It is 2150 now, and only you are unexpected here, not unwilling to be unwilling.
Here you will definitely not see all cars, trucks, bicycles ... here are cars sailing, deep -dive cars, and even many private planes.Here, there will be nanny robots in wherever you come.Here, some people say, "How to bring the house so big?" Hahaha, the house is folded.Here, you can bring the house, the refrigerator, and even the airport.At this moment, some people will ask: "The refrigerator is not inserted, is it not easy to melt?" The refrigerator here is a charging battery, so you can bring it with you.
Here, biologists have already planted green plants in Mars.Now there are rivers on Mars, and now they have built an industrial base where people live.The industrial base is to better invest in everyone's immigration, because the resources on the earth are almost finished; now it is necessary to transport O2.Now that you can go to Mars for a holiday, but only for three days, you are afraid of insufficient gas, so you ca n’t play for a long time.
Not only Mars, but also the home of the moon. Everyone has a large playground on the moon. Here is a paradise for children.There is also a hospital clinic on the moon. Dr. Zhong Nanshan has already been inside!This Zhong Nanshan is an intelligent robot. In order to better leave Zhong Nanshan and move his memory to the intelligent robot.This intelligent robot is a hero who treats the disease and save people.
Do you think this is over?Do not!Do not!Do not!This is not the top priority.Have you ever seen the ancient castle built in the sky?This is the most outstanding creation and invention of biologists on the earth.
In that way, there is no doubt that the earth will become stronger and stronger.
1、穿越:穿越读音为chuān yuè,是指经过;穿过。 跨过;越过;穿过穿越 chuān yuè词语解释:经过;穿过。[pass through] 跨过;越过;穿过分词解释:经过:①通过(处所、时间、动作等):从北京坐火车到广州要经过武汉 ㄧ屋子经过打扫,干净多了ㄧ这件事情是经过领导上缜密考虑的。②过程;经历②:厂长向来宾报告建厂经过ㄧ说说你探险的经过。穿过:1.从…一边走到另一边。如:穿过布雷区。2.横过,越过或从…上延伸过。如:穿过花园的一条小径。3.延展到或占据某一空间或地点。如:一条小道穿过山谷。4.克服阻力而进入。如:钉子…够长的,足以穿过绝缘部分。5.指气流通过。如:微风穿过房间。● 越 yuè ㄩㄝˋ◎ 度过,超出:越过。越冬。越级。越轨。越权。越境。越位。越狱。越俎代庖。◎ 声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激越。声音清越。◎ 表示程度加深:越发(更加)。越加。越快越好。◎ 消散:“精神劳则越”。◎ 失坠,坠落:陨越。“射其左。越于车下”。◎ 中国古民族名:百越(亦作“百粤”)。◎ 中国周代诸侯国名。后用作浙江省东部的别称:越剧。越凫楚乙(“乙”,燕子。喻对于同一事物,由于自身条件的局限而作出不同的判断)。◎ 姓。● 穿 chuān ㄔㄨㄢˉ◎ 破,透:穿透。揭穿。穿窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。穿凿。◎ 通过,连通:穿过。穿行(xíng )。◎ 着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:穿衣。穿鞋。...穿越怎么造句,用穿越造句»
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