
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:45 | 来源:语文通



Really nesting, my family has always had "dozed insects", you must be curious? In fact, this "dozed insect" is my dad.


After dinner every day, our family always sat on the sofa watching TV, but as soon as my father sat on the sofa, I would hear a snoring sound after a long time.Once I had just ate dinner, my father and I watched TV with a tasteful manner, and suddenly heard the uncoordinated sound of "snoring ...".What about travel.Mom quietly said to me, "Go and pinch your dad's nose."


I slowly walked to my dad, stretched out my index finger and thumb, and pinched his nose.Suddenly my father "um" and opened his eyes, he found that it was my pinch's nose, and wanted to catch me, and I ran into my mother's arms.At this time, the laughter of the three of us echoed in the living room for a long time.


This is my "Sleeping Worm" dad, do you have it?

2、 关于亲人亲戚的作文:家有“瞌睡虫” (写人作文)

2. Composition on relatives and relatives: "Sleeping insects" (Written Composition)


There is a "worm" in our family, 170cm long, 75kg weighing, and unique giant "worm". He is my dad. He is a person who can't fight and sleeps.
It was a Wuyun dense noon. Our family had finished eating, and her mother was going out to play cards. Before she left, she said to the "Sleeping insect": "It seems that it is about to rain, remember to collect clothes, we must remember to remember it. "Sleeping insect" sleeping on the sofa, saying vaguely, "Know, you know, you put a hundred hearts." After the mother left, the "Sleeping worm" quickly entered the dreamland again. Sure enough, after a while, he cried in the sky, and he was thunderous from time to time. I was afraid of thunder and hid in my room. At this time I thought of the clothes confiscated, but I dare not accept it. I had to call "Sleeping Worm" to collect it, and I went to him to yell in front of him, "Dad, Dad, it's raining!" But let me call it, how to shout is useless. I didn't wake him up. Hey, I had to be sorry for "Sleeping". I used "Return to my bubble fist" on the stomach of the "Sleeping Worm". After that, there was a cry of heartbreaking. He yelled at me: "You are crazy, crazy girl, what to fight, did you see me sleeping?" I said in a hurry, "What did you say to you before leaving? "" Sleeping insect "took a picture of the back of the head and hurried to collect the clothes, but after receiving it, it became a soup chicken.
This is my dozen bug. If you still want to know more about him, please call the hotline: Nine moves, nine moves and nine.



1、瞌睡虫:瞌睡虫读音为kē shuì chóng,是指①旧小说中指能使人打瞌睡的虫子。②指爱打瞌睡的人(含讥讽意)。瞌睡虫 kē shuì chóng词语解释:①旧小说中指能使人打瞌睡的虫子。②指爱打瞌睡的人(含讥讽意)。(1) [(in old novels) sleeping insect]∶传说中进入鼻孔中就会使人打瞌睡的虫(2) [easy dozer]∶指爱打瞌睡的人(含讥讽意)分词解释:瞌睡:1.倦极思睡。 2.打盹,很短时间的睡眠。打瞌睡:1.亦作“打磕睡”。 2.打盹。小说:文学的一大样式。一般通过情节描写,表现人物的心理状态和行动,塑造人物性格。现代西方“新小说派”则主张小说可不要情节或淡化情节。叙事角度灵活多样,描写、叙述、抒情、议论等各种手法兼收并蓄。按篇幅长短,常分为长篇小说、中篇小说、短篇小说。虫子:昆虫和类似昆虫的小动物。...瞌睡虫的反义词,瞌睡虫的反义词是什么»