
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:32 | 来源:语文通



假如我是一只鸟作文 篇1假如我是一只鸟作文 篇2假如我是一只鸟作文 篇3假如我是一只小鸟400字作文 篇4假如我是一只鸟作文 篇5假如我是一只鸟作文 篇6假如我是一只鸟作文 篇7

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇1


If I am a bird, I want to be a migratory bird.In the autumn, I flew from the north to the south very peaceful place. I could hear the cry of my companions every day and fish with them every day.I want to swim in the setting sun with my companions, letting the sun shake our face on the branches.I want to fly through the mountains and mountains, and then dive down -see how beautiful we!


If I am a bird, I don't want my companion or child to be injured by the cutting machine, entangled by the fishing net, being locked in a cage, and being pulled out of feathers, because this may cause them to hurt.


I hope we and humans are good friends.In the early morning, I will stand on the branches and sings to make people feel comfortable for a day.

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇2


I, a woodpecker and a member of the big forest.Every day, I flew around everywhere, fulfilled my obligations due to my duties, and cured the sick tree residents.After a day of tiredness, when I was exhausted, as long as I thought of the smiling face of the uncle's uncle who was cured, I couldn't help but be proud.


Today, as usual, I see a doctor for a tree.Suddenly, a loud noise of "bang" came from the north, and a big tree fell without warning!How is this going?I hurriedly flew there.I saw a person with a thief eyebrows and a sharp ax chopped to the big tree uncle!I was so angry that I rushed forward and pecked his head, while pecking and called, "There must be worms in your mind! Greedy insects! Self -selfish insects! I want to drive them out!"Extremely, my hands waved randomly and wanted to grab me.Seeing that I was about to be "magic claws", I only heard one "Hey, the one on the other side, not to move!" Several forests came over.Great, this bad guy who secretly chopped the tree was taken away!


After catching the bad guys, the forest guards smiled at me and said, "Thank you, Little Woodpecker, you helped us busy!" I was embarrassed to get up.


The forest restored the tranquility again, and I was still a happy woodpecker!

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇3


If I am a bird, I want to fly over the earth, enjoy the beauty of spring, and fly freely in the blue sky.


One day, when I saw a group of children playing in the field, I sang a cheerful little song.The children heard it all after hearing: It's nice!I can bring happiness to them, but it's so good!


One day, I flew and suddenly saw a child watching a child watching his parents.It turned out that his parents had been on a business trip, and it would take a long time to come back.I sang gently and listened to him, making him no longer sad.


Once, I flew to a big tree to rest.I talked to Dashu.Dashu said, ‘I’ m alone, can you stay with me?I answered: Yes!I can still take a home on you!One day after day, winter is here, I said to Dashu: This is too cold, I will migrate to the south, and I will come back at this time next year!After that, I flew away.I met Dashu again the next year, and I sang to Dashu again and talked about the fun of the south.


Spring is really beautiful, and I praise it while flying.There was a burst of singing singing in the classroom in the distance. This was not exactly the concert of spring. I flew to the window to sing with the children


I am a bird, a happy bird.

假如我是一只小鸟400字作文 篇4


I'm so happy, today I can go out with my parents again.


When we were about to go, we saw that our home was gone. A person took a machete to cut the tree and poured it away, and the back of the squirrel was gone. We had no choice but to go to other animals.The animals asked us to go to their homes, but the dad was injured by the hunter. We all wanted to go, but we went to death.


I had to live with my mother. When my mother was looking for food, I saw a hunter. The mother flew quickly and was afraid of being injured by the hunter again.When I got home, I went to collect herbs to my mother, but I do n’t know why, the hunter always does n’t catch me.


I went home home and said to my mother, my mother said to me, "Maybe he looks at you."


After a few days, I saw the body of the squirrel's body on the ground, and its blood was on the ground, where it was covered with flowers and plants.


Early in the morning, I saw the red sun, the sun was red, bright, Bai Yun was very similar to Brother Square. My mother came to see that my mother said it was really similar, but the poor squirrel was gone.See what you look like.


When snowing, the white snow is very beautiful. If Brother Squirrel is still there, you can see such white snow. Mom said, "They have passed, don't think about it anymore, we have to do it nowWhat is it?


My mother and I have a different voice: "Protect our home!"

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇5


One night, I had a dream!Dreaming of becoming a bird, flying freely, flying!


Flying into a wooden forest and seeing two flowers magpies, I said, "Magpie, do you!" Can we play together? "Magpie said," No, bird, we are busy looking for branches and houses! "After speaking, I hurried away.


I flew to a small river and saw a group of duckling swimming.Among them, a duckling said to me, "Bird, come down to play with us! It's fun!" I saw them so happy, I really want to play with them, but unfortunately I won't swim water!He said: "I can't swim, let's play it myself!"


I flew to a grass and saw the little white rabbit jumping myself to play. I said, "Little White Rabbit, let's play the game of the race?" The little white rabbit was very happy and said, "Okay! You are in the sky in the skyFly, I ran on the ground! "So, one fly, one running!We are happy.

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇6


If I am a bird, I want to be a tourist and travel through the world. If I can fly higher, I want to go to space, go to Mercury first, and then go to Jupiter., Finally, go to the sun ...


If I am a bird, I want to fly to the air in the evening, pick the moon and give it to my mother, and then pick three little stars, leave me, one to my brother, and one to my friend XiaoyuIn the daytime, take the sun and give it to the tired father.

假如我是一只小鸟,我要每天不停的做鸟窝,给那些找不到树枝的鸟朋友 www.1mi.net 们,放心吧,寒号鸟,也有你的一个,这样,你就不会在童话里被活活冻死,我可不是蛤蟆吃豆腐,不和青蛙说的人。

If I am a bird, I want to make bird's nests every day, and give those bird friends who can't find branches www.1mi.net, rest assured, the cold bird, and one of you.I will not be frozen to death alive in the fairy tale. I am not a person who eats tofu and does not talk to frogs.


If I am ...

假如我是一只鸟作文 篇7


I am a bird, a happy bird, I was born in a forest. There are many forest animals and mice!There are bunny!There are little bears and wait, they are like me, like looking up at the blue sky, singing and dancing on the lawn, smelling the fragrance of flowers. When the moon came out, we danced under the moonlight.In a few years, the good times did not last long, and the terrible day came.That day:


I was flying that day, flying to find bugs to eat.Suddenly, a loud noise frightened me. After I flew to a tree to stand firm, I looked at the direction of making a loud noise. It turned out that some people came to cut the trees.part.On the third day, the tree I lived was chopped.Although I am very sad, I have to leave the forest to live elsewhere.But no matter where I flew, the air was not good. In the end, Sister Swallow took me to a mountain village. I lived here. I don't know how long I can live here.....Then, then, then


Humans, do you know?We are all people living in a earth, but why can't you love the environment?Give us a good living environment for these little animals?bring it on!Let's join hands to protect our beautiful and fragile earth.