tells the story of the endangered humans and the growing apes.When I see a good place, I think I am there, and my heart will sweat for them.I can't wait to go in to help them.The movie is over, but my mood is still on the plot of the movie.


This Mid -Autumn Festival is really unforgettable for me.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇3


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle, and soon the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.Every year, every household is singing and dancing, gathered together.We are no exception this year.


This afternoon, our family of three came to my grandmother's house. It was already night, so we had a reunion meal to start Boragi, and there were rich prizes.As well as


Start Bo Championship, we brought a red porcelain bowl with six dice.It began to be bloggers.


The first is grandmother. Today's grandmother's luck seems very good. It was a four -way. Look at the daughter -in -law of my father. At first glance, I knew that I was not lucky, and I didn't even have a show.I am okay, there are three three reds, one pairing hall


We came to the roof to enjoy the moon.


Dad first cut a moon cake to his grandfather and grandmother. At this time, the moon rose slowly from the treetops, which seemed so noble and elegant.She was wearing a silver gauze, taking a light step, step by step towards the night sky. Her soul, gorgeous but elegant, she was white and gold, white like a silver, gold like a pearl, she was dazzling.The soft moonlight sprinkle the world, and the autumn moon looks like water!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇4


Today, it is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. In the autumn, the hotness was brought away with my hands, leaving the coolness to the world.In autumn, there is no heat in summer and the severe cold in winter. There are only harvests, heavy fruits.

早上,太阳从东方缓缓升起,将光辉洒向大地,又是新的一天,我早早地起了床,做完了作业,就到了外婆家。呀,今天可真热闹,一家人都来了,我高兴地一蹦三尺高,心想:今天终于可以痛痛快快地玩了!和小伙伴一起高兴地玩 .cn 了一整天,什么烦恼都抛到九宵云外了。

In the morning, the sun rose slowly from the east, spilled the glory to the earth, and it was a new day. I got up early and finished my homework and went to my grandmother's house.Yeah, it's really lively today. The family is here. I jumped three feet high, thinking: Today I can finally play painfully!I was happy to play with my friends for a whole day, and all troubles were thrown away from Jiuxiao Cloud.


Time seemed to be against me, like a carriage, at the moment of blinking, the sky was dark, and I had to leave my grandmother's house reluctantly.


At the door of the house, although the lights were not turned on, the dark night sky in the past became particularly bright.I looked up at the night sky. A round of bright moon was embedded in dark blue nights, like a disc.The gentle moonlight spread to the earth, as if wearing a transparent gauze on the temple.In the night, under the shining of the moonlight, I remembered Chang'e and Jade Rabbit. I seemed to see them dancing, thinking that she would be lonely today.Ah, Chang'e, you don't have to be lonely. "Only in the sky in the sky, and the surnames on the world look up." Because of you, we have a beautiful moonlight; because of you, there is a beautiful myth in the sky. We are for us.You sing, Mid -Autumn Festival is classic for you!


Late at night, the stars were so sleepy, the moon was more dazzling and brilliant. I looked at the bright moon and thought of Li Bai's "raising his head to look at the moon, looking down and thinking about his hometown."At that time, the Mid -Autumn Festival loved the bright and bright moon!

难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇5


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. At night, our family is watching the moon in the park.


I made a question to my dad: The toilet produced by the "lying state" family is called a "lying state" barrel, and the cup produced by the "lying state" family is called the "lying state" cup.Intersection"Lying" sprinkle (I am too stupid) Dad replied.When we laughed, we didn't laugh, and after a long time, we found that we were pitted.I told my parents another story. In the past, Chang'e was Houyi's wife. Houyi was afraid that his wife would commit suicide when he was old, so Houyi asked the mother and mother to give him long -lived medicine.The mother -in -law said that as long as the iron tree is put into the Dan furnace, it can be turned into a long -lived medicine for a few days. Eating half a grain can be long -lived.One day Hou Yi went out to hunt a thief to follow the old medicine. When he saw the Houyi, he went out and went to grab the long -lived medicine.On the moon.From then on, the Mid -Autumn Festival dances on the moon every year, expressing his feelings for Houyi.


That night we spent a beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival night on a laugh and laughter!

难忘的中秋作文 篇6


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is coming.In the past, everyone had a happy dinner at home and appreciated the moon.This year is different.


September 15 this year is a special day.The weather forecast said that Xiamen landed in a super typhoon.From 2 to 4 am today, it is a storm that sweeps the whole city of Xiamen.We stayed at home, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and we couldn't sleep.There is also the sound of being blown.Interweave, string, and sound in your ears.


What's more sad is that there were no water, no electricity, no signal, and dark.I can't call the phone too.We have been afraid of dawn.


The next morning, the wind stopped and the rain stopped.I looked out, startled, and a wolf borrowed on the ground.I can't imagine many trees falling down, some pressed on the car, blocking the road, and so on.


Although the Mid -Autumn Festival did not appreciate the moon this time, I really realized the most memorable natural disasters and Mid -Autumn Festival in my life.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇7


Today, it is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival, and the family is here.This Mid -Autumn Festival is really beautiful!


After dinner, we came to the roof garden to enjoy the moon.Everyone was sitting around the table, eating moon cakes, waiting for the appearance of the moon.After a long time, the moon did not come out. I comforted myself in my heart: "In general, the later the moon comes out, it means that the moon will be more beautiful. It must be the moon sister who dresses himself in the clouds and fog, so as to show people that he shows himself.The gracefulness. "


After about an hour, there was still nothing in the sky. Sometimes a plane flew over, and the night lights on the plane flashed, like a meteor slowly scratched, adding a flash of flickering to the magical night sky.Gem.The clouds in the sky are densely like a huge sheet, but also a dark blue cloth.On the ground, houses, streets, and neon lights look particularly noticeable.I can't bear it a little: "Why can't the moon come out, I have been waiting for a long time, can I see the moon tonight ???" Forget it, I will wait a while and there will be the moon.After waiting for a long time, I was a little disappointed, and I fell asleep unconsciously.


"Look at it, there is a bright light!" I don't know after a long time, I was awakened by my sister's exclamation.Everyone looked along the place where my sister's fingers. Sure enough, there was a large yellow silhouette in the sky. This kind of yellow, yellow is beautiful, yellow and cute, and the sky was slightly purple.Give a quiet and beautiful enjoyment.After a while, the moon hid in the clouds shyly and exposed the hazy shadow. This shadow, like the night light in the sky, never had such beauty.


The moon is still climbing and climbing, the moon in the sky has gradually changed, the light is getting brighter and brighter, from light to thicker, like a yellow fog.After a long time, the moon finally showed a charming smile, revealing the mysterious veil. The moon was round, not very large, and it was not very bright. There were a few mysteries in the sky, like a delicate night pearl pearl.EssenceI can see it, and the surrounding scenery becomes dull and colorless.


In the hazy luminous light, the moonlight paved the ground with a silver carpet.After a while, there was a cloud of clouds, covering the moon again, and the sky suddenly returned.


In addition to the Mid -Autumn Festival, it is essential to listen to the story.After eating the moon cake for a while, my mother and my aunt said to tell us a story about the moon, telling us to eat moon cakes while listening to the story, so there is a flavor.They listened to it, and I couldn't help but get in my fascination.When listening to the story, I can't help thinking: "The moon is so beautiful, and with a little thoughts, it is so pure! No wonder there will be so many myths and moving legends about the moon. I really want to see the beauty in the Moon Palace.Chang'e, hug the cute jade rabbit. "


The Mid -Autumn Festival night, the Mid -Autumn Festival, the beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival, a happy night!

难忘的中秋作文 篇8


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a day of reunion with family members, and it is also the day when the family appreciates the moon.Today, we returned to Yueyang and started to enjoy the moon.


First of all, the family talked about laughter, as if greeted the moon.The moon was a hook a few days ago, and then slowly became bigger and bigger, like blowing balloon, and then completely rounded.


The family sat around the table to enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes, watch TV, and chat.The atmosphere is active.We also go out to sing to promote the atmosphere of joy.


Not only did the Mid -Autumn Festival make me happy, but I also learned a lot of knowledge. For example, why did you cut the laurel tree in Wugang, how Chang'e flew to the moon, and why did the Mid -Autumn Festival eat moon cakes?These problems that had been thought for a long time were solved at once.


The Mid -Autumn Festival not only makes us learn knowledge, but also makes me feel interesting.Really an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇9


Today is August 15th of the lunar calendar, and it is the traditional festival Mid -Autumn Festival in my country.There are many guests in my family, which is very lively.


"Eat a reunion meal!" Mom said loudly.I was hungry before my belly, and my belly. When I heard my mother said, I ran to the table in front of the table.


After the reunion dinner, our family was carrying moon cakes and moved bamboo chairs to the balcony to enjoy the moon.The sky gradually changed from bright to dark, from blue to black.After a while, the moon was like a shy little girl, and slowly leaned out of the clouds.


The moon finally came out, and the bright moonlight added a little light on the dark night. We ate moon cakes and enjoyed the moon.I think this moon cake is really sweet, if it can be like this every day!At this time, my father told me the story of "Chang'e running the moon".


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is unforgettable!


In life, we can feel colorful traditional culture everywhere.


In our country's traditional festivals, I like the Mid -Autumn Festival the most.Because in this festival, you can eat the rich lunch made by your mother, and you can also eat a variety of flavors of moon cakes. It has beef, fruit flavor, and five kernels.Have.In the evening, after dinner, my mother gave me a moon cake. I stood in the yard and raised my head and enjoyed the moon while eating.Wow!Today's moon is so round, so beautiful!It's like moon cakes. I seemed to see Sister Chang'e dancing on the moon. Yutu watched quietly around Sister Chang'e, as if she was fascinated by Sister Chang'e's beautiful dancing posture.What a beautiful myth!I really want to take the "Chang'e No. 1" to fly to the moon and explore the mystery of the moon!


What an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇10


"I hope people have a long time, thousands of miles together," the Mid -Autumn Festival once a year is here again.The Mid -Autumn Festival is an indispensable to enjoy the moon and moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival every year.Of course, doing something meaningful in this beautiful festival is even more interesting.


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I got up early because my mother said she would surprise me yesterday.I asked my mother in bed together, and my mother asked me to go with her.I came to the moon cake shop opened by her friend to know that it was the moon cake.As soon as I heard the moon cake, I was interested at once.


We put on apron, work cap, and entered the workshop.There is a large table in the middle of the house, and we are around the table.There is a pot with moon cake filling on the table, and a basin is filled with flour and various wooden molds specializing in moon cakes.The owner told me that the skin had to be made by a lot of materials and a lot of time, and the temperature of the roasted moon cake should be moderate, remained at about 79 degrees.


After listening to the detailed production process introduction, I made moon cakes in a cheerful manner.I put the powder on my hand first. After several adjustments, I finally got a more appropriate amount of flour, and then flattened the dough. Then I took the noodles with my left hand, the right hand was stained, and the filling was wrapped with the skin little by little.After wrapping a spherical shape, stuff this ball into the mold with a pattern, knock on the left, knock on the right palm, knock on the right, knock on, knock down, wait for the moon cakes in the mold to loosen, and then put it againShake out.Ha, a clear and beautiful moon cake was born!I made a sign on my own moon cake.Mom and shopkeeper boast that I do it and very delicate.I was so happy in the first battle!


We put the good moon cakes in a large oven.After half an hour, the fragrant flavor rushed on the face.Open the oven door, I picked up the moon cake I made and looked at it, and I made it myself, and then took a bite. Ah, it was not greasy, fragrant and soft, and people wanted to eat another one after eating.


Today, this Mid -Autumn Festival is really pleasant. I personally returned to the moon cake, and it feels wonderful!