
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:10 | 来源:语文通



猪八戒到我家作文 篇1猪八戒到我家作文 篇2猪八戒到我家作文 篇3猪八戒到我家作文 篇4

猪八戒到我家作文 篇1


Marshal Zhu Bajie, Tianpeng Marshal, has admired Chang'e since he met her. He doesn't think about her all day long, and his mind is full of Chang'e.


August 15 is coming. Zhu Bajie plans to send something to Chang'e to please her. He thought again and thought that it would be better to send mooncakes because they represent reunion and reflect his love for Chang'e. So he left the heaven privately and decided to buy two different mooncakes in the world.

猪八戒去了上海、北京、重庆、大连等地方,都没有找到他喜欢的月饼。猪八戒决定再去其他城市寻找。说巧还真是巧,猪八戒来到了余姚,那日正是中秋节,大街小巷到处都是月饼摊子,十分热闹。猪八戒高兴极了。转身一变,变成了一位年轻小伙子,向卖月饼摊位较多的地方走去。走到一个摊前,那卖月饼的老头儿连忙叫道:“小伙子,快尝尝我做的月饼。”猪八戒听了,随手拿起一个,吃了一口,连声称赞说:“这是什么月饼啊,真好吃?”卖月饼的 老头儿笑着回答:“小伙子,你是从外地来的吧?我们这里的月饼,以余姚的特产为馅子。有杨梅馅的,笋干菜馅的,榨菜馅的,不油腻,甜中带酸,酸中藏鲜,有的鲜中还带有一股辣味。”猪八戒听了高兴极了,连忙买了一斤。

Zhu Bajie went to Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Dalian and other places, but he didn't find any mooncakes he liked. Zhu Bajie decided to go to other cities to look for it. It was quite a coincidence that Zhu Bajie came to Yuyao. It was the Mid Autumn Festival and the streets were full of mooncake stalls. Pig Bajie is very happy. Turning around, he became a young man and walked to a place where there were many mooncake stalls. When he came to a stall, the old man who sold mooncakes called out, "Young man, taste the mooncakes I made." Hearing this, Pig Bajie picked up one and took a bite. He said, "What kind of moon cake is this? It's delicious?" The old man who sells moon cakes smiled and replied, "Young man, are you from other places? Our moon cakes are filled with Yuyao's specialties. There are myrica, dried bamboo shoots and pickles. They are not greasy, sweet with acid, sour with fresh, and some fresh with a spicy taste." Pig Bajie was so happy that he bought a kilo.


When Zhu Bajie returned to the heaven, the Jade Emperor immediately sent someone to arrest him. Pig Bajie was brought to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor asked him what was going on. Pig Bajie had to tell him half truth. The Jade Emperor was furious and said, "The moon cakes in the world are not as delicious as those in the sky. They are really stupid." Pig Bajie hurriedly said, "There is a place called Yuyao in the world. The moon cakes there are wonderful. There are red bayberry, dried bamboo shoots and pickles. These three ingredients are Yuyao's three specialties." ❑ WWW.. CN ≯ The Jade Emperor listened and said, "If there is such a thing, you should take the moon cake." Hearing this, Zhu Bajie quickly hid two mooncakes and gave the other mooncakes to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor took the moon cake and tasted it. "Ah! If so, it's delicious." In a short time, the moon cake had already been eaten by the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor called Pig Bajie up and whispered to him, "Marshal Tianpeng, is there any moon cake left?" Pig Bajie listened and said, "Ah! I don't have this moon cake, but there are still some in the world. Yuyao's specialty is famous all over the world!" Pig Bajie boasted. The Jade Emperor hurriedly sent Zhu Bajie to buy moon cakes in the world again. He also said that the more he bought, the more he would be rewarded. Pig Bajie listened to me. I can't help it! It's more pleasant to visit that sacred place again than to see Chang'e. But before he went down to earth, he went to the Moon Palace and gave the two mooncakes he had hidden away to Chang'e.

猪八戒到我家作文 篇2


It is said that after learning the Buddhist scriptures in the West, the four masters and disciples enjoyed all the splendor and wealth, and felt bored in the sky. So Tang Monk told the Tathagata to explain what they meant, that is, they went down to the world to look around, and maybe they could help others! The Tathagata could not help the rhetoric of the four people. They were so obsessed that he issued a decree and agreed, so the four people went down to the world by somersault. The four people went to the world and asked the Tathagata to restrain them. They could do whatever they wanted and eat whatever they wanted. They were free and carefree. One day, they accidentally broke into the game world to show their brilliance. Economic minded developers found them and signed contracts with them, so Dream Journey to the West appeared. Countless people are crazy about this game and are fascinated by it. Now the four masters and apprentices have started a new way to learn from the classics. They live in a dream world. How happy they are!


I am a loyal fan of this game, and my hands will itch if I don't play for a day. One day, one year, I was doing a task for Zhu Bajie. [My pet image is Zhu Bajie] I was so excited when I saw the level rise rapidly. Suddenly, Zhu Bajie didn't listen to my command. He lay there snoring and fell asleep. He was about to upgrade. It happened that he fell asleep at this time! I knocked the keyboard and said bitterly, "What are you sleeping for? If you break the task, you will never change your mind!" Unexpectedly, Zhu Bajie jumped up with anger and jumped out of the screen. Suddenly, my home shook like an earthquake. Zhu Bajie pointed at me and said, "You are a dead bastard. Dare to scold my old pig. Look at the old pig. I won't kill you today!" He then chopped at me with a nine tooth harrow, and I lifted my feet and ran away. So we turned around in circles at home. You can tell, this pig is stupid, and can't even use his 36 changes, just chasing me. However, if he really uses 36 changes, I will lose my life.


After a while, he stopped chasing. He sat down on the ground panting and said, "Ha, ha, old, old pig won't chase you. This time, I'll let you go. Ha, I'm tired to death..." I also did it and said to him, "Who let you do something bad to me? Now that you're here, let's stay!" I was kind-hearted to keep him here. Unexpectedly, I suffered a lot from my kindness.


"Ah..." In the morning, I stretched out and got up to cook. [This is a holiday, and my parents are not at home] I walked to the old pig's room, which surprised me: the old pig was sleeping on the bed, snoring, and then looked at the fruit peel, packaging bag, fruit stone, and game console on the ground. He kicked the quilt off the bed, threw the smelly socks around, and left the table, the Apple computer, and the 3G mobile phone open. I was so angry that I turned blue. He Dongshi roared, "Dead old pig, get up!" The old pig opened his eyes and said, "Why? It's still early!"

猪八戒到我家作文 篇3


Today, let's talk about Pig Bajie.


Zhu Bajie, formerly Marshal Tianpeng, was in charge of 80000 sailors. Later, he was drunk at the Queen Mother's Peach Party and offended Chang'e. Even he said, "There is no disgrace to Chang'e, and he wants to stay with her". Later, he ate Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass secretly and was saved by Taibai Venus. He wanted to go through hardships in the world. I accidentally cast a pig fetus, and I changed my real color by using the pseudonym of "pig gang hyena", but still... lustful.


He was given the Dharma name of Eight Precepts by Sanzang.


As everyone knows, this is the most famous story about Pig Bajie carrying his daughter-in-law. Although Zhu Bajie is lustful, rich and stupid, he is honest and smart.


He said that he was lustful: before reincarnation, he thought about Chang'e, and after reincarnation, he wrapped around Cuilan, the three daughters of the Gao family. It was said that Cuilan was also a beauty with the appearance of "the clouds are piled up and the jade is not washed away". Later, when I tried the holy Zen mind four times, I couldn't get rid of my nature of lust and wealth. Hearing that the woman's family "has more than 300 hectares of paddy fields and more than 300 hectares of dry fields. There are more than 300 hectares of fruit trees in the mountains, more than 1000 yellow water buffaloes, many mules and horses, and countless pigs and sheep. There are sixty or seventy Chuang Fort grasslands in the southeast, northwest and northwest", she was even more moved. Then he went to the back door on the pretext of letting the horse go, only to see that the old mother opened her mouth and said, "Niang, this" Niang "character made Monkey King tease Pig Bajie. It also suffered Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and the old mother of Lishan, and let them down.


The situation also shows that Zhu Bajie is good at money: Monks have money outside their bodies. Pig Bajie has never experienced the four tests of Zen, and there is a small part of good fortune in it.


However, Zhu Bajie is also honest. In addition to the fact that Shifu broke up when he was arrested, and his words stimulated Shifu to target the Elder Martial Brother, he has always been loyal to protect Shifu.


All said that Pig Bajie was stupid, and Monkey King also called him a fool. (Hahahaha.../Don't ask me to laugh for Mao... imagine Dongfang Xianyun calls Yinfei Star a fool, and I... hahaha, you know why.) In fact, Zhu Bajie is quite clever. The elder martial brother has been driven away by Tang Monk twice and again. Although Zhu Bajie will stimulate Shifu at first... he is also very awe of the elder martial brother's ability. When Shifu has an accident, he will go to find the elder martial brother Sun Wukong.


In my opinion, Zhu Bajie represented a middle class person who was instructed, had no independent ability, and had no ability to use his skills.


But there is no merit but also hardship. Zhu Bajie and Zhu Wuneng also worked hard to protect Tang Monk all the way. Finally, because of their playfulness and lust, they won a Netherworld Messenger, which is neither tall nor short. They just blocked the Bajie.


In the whole book, Zhu Bajie has always been the laughing point support and vitality source of the whole book. One book, one hundred times. Since I recognized my master 23 times and started to learn from him, I have almost always laughed at him.


Poor people laughed, but were pointed out by the world.

猪八戒到我家作文 篇4


The seven fairies defied the fate of heaven and insisted on marrying their dutiful son Dong Yong, who eventually became immortal couples. The Weaver Maid gives up the heaven and earth and the Cowherd to pursue the paradise, even if she sees it only once a year, she has no regrets. Even Lei Gong and Dian Mu were in the sky and loved each other. Seeing all the immortals around him find their own love one by one, Pig Bajie starts to worry. After all, it's a long night, and the seven passions and six desires are also common. Therefore, Bajie is ready to look around and see the object.


Bajie's favorite woman is Chang'e, the first beauty in the Heavenly Palace, the winner of the last Flower Fairy Beauty Contest, and the luxurious Guanghan Palace, which is worthy of the name of "Bai Fumei". Although Zhu Bajie is Marshal Tianpeng, he is far less than "Gao Fu Marshal", so he has never dared to express his feelings. At the Peach Blossom Meeting, Bajie used wine to be courageous, but he was unable to drink. After getting drunk, he became so ugly that when he saw the Fairy Chang'e, he couldn't help flirting with her and did some rude things. It offended Chang'e and also angered the Jade Emperor's Queen Mother. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered the heavenly troops and generals to drive Bajie down from the world.


Bajie learned the lesson from last time. You can't find a goddess. Just find a beautiful girl. But when he was thrown down to earth, he accidentally threw the wrong fetus and became a pig face and a pig face. Fortunately, his magic power was still there. He sneaks into Gao Laozhuang as a man and stares at Gao Cuilan, the eldest daughter of the Gao family. Gao Cuilan is a daughter and her father is a real local tyrant. In order to get rid of Guan Staff, Bajie had to commit himself to being burdened. When they were newly married, the high house set a table of ninety-nine and eighty-one. After drinking, Bajie's unfortunate pig face appeared and turned the guests away. Gao Cuilan sighed; "Although one of the eight commandments is the best of two, it treats me meticulously, but it is extremely ugly. I don't think I will marry a pig.".


Next, Bajie paid homage to Tang Monk and learned from him all the way to the west. On the way to the west, Bajie coveted many beautiful women and monsters. When we passed the country of daughters that many men dreamed of, the enchanting women's nest made Bajie's heart beat and the deer collided. However, Tang Monk was incorrigible. He not only refused, but also missed the great happiness of his disciples. In the end, Bajie finally came to the fore and became an envoy of the Pure Altar. He could do whatever he wanted without watching others' faces. So Bajie fell from the sky. Unfortunately, she fell in love with Sister Lin who fell from the sky at the same time. Sister Lin thought; "You have a nine tooth palladium nail in your hand, which must be a farmer in the countryside." Later, Sister Lin fell in love with Jia Baoyu, who is the second generation rich, and can be called one of the "four little ones" of the Dream of Red Mansions. You know! Finally, Bajie saw through the world of mortals and became a monk willingly. So in countless scenes, you will always hear that there is always one who speaks to God; "Ask what love is in the world, and teach that it is better to die than to live..." That man is the famous "Pig Bajie".