
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:28 | 来源:语文通



秋季专题作文 篇1秋季作文 篇2秋季专题作文 篇3秋季专题作文 篇4秋季作文 篇5秋季作文 篇6秋季作文 篇7

秋季专题作文 篇1


In my opinion, autumn is the most beautiful season in the four seasons. Of course, there is no shortage of bleakness and desolation in autumn.


But in my opinion, autumn is a bleak beauty, a bleak beauty.


The beauty of autumn lies in its clarity.


Some people's eyes are like autumn, some people's charm is like autumn.


The beauty of maple trees, which represent autumn, is not only in the plain red after frost, but also in the rustling in the wind.


The wind in autumn is the purest, without any decoration, so it sweeps across the campus easily, and there is no need to care about the fallen leaves - season is the season, metabolism is metabolism, life and death is life and death, joys and sorrows are joys and sorrows, there is no need to participate in, there is no need to linger.


There are also some people who have the beauty of autumn. They must be such people to have such beauty. Such beauty comes from within. They have everything, but do not want to have anything. That is a thorough and free and easy way formed by deep cognition and perception.


Autumn is a season of maturity, a season of harvest, a season of enrichment, but also a season of indifference. It has experienced the prosperity of spring and summer, and is no longer proud of being praised and loved. It isolates all praise and love from the light autumn light, and only wishes to be a leisurely, far away, and elusive autumn.


In autumn, when you step into the woods, you can see everywhere is golden. The falling leaves all over the sky seem to say hello to you, and butterflies flying everywhere welcome you.


In the garden, chrysanthemums compete to open, as if to show people their beauty.


I love autumn, love her fruitful, love her happy harvest, love her everything.

秋季作文 篇2


Yesterday was a sunny day. Our school held a unique autumn sports meeting.


We arrived at the commander's desk in order, chose a seat to sit down, and watched with interest the arrival of wonderful sports. At this time, a crisp voice sounded in the radio: "Please hurry up to the starting line for the 800m athletes!" Then I remembered how many boys in our class ran 800 meters, didn't they? So I ran to the place where I could see most clearly. I saw Pu in our class and the students in other classes getting ready to start. Barium capsule spring? shares? play a game? Check the beat? Qiao Huangchu Banquet Value Capsule Austrian Frequency Mode? Braised in soy sauce, slang and silencing? Harrier caries? Can you play with me at last? A crippled foot? Bao? Pingyi, are you afraid of pepper? Play? Did the vegetable plot collapse? A? Lu? Waves? Huh? Is it dental caries? Close the gate and knock rice to wash? Nai was scared six times? Payroll? Do you agree with the convex? H sheath? Do you slow down for the first four? Are overseas Chinese words beautiful and yellow? The grasshopper rushes past the falcon and blows the sunset dais? Hook? The skeleton of the bullock is pulled out? Come on, Ben! Pu Gonghao Cheers! "When he heard us cheering for him, he suddenly became energetic. He finally crossed the finish line with a score of 2 points and won the first place in the men's 800m race. After running, he went to the commander's desk breathlessly. The students gathered around him to praise him with thumbs up.


We also watched a series of sports, such as women's softball competition and women's 60 meter run. This autumn sports meeting is really an eye opener.

秋季专题作文 篇3


Last week, our six (2) squadron was on duty for the week. In the past week, we found that the teachers were so dedicated. Every afternoon after school, there were teachers preparing lessons, correcting homework and tutoring students, which really moved us.


Most of the students can abide by the Code for Primary School Students and the Code of Daily Conduct for Primary and Secondary School Students, and require themselves to be qualified as primary school students. However, some of the students still have some gaps, which were mainly shown in the following aspects last week:


1. Early reading questions. When our classmates arrive at school, they should do morning reading in an orderly manner in the class, instead of running around on the playground. As an ancient saying goes, the plan for a year is spring, and the plan for a day is morning. The morning air is fresh, the mind is clear, and the memory is good. I hope the students will do well this week and read quietly in the classroom when they arrive at school in the morning.


2. Health issues. Some students throw paper scraps and drink bottles at will. Students, the school is my home, and health depends on everyone. We students should supervise each other. If we find that the student has damaged the environment and littered with paper scraps, we can report to the brigade or the teacher on duty in time. Students who damage the environment should be severely punished. I hope to draw your attention.


3. Road crew problem. The road team in our school is really getting better and better. There is no such problem as breaking up in the middle, talking about small things and fighting. Every student holds his head high when walking, which adds a good look to our school.


Students, we all live in a collective which is intertwined by family, morality, responsibility, obligation, etc. In our learning life, teachers are with us, parents are with us, and school leaders are with us. Let's unite to create a better and beautiful campus!


My summary is over, thank you!

秋季专题作文 篇4


After years of pain, I learned to give up; Out of the warm home, with a feeling of loss, and with the affectionate advice of parents, I came to a foreign country not far away, the first autumn when I first met another country.


Perhaps it is because of melancholy, I feel that the autumn in other countries is different from that in my hometown, and I feel the astringent taste of autumn for the first time. The autumn wind is passing by, gently taking away every day, and the weather is cooling day by day. On the phone, my mother always told me to wear more clothes and not catch cold. How could I not understand her painstaking efforts? Today, I am less free and easy than before, but more persistent. My dream has not been completed yet. The autumn wind is blowing more and more tightly day by day. I am very angry with the autumn wind because it blows the leaves yellow and the heart of the sad people. Maybe I am too homesick and miss my old good friends too much


Rain, continuous, like spring rain, but more a desolate. I am a person who likes rain. I remember that when I was in the third day of the junior year, I was desperate with my friends, braved the heavy rain, and walked home laughing and talking. When I got home, I didn't say anything about it, and I also had a cold. I don't regret it. Little by little, the past has gone. Now I walk alone in the streets of a foreign country, letting the rain fall. Pedestrians rush past with umbrellas. I have no intention to pay attention to the scenery in the rain, and I can no longer find the fun in the rain. The wind is strong, and the wind is caught in the rain. It rushes into the collar and stays in the bottom of my heart. I shivered inexplicably and my eyes were astringent - I am really a nostalgic person.


The weather is getting colder, the autumn is getting deeper, and the leaves are gradually falling off. They have to wait patiently for the spring wind to blow.


The weather is getting colder, and there is autumn frost. It is the end of autumn. One autumn is about to pass, and one cold autumn is about to pass

秋季作文 篇5


A hundred flowers bloom in spring, a scorching sun shines in summer and snowflakes fly in winter, but I only love autumn.


Qiu is a painter with full personality. She dyed gingko yellow, maple leaves red, and grass yellow., She also let chrysanthemums bloom, red, yellow, gold flow all over the world, red burning. She was still not satisfied. She breathed gently at the tree, and the fallen leaves turned into dexterous yellow butterflies one after another. It is "The autumn wind is endless, and the jade pass is always in love"!


Autumn is a generous fairy. She brought the fruits of the harvest to people. Look, the golden wheat is all over the fields, the sorghum that never bows its head is bent, the fiery pomegranate is cracked with a smile, and the agate like grapes are sweet to people's hearts; The mature corn was eager to take off its coat, and the golden persimmons hung on the branches like lanterns, which made the farmers' hearts bright.


Qiu is also a loving and peaceful mother. She moistens the earth with her own milk -- autumn rain, which makes many creatures breed more lives. In late autumn, it was slightly cold, and the azure blue sky was spotless. She sent rows of wild geese to the warm south, and watched them line up into "people" and "one". The autumn rain was even more continuous, as if she reluctantly said to the wild geese, "Good bye, friends, and remember to come back next spring."


Autumn is not like the reserve of spring, the openness of summer, or the introversion of winter. She is kind, generous and personality. I like her and her unique temperament!

秋季作文 篇6


There is a season that is unique and diverse. Sometimes it is like a beautiful and graceful nursery rhyme, but sometimes it is also like an old man who is faltering. This season is autumn.


In the morning, I got up from my bed and watched the soft autumn wind gently touch the mountains. I watched the tall mountains stand in the clear and fresh air after the rain. It was really "late autumn after the rain in the empty mountains"! When I sat on the bench, golden gingko leaves and fiery maple leaves fell down, which set off the cool weather of high air and light clouds in autumn, just like a beautiful autumn painting painted by a painter with a brush. Isn't the autumn wind, mountains, fallen leaves and beautiful scenery just like a sweet nursery rhyme in the beauty of autumn?


However, when the autumn wind and rain fall, everything is disturbed by them, even the autumn wind, mountains, fallen leaves and beautiful scenery do not work. The bald trees, groups of birds saying goodbye to the northern land, and the autumn wind blowing off leaves and chills like a desolate old man who has lost all his silver teeth and all his silver hair!


In autumn, sometimes "the lake and the moon are in harmony with each other, and there is no wind mirror on the pool", and sometimes "the autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the grass and trees shake off and become frost". The sweet beauty will always be accompanied by a hint of desolation and sadness.

秋季作文 篇7


My friend, maybe you love the wind and beautiful spring, maybe you love the hot summer days, and let you love the ice and snow winter, but I love the golden autumn with red leaves and flowers, and the autumn show with fragrant melons and fruits.


In autumn, the geese flying south boast from the sky, forming a 'human' shape, and then a 'one' shape. The children on the ground are waving to the wild geese, as if they are saying goodbye to them and hoping they can come to visit them next time.

秋天的原野里热间非凡,金黄的水稻在田野里犹如金黄色的毯子,微风吹过,微微地躯功,好像在感谢农民伯伯的养育之恩;每个农民伯伯的脸上都挂上了幸福的笑容,因为这是他们勤劳的成 果。

In autumn, the fields are very hot. The golden rice is like a golden blanket in the fields. The breeze blows and the ground works slightly. It seems that you are thanking the farmers for their upbringing; Every farmer uncle has a happy smile on his face, because it is the result of their hard work.


In the woods, maple leaves fall on the ground. Each piece of golden maple leaves forms a golden road and a boat for ants to cross the river. Standing on the boat row by row, they are like an invincible army. A maple leaf, which was reluctant to fall, was caressed by Sister Feng. It was as happy as a child, dancing in the air. Although it only had a short warning time, it was the happiest time in its life; I can't help but recite the poem of Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February.


In the autumn orchard, golden fruits lie in the arms of the 'mother'. They want to see the outside world, but the farmer uncle will realize their dreams. The farmer uncle can't pick them and takes them to a new place


Autumn, my favorite season, I love everything about it