
时间:2022-06-27 14:08:18 | 来源:语文通



The midsummer night is always shining on the sky. I lie on the lounge chair in the yard, feeling the cool breeze, and enjoy the beautiful starry sky.After the leaves were blown by the wind, the leaves came from the wind, as if saying what exciting deeds were saying ...


Looking back on a century, it is the Chinese Communist Party to lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to work hard and fight for hard work. We have our happy life today.In 1921, a dazzling star was slowly born on the unsightly land. He illuminated this piece of dark land and brought hope to the Chinese people. The dazzling starIt is the Communist Party of China.Mao Zedong once said that the establishment of the Communist Party of China was a big event. Why did he say this?And the People's Republic of China was established.The Communist Party of China has been glowing and heat since its establishment to now, affecting everyone around us.


In the spring of 2020, we suffered an unprepared virus invasion. At that moment, each of us, holding hands, heart -connected hearts, and fighting the virus together.Countless medical staff rushed to the front and tried their best to save every life. They endured huge life threats and the pain of parting with their families.After 50 days and nights of hardships, we finally defeated the smokeless war under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.How many years of vicissitudes, how many years have been for, how many years have been farmed."It's too long to hide it, how hard you are," the Communist Party of China, we all remember every hardship of you, and we always remember every achievement of your merits.


Looking back on a century, thank you for your efforts and let us have a happy life now.The fundamental purpose of the Communist Party of China is to serve the people wholeheartedly.When the country was first established, due to the long -term war, the national economy faded, and people were in a huge sea of suffering.In order to make people live happier, the Communist Party of China leads the people of all ethnic groups in the country to actively develop the economy and strive to explore the path of socialism.In this century, my country has achieved brilliant achievements in economics, science and technology, military, culture, education.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people's life is getting happier and the country is becoming more and more prosperous.


"For a hundred years, the party has been in vicissitudes, and the old appearance of Shenzhou has become a new look." This is the real world in my eyes.


I look up at the stars full of the sky, echo the rustling sound of the leaves in my ears, and think of the past things. My heart is excited, the century -long journey, the century of glory.We will remember the past and keep in mind the entrustment of the ancestors; we will face the future to continue writing a new chapter for the motherland!



1、回望:回望读音为huí wàng,是指回顾,回头看。回望 huí wàng词语解释:回顾,回头看。分词解释:回顾:回过头来看 ◇回顾过去,瞻望未来。● 望 wàng ㄨㄤˋ◎ 看,往远处看:望见。眺望。张望。望尘莫及(喻远远落后)。望风捕影。◎ 拜访:看望。拜望。探望。◎ 希图,盼:期望。欲望。喜出望外。◎ 人所敬仰的,有名的:望族。名望。声望。威望。◎ 向,朝着:望东走。◎ 月圆,农历每月十五日前后:望日。◎ 埋怨,责备:怨望。◎ 姓。● 回(迴) huí ㄏㄨㄟˊ◎ 还,走向原来的地方:回家。◎ 掉转:回首(回头看)。回顾。回眸。回暧。妙手回春。◎ 曲折,环绕,旋转:回旋。回肠。回廊(曲折回环的走廊)。◎ 答复,答报:回信。回话。回绝。◎ 量词,指事件的次数:两回事。◎ 说书的一个段落,章回小说的一章:且听下回分解。◎ 中国少数民族,分布于中国大部分地区:回族。回教(中国称伊斯兰教)。◎ 姓。...回望怎么造句,用回望造句»

2、未来:未来读音为wèi lái,是指1.没有到来;不来。 2.谓尚未发生。 3.佛教语。指来生,来世。 4.将来。 5.指将来的光景。 6.即将到来。未来 wèi lái词语解释:1.没有到来;不来。 2.谓尚未发生。 3.佛教语。指来生,来世。 4.将来。 5.指将来的光景。 6.即将到来。(1) [future]∶将来的光景美好的未来(2) [coming]∶从现在往后的时间未来的一年(3) [future]∶将来中国为未来之国。——清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》分词解释:将来:时间词,现在以后的时间(区别于‘过去、现在’):这些资料要妥为保存,以供将来参考。不来:1.不归。 2.逸诗《狸首》的别称。因狸一名不来,故称。来生:指人死了以后再转生到世上来的那一辈子(迷信)。即将:将要;就要:理想即将实现 ㄧ展览会即将闭幕。...未来怎么造句,用未来造句»

3、百年:百年读音为bǎi nián,是指①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。百年 bǎi nián词语解释:①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。(1) [in a century;centenary;centennial;a hundred years]∶指很多年百年老屋,尘泥渗漉。——明. 归有光《项脊轩志》百年大计(2) [lifetime]∶指人的一生;一辈子百年之后,即死了以后分词解释:水灾:1.亦作“水菑”。 2.因久雨﹑山洪暴发﹑河水泛滥等原因而造成的灾害。百年树人:树:种植,栽培。比喻培养人才是长期而艰巨的事。极言:1.竭力陈说。 2.谓直言规劝。 3.指直言规劝的言辞。 4.谓夸大其辞。...百年怎么造句,用百年造句»

4、面向:面向读音为miàn xiàng,是指面对;朝向。面向 miàn xiàng词语意思:面对;朝向。(1) [face;turn in the direction of;turn one's face to]∶面对;站着或坐着朝向听众面向演讲者他面向窗户站着(2) [be geared to the needs of;cater to]∶适应…的需要;注重面向农村面向未来分词解释:面对:1.以背相对。面,通“偭”。 2.面对面,会面。 3.犹面向。 4.当面对质。 5.谓当廷奏对。朝向:指建筑物所面对的方向。● 面(麵) miàn ㄇㄧㄢˋ◎ 头的前部,脸:脸面。颜面。面目。面面相觑。◎ 用脸对着,向着:面对。面壁(a.面对着墙;b.佛教指面对墙壁静坐修行)。◎ 事物的外表:地面。面友(表面的、非真心相交的朋友)。面额(票面的数额)。◎ 方位,部分:前面。反面。片面。全面。多面手。◎ 量词,多用于扁平的物件:一面鼓。◎ 会见,直接接头的:当面。面议。面晤。耳提面命(“耳提”,提着耳朵叮嘱;“面命”,当面指教,形容教诲殷切)。◎ 几何学上指线移动所生成的形迹,有长有宽没有厚的形:平面。曲(qū)面。◎ 粮食磨成的粉,特指小麦磨成的粉:面粉。面食。面包。◎ 粉末:药面儿。◎ 由面粉和水做成的条状食物:面条。◎ 食物含纤维少而柔软:这种瓜很面。● 向(嚮) xiàng ㄒㄧㄤˋ◎ 对着,朝着,与“背”相对:向背(bèi )。向北。◎ 目标,意志所趋:志向。方向。◎ 偏袒,袒护:偏向。◎ 近,临:向晚。秋天漠漠向昏黑。◎ 从前:向日。向者。◎ 从开始到现在:向例。一向。◎ 姓。...面向怎么造句,用面向造句»