"Haha, ha ..." At this time, I was happy in front of the TV, and my mother's eyelids were almost unable to open.I pushed my mother and asked, "Mom, go to sleep!" Mom pretended to be very spiritual and said, "I'm not sleepy, look! After reading, let's sleep again." I see my motherThe look that closed the eyelids and opened it, I simply turned off the TV -sleep.
As soon as I lay on the bed, I couldn't help thinking of the funny TV plot in my mind, thinking about it, and I became more and more energetic.When my mother saw me, she whispered in her mouth: "It's trapped, don't you sleep?" Well? "What do I have to do with my mother?Oh, my mother may be afraid of snoring to me.Thinking of this, I whispered in my mother's ear, "I sleep when I sleep, I'm okay." My mother may be too sleepy. As soon as I finished speaking, I heard my mother's snoring. I looked at my mother, her head, her headLow down, showing a day's fatigue, the eyelids finally closed down.The hair was messy on his face, and his brows finally stretched.
The snoring sounds like one like a wonderful song. I think if you give this song a name, it should be called "a happy melody"."Swing -snoring-" How beautiful sounds, this song is more beautiful than any music, and it is unforgettable in my heart for a long time.
Finally, in the snoring sound of my mother like Langtao lightly on the beach, I fell asleep safely and slept so sweetly, so cooked ...
From a young age, I gradually understood the snoring sound, fell in love with the snoring sound, and used to the snoring sound.
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