
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:29 | 来源:语文通


教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇1教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇2教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇3教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇4教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇5教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇6教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇7教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇8教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇9

教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇1


Mr. XXX is an excellent class teacher in Gongyi City and a model of teachers' ethics in Gongyi City. She cares for children's hearts with a great heart of love, and leads students to move forward with intelligent teaching art. On the way of teaching and educating people, she has done what she said and done by example. She is a good teacher and friend for students.


As a head teacher, she can always find the bright spots in each child and accompany their growth with positive guidance. She uses the Analects of Confucius to teach children how to be a human being. She lets children look at and analyze problems with philosophical thinking. She uses poetry to contain children's hearts, so that they can see more beautiful scenery in life. In her class, children love sports and grow up happily; Be friendly and united, and strive to be the first in everything. She is a student's mother and friend.


As a math teacher, she carefully prepared lessons and listened to them. She actively participated in various teaching and research activities organized by Gongyi City and the school. Her high-quality lessons were awarded the first prize of Gongyi City. In the process of growth, she also uses her own strength to help her peers grow together.


She loves poetry culture and serves as the tutor of Zimei Poetry Club, leading students to achieve outstanding results in Gongyi Poetry Competition and Henan Poetry Competition; She also introduced poetry to the society and became a poetry volunteer, so that more people could be baptized by poetry.


She always keeps her students in mind: when she breaks a bone, she leans on crutches and endures pain to teach children; When she had a fever, she insisted on working for the stable development of the class. When a student is ill, she is more considerate than her mother and sends the child to the parents on her back.


A person will become strong because he believes, and a person will become great because he is believed. The power of trust can make children shine. In the education of love, she has been devoting all the way, and she has been fragrant all the way.

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Engaging in an ordinary and plain career, I silently waited for the responsibility and responsibility of my original intention. Suddenly, I had worked in the Second Kindergarten for ten years. Although the work of kindergarten teachers is trivial and complicated, I am proud to have this ordinary and creative career.


Pay attention to your subtle influence and remember your responsibility as a teacher. When I see a piece of paper or a bag on the ground, I will pick it up and put it in the dustbin. Slowly, the children who are good at and willing to imitate will also bend down to pick up the pieces of paper on the ground, just like me; When a child is ill, the children will take the initiative to hug and kiss him; When seeing a child crying, the children always like to comfort him and help him wipe his tears. A small action, we feel that ordinary can not be ordinary, but it has a profound impact on children. We often say that children are a mirror of their parents. Similarly, if children spend a long time with teachers, our words and deeds will also deeply affect children. Our words and deeds will be passed on to teach children imperceptibly.


Pay attention to the method of education, so that every child can grow up.


In the small class, the children liked to play the game "What time is it for the old wolf?" But at the beginning, several timid children dared not play. I said to them, "You see, the old wolf's leg is injured. As long as you run, the old wolf can't catch you. How about going to try?", With my encouragement, the timid child finally took the first step. There are indeed individual differences in children's action development, so as to increase their confidence in playing, put forward different requirements for children at different levels of development, and let each child have more opportunities for exercise and success.


Pay attention to the wisdom of education and let their interests grow with them.


The children in the small class are young, and some children cannot take care of their daily life. If they help them blindly, they will develop a dependency mentality and lose opportunities for exercise. For this reason, I have adopted the practice of "leaving half to the children" in daily life to gradually cultivate their ability to take care of themselves in life. For example, when getting up in the afternoon nap, some children can't wear shoes. I will first let the children watch the teacher's demonstration together, and then let the children learn to try them on. Successful children can get a small reward from the teacher. For children who can't wear one, I will help them put on one shoe and ask them to wear the other one by looking, thinking and trying. The difficulty has been reduced, and the children's interest has been developed immediately, and they all rush to wear another shoe. Educating and guiding dozens of children to learn, I devote more to patience, care and love.


Leave half for children to do by themselves, so that each child can get full development, promote the growth of children, and cultivate their ability to take care of themselves.


Every child is a unique book. To understand them, we should not only enter their world and interpret it with understanding and wisdom, but also with patience, care and concern. Waiting for each flower to bloom, I will patiently and happily stick to this career

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教师节优秀教师事迹简介 篇7


Work conscientiously and be a down-to-earth person


Teacher XXX, since September 20XX, has been working in Xinxing Experimental School of XX County (the primary school department of Wenzhou Xinxing School), and has been teaching science in primary schools. She has constantly studied teaching materials and methods. In the spirit of being responsible for every student and selfless dedication, she has always made outstanding teaching achievements, which has been highly praised by school leaders, students' parents and colleagues in the primary school scientific community. She has been honored to be employed as the director of the XX County Primary School Science Research Community for several consecutive times, guiding young teachers in all schools to carry out more than 10 open classes at the county level. She has also attended open classes at the county level for many times, We have also held many special lectures for members of the research community.


Research textbooks to improve classroom efficiency


The new textbooks have been used in primary school science in successive years. From the content, the new textbooks reorganize the contents of the old textbooks. Some contents put the old textbooks from Grade 5 to Grade 6 to Grade 2 or Grade 3, but the goals and requirements are different. As an old teacher, in order not to be interfered by the old textbooks, Ms. XXX is afraid that her preconceived impression will tell the students what they don't need to tell, which will increase the learning difficulty of students. Therefore, she will conscientiously study the textbooks and teaching reference before preparing for each lesson, and then look at the exercises and Baidu. She hopes that no omission, no wordiness, and relaxation can be achieved in class.


Research students and promote in-depth learning


Teacher Chen knows that students are the main body of online learning of full score composition, and the master of the classroom. Teachers are just the guide and organizer of the classroom, and are the cooperators of students. Only by studying students carefully, teacher Chen will constantly understand the psychological characteristics of students in different years, their learning ability, their pre learning concepts, and the personality differences of different students, their family conditions and their personality characteristics, Only in this way can we promote students' in-depth study and lead them to high-level thinking.


Course expansion, increase the charm of the discipline


Over the years, she has taken the children to do a lot of interesting outreach activities, such as roller coasters, sericulture, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, aeromodelling, and various kinds of science crafts. This not only enriches the children's after-school life, but also cultivates their scientific interests, exercises their ability to use their hands and minds, and also increases the charm of science, making more students like science.


First intention to education, loyalty to career, love to students, and meditation to teaching. Teacher XXX should practice her commitment with practical actions. She knows that in the classroom where she works, hope is flying and she is guarding her nest; What is written on that blackboard is truth, and what is erased is utility; That piece of chalk painted a rainbow, shed sweat, and dedicated himself. She will use today's blood to compose tomorrow's glory. She will use her own hands to work silently with everyone and hold up the sun of tomorrow!

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Work hard and educate people with love


"Teachers, preach, teach and solve doubts". Students will have all kinds of problems in learning, life and even emotional aspects. Therefore, teachers should have enough patience to listen to students' questions, listen to students' puzzles, and carefully find the answers to questions to help students solve problems. Educate students with love, so that every student can grow up healthily and happily in the care and education of teachers (WWW.. CN), and pursue their dreams actively and bravely!


Loyal performance of duties and good ethics


In September 20XX, XX teacher stepped on the platform of primary education. When she saw the dozens of innocent, childish and eager eyes for knowledge, she had a persistent belief: devote herself to the education cause, worthy of the glorious title of people's teacher. Since then, she has set the coordinate of life on the track of contributing to education. As a class teacher, she cares for students, strives to cultivate students' correct outlook on life, values and world outlook, and uses her personality charm and moral style to influence the education of students. As a front-line teacher, she loves the school, is loyal to the education cause, pays attention to the cultivation of teachers' ethics, loves her job, and does her duty. She cultivates the future with a fiery heart, holds the sun of tomorrow with her hands, and has made achievements in the sunshine cause of teaching and educating people.


Forge ahead and practice the teacher's ability


In order to do a good job in the ordinary but not simple work of teachers, XX teacher always insisted on continuous learning, insisted on reading books and educational journals related to pedagogy and psychology, modestly learned teaching ideas from experienced teachers and discussed teaching methods. She is well aware that without profound professional skills, accurate knowledge structure and advanced education ideas, she cannot be competent for this glorious career under the sun.


Love life and music teaching cast the teacher's soul


In teaching, XX teacher makes students master basic knowledge and skills, and attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' creativity and creative thinking. She fully arouses students' enthusiasm for learning, stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning, reasonably uses teaching methods, takes students as the main body, teachers as the leading role, creates teaching situations in the way of inquiry, develops students' thinking, gives play to students' imagination, and earnestly demands quality from the classroom for 40 minutes.


In the work, XX teacher prepares lessons carefully, corrects homework carefully, guides students to do homework carefully and orderly, and develops good study habits. She always gives more attention and care to students with learning difficulties. Ask more questions, inspect more, and coach more in class; After class, we should talk with them and make friends with them to build up their self-confidence. As long as she finds that the students have made progress, even minor progress, she will encourage them in time. As a teacher, we should not only care about the lives of students, but also their health, and also educate them to behave themselves... These seem very ordinary, but actually this is a concrete manifestation of a teacher's love.


Many people compare education to the cause of flowers, leaves and fruits. For primary school educators, education is a root cause. For the fragrance of flowers, the tender green of leaves, and the sweet fruit, XX teacher always makes an extraordinary contribution in an ordinary post without asking for anything.

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