
时间:2022-08-15 13:08:50 | 来源:语文通



In a autumn morning, the girl Qiu started to get busy early in the morning.First of all, she sprinkled a bright raindrops like pearl in the sky, and took a beautiful flower flower on the fruit tree to hang sweet fruits.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThen, she naughty picked up her colorful pigment box and painted it lightly on the leaves.Then, she stretched her mouth and blew up. The colorful leaves on the trees fell from the tree, as if a butterfly was dancing.A beautiful picture jumps in front of you, beautiful!


The girl Qiu came to the mountain, took a jasmine, and gave it magic, blowing it gently, the jasmine's pollen float into the tree hole of the little squirrel, and then to the small nest of Mr. Fox's family.With the aroma of Jasmine, the little squirrel woke up from the dream. It climbed out of the tree hole and saw that the tree was covered with large and fragrant pine cones, and jumped up.The Mr. Fox's family also woke up with the floral fragrance. They climbed out of the cave and saw a jasmine tree full of fragrant seductive jasmine.


At noon, Jasmine slowly floated to the hair along the hats of the peasant Bobo straw hat.Elementary students smelled the aroma of jasmine, and sang the song happily.The peasant uncle heard the floral fragrance, and immediately trembled. As the aroma passed, the endless rice fields were like a "golden ocean", swaying with the wind, and filled with joyful smiles on their dark face.Diligorably sweat.This is the so -called: "After noon on the day, sweat dripping the soil. Who knows that the Chinese food, the grains are hard."


In the evening, the jasmine drifted to the girl's arms mysteriously. It told the journey in the arms of Qiu Qiu, and the girl Qiu nodded with a smile.Jasmine was lying in the arms of Qiu Qiu, gently fiddling the girl Qiu's skirt, and suddenly found that the girl Qiu's skirt had a beautiful autumn scenery: there were raindrops of pearls inlaid;The skirts are painted with many fruit trees with mature fruits, with fragrant pears, sweet wavelogo and sweet apples, persimmons, orange, etc., which constitute a fruitful harvest scenery. SheWearing a fragrant and charming ring on his head, there is a basket in his hand. This basket is like Doraemon's big pocket, which is strange.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


Autumn is a bumper song, a joyful song!I really want to become a girl in Qiu!Then I will help those farmers' uncle and make them no longer so tired; fly to the campus, give elementary school students more happiness, and let their schoolbags no longer so heavy; then fly to the teacher's shoulder, blow off the chalk on their bodies,Wipe off their hard work for a day; float into the arms of my parents, thank them for their raising.In the end, she flew beside her grandmother, and used the magic stick to a little bit on her forehead, making her young forever ...



1、姑娘:姑娘读音为gū niang,是指〈方〉①姑母。②丈夫的姐妹。姑娘 gū niáng词语解释:〈方〉①姑母。②丈夫的姐妹。(1) [girl]∶未嫁的年轻妇女一面听得人回话:“林姑娘到了。”…贾母又说:“请姑娘们来。今日远客才来,可以不必上学去了。”——《红楼梦》(2) [daughter]∶女儿生了个姑娘(3) [prostitute]∶旧时俗称妓女为姑娘做姑娘的,一天从了良,每每比三书六聘的还要遂心。——清. 吴趼人《劫余灰》(4) [a married sister of father]〈方〉∶姑母原来姑娘死了姑夫,与儿子开着饭店,当见姪儿,来家同坐。——《清平山堂话本》(5) [husband's younger sister; sister-in-law]∶丈夫的妹妹,小姑诸亲九眷闹丛丛,姑娘小叔闹哄哄。——《清平山堂话本》分词解释:姑母:父亲的姐妹。姐妹:①姐姐和妹妹。a)不包括本人:她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。b)包括本人:她们姐妹俩都是先进生产者ㄧ她就姐妹一个(没有姐姐或妹妹)。②弟兄姐妹;同胞。丈夫:1.男子。指成年男子。 2.男子。指男孩子。 3.妻称夫为丈夫。 4.犹言大丈夫。指有所作为的人。...姑娘怎么造句,用姑娘造句»

2、花粉:花粉读音为huā fěn,是指①花药里的粉粒,多是黄色的,也有青色或黑色的。每个粉粒里都有一个生殖细胞。②中医指栝楼根制成的淀粉。花粉 huā fěn词语解释:①花药里的粉粒,多是黄色的,也有青色或黑色的。每个粉粒里都有一个生殖细胞。②中医指栝楼根制成的淀粉。(1) [pollen]∶指种子植物中常表现为细粉末的一团小孢子,由细颗粒状小孢子组成,典型的小孢子由一个花粉母细胞经减数分裂形成四个小孢子,每粒花粉为单个细胞构成,外壁具雕纹,萌发时产生出一根花粉管,雄配子通过花粉管进入胚珠内同卵结合受精(2) [polverine]∶地中海东部国家和岛屿所产的用于制优质玻璃的钾碱或粗碳酸钙分词解释:中医:1.指中等的医术或医生。 2.中国传统的医学。 3.指用中国医学理论和医疗方法治病的医生。花药:①雄蕊的上部,长在花丝的顶端,呈囊状,里面有花粉。②治花卉病虫害的药。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。...花粉怎么造句,用花粉造句»

3、魔力:魔力读音为mó lì,是指神奇的、引人入迷的力量:这是一盏有魔力的神灯|他的声音仿佛有魔力一般,她被深深吸引了,不由自主地向他走去。魔力 mó lì词语意思:神奇的、引人入迷的力量:这是一盏有魔力的神灯|他的声音仿佛有魔力一般,她被深深吸引了,不由自主地向他走去。分词解释:神灯:1.谓神奇的灯火。 2.神佛前所供的灯火。深深:1.深沉貌。 2.浓密貌。 3.牢牢地;严实地。 4.沉静貌。不由自主:由不得自己,控制不住自己。声音:1.指由物体振动而发生的声波通过听觉所产生的印象。 2.古指音乐﹑诗歌。 3.指说话的声气和口音。 4.比喻意见﹑论调。入迷:对人或事物喜欢到不能控制情感的地步:对歌星倾倒入迷|对侦探小说十分入迷。...魔力怎么造句,用魔力造句»