People often say: "There are heaven on the top, and there are Suhang." The West Lake in Hangzhou is beautiful, but I always think that the Taishan Mountain in my hometown is more beautiful.
In the morning, a layer of fog rose to the mountains, which not only put on the mysterious gauze to Taeji's mountain, but also shrouded the people who played upstream on the mountain.At this time, the rapeseed flowers were covered with dew. At the moment when the sun rose, the dew is like a magician, and it became a crystal clear pearl, shining in the mask's sun.
At noon, the rapeseed flowers in Taeju Mountain are particularly beautiful.There are white clouds in the sky, and the sky is blue. Nature dedicated its bright sunshine to the earth, and to a flower flower.Sunshine put rapeseed flowers more yellow and more beautiful.Looking at it from a distance, the first one to your eyes is a "golden land".Take a closer look, the thick stems of the rapeseed flowers are as thick as our arm.
In the evening, the sun fell on the hill, leaving only a splendid red glow in the sky.At this time, the rapeseed seemed to wear a pink clothes and nodded in front of us.
I love the Taishan Mountain in my hometown!
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