
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:46 | 来源:语文通



高中以故乡为题的作文700字 篇1故乡高中作文 篇2故乡高中作文 篇3高中关于故乡800字作文 篇4故乡高中作文 篇5故乡高中作文 篇6高中关于故乡700字作文 篇7

高中以故乡为题的作文700字 篇1


My hometown is in Jieyang and is a well -known large village.In the four seasons, there are different beauty in my hometown.


In spring, the children rushed into the arms of the spring girl, and the adults were accompanied.The spring breeze is coming, everything is warm, so gentle.The mountain is green and the green is so green.Everything rubbed her eyes and woke up.Water, clear, becoming like warm water in the gentle sun.In order to preach, the golden yellow words were sprinkled to the world, and his face turned red.Peach blossom listened to the song of Yamako, and couldn't help but be intoxicated.Dandelion flowers bid farewell to the butterfly under the shroud of apricot flowers. The glory flowers are covered with dew water to show up the spring song.EssenceDue to the spring, there are more sick children, and there is a condition that can make the flowers open more madly.


In the summer, the sun shines on the earth hot.During the day, there are more flowers, and the green leaves of the shallot cage cover the flowers.Both butterflies and bees are anxious, and they can only hear that Chan'er was ridiculed to them, "tired you -tired you-" to be tireless.On the side of Yuhu, the lotus has already opened, and it is a scenery.In the evening, mosquito flies unite to interfere with you.If you hold the fan, even if you dance the "throwing reins" in the "riding dance" madly, you can't get away.You shouted, "Go away, these annoying things!" At most, they answered you humming, buzzing!At this time, a sudden storm, then you will be as easy as peeling a layer of shell.


In the autumn field harvest, every family is warm, and the scenery in the forest is needless to say.When the mosquito and fly still left, the annoying autumn cicada screamed in the scene.It's really annoying ... but there are autumn chrysanthemums and osmanthus to maintain.The chrysanthemum is beautiful, the sweet -scented osmanthus fragrance, there is a tranquility.


There is nothing to say in winter.Although cold, it will not snow.Sleeping in the bed, eating hot pot, sleeping, eating again ... Boring life ... But the scenery of the corners is still very harmonious: the winter sun is sprinkled on the ground, and several people are in their own chairs.In the sun, the cat fell asleep with the owner's leg.


After all, my hometown is not heaven, there are good and bad.However, isn't this true, isn't it a kind of peaceful and equal life, An An Ningning's life?In the four seasons of your hometown, can you say that your hometown is perfect?

故乡高中作文 篇2


After fast time, we came to 20 years ...


Twenty years later, I completed my dream for the first time. I have been working for ten years and affirmed my dream work.I thought in the morning with Lanlan Youfang: 20 years have passed, does my hometown develop?What will happen to my hometown in front of me?I made up my mind to go back to the hometown garden to find out.


On a sunny day, I dizzy on flight 01232.I "jumped" in my hometown in the fast ten minutes.


I took the first step, so the soil was soft and brown.I noticed it in doubt, hey, why not smelly?At first glance, the "stinky dung" river 20 years ago was vomiting and dared not stay here.People's movements are exaggerated!A 70 -year -old old lady was jerky, and her hands tightly stretched their hands, and their feet were giving up at their feet. They ran quickly. An old man next to him said, "Hey, this old girl is all all the girls all all girls.It's almost stinky, and it's still running so fast! Hey-呦 "The river today is already the hometown of green plants.These green plants are refreshing and happy!I thought about it in my heart: give people a good impression at the beginning, leave it a point!The construction index is good!good!Three stars!


Looking at the heavy mountain from a distance, like seeing the Vajrayana Giant wearing a green clothes, there was no feeling of moving.I was attracted by the mountain and beckoned to the Koyama Brothers in a fascinated manner!The green mountains are also equipped with rich colors and fruits.There are colorful flowers, with pink yolk, Portuguese purple, and so on.There are red dragon fruit on the mountain, as well as wild flowers and weeds all over the mountains.The mountains here are so beautiful, and it is also matched with two or three birds. It is quiet and beautiful!


I came to the lake water not far away, where the shape of a duck was surrounded.There are several lessons that flutter the willow saplings next to the lake.The willow seedlings patted gently on the water of the lake, playing a wonderful singing.The water wave rippling back in the infinite space, and the dancing posture was moved.


My sunny day was wet by a small rain.Xiaoyu fell from the sky and kept bulging.It is a rain that can irrigate plants.Xiaoyu's dew was played on the banana leaf, and the crystal clear dew was flowing down the tip of the leaf, flowing down.


Is this really my hometown?Do you forget that this is not your hometown?The hometown this 20 years later shocked me. Although my hometown and 20 years ago were much better, it was ordinary, but it was my hometown anyway, and I would always care about it in my heart.Forever, always remember its beauty, its simplicity.I received you, yes, I did not write wrong, I was waiting for you to write that skim] www..cn [That 捺.


My dearest hometown!

故乡高中作文 篇3


In December, the haze for several days was impetuous.


Looking at the branches of the leaves in the courtyard, I suddenly rose a sense of boredom and weakness in my heart. I couldn't help thinking of nine years ago-


I am six years old and I will only play stupidly.


After walking through the uneven gravel road, I reached the spacious gate of my house. I sang the song bouncing and rushed to my father's back gently, which caused a laugh.At that time, it was really happy.


Vaguely remembered that that afternoon, I played on the open space in front of the door. A uncle parked a motorcycle at the door and left.I was curious. The young body crawled to the motorcycle. It was just a matter of obscenity. The body was suddenly oblique. I was overwhelmed under the car. For the first time, I felt scared, and my face was full of tears ...


Vaguely remember that my mother was off work that day and brought back a camera to take pictures of her family.When it was my turn, I leaned by the wall, my head was crooked, showing a sweet smile.With a click, I left my simplicity and satisfaction at the time.


Vaguely remember that at noon that day, while Grandpa fell asleep, I sneaked out of the house and went to the backyard with my elder brother to pick flowers.At that time, a much taller brother took me a bright red flower for me."Give you!" The crisp sound still echoed clearly now.I laughed stupidly, took the flowers, lowered my head and took a deep breath. It was really sweet, so fragrant!


However, all this disappeared after I was six years old. I left there and went to a strange place.There are no spacious flat ground here, no motorcycles, no big brother who has played with me, nor the brilliant red flowers, only a faint sorrow and thoughts lingering in my heart.I often stood in front of the window. I thought I could look at the hometown, but found that I was blocked by a high house, and my eyes were burst into tears ...


I grew up for three years in loneliness, and I went to another place. It was a city.There, in addition to reading or reading, maybe only in this way can I wear this thoughts in my heart.Once played, some were just quiet and melancholic eyes.Farther and farther from my hometown.well!When can I go back?


My thoughts were interrupted, yes, it has been nine years, it is time to go back and see.




Time can always change everything, from the countryside to the city, to another city, and leave the spacious flat land, motorcycle, big brother, and safflower in his hometown. The author will inevitably feel a little lonely.The author's heart is unsatisfactory. When he was a child, he was naughty and cute. The childhood fun things he told were interconnected, all of which reflected his love for his hometown and his old man.The language of this article is simple and touching. Through the description of language, movement, and expression, the character's mood vividly shows the character's mood.The strong love in the text can't help but make people moving.

高中关于故乡800字作文 篇4


My hometown is in Hangzhou, which is a charming city.It not only has a beautiful natural scenery, but also has a complete infrastructure and developed digital economy.


First of all, let me introduce the beauty of Hangzhou!As the saying goes, "There is paradise, there are Suhang and Hangzhou", the scenery of Hangzhou West Lake is beautiful all year round.In spring, the weeping willow is containing green, and the red peaches are gorgeous. They stroll on the Su Di. The spring breeze brushes gently.In summer, the water surface of the West Lake is sparkling, and the lotus leaves are green and green, and the lotus flowers are red and white, which makes people add a touch of coolness.In autumn, the cosmetic flowers are fragrant, and the chrysanthemums are gorgeous.I came to the park and wanted to take a photo with osmanthus before leaning on the osmanthus tree. The osmanthus rain fell. I was full of osmanthus, and the thick osmanthus fragrance made people feel that the air was filled with sweetness in the air.the taste of.In winter, Han Mei Aoi, Qingsong Douxue, and the snow scene of the West Lake is particularly charming. It looks like a layer of snow -white gauze. It looks so calm and pure. The ancient buildings by the lake are matched with snow scenes, making people look like a fairyland.I am fortunate to live in Hangzhou, I can enjoy the changing beauty of all year, and I can often go to the West Lake. It is really happy.


In recent years, Hangzhou's urban appearance has also undergone tremendous changes.With the continuous construction and opening of high -speed, subways, and viaducts, Hangzhou's transportation facilities have become more and more developed, and our travel is becoming more and more convenient.I often take the subway outside to play, which is much more convenient to take a bus before.Once, our family went to Xianghu to see the sea of flowers. Because I was motion sick, my mother and I could only take the subway. Dad drove alone. As a result, my mother and I had taken a lot of beautiful photos in the sea of flowers.Late, the subway is really too convenient and efficient!Now, Hangzhou is vigorously promoting the environmental improvement of the community. The walls of the community I live are getting new, the greening of the community is getting more and more beautiful, and the road is getting wider. I feel more comfortable than before.With the construction of ecological civilized cities, the air in Hangzhou is now cleaner, the sky is even more blue, the lakes are greener, the urban environment is better, and we have more and more places for leisure and entertainment.


In addition to changes in urban appearance, the leadership of the digital economy is also changing our lifestyle.With the promotion of the Alipay platform, the people's travel, shopping, eating, drinking and playing and playing are more convenient.Now in Hangzhou, as long as I can go to the place I want to go, buy what I want, and taste the food I want to eat, it is really convenient.


In short, Hangzhou is such a beautiful city. I love it very much. I feel happy and proud to grow in such a city. I hope it is getting better and better.

故乡高中作文 篇5


Home, warm harbor; home, a place worthy of our nostalgia; home, a place to avoid the storm.Subtotal--


There is affection at home and love at home.The Spring Festival is also a good time for the whole family to reunite, so after New Year's Eve, I returned to my hometown where I was born.And this time the re -travel also made me feel too much.


As the car is getting closer and closer to his hometown, the excitement in his heart is more difficult to hide.I left my hometown at the age of nine.It's 89 years.Now I really don't know what my hometown has become.Maybe more prosperous, or more disappointed.The hometown gradually appeared in the field of vision, but today's hometown is so shabby, today's hometown no longer has the original laugh and laughter.I was a little happy to return to my hometown this time, but I recalled the flowers of the year and looked at the decline in front of me, and suddenly felt sad from my heart.


My hometown may be just a shelter for many people, but there are too many feelings for me.As far as I remember, I think my hometown is my greatest reliance, because it is our happy paradise, because I had too many joy every day at that time, and now there are only dust brought by the breeze on the desolate streets.The scene of joy is only desolate and sad.


Although it is the third day of the New Year, there are not many people on the street, and there is no atmosphere of the New Year at all.However, there are some places to be happy, because I have seen my sister for a long time here.Although she is back every year, I don't often see her, but this meeting makes me the relationship with her more harmonious.


The next day, I went back to the old house and looked at it.Unexpectedly, the old house had become ruins.I suddenly felt sad.When I recalled the past, I always felt that what happened yesterday was still remembered.However, I also know that everything could not come back at the time, and the past years can only be regarded as a good memory.Looking at the familiar scene, remembering the little bit of the past, I suddenly felt that I really grew up, and had bid farewell to the naive and childishness of the original.


Maybe such a regression will make you understand more, but the deepest feeling is that you really bid farewell to the naive era, because now you have a nostalgia for your hometown, miss yourself, and the deepest feelings for yourself.I didn't feel this when I was here, and now I found that my hometown really left me too many beautiful memories.Maybe this is often the experience, and then you will know how beautiful the original years are.


Although my hometown is gone, I will never forget where I grew up with me. I leave too many places where good memories. I have a place where I am in love for a lifetime. I have a laugh and laughter.Because my hometown brings me too much, it brings me endless joy.Although my hometown is different from the beginning, I have always missed it, where I grew up-.

故乡高中作文 篇6


Flying birds cannot be separated from the sky. Even if they are stopped, it must stay closest to the treetops of the sky; dense leaves cannot leave the roots, even if they wither, it must return to the embrace of the root;Even if light and unreasonable, it needs water surround.


Even the wind of wandering will attach the tenderness of Ye, and a heart that yearn for freedom will not be able to resist the fetters of his hometown.That piece of land may be like flowers and green grass; maybe Huangsha flys, Gobi is desolate; maybe only the farmers' hard work and the lights can not be seen, but the land will always stay in the depths of the memory, occupying the heart, and occupy the heart.The weaker corner.


Beauty is not beautiful, hometown water; dear, hometown people.The deepest love for us will always stay to the hometown, and every traveler who is carrying luggage will be the most nostalgic on the road to his hometown.There are three years of leaving the hometown. Whenever you walk on the avenue of the city cars, the hometown is the blue stone slab filled with moss in his hometown, as well as the mountain trails that are clustered and stepped out by farmers.Here, I understand: Road, not easy to walk.


When you see the city lights, you will miss the bright moon star of the hometown; see the cities that are dressed up in the neon by the city, and you will miss the simple sycamore in your hometown; you will miss the bungalow in your hometown because of seeing the city's high -rise buildings, just because it is my heart.Where to.


Finally, I realized that the twenty years of the Shepherd of Suwu's festival, and the determination to return to Dahan not only because of his loyalty, but also because his heart could not let his hometown.Finally, I understand that Xiang Yu's emotion of "wealth and wealth does not return to the country, such as Yi Jinxing, who knows", is not without ambitions, but the idea of being unable to host the hometown; finally understand why Yue Fei already has "wanting to pay Yaoqin, Zhiyin, Zhiyin,The awareness of less string is still unable to let go of the Song Dynasty and insist on conquering, because his hometown feelings permeate the entire Song Dynasty.


The hometown has such magic power. Only those who leave the country will understand the heart of leaving people, so I understand them.Such a hometown situation, such a heart that is attached to his hometown, can inspire people's courage, awaken people's tenderness, and firm belief.Just like them, like me, I understand how far I go, and my hometown is looking forward to me, waiting for me to become a shelter that is eternal.


The return of the pigeon is to be in love with the hometown. The cruise of the catfish is expectations for his hometown. The old horse knows the hometown.All these are not only the instinct of biology, but also the real and deep affection.


The direction of the heart is only the hometown.

高中关于故乡700字作文 篇7


My beautiful hometown is in Jiangxi, and my hometown is like a cradle, allowing me to grow up happily; my hometown is like a book, giving me endless wisdom; my hometown is like a teacher to teach me to be human; my hometown is the origin of my life.


The spring of the hometown is colorful, the flowers and fruits are fragrant, the flowers bloom all over the field, and it is accompanied by the green grass, which makes people want to lie down, lying on the green space, looking up at the high altitude, as if returning to the era of childhood as early as childhood, watch that high altitudeThe white clouds above them are like marshmallows, lying on the grass, and the singing of the accompaniment of the wind, the singing of the river, makes people feel extremely leisurely, yeah!This should have been a good time in spring!


The hot sun in the hometown is hot, but the trees are lined. The old people moved to the shade of the tree, opened the rocking chair, they took the old flower mirror, lying on the rocking chair with the newspaper, reading leisurely reading leisurely readingWriting newspapers.And a few naughty and cute. The children ran to the small pond and picked a few flowers.There are a lot of concerts in the small pond!The little frog standing on the stage and singing loudly, this is also the fun of summer.


The autumn of the hometown is also endless. Walking on the road of his hometown, looking at the earth at a glance, putting on a new outfit, a wheat bent down, as if I was hinting to the peasant uncle ": We are familiar, we can put it away, we can put it away.. '' Farmers' uncle seemed to understand what the wheat meant, and began to get busy.


In the hometown of autumn, there is a kind of floral fragrance. Its floral fragrance is rich, but it will not be tired after smelling for a long time. This floral fragrance must be the fragrance of osmanthus!The small yellow flower, a faint yellow, so small, so delicate, the wind blows, the small flowers jumped into the grass like small feet, and the small flower decorated like a star. It seemed to fall from the sky to the green shade.It makes people feel a little dreamy.


In the winter of the hometown, the snow dressed the earth into a world of ice and snow. The children were extremely excited. All of them got up from the bed early, consciously put on their clothes, and walked outside the door, saw the snow -capped scene.The children grabbed a handful of snow and piled up the snowman. After a while, the little hand turned red, but the children didn't feel the same, and they continued to pile up the snowman. It seems that the children are happy to play.You can see how much the charm of this snow is!


This is my beautiful hometown. It accompanies me to be born, grows with me, and accompanies me to live a happy childhood, making me grow up in my hometown, I love you, my hometown.