
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:11 | 来源:语文通



成长初中优秀作文 篇1成长初中优秀作文 篇2成长初中优秀作文 篇3成长初中优秀作文 篇4成长初中优秀作文 篇5成长初中优秀作文 篇6

成长初中优秀作文 篇1


Hee hee, is your growth interesting? There are worries and depression in the growth, but there are also happiness and happiness as the flavoring... Do you have your own exclusive? Come and see my growth!


When I was a child, I was very arrogant and dependent. It's not enough to say I'm a little princess. At this time, it seems that there is a wonderful performance


"Mom, where's my book?" I was angry. My mother said carelessly, "Did you pack your schoolbag yesterday?" I opened my mouth and said, "Don't you help me clean up?" Her mother looked suspicious and said, "Do your own things. Didn't the teacher teach you?" My tears began to fall with a click. My mother hurriedly said, "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't pack your schoolbag last night. I'll help you in the morning. Can I give you candy?" I listened to it and wiped it with my sleeve. Then I looked excited and said, "Can I really eat sugar?" Because I know that my teeth had moths because I ate sugar. Later, my mother wouldn't let me eat them, and I made trouble all day! Mother had to say, "Yes, but only one." I jumped up happily, as if I had forgotten my previous troubles. What about? Only my exclusive indulgence, hee hee!


Gradually, I grew up. Although I subtracted the childishness of my childhood, the innocence still appeared in me. Look, I'm debating with my classmates


The topic we are talking about is which sentence of Wing Xue is better. I first moved the evidence out and said: "The difference in the air when salt is sprinkled can be drawn up, because salt is compared to snow, which focuses on the shape, and the color of snow is close to salt." The other student also said, "The willow catkins are better because of the wind, because this sentence has profound meaning and gives people a picture of spring." I didn't know how to explain it for a moment. I blushed and said, "Surely this is right!" The opposing side said, "That's not certain!" I said sadly, "Surely this sentence is right, this sentence is right..." The students did not know what to do, and the teacher came to say; "If the willow catkins were better because of the wind, they would give people a sense of spiritual similarity, while the difference in the air when throwing salt could be just like shape..." I had to admit it, but I always thought of my own point of view. What about? Only my own characteristics, hee hee!


My growth is full of innumerable sense of happiness, but sometimes there will be depression. What about your growth? Take me back to your world! Hee hee!

成长初中优秀作文 篇2


A book is a ladder of human progress. Like a pair of clairvoyant eyes, it makes people understand the good, evil, beautiful and ugly in the world. Books are also a huge treasure house, storing all human knowledge and ideas. Books benefit all mankind, and I also want to join them.


When I was five years old, I was tired of boring old toys and began to like small picture books. At this time, my mother came to "One Hundred Thousand Whys", which made me understand that these pieces of colored paper had such magic power, full of wonderful and interesting knowledge, and made people eager to have it and get it. Gradually, storybooks crept into my vision, and I was even more infatuated with them. A series of magical thoughts in the stories brought me into the magnificent imaginary world.


The book not only makes me spiritually satisfied, but also makes me taste the sweetness in my study and life.


In reading, with the increasing amount of knowledge, I had a little prestige in the class, and my classmates jokingly called me "little doctor". In a game, a classmate said, "My spaceship is the fastest, 30 million kilometers per second.", Then he said: "According to Einstein's theory of relativity, when an object approaches the speed of light, its weight will become one third of the universe, and then your spaceship will collapse, even one tenth of the original size." The student was stunned by my eloquent theory. hey! It seems that there is power to store knowledge!


Up to now, I have become even more infatuated with Chinese and foreign masterpieces and locked in the hut like a magnet. It's like an aboriginal who has lived on a desert island for a long time saw a map of the world and realized his insignificance and ignorance. In "The Count of Monte Cristo", I saw that the Count of Monte Cristo tried his best to make the enemies unknowingly disperse millions of property, and the plot was ups and downs, fascinating; In the Biography of the Hulan River, I always lament for the people who died in fear because their daughter-in-law was burned to death and they were afraid of playing the life-saving vaccine, which made me realize the ignorance and horror of the feudal society; In "Bronze Sunflower", I cried with the mute bronze shouting to Sunflower sister


I love reading. Books are my best friends. They help me in difficulties and encourage me in loss; The book is a guiding light, let me find the direction in the vast sea of people; Books have changed my way of life; Books accompany me, grow with me, and help me grow!

成长初中优秀作文 篇3


When it comes to my growth on campus, of course, the care of my teachers and the trust of my classmates are indispensable. Although there are sadness, joy and happiness in school. But I think the moment of growth in school is valuable!


I remember one time: my deskmate and I had a conflict. In fact, it was his fault, but he just didn't admit it. He said a very sad word, and it was so loud that the whole school wanted to know, "I just broke your broken pen. What can I say?" I was very angry, so I said to him loudly: "Why do you say my pen is a broken pen! Then I say your schoolbag is a broken schoolbag!" After listening to my words, he angrily threw my pen to the ground, and the blue ink in it flowed out. The cover had been smashed to pieces, and there were also some cracks on the pen container. I looked at the place where the ink was blue, and I felt that my eyes were more and more blurred, and a few tears fell from my eyes.


With wet eyes, I picked up the broken pen, wiped the ink off the ground with paper, and then went back to my seat to watch the pen cry. I thought: That was a birthday gift from my mother on my tenth birthday, and my mother told me how difficult it was to have a pen at that time. Now, although a pen is nothing to me, it is very meaningful! Mother asked me to take good care of this pen. Why does he say he fell when he fell? Although I was very sad, when I remembered that my mother told me to be modest, I said to myself: Be patient! No matter how unhappy I was, I had to listen to my mother. Finally, I couldn't help it.


When I got home, I cried a lot. A few days later, I had already forgotten about that. My deskmate blushed and said to me, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't break your pen. I know that pen means a lot to you, and this is for you." Then he took out a new pen and handed it to me. I said to him, "Don't be so impulsive in the future." When I finished, he smiled, and I smiled too.


Although I was a little unhappy this time, I also knew that I should know how to be modest, which made me grow up a lot and made me understand a truth.

成长初中优秀作文 篇4


A person is growing all the time, of course, both physically and mentally. In my memory, that event was my spiritual growth. It was she, Mr. He, who taught me how to grow.


A few months ago, Mr. He asked me to write an article. After I finished writing, I followed Teacher He's instructions and posted it on the class wall newspaper with another writer, Hou Jiaxin.


Hey, it's not a trivial matter! I picked up the double-sided adhesive tape "carefully", tore off four pieces and stuck them on my top, bottom, left and right sides. Teacher He saw it, smiled and said to me, "Qiao Youkai, do you think it will stick firmly?" Yes! Since I usually do things like "Monkey Sun sits on the throne - careless", this time I didn't take this little thing to heart at all. Yes, isn't the four corners still tilted?


I found my mistake and was about to tear off the glue again. The teacher said, "Don't tear it! It will damage the paper! Come and see how I stick it." She helped me stick the double-sided adhesive on the four corners while she said. I squatted on the side, red faced, and at a loss. I had to wait for the teacher to stick it.


After a while, the teacher glued it well. Looking at the flat paper pasted on the wall, I couldn't help thinking: Alas, I really have to learn everything! I took the second page of paper and double-sided tape and started pasting. I thought: Next, I will show my skill. So I measured it on the left, looked at it on the right, compared it on the top, and tried it on the bottom. I decided to stick it on at once.


"Huh" and look at Hou Jiaxin beside him, still there to see how to paste it properly! I thought: Ha ha! It's faster than her this time. Just wanted to make a face at her. Look at the paper I pasted. Eh, why is it a little slanted? When I came to understand, my head seemed to explode like thunder, and I was in a mess.


I think that Mr. He must not find out. So I carefully opened the paper... After hard work, I pulled it off and stuck it on again, just in time! Success!


I think that since I entered Class 1, Grade 5, Mr. He has helped me get rid of many of my bad problems, such as careless work, lack of thinking, non-standard writing, etc., and corrected my own shortcomings. Although I also have to pay a lot of efforts, but "without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow", I know, she taught me to grow!


I sincerely thank my teacher!

成长初中优秀作文 篇5


What is growth? Growth is a note, singing different songs on the road of life; Growth is a wind chime, which has been blown out of the story of making everyone grow up; A childhood album. When I grow up, I turn around and see myself as a child... I believe everyone has their own growth story!


When I was young, I liked to buy things I shouldn't have bought: the notebook was clean as ever, so I didn't like the cover; The stamp album only uses two pages and needs to be replaced... In a word, it's hard to escape from my shopping cart if my "hot eyes" find anything I like!


Until one day, I saw a news: there was a cleaner who worked very hard and his family was very poor. Her daughter could only find a space under the street lamp in the street where my mother worked every day after school and study hard under the dim light.


She didn't have beautiful clothes, multi-functional pencils, colorful notebooks, but she still stood out and smiled. On her book, almost every page was marked with pencil, and then was written again and again with pen.


After reading the news and seeing her photos, I was deeply moved by the little girl who knows how to cherish and save. Look at my room, the furry bear is waving to me; The plastic puppy winked at me; The pony's key chain is shining... Should I buy all these? I secretly made up my mind to get rid of my spending disorder!


This summer vacation, I went to Bali, where I was attracted by your artworks. I was ready to rush to the counter, looking everywhere for a beautiful commodity. As I was holding a pile of items to pay, I suddenly saw the figure of a little girl squatting beside the wall and writing something. What a familiar figure! deja vu! When I remembered, she looked like the back of the little girl who helped me make up my mind to get rid of the bad habit of spending money indiscriminately! At this point, my hand holding the money shrank back, and I turned to put down the items one by one. Finally, I chose a set of baby elephants to give to my mother.


I think growth is a road paved at everyone's feet. Although it is not covered with flowers on both sides, it will lead you to a successful life one day!

成长初中优秀作文 篇6


Hilti once said: "Only in suffering can we know ourselves." Difficulties are a strict teacher. Under his earnest instruction, we went from dependence on others to independence; From timidity and weakness to strength and courage; From ignorance to understanding. He has become an integral part of our growth path.


Before that, I was a little girl who completely forgot about her troubles. I always thought that responsibility and burden were unwarranted. When I was sick, my mother would take care of me, and when I was sad, my mother would comfort me. I just thought that I would walk on the road paved by parents, and I didn't need to worry about anything. However, I knew that I was wrong that time.


On that day, my ordinary life was heavily marked. I never thought that disaster would befall me, but... that's true. On the morning of December 6, I had an accident. When the dazzling lights hit my pupils, I admitted that I was panicked. For the first time, I found that I was so weak. In a moment, I had decided to be strong! I even forgot about the pain and how I got out of the car. I only remember when I saw the face full of blood in the mirror, and I was not afraid at all.


I was taken from the hospital to be hospitalized for surgery. I clearly remember that when my mother signed the operation notice, her hands were trembling. Back in the ward, my mother cried. I found my mother's burden was very heavy. She also needed to take care of me. For the first time, I became strong. Instead of crying, I comforted my mother. I felt that when I grew up, I could no longer let my parents worry. I walked into the operating room alone and came out alone. It was very painful in the process, but I clenched my teeth and was strong enough not to cry.


Until I was discharged from hospital, I didn't cry a word of bitterness or shed a tear. Sometimes I ask myself, where is the girl who used to cry and who didn't know her parents' hard work? After thinking about it, I can only answer: "That girl has experienced hardship and overcome it. She has grown up.


In the face of suffering, I chose to be strong and grow up. Maybe the more times you fall, the more upright you can stand, and the more painful you are, the more mature you will become. I know this is the turning point from childishness to maturity. I took this important first step. In the future, I will go further and further, step by step to maturity.