News on campus bullying incidents are endless, and some children always bully other classmates from a certain advantage, and even some teachers will conclude students because of the quality of students' performance.
In fact, every child is an angel, and each child has its own advantages, and naturally there are disadvantages. We should usually treat others and excessively enlarge the advantages or disadvantages of a person.Feelings, or psychological trauma.
The children of the rich people are born with a sense of superiority. If they look down on the children of the poor, there will be campus bullying. In fact, they are the same.Essence
In the eyes of most parents, children who study good are good children, and children who are not good at learning are bad children. They will only look at the grades, and deny other advantages of the child. It seems that only learning is the only way out. This view is obvious.It is incorrect. Each child has a flash point. There is a saying that it is good. If all children can only learn, then the future society will not develop.
Some children are particularly poor, but they have natural art cells. Obviously, learning is no way out than learning art. It is easier to succeed in grasping children's flashing points.
Some children are inherently inferior and introverted, but this does not mean that the child has not developed. The more silent people think about the problem, the more detailed the problem.It is what we call a blockbuster.
So, every child is an angel, and each child has a flash point. Do not interpret a child overly, grab his advantages and educate, and will always surprise it.
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