
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:35 | 来源:语文通



我有一个梦想作文 篇1我有一个梦想作文 篇2我有一个梦想作文 篇3我有一个梦想作文 篇4我有一个梦想 篇5我有一个梦想作文 篇6我有一个梦想的作文 篇7

我有一个梦想作文 篇1


Everyone's dream is different. Some people's dream is to become a policeman and maintain public order; The dream of some people is to become a painter, to spend their youth on white drawing paper and create a beautiful painting; Others dream of becoming a fashion designer to create more beautiful clothes for beautiful women and handsome men. What about my dream?


My dream is to become a Taijiquan coach. For a long time, Taijiquan has accompanied me as a close friend. The time of Tai Chi makes me feel happy and satisfied. Therefore, I made more efforts to study the small details of actions. One shot, one head up, one foot lift, and one spin are all knowledge. I have to learn from my mistakes, hoping to improve my performance and take a closer step towards my dream. So, if I really dream of becoming a Tai Chi coach, how should I teach them? How can I extend my dream to achieve self and others?


I want to be a Taiji coach who respects heaven and loves others; I will not let them pass the exam easily with one eye open and one eye closed in a flippant manner. I care more about the cultivation of their virtue, words and deeds, so that I can become a Taiji person who stands for virtue and action. I will cultivate them in a cordial and strict manner. In order not to make them feel boring, I will also let them have a moderate rest during the course, so as not to cause physical burden from practice. I hope that through hard work, we can create the "Star of Tai Chi" of tomorrow!


"Dreams are the most beautiful, and dreams are practical.", Dreams can't just be talked about. Even if there are many tests waiting for me on the way to pursue dreams, I will try my best to advance towards my dream and become a caring and professional Taiji coach.

我有一个梦想作文 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Dreams are the driving force of life. People without dreams are like walking corpses. Today, I want to talk about my dream with you. I want to be a person who doesn't follow the mainstream.


I remember watching a movie Darren Brown. It is a reality show. One of the issues discussed in it is how long does it take for an innocent person to become a murderer? In our view, this seems impossible.


The experiment began because psychologists gathered hundreds of actors and found a person with a strong degree of social obedience. When an actor put an actor who had a sudden mental illness into a box, the experimenter did not object, but did it with others... Finally, the experimenter became a murderer at the request of others. From beginning to end, only 72 minutes. How terrible!


The wind from the big current may not be good, we should have our own judgment. As Feng Jicai said, the wind can blow a big piece of white paper, but it cannot blow away a butterfly, because the power of life is disobedience.


In fact, no one wants to be a member of the unknown big stream, but they are more reluctant to be a special person. So what should we do in real life?


First of all, I think it's independent thinking. People who follow the mainstream usually don't have their own ideas. They only listen to what everyone says. We should think independently before putting forward our own views. Otherwise, it is very likely that, like Supervisor Bao in "Following Others", he will talk with others and finally make a joke.


Second, courage. In fact, the views we put forward will not be accepted, but we should also bravely put forward. Many people don't understand what is really brave, so Harper Lee tells us the answer in To Kill a Mockingbird——


Don't mistake holding a gun for bravery.


Courage is knowing that you are doomed to lose before you start, but you still do it without hesitation and stick to it no matter what happens.


This is my dream! Let's encourage each other!

我有一个梦想作文 篇3


I don't know why I have a kind of supreme respect and love for teachers since I was young, and I have an impulse to be a teacher when I grow up. I dream of being a good teacher.


When I was still learning from my grandparents' arms, my grandparents told me that when I grew up, I should listen to my teachers and make contributions to the motherland! So I got to know the teacher I had never met before, and my young heart began to have an inexplicable respect for the teacher. I felt that the teacher was great! So I had the idea of becoming a teacher!


Childhood time is always so short and fleeting. I soon entered the primary school. But I seem to forget my dream of becoming a teacher. Until one day


"Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling..." The class began. We hurried to our seats and waited for the teacher's "arrival". When the teacher came into the classroom, I found that the teacher seemed to have something wrong today. He had a hard time talking and always leaned against the platform. The students seem to have found something. In this class, everyone cooperated with the teacher very much. After class, the teacher seemed exhausted and walked slowly back to the office. Several of our classmates found that today's teacher is not as sonorous as before, so we inquired around. From every word we heard, we knew that the teacher's throat was always uncomfortable, but still supported us to teach. The whole class was moved. In the following classes, we cooperated with the teacher very much and stopped making noises. Ah! What a great love!


This event awakened my dream of being a teacher again. I want to be a teacher!


I always like to fantasize, fantasize all the things I desire. One day, I remembered what I would do differently when I was a teacher


If I were a teacher, I would never be very strict with my students, although there has been a saying since ancient times that "strict teachers make excellent students". But I won't be too kind, because I know I can't let them be lazy and do whatever they want. Then 4 points for kindness and 6 points for severity! Because the time of class is longer than the time after class, I will make it a little more strict than kind. "Be strict in class and be kind after class" is my unchanging principle.


If I were a teacher, I would never assign a mountain of homework, not to mention many simple tasks for copying and writing, because it is simple. The homework has no room for students to make progress, and what brings most is students' complaints.


If I were a teacher, I would make my classmates love learning and tell them that learning is happy and homework is just the consolidation of knowledge.


If I were a teacher


"The silks of spring silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will dry." I dream of being a teacher and a good teacher. I will always advance for my dream!

我有一个梦想作文 篇4


I have a dream Do you want to know? If you want to know, please listen to me carefully!


My dream is to be a Chinese teacher. Someone asked me why you have such a dream. It is because our Chinese teacher is very interesting in class. Although we are amused from time to time, sometimes it is very strict.


For example, once a student didn't bring his homework, and the student wanted to explain to himself, but the teacher didn't have a gentle smile on his face. Finally, as we guessed, the teacher didn't listen, so he immediately let him stand behind.


So if I become a Chinese teacher in the future, I must let the students do less homework, let the students read more extra-curricular books, don't go to bed late, and let the students have spirit in class. After class, we play together, become good friends, become big sisters, and play games together. In class, the students listened carefully and I treated them gently. For example, if someone listens carefully in class, I will reward him. If someone does not listen in class, I will not treat him rudely, and then let him stand up. I will ask him gently, and then ask him why. If someone makes small movements in class, I will remind him not to make small movements in class, and pay attention to the lecture!


In order to realize my dream, I will study hard. If you want to realize your dream, please remember this sentence. No matter what the dream is, as long as you do the current thing with a cool attitude, everything can be achieved. Do you remember?

我有一个梦想 篇5


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "I have a dream".


I am not a poet. I cannot eulogize my life with beautiful lines; I am not a scholar. I cannot think about my value with profound thoughts; I am not a singer. I cannot sing my future with my beautiful voice.


I'm just a student, but I have my dream.


I remember when I was three years old, I entered the kindergarten for the first time and saw the charming big eyes and sweet dimples for the first time. She was my first teacher, Miss Liu. She always likes to take us to the countryside in spring. Remember, at that time, the flowers were always open, the grass was always green, the wind was always warm, and we were always happy. Miss Liu played well with us and never scolded us. She was tolerant of us. We all treat her as our mother, acting coquettish in front of her and sleeping in her arms. Unconsciously, the carefree happy time in childhood slipped away in our laughter. But the motherly image of Mr. Liu has left a deep impression on my heart.


Farewell to childhood and enter primary school. At this time, I saw the sharp eyes and the kind smile again. She was my primary school teacher, Miss Cao. She always likes to give me a peaceful look and a approving smile when I get good results: that look tells me not to be proud! That smile encouraged me, good, keep going! In the sixth year of primary school, the eyes and smiles were like warm spring breeze and warm sunshine blowing and shining on me, making me thrive. Time flies. After graduating from primary school, I left my alma mater where I had lived for six years. However, I will never forget Teacher Cao's voice and smile.


Now, I have entered junior high school. I remember that the first class was held by the Chinese teacher. She walked onto the three foot platform and wrote down the four main points of Chinese learning in junior high school for us with three inch chalk: look, read, think and write. It is not difficult to encourage us to learn junior high school Chinese as long as we have mastered these four points. The teacher herself also likes writing. Her words are clear and beautiful, her feelings are sincere, and there is always a warm 'feeling' flowing between the lines. The teacher's words and deeds, the teacher's careful guidance, so that the mid-term exam my composition only deducted two points. In my heart, the Chinese teacher is the diligent gardener and the burning candle!


Ah, I want to be a teacher when I grow up! I will work hard in the field of hope with patience, ignite the dreams of every student with knowledge, and lift their wings of flight with love


That seed floating in the ignorant years has taken root in my heart!


The wind is silent when it is still, so let our young hearts beat! Then the wind will sing; Water is speechless when it is still, so let our hot blood rush! Then the water laughed; The mountain has always been silent, so let's strive to climb it! In that way, our dreams will blossom and our life will be brilliant!


Confucius, who has always been regarded as a sage by Chinese people, once said thousands of years ago: "Only women and villains are hard to support, and it is not bad to be near, but resentful to be far away."


Do women really belong to the same category as villains? I'd like to ask whether the woman mentioned here by the great sage Confucius includes his mother?


From ancient times to the present, from the patriarchal clan society to the present, women's rights have not been fully realized. Take ancient China as an example. After more than 20 dynasties, only Empress Wu Zetian and Cixi were the real female rulers in China. Moreover, the emperors specifically stipulated that the imperial palace was not allowed to interfere in politics. The ministers in the court are 100% male. Isn't this a denial of women's rights? Men and women live together on the earth. Everyone should have the opportunity to serve their country. Then why should women not be allowed to participate in politics? Women are also human beings. Why should they live a life of looking after their husbands and educating their children? We should firmly affirm that women are not the foil of men, but stand on the same level with them. Women and men are completely equal.


Talk about modern China again! From primary school to university, the number of girls in the class is generally decreasing. Some modern parents stubbornly believe that a girl will be married to someone else. So why do some people often say that girls are not as intelligent as boys? Because thousands of years of thought that men are superior to women has left a deep imprint in people's minds. Girls' intelligence will never be inferior to boys', which is something we should be sure of and we should adhere to.


In the talent market, many recruitment units will tell female applicants: "We only recruit men, not women!" Why is this? It is clearly stipulated in the law that men and women are equal. Is this the so-called "equality"? Why do employers only recruit men and not women? The only answer is that gender discrimination has not really disappeared.


For thousands of years, why don't women stand up? We can no longer let men classify women as villains. What we need now is to be like Susan. Like Anthony, he bravely defended his rights.


I have a dream that one day men and women will really wait, and the recruitment unit will remove the "only recruit men, not women" brand.


I have a dream that one day half of the women's faces will appear at the world summit.


I have a dream that one day women will have as many rights as men, and the society will be truly equal to men and women.

我有一个梦想作文 篇6


"One lives for a dream."


I walked slowly through the corridor, fixed my eyes on a calligraphy work, and kept thinking about this sentence in my heart.


It also reminds me of "The green birds on the river are more than white, and the blue and white flowers on the mountain are about to burn. This spring has passed again. When is the New Year coming?" A line from a poem. Through the white border, it seems to be back to that day


Since the second grade, I have a special liking for the black and white world on the table. The characters in regular script are upright and square; The characters of running script are flowing like clouds and rivers, which are inlaid with ribbons; The characters of clerical script are flat and wide, which makes people feel very cute.


Level 4, 5, 6... I also passed the calligraphy examination. Year after year, a girl sweated like rain in her study, laying paper, polishing ink, and pressing down with ease.


Then, the higher grade examination came as promised. The contents of the examination were running script and regular script. The difficulty of self created works rose straightly. Regular script had not been practiced for a long time. Running script has always been a difficult problem. Just as I was about to give up, I caught a glimpse of the book. The title of the book was "I Have a Dream". Martin was a black man, but he did not yield to his fate and led the black people to fight against "racial discrimination". On the way, he encountered several setbacks and almost failed. But Martin insisted on it until the final victory of the fight, which calmed the racial disturbance for people.


After reading this book, my mood suddenly became clear. I asked myself, what is the dream? It is a thing that can make a person like it for a lifetime, and can make a person work hard to achieve it for a lifetime. For it, you can pay everything, even life. In pursuit of dreams, one can only live meaningfully, perseveringly, boldly and fully. Does this difficulty stop me?


Another evening, I spread a piece of rice paper and wrote the elegant and elegant poems of the ancients. When free and easy, I wrote lines of running script, and when elegant, I wrote exquisite and beautiful small regular script. I seriously write, turn my wrist, and pick up the pen as if writing my own life and dreams.

我有一个梦想的作文 篇7


I have a grand dream. That is to be an intelligent scientist when you grow up. Why do I have such a seemingly impossible dream? It is because of such a few unintentional trifles.


One day, I accidentally saw two pieces of news on TV. The first news was: "Someone in front of our Aijia Supermarket was unfortunately knocked down by a car, causing three injuries and one death." The second news is: "The exhaust gas from cars has polluted our living environment." When I saw these two pieces of news, I dreamed of becoming a wise and knowledgeable scientist and inventing many scientific and technological products that can protect people's safety and the environment.


With the passage of time, my dream has changed again. I dream of becoming a doctor who can cure and save people. Because doctors can heal the wounded and save the dying, pull people back from the death line, relieve people's pain, and save people's lives. So my dream has changed from being a scientist to a doctor.


But when I was in the fourth grade, my dream changed because of a small thing. I also dreamed of becoming an engineer. Because engineers can design houses and build our country, which can make our country more beautiful and prosperous.


No matter how my dream changes, my starting point is to become a person who contributes to society and the motherland.